75 resultados para indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA)


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It is common practice for captive birds to be kept under fluorescent lighting, which typically flickers at either 100Hz (UK) or 120 Hz (USA). Such lighting was developed for human vision and it is thought that birds may be able to detect higher frequencies of flicker than humans. For humans, 100Hz fluorescent lighting has been linked to eyestrain, headaches and migraine, even though this rate of flicker is above the human perceptual flicker-fusion frequency of around 60 Hz. Keeping birds under 100 Hz lighting is therefore potentially detrimental to their welfare. We studied the preferences of wild-caught European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, for high-frequency (HF, >30 kHz) fluorescent lighting versus conventional low-frequency (LF, 100 Hz) fluorescent lighting. The flicker frequency of the HF lighting would be undetectable to the nervous system of any animal. We also exposed starlings to either HF or LF light for 2 weeks, and investigated the degree of stress caused by each environment by monitoring their behaviour and plasma corticosterone levels. Groups of starlings showed a preference for HF lighting over LF lighting (P < 0.001), which indicates that they can detect a difference between the two lighting conditions and find the HF lighting preferable. However, there were no measurable differences in behaviour or plasma corticosterone levels when the birds were housed under either HF or LF for 2 weeks, thus providing initial evidence that housing starlings under 100Hz lighting may not be detrimental to the welfare of starlings during early captivity. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Maternally derived yolk antibodies provide neonates with immune protection in early life at negligible cost to mothers. However, developmental effects on the neonate's future immunity are potentially costly and thus could limit yolk antibody deposition. The benefits to neonatal immunity must be balanced against costs, which may depend on neonate vulnerability to pathogens, developmental trajectories and the immunological strategies best suited to a species' pace of life. We measured yolk antibodies and life-history features of 23 species of small Neotropical birds and assessed the evidence for each of several hypotheses for life history and ecological effects on the evolution of yolk antibody levels. Developmental period and yolk antibodies are negatively related, which possibly reflect the importance of humoral immune priming through antigen exposure, and selection to avoid autoimmunity, in species with a slower pace of life. There is also a strong relationship between body size and yolk antibody concentration, suggesting that larger species are architecturally equipped to produce and transfer higher concentrations of antibodies. These results suggest that developmental effects of maternally derived antibodies, such as imprinting effects on B-cell diversity or autoimmune effects, are important and deserve more consideration in future research.


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A role for α4 and β7 integrins in mediating leucocyte entry into the central nervous system in the multiple sclerosis (MS)-like disease experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) has been demonstrated. However, the individual contributions of their respective ligands mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and E-cadherin expressed on the blood-brain barrier has not been determined. In the present paper, it is shown that an antibody directed against MAdCAM-1, the preferential ligand for α4β7, effectively prevented the development of a progressive, non-remitting, form of EAE, actively induced by injection of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG(35-55)) autoantigen. Combinational treatment with both anti-MAdCAM-1, VCAM-1, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) (ligand for integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1) mAbs led to more rapid remission than that obtained with anti-MAdCAM-1 antibody alone. However, neither MAdCAM-1 monotherapy, nor combinational antibody blockade was preventative when administered late in the course of disease progression. In conclusion, MAdCAM-1 plays a major contributory role in the progression of chronic EAE and is a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of MS. Critically, antivascular addressin therapy must be given eaA role for alpha4 and beta7 integrins in mediating leucocyte entry into the central nervous system in the multiple sclerosis (MS)-like disease experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) has been demonstrated. However, the individual contributions of their respective ligands mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and E-cadherin expressed on the blood-brain barrier has not been determined. In the present paper, it is shown that an antibody directed against MAdCAM-1, the preferential ligand for alpha4beta7, effectively prevented the development of a progressive, non-remitting, form of EAE, actively induced by injection of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG(35-55)) autoantigen. Combinational treatment with both anti-MAdCAM-1, VCAM-1, and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) (ligand for integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1) mAbs led to more rapid remission than that obtained with anti-MAdCAM-1 antibody alone. However, neither MAdCAM-1 monotherapy, nor combinational antibody blockade was preventative when administered late in the course of disease progression. In conclusion, MAdCAM-1 plays a major contributory role in the progression of chronic EAE and is a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of MS. Critically, antivascular addressin therapy must be given early in the course of disease prior to the establishment of irreversible damage if it is to be effective, as a single treatment modality.


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Transgenic plants expressing single-chain antibodies have been produced to investigate the feasibility of antibody-mediated broad-spectrum protection against plant virus infections. This study indicates that protection against a wide range of plant viruses can be achieved in transgenic plants expressing a single antibody construct.


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CD1d-restricted NKT cells are a novel T cell lineage with unusual features. They co-express some NK cell receptors and recognize glycolipid antigens through an invariant T cell receptor (TCR) in the context of CD1d molecules. Upon activation through the TCR, NKT cells produce large amounts of IFN- and IL-4. It has been proposed that rapid cytokine output by activated NKT cells may induce bystander activation of other lymphoid lineages. The impact of CD1d-restricted NKT cell activation in the induction of B cell-mediated immune responses to infection is still unclear. We show here that CD1-restricted NKT cells contribute to malarial splenomegaly associated with expansion of the splenic B cell pool and enhance parasite-specific antibody formation in response to Plasmodium berghei infection. The increased B cell-mediated response correlates with the ability of NKT cells to promote Th2 immune responses. Additionally, antibody responses against the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) were found to be significantly lower in CD1-/- mice compared to wild-type animals. P. berghei-infected MHC class II (MHCII)-/- mice also generated antibodies against MSP-1, suggesting that antibody production against GPI-anchored antigens in response to malaria infection can arisefrom both MHCII-dependent and independent pathways.


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Well-aligned nanofibers were prepared from a conjugated polymer, poly(triphenylamine-alt-biphenylene vinylene) (TPA-PBPV), using a solution-assisted template wetting technique. TPA-PBPV was also coated on the surface of electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofiber nonwoven membrane. The extremely large surface area, highly porous fibrous structure, optical scattering and evanescent-wave guiding effect imparted these one-dimensional (1D) nanofibrous materials with highly improved sensory ability to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) vapors and higher quenching efficiency than that of the neat TPA-PBPV films. The results suggest that nanofibrous structures could be a promising strategy to improve the sensory efficiency of fluorescent chemosensors.


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The design and synthesis of two novel fluorescent PET anion sensors is described, based on the principle of ‘fluorophore-spacer-(anion)receptor’. The sensors 1 and 2 employ simple diaromatic thioureas as anion receptors, and the fluorophore is a naphthalimide moiety that absorbs in the visible part of the spectrum and emits in the green. Upon recognition of anions such as F and AcO in DMSO, the fluorescence emission of 1 and 2 was ‘switched off’, with no significant changes in the UV–vis spectra. This recognition shows a 1:1 binding between the receptor and the anions. In the case of F, further additions of the anion, gave rise to large changes in the UV–vis spectra, where the λmax at 455 nm was shifted to 550 nm. These changes are thought to be due to the deprotonation of the 4-amino moiety of the naphthalimide fluorophore. This was in fact found to be the case, using simple naphthalimide derivatives such as 6. Sensors 1 and 2 can thus display dual sensing action; where at low concentrations, the fluorescence emission is quenched, and at higher concentrations the absorption spectra are modulated.


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A long-standing question in the field of immunology concerns the factors that contribute to Th cell epitope immunodominance. For a number of viral membrane proteins, Th cell epitopes are localized to exposed protein surfaces, often overlapping with Ab binding sites. It has therefore been proposed that Abs on B cell surfaces selectively bind and protect exposed protein fragments during Ag processing, and that this interaction helps to shape the Th cell repertoire. While attractive in concept, this hypothesis has not been thoroughly tested. To test this hypothesis, we have compared Th cell peptide immunodominance in normal C57BL/6 mice with that in C57BL/6MT/MT mice (lacking normal B cell activity). Animals were first vaccinated with DNA constructs expressing one of three different HIV envelope proteins, after which the CD4 T cell response profiles were characterized toward overlapping peptides using an IFN- ELISPOT assay. We found a striking similarity between the peptide response profiles in the two mouse strains. Profiles also matched those of previous experiments in which different envelope vaccination regimens were used. Our results clearly demonstrate that normal Ab activity is not required for the establishment or maintenance of Th peptide immunodominance in the HIV envelope response. To explain the clustering of Th cell epitopes, we propose that localization of peptide on exposed envelope surfaces facilitates proteolytic activity and preferential peptide shuttling through the Ag processing pathway.


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Despite decades of work, an effective HIV vaccine remains elusive. In an effort to elicit protective immunity, investigators have sought to define vaccines able to elicit durable HIV-specific B-cell and T-cell activities. Additionally, vaccines are sought which can induce antibodies of a variety of isotypes, as each isotype possesses unique attributes in terms of opsonization, Fc receptor binding capacity, complement fixation and location. One prominent new vaccine strategy, applied to numerous distinct antigenic systems is the prime boost-regimen, with DNA, vaccinia virus (VV), and/or purified recombinant protein. To examine the durability, location and isotype distribution of responses induced by prime-boost regimens, we tested successive immunizations with DNA, VV and protein (D-V-P), comparing three forms of protein inoculations: (i) purified protein administered intramuscularly with complete Freunds adjuvant, (ii) purified protein administered intranasally, and (iii) purified protein conjugated to oxidized mannan, administered intranasally. We found that all three protocols elicited serum antibodies of multiple isotypes, with serum IgA being most prominent among mice immunized with mannan-conjugated protein. All D-V-P protocols, regardless of protein form or route, also elicited antibody responses at mucosal surfaces. In bronchoalveolar lavage, a tendency toward IgA production was again most prominent in mice boosted with the protein–mannan conjugate. Both B-cell and T-cell responses were sustained for more than 1 year post-immunization following each form of vaccination. Contemporaneous with long-lasting serum and mucosal antibodies were antibody forming cells in the bone marrow of primed animals. Results highlight the D-V-P vaccination strategy as a promising approach for attaining durable, multi-isotype B-cell and T-cell activities toward HIV.


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This critical review focuses on the development of anion sensors, being either fluorescent and/or colorimetric, based on the use of the 1,8-naphthalimide structure; a highly versatile building unit that absorbs and emits at long wavelengths. The review commences with a short description of the most commonly used design principles employed in chemosensors, followed by a discussion on the photophysical properties of the 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide structure which has been most commonly employed in both cation and anion sensing to date. This is followed by a review of the current state of the art in naphthalimide-based anion sensing, where systems using ureas, thioureas and amides as hydrogen-bonding receptors, as well as charged receptors have been used for anion sensing in both organic and aqueous solutions, or within various polymeric networks, such as hydrogels. The review concludes with some current and future perspectives including the use of the naphthalimides for sensing small biomolecules, such as amino acids, as well as probes for incorporation and binding to proteins; and for the recognition/sensing of polyanions such as DNA, and their potential use as novel therapeutic and diagnostic agents (95 references).