133 resultados para inherent requirements


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For an organisation to undertake a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation program it needs to consider a multitude of requirements. Some authors have hinted at viewing CRM within a wider perspective than just  customer centric perspectives. The aim of this paper is to discuss the domain and conceptualise some of the requirements of CRM from an organisation’s point of view. However, CRM needs to be identified as the whole organisation, including its internal and external environments. Undertaking CRM in any organisation needs to be preceded by a sequence of stages. An organization needs to develop a roadmap outlining the path to become CRM centric. Therefore an organisation should address, or at least consider, a list of those factors at every stage of a CRM implementation program, for an implementation program to be effective. The main focus of literature in CRM has been customer centric. This paper, being the first stage of much wider research, will focus on the organisation and the internal environment. This paper will identify three information systems (IS) and information technology (IT) requirements in organisations that are integral parts of CRM. These need to achieve a level of synergy for successful CRM. To understand these three requirements (front-end systems, back-end systems, and datahandling technologies) in a CRM project is too great in magnitude at this early stage of the research. This paper begins to draw together the tenuous links between the three requirements of information systems (IS) and information technology (IT) systems. Writing this paper and shifting its focus towards requirements engineering, the author has realised that a whole area of literature has to be explored, because CRM is another IS implementation.


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This paper presents an assessment of system effectiveness in automatic requirements refinement by comparing results obtained from experts and novices with those achieved by the system. As the investigated system was a combination of a tightly inter-connected methods and a tool, the evaluation framework melded together a number of distinct methodological approaches structured into three empirical studies, which aimed at the construction of a case problem domain, calibrating the system using this defined domain elements and finally using the calibrated system to assess its effectiveness. In consequence, it was concluded that the evaluated methods and tools were effective in supporting requirements refinement.


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Traditionally system development starts with the specification of system requirements. The focus of such an approach is on the system under construction, which is considered as of primary importance to the development success. The major problem with such an approach, however, is the neglect of concerns held by the various system stakeholders, whose opinions, loyalties and fears may impact considerably the perception and the reception of the implemented system, its functions and its features. Typically, stakeholder concerns are not collected or identified, and are viewed as of little significance in the system development process. In this paper, however, we present the case for recognising the value of stakeholder concerns, and their use in aligning business needs with system requirements. We describe a method of gathering and analysing stakeholder concerns across an application domain, and then packaging the development experience in dealing with these concerns into patterns. Experience patterns can subsequently be used to guide systems analysts in selecting the most appropriate requirements for the target stakeholder community.


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In New Zealand, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a very important role in the economy by their contribution to both employment and also to gross domestic product. Addressing issues pertinent to SMEs is of paramount importance in driving this sector forward. Information Technology (IT) emerges as one main enabler for SMEs in automating their operations, seeking new opportunities and enhancing their strategic business positioning in local and international markets. However, the dynamic nature of IT and inability of SMEs, due to problems inherent in their size and structure, makes it difficult for them to take appropriate decisions to benefit from the IT technologies. The advent of eCommerce (EC) has only compounded this problem. One way out of this complex situation is to outsource the IT and EC technology requirements by the SMEs. This study endeavours to identify the pattern of IT and EC outsourcing issues of SMEs within New Zealand. It reveals that the main driver for IT outsourcing is access to expertise and used mainly for maintenance purposes only. The study also identifies the problems in IT outsourcing and makes suggestions for further research in this crucial sector.


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RE is well-recognised as a creative problem solving activity by the systems development community. However, while substantial research has been conducted and knowledge gained about creativity in the general psychology of problem solving, creativity as it applies to RE remains a relatively unexplored area - one that has neither been comprehensively studied, nor highly recognised, as a research topic of importance. This paper attempts to address the above mentioned gap by presenting findings from a recent focus group study of creativity in RE as perceived by a group of RE practitioners. We provide a conceptual framework for understanding creativity in RE, which may be of use to requirements engineers attempting to enable more creative approaches and results, as well as adding to the existing, limited body of research in this area.


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Corporate information technology (IT) management is increasingly service-oriented, offering continuous evaluation and improvement of application, communication, delivery and support services to internal and external customers. Service-oriented requirements engineering (SoRE) plays a significant role in identifying and specifying service requirements, formally defined through service-level agreements (SLAs). However, the new frameworks and approaches emerging to guide these developments have not yet addressed how requirements for such services can be effectively developed, nor identified the diverse issues involved. We report a case study of a web services team development of requirements for an internal Service Desk service. The study revealed five main issues of concern when developing service provider requirements: service roles, responsibilities and accountability; service performance metrics; resolution of conflicting stakeholder service requirements; customer acceptance of service change; and service provider team structure. This study suggests that in the new IT services era, new techniques and approaches are needed for eliciting and determining provider and customer requirements that involve key stakeholder groups equitably and more closely negotiate the sometimes-conflicting provider and customer needs.


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In recent years there has been considerable debate about the general decline in the number of students undertaking bachelor degrees and majors in economics. The discussion has stemmed mainly from a supply-side perspective of the economics education market. The goal of this paper is to add another dimension to the debate and report the results of a survey of employers of economics graduates. Drawing on the extensive customer services literature it is argued that a market oriented, or demand-side analysis is also an important component in redressing low student enrolments and retention. A first step in adopting a market oriented approach is to determine the skills required of the economics graduates entering the jobs market. With the support of The Economics Society of Au~tralia, twenty-nine public and private sector employers were surveyed in 2002. The aim of the survey was to establish the demand for economics graduates with bachelor and honours degrees, the skills and knowledge required of these graduates, and the performance of such graduates. The study found that economic knowledge and skill were important to employers. However, the skills rated most important by employers were the more general or 'generic' skills of clear writing, data analysis, interpersonal skills and a practical problem-solving orientation. While graduates generally performed satisfactorily in relation to the economic skills required by employers, this was not the case for generic skills. The result of the survey findings have some significant implications for the content and teaching of undergraduate economics programs. This paper outlines these implications and also discusses areas for future research It is argued that such research should aim to utilize both the demand and supplyside perspectives with the development of more precise definitions and measurement of the economic skills required by the various stakeholders in the economics education market.


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In the following paper, ratios which correlate aged care places with physical infrastructure requirements are developed for the regional Victorian Local Government Area of Greater Bendigo, by analysing its existing aged care facilities. These ratios are then used in conjunction with the federal government’s population based measures to model scenarios of future aged care infrastructure requirements for Greater Bendigo. Strategies for the provision of additional residential aged care facilities are explored using a matrix governed by size and configuration. Variations in these two aspects are shown to affect the location options for future facilities in Greater Bendigo.


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Australia is considered the driest populated continent in the world. Despite this, we consume the largest amount of water, per capita. While little of this water is used for the operation of buildings, buildings are now being designed to use less water. Additionally, rainwater collection and grey water recycling systems offer the potential to significantly reduce demand for fresh water. However, little is known about the water required directly and indirectly (ie., embodied in) construction materials and products. Embodied water comprises the water required directly for construction itself and the water consumed indirectly in the production and delivery of materials, products and services to construction. Water required directly for construction is likely to be insignificant compared to the indirect water required for the manufacture of construction materials and products (ie., through materials and other products required to support construction). There is currently a lack of research into embodied water requirements by the construction sector. The relationship between the embodied water and the operational water is also unknown, apart from a handful of studies based solely on national average statistics known as 'input-output' data. The aim of this paper is therefore to model the water required directly and indirectly by construction, integrating currently available public domain industry data with input-output data. The coverage of the industry data relative to the input-output data was evaluated for a typical commercial building, and was found to be very low.


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Consensus building is essential in aligning multiple stakeholder viewpoints which are commonly emerging during the process of requirements elicitation, analysis and validation [15]. In fact, agreement among diverse groups of stakeholders is deemed prerequisite to establishing project cooperation and collaboration. While individuals frequently rank the importance of their personal goals over the goals of an organisation, having an appropriate strategy for finding common ground among individuals is crucial to any project's success. This paper therefore explores factors that influence the consensus making process and develops a model that helps with understanding the role of consensus specifically during the elicitation phase of the Requirements Engineering process.


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Compulsory superannuation was introduced in Australia in July 1992, and has led to significant growth in funds under management.  Reserve Bank of Australia data (2004) shows that in September 2004 Australians has AUD$ 767 billion invested in managed funds.  A large portion of this investment is based on the recommendation of financial planners.  This paper provides a brief history of the development of the financial services industry in Australia, with particular reference to the development of the role of the financial planner in investment decisions.

The paper focuses in detail on the set of professional skills required by financial planners given that the widely reported ASIC survey (2003), identified gaps between client expectation and competencies of financial planners.  Birkett (1996) described professional skills as the dominant individual attribute that describes a competent professional.  The individual attributes of a financial planner includes two categories: cognitive and behavioural skills.  The paper provides strong support for the view that financial planning educators should ensure adequate development of behavioural skills to enable financial planners to meet the needs of the investors they serve.