75 resultados para immigrant


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This study investigated how experienced teachers learned Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) during their professional development. With the introduction of ICT, experienced teachers encountered change becoming virtually displaced persons – digital immigrants; new settlers – endeavouring to obtain digital citizenship in order to survive in the information age. In the process, these teachers moved from learning how to push buttons, to applying software, and finally to changing their practice. They learned collectively and individually, in communities and networks, like immigrants and adult learners: by doing, experimenting and reflecting on ICT. Unfortunately, for these teachers-as-pedagogues, their focus on pedagogical theory during the action research they conducted, was not fully investigated or embraced during the year-long study. This study used a participant observation qualitative methodology to follow teachers in their university classroom. Interviews were conducted and documentation collected and verified by the teacher educator. The application of Kolb‘s, Gardner‘s, and Vygotsky‘s work allowed for the observation of these teachers within their sociocultural contexts. Kolb‘s work helped to understand their learning processes and Gardner‘s work indicated the learning abilities that these teachers valued in the new ICT environment. Meanwhile Vygotsky‘s work – and in particular three concepts, uchit, perezhivanija, and mislenija – presented a richer and more informed basis to understand immigration and change. Finally, this research proposes that teachers learn ICT through what is termed a hyperuchit model, consisting of developments; action; interaction; and reflection. The recommendation is that future teacher university ICT professional learning incorporates this hyperuchit model


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This study reports about teacher learning and in particular, teachers who have extensive teaching experience but limited ICT knowledge and skills. The Digital Immigrant Teachers (DITs) grew up before digital technologies; they are not frequently confident or comfortable with ICT. Like all immigrants, they have to learn new and creative ways to enhance their survival in the third millennium, where the acceleration of knowledge has allowed communication and application of information to be rapidly disseminated. In order to fully participate in the technologically rich society DITs must actively engage in the construction of authentic and purposeful learning. This research came about as a result of the digital immigrants' struggles to construct and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to teach in the Knowledge Economy and the Information Age. The experienced present day teachers, as digital immigrants are trying to teach digital natives (Prensky, 2001 & 2003). And in order to assist these teachers in their learning ICT struggle, it is imperative to understand the teacher learning process, and the learning style through which they acquire the knowledge and skills for this new milieu.


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Health behaviours are important determinants of health and adoption of unhealthy behaviour is considered as one of the mechanisms through which immigrants' health changes over time in the host country. The change in health behaviours over time can contribute either to improving or worsening the overall health status of immigrants. Despite being the important mediators for the change in overall health status and chronic health conditions, no previous review (either general or systematic) has examined differences in key health behaviours simultaneously between immigrants and non-immigrants. This study aims to provide a systematic overview of the current global literature on differences in key health behaviours (that is, tobacco smoking, physical activity and alcohol drinking) between immigrant and non-immigrant groups.


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This paper is about Chinese immigrant parenting. Drawing on discourses of cultural ideals and living realities of Chinese immigrants, it sketches the complex cultural and contextual web of Chinese immigrant parenting, and explains why the tiger mother practice illustrated in one of the 2011 bestselling books Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was a story of a mother’s pursuit of cultural ideals in her parenting. The paper proposes that traditions and contexts both play an important role in the constitution of parental expectations and practices of Chinese immigrants.


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The growing number of Asian children entering the New Zealand early childhood education system means that teachers cannot ignore the need to develop an understanding of Asian cultures and practices that support working collaboratively with Asian families. This paper examines the views of a small number of Asian immigrant parents and New Zealand early childhood teachers about parent-teacher partnerships in children’s early education and care. The findings point to challenges for both parents and teachers. The paper highlights some major problems or barriers to the achievement of effective partnerships between Asian immigrant parents and New Zealand early childhood teachers, namely parental and teacher confidence, time, and willingness or perception of need to develop a partnership. Some recommendations for improving teacher practices are outlined. It is concluded that given the limitations of this study and yet the issues it has raised, that this is topic which needs to be more systematically researched.


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A multiple-case study investigation of the experiences of eight Chinese immigrant children in New Zealand early childhood centres suggested that the immigrant children’s learning experiences in their first centre can be understood as a process of negotiating and creating intercultural relations. The children’s use of family cultural tools, such as the Chinese language, was a distinctive feature of their learning experiences, simultaneously revealing and extending their exploration of the intercultural practices and their establishment of a sense of belonging. In the presence of Chinese-speaking peers who acted as ‘bridges’ and ‘boundary objects’, the Chinese language was actively used by the immigrant children in English-speaking early childhood centres and, as a result, they created intercultural relations which: (i) bridged the two cultures; (ii) brought the cultures into convergence; (iii) enabled the children to claim group identity; and (iv) battled intercultural constraints. The absence of Chinese speakers, on the other hand, constrained possibilities for intercultural relations. The focus on intercultural relations in this study is expected to lead to educational initiatives to support the incorporation of diverse cultures in early childhood services.


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This article explores the experiences of young people of Chinese background in Prato (Italy). Despite significant social exclusion, young Chinese develop a sense of belonging to Prato by creating local, translocal and transnational affiliations and interconnections. These relationships contribute to making an often overtly hostile local reality, liveable and meaningful. A central aim of this article is to examine the intersection between migration studies and youth studies. The former tend to focus on the processes of identity formation featuring ethnic background, hence the label ‘second generation’. In contrast, the latter tend to foreground age- and generation-specific practices of belonging that may extend beyond ethnic identification, hence the focus on ‘youth’. We argue that bringing migration and youth studies together by complicating notions of home and host, migrant and local identity and belonging helps us to better understand how young people are managing multiplicity and mobility (and situatedness and stasis/fixity).


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In the late 1990s, the author undertook a survey of the public architecture of non-western immigrant communities in Melbourne (Beynon 2002). The survey was undertaken within a social context of rapid recent growth in non-Western immigration to Australian cities, coupled with a political context where at state and local level Australian governments were engaged in managing cultural diversity through multiculturalist policies. By the late 1990s, the number of overseas-born, or with overseas-born parentage, had become almost 40% of Australia's total population (Australian Bureau of Statistics 1998-89). Substantial numbers of such immigrants originated from outside the 'West'. Compared to other Australian cities, Melbourne had at the time of the survey the largest communities of certain birthplace groups: notably Sri Lankans, Malaysians, Turks and Somalis. The purpose of this survey was to see to what extent Melbourne's diversifying demography had changed its architectural landscape, and more broadly, what such changes in the built environment indicated about Melbourne's (and by extension Australia's) cultural identity.


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BACKGROUND: The Australian Infant Feeding Guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding until about six months of age when solid foods should be gradually introduced. Evidence indicates that Chinese immigrant mothers in Australia are more likely to use infant formula in combination with breastfeeding and to introduce solids earlier than the general Australian population. This study aimed to explore Chinese immigrant mother's experiences of feeding their infant to gain an insight into the factors shaping their feeding decisions and perceptions of infant growth. METHODS: Semi structured interviews were conducted with 36 Chinese immigrant mothers with children aged 0-12 months, living in Melbourne, Australia. Interviews were conducted either in Chinese, using an interpreter, or in English. All were audio recorded. Recordings were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed. RESULTS: Eight themes were identified. Chinese immigrant mothers were supportive of exclusive breastfeeding, however breastfeeding problems and conflicting views about infant feeding and infant growth from grandparents reduced many mothers' confidence to breastfeed exclusively. For many new mothers, anxiety that exclusive breastfeeding provided insufficient nourishment led to the introduction of formula before six months of age. Most mothers delayed introducing solid food to five to six months to prevent development of allergic diseases and gastrointestinal problems. Chinese immigrant mothers obtained information and support related to infant feeding from a combination of health professionals, online resources, friends and grandparents. CONCLUSIONS: Chinese immigrant mothers in Australia need support to breastfeed exclusively. In particular maternal confidence to breastfeed exclusively needs to be increased. To achieve this, culturally sensitive guidance is needed and the contradictions in advice given by Chinese grandparents and health professionals on infant feeding practices and healthy infant growth need to be recognised and addressed.


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Campaigns in support of home-based clothing workers (or ‘outworkers’ as they are more commonly known in Australia) deploy powerful images of the exploitative underside of fashion. The migrant woman huddled over her machine has become the quintessential image of campaigns directed against this exploitation. This article engages critically with the politics of such image-making. By examining how frames simultaneously shrink and magnify the image produced it raises questions about what these images exclude or expel and whether and how this matters. It also offers an alternative frame of the female immigrant outworker – an up-close portrait of Hien, a Vietnamese woman who works at home sewing clothes in her suburban shed. The article introduces Hien through a condensed collection of her self-narratives, before moving on to consider how a trade union and community-based movement against outworker exploitation mobilised images of suffering and injured Vietnamese women to promote its cause. It asks how these images speak for and represent women like Hien and suggests that their political ‘success’ relies to some extent on the women being ‘unseen’ and made to ‘unspeak’. Finally, through the metaphor of space, it proffers an expanded dimension to the already framed images invoking Hien’s shed as a space that both produces and disciplines her: ultimately, a ‘transitional space’ between the external and internal worlds that shape and constrain her.


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The notion of agency is being used with increasing frequency in early childhood policies, replacing traditional assumptions about young children’s immaturity and their role as mere recipients of adults’ arrangements. Agency is thus both an educational aspiration as well as a signifier of a strong rights-based political commitment to countering views of children as immature and incompetent. This article develops the argument that agency is inherently a sociocultural product that is driven by children’s clear attempts to bond with others and to develop a sense of belonging. Using examples of the everyday experiences of two Chinese immigrant children in an early childhood centre, the article considers ways in which agency was exercised by the children in an unfamiliar sociocultural setting because they wanted to belong. Some crucial issues are highlighted for practice and policy development in the area of immigrant children’s education, arguing that the shaping of early childhood education requires an attention to children’s ‘invisible’ capabilities, needs to belong and ‘small’ everyday life realities.


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The aim of this paper is to explore and document the racism experienced by the Vietnamese people in Australia. After presenting a brief review of the role that racism towards non-Anglo immigrant groups has played in Australian society over the last century, it reports on a study in which 50 Vietnamese were asked to describe their experiences of racism. These experiences were categorised according to a taxonomy derived from the data, and interpreted with reference to those reported by indigenous participants in a previous study. It is concluded that, although the racism reported is less pervasive and frequent than that reported by Indigenous Australians, the tradition of racism toward non-Anglo immigrants continues.