53 resultados para ether injection


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A sequential injection analysis procedure with dual-reagent chemiluminescence detection was applied to the screening of street drug seizure samples for the presence of heroin. The chemiluminescence reagents (acidic potassium permanganate and tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(III)) were aspirated from either side of a sample aliquot that was sufficiently large to prevent interdispersion of the reagent zones, and therefore two different chemical reactions could be performed simultaneously at either end of the sample zone. The presence of heroin in seizure samples was indicated by a strong response with the tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(III) reagent and confirmed by a significant increase in the response with the permanganate reagent when the sample was treated with sodium hydroxide to hydrolyse the heroin to morphine. Nicomorphine (a morphine-derived pharmaceutical) was synthesised and tested under the same conditions. The responses with the permanganate reagent were similar to those for heroin, which supports the proposed chemical basis for the test. However, the responses with tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(III) were far lower for nicomorphine than heroin (approximately 5-fold for the samples that had not been hydrolysed).


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This thesis encompasses the development of analytical instrumentation, software and chemical methodologies for the rapid determination of pharmaceuticals in process extracts. Sensitive detection of morphine, codeine, oripavine and thebaine was achieved by measuring the quantity of light emitted as a result of their reactions with potassium permanganate and tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III).


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A 30-year-old HIV-infected intravenous drug user presented with sepsis, acute renal failure, oedema, proteinuria and iron deficiency anaemia. After extensive investigation, a diagnosis of reactive systemic AA (amyloid, serum amyloid A protein) amyloidosis was made on the basis of renal, gastric and duodenal biopsies.


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This paper proposes a system providing the operator with an intuitive method for controlling a micromanipulator during intracellular injection. A low-cost haptic device is utilised and 3D position-to-position kinematic mapping allows the operator to control the micropipette using a similar method to handheld needle insertion. The workspaces of the haptic device and micromanipulator are analysed and the importance of appropriate scaling to positioning resolution and tracking performance is investigated. The control issues integral to achieving adequate control of the micromanipulator using the Phantom Omni haptic device are addressed. Aside from offering an intuitive method for controlling the micropipette, this work lays the foundation for real-time haptic assistance in the cell injection task.


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The effects of solvent uptake on the relaxation behaviour, morphology and mechanical properties of poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK), poly(etherimide) (PEI) and a 50/50 PEEK/PEI blend have been investigated. Amorphous films were immersed in acetone at 25°C, 35°C and 45°C until equilibrium uptake was achieved. The films were then examined by wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (d.s.c.), dynamic mechanical relaxation spectroscopy and mechanical testing. WAXS and d.s.c. revealed that the degree of solvent induced crystallinity in PEEK is constant with immersion temperature, whereas the degree of induced crystallinity in the 50/50 blend is strongly temperature dependent. The dynamic mechanical studies confirmed that a significant decrease in glass transition temperature results from the plasticizing effect of the solvent and that solvent and thermally crystallized samples have different relaxation characteristics. Mechanical property tests showed that the yield stress and tensile strength of the blend are dominated by PEEK and the degree of crystallinity, while the modulus is more sensitive to the extent of plasticization.


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Solvent uptake in thin, amorphous samples of poly(ether ether ketone), poly(ether imide) and a 50/50 blend has been measured as a function of temperature. Diffusion coefficients, percentage weight increase and apparent activation energies have been calculated. The 50/50 blend shows anomalous diffusion behaviour which may be attributed to specific interactions between the homopolymers and density changes on blending.


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Measurements of the glass transition temperature (Tg) and free volume behaviour of poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) and PAN/lithium triflate (LiTf), with varying salt composition from 10 to 66 wt% LiTf, were made by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS). Addition of salt from 10 to 45 wt% LiTf resulted in an increase in the mean free volume cavity size at room temperature (r.t.) as measured by the orthoPositronium (oPs) pickoff lifetime, τ3, with little change in relative concentration of free volume sites as measured by oPs pickoff intensity, I3. The region from 45 to 66 wt% salt displayed no variation in relative free volume cavity size and concentration. This salt concentration range (45 wt%<[LiTf]<66 wt%) corresponds to a region of high ionic conductivity of order 10−5 to 10−6 S cm−1 at Tg as measured by PALS. A percolation phenomenon is postulated to describe conduction in this composition region. Salt addition was shown to lower the Tg as measured by PALS; Tg was 115°C for PAN and 85°C for PAN/66 wt% LiTf. The Tg and free volume behaviour of this polymer-in-salt electrolyte (PISE) was compared to a poly(ether urethane)/LiClO4 where the polymer is the major component, i.e. traditional solid polymer electrolyte (SPE). In contrast to the PISE, the Tg of the SPE was shown to increase with increasing salt concentration from 5.3 to 15.9 wt%. The relative free volume cavity size and concentration at r.t. were shown to decrease with increasing salt concentration. Ionic conductivity in this SPE was of order 10−5 S cm−1 at r.t., which is over 60°C above Tg, 10−8 S cm−1 at 25°C above Tg, and conductivity was not measurable at Tg.


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The ability for a bio-operator to utilise a haptic device to manipulate a microrobot for intracellular injection offers immense benefits. One significant benefit is for the bio-operator to receive haptic guidance while performing the injection process. In order to address this, this paper investigates the use of haptic virtual fixtures for cell injection and proposes a novel force field virtual fixture. The guidance force felt by the bio-operator is determined by force field analysis within the virtual fixture. The proposed force field virtual fixture assists the bio-operator when performing intracellular injection by limiting the micropipette tip's motion to a conical volume as well as recommending the desired path for optimal injection. A virtual fixture plane is also introduced to prevent the bio-operator from moving the micropipette tip beyond the deposition target inside the cell. Simulation results demonstrate the operation of the guidance system.


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The heart muscle of a cardiac arrest victim continues to accumulate damage throughout its lifetime. This reduces the heart's ability to pump sufficient oxygen and nutrient blood to meet the body's needs. Medical researchers have shown that direct injection of pre-harvested skeletal myoblast cells into the heart can restore some muscle function [1]. This operative procedure usually necessitates the surgeon to open a patient's chest. The open chest procedure is usually a lengthy process and often extends the recovery time of the patient. Alternatively, a high accuracy surgical aid robotic system can be used to assist the thoracoscopic surgery [2][3]. While the robotic surgical method aids faster patient recovery, a less experienced surgeon can potentially cause damage to surrounding tissue.

This paper presents a study into the development of a virtual haptically-enabled heart myoblast injection simulation environment, which can be used to train new surgeons to get hands on experience with the process. The paper also discusses the development of a generic constraint motion technique for needle insertion. Experiments on human performance measures and efficacy, while interacting with haptic feedback training models, are also presented. The experiment involved 10 operators, with each person repeating the needle insertion and injection 10 times. A notable improvement in the task execution time with the number of repetitions was observed. Operators improved their time by up to 300% compared to their first training attempt for a static heart scenario. Under a dynamic heart motion, operator's performance was slightly lower, with the successful rate of completing the experiment reduced from 84% to 75%.


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In manual cell injection the operator relies completely on visual information for task feedback and is subject to extended training times as well as poor success rates and repeatability. From this perspective, enhancing human-in-the-loop intracellular injection through haptic interaction offers significant benefits. This paper outlines two haptic virtual fixtures aiming to assist the human operator while performing cell injection. The first haptic virtual fixture is a parabolic force field designed to assist the operator in guiding the micropipette's tip to a desired penetration point on the cell's surface. The second is a planar virtual fixture which attempts to assist the operator from moving the micropipette's tip beyond the deposition target location inside the cell. Preliminary results demonstrate the operation of the haptically assisted microrobotic cell injection system.


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Determination of the optimal operating condition for moulding process has been of special interest for many researchers. To determine the optimal setting, one has to derive the model of injection moulding process first which is able to map the relationship between the input process control factors and output responses. One of most popular modeling techniques is the linear least square regression due to its effectiveness and completeness. However, the least square regression was found to be very sensitive to the outliers and failed to provide a reliable model if the control variables are highly related with each other. To address this problem, a new modeling method based on principal component regression was proposed in this paper. The distinguished feature of our proposed method is it does not only consider the variance of covariance matrix of control variables but also consider the correlation coefficient between control variables and target variables to be optimised. Such a modelling method has been implemented into a commercial optimisation software and field test results demonstrated the performance of the proposed modelling method.


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Introducing haptic interface to conduct microrobotic intracellular injection has many beneficial implications. In particular, the haptic device provides force feedback to the bio-operator's hand. This paper introduces a 3D particle-based model to simulate the deformation of the cell membrane and corresponding cellular forces during microrobotic cell injection. The model is based on the kinematic and dynamic of spring – damper multi particle joints considering visco-elastic fluidic properties. It simulates the indentation force feedback as well as cell visual deformation during the microinjection. The model is verified using experimental data of zebrafish embryo microinjection. The results demonstrate that the developed cell model is capable of estimating zebrafish embryo deformation and force feedback accurately.