34 resultados para down regulation


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The biochemical and molecular processes that maintain the stem cell pool, and govern the proliferation and differentiation of haemopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) have been widely investigated but are incompletely understood. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterise novel genes that may play a part in regulating the mechanisms that control the proliferation, differentiation and self-renewal of human HSPCs. Reverse transcription differential display polymerase chain reaction (dd-PCR) was used to identify differences in gene expression between a HSPC population defined by expression of the CD34 phenotype, and the more mature CD34 depleted populations. A total of 6 differentially expressed complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) sequences were identified. Four of these transcripts were homologous to well characterised genes, while two (band 1 and band 20) were homologous to unknown and uncharacterised partial gene sequences on the GenBank database and were thus chosen for further investigation. The partial cDNA sequences for band 1 and band 20 were designated ORP-3 and MERP-1 (respectively) due to homologies with other well-characterised gene families. Differential expression of the ORP-3 and MERP-1 genes was confirmed using Taqman™ real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with 3 - 4-fold and 4-10 -fold higher levels in the CD34+ fractions of haemopoietic cells compared to CD34- populations respectively. Additionally, expression of both these genes was down regulated with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells further confirming higher expression in a less differentiated subset of haemopoietic cells. The full coding sequences of ORP-3 and MERP-1 were elucidated using bioinformatics, rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and PCR amplification. The MERP-1 cDNA is 2600 nucleotides (nt) long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7.. It consists of three exons and 2 introns spanning an entire length of 31.4 kilobases (kb). The MERP-1 open reading frame (ORF) codes for a putative 344 amino acid (aa) type II transmembrane protein with an extracellular C-terminal ependymin like-domain and an intracellular N-terminal sequence with significant homology to the cytoplasmic domains of members of the protocadherin family of transmembrane glycoproteins. Ependymins and protocadherins are well-characterised calcium-dependant cell adhesion glycoproteins. Although the function of MERP-1 remains to be elucidated, it is possible that MERP-1 like its homologues plays a role in calcium dependent cell adhesion. Differential expression of the MERP-1 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a role in haemopoietic stem cell proliferation and differentiation, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Characterization of the MERP-1 protein is required to elucidate these possible roles. The ORP-3 cDNA is 6631nt long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7pl5-p21. It consists of 23 exons and 22 introns spanning an entire length of 183.5kb. The ORP-3 ORF codes for a putative 887aa protein which displays the consensus sequence for a highly conserved oxysterol-binding domain. Other well-characterised proteins expressing these domains have been demonstrated to bind oxysterols (OS) in a dose dependant fashion. OS are hydroxylated derivatives of cholesterol Their biological activities include inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in a variety of cell types, including haemopoietic cells. Differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a possible role in the transduction of OS effects on haemopoietic cells, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Further investigation of ORP-3 gene expression demonstrates a significant correlation with CD34+ sample purity, and 2-fold higher expression in a population of haemopoietic cells defined by the CD34+38- phenotype compared to more mature CD34+38+ cells. This finding, taken together with the previous observation of down-regulation of ORP-3 expression with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells, indicates that ORP-3 expression may be higher in a less differentiated subset of cells with a higher proliferative capacity. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that expression of the ORP-3 gene is approximately 2-fold lower in differentiated HL60 promyelocytic cells compared to control, undifferentiated cells. ORP-3 expression in HL60 cells during normal culture conditions was also found to vary with expression positively correlated with cell number. This indicates a possible cell cycle effect on ORP-3 gene expression with levels highest when cell density, and therefore the percentage of cells in G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle is highest. This observation also correlates with the observation of higher ORP-3 expression in CD34+38-cells, and in CD34+ and HL60 cells undergoing OS induced and camptothecin induced apoptosis that is preceded by cell cycle arrest at G(0)/G(1). Expression of the ORP-3 gene in CD34+ HSPCs from UCB was significantly decreased to approximately half the levels observed in control cells after 24 hours incubation in transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFâl). As ≥90% of these cells are stimulated into cell cycle entry by TGFâl, this observation further supports the hypothesis that ORP-3 expression is highest when cells reside in the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle. Data obtained from investigation of ORP-3 gene expression in synchronised HL60 cells however does not support nor disprove this hypothesis. Culture of CD34+ enriched HSPCs and HL60 cells with 25-OHC significantly increased ORP-3 gene expression to approximately 1.5 times control levels. However, as 25-OHC treatment also increased the percentage of apoptotic cells in these experiments, it is not valid to make any conclusions regarding the regulation of ORP-3 gene expression by OS. Indeed, the observation that camptothecin induced apoptosis also increased ORP-3 gene expression in HL60 cells raises the possibility that up-regulation of ORP-3 gene expression is also associated with apoptosis, Taken together, expression of the ORP-3 gene appears to be regulated by differentiation and apoptosis of haemopoietic progenitors, and may also be positively associated with proliferative and G(0)/G(1) cell cycle status indicating a possible role in all of these processes. Given the important regulatory role of apoptosis in haemopoiesis and differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic progenitors, final investigations were conducted to examine the effects OS on human HSPCs. Granulocyte/macrophage colony forming units (CFU-GM) generated from human bone marrow (ABM) and umbilical cord blood (UCB) were grown in the presence of varying concentrations of three different OS - 7keto-cholesterol (7K-C), 7beta-hydroxycholesterol (7p-OHC) and 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC). Similarly, the effect of OS on HL60 and CD34+ cells was investigated using annexin-V staining and flow cytometry to measure apoptosis. Reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) was used to assess differentiative status of HL60 cells. CFU-GM from ABM and HL60 growth was inhibited by all three OS tested, with 25-OHC being the most potent. 25-OHC inhibited ≥50% of bone marrow CFU-GM and ≥95% of HL60 cell growth at a level of 1 ug/ml. Compared to UCB, CFU-GM derived from ABM were more sensitive to the effects of all OS tested. Only 25-OHC and 7(5-OHC significantly inhibited growth of UCB derived CFU-GM. OS treatment increased the number of annexin-V CD34+ cells and NBT positive HL60 cells indicating that OS inhibition of CFU-GM and HL60 cell growth can be attributed to induction of apoptosis and differentiation. From these studies, it can be concluded that dd-PCR is an excellent tool for the discovery of novel genes expressed in human HSPCs. Characterisation of the proteins encoded by the novel genes ORP-3 and MERP-1 may reveal a regulatory role for these genes in haemopoiesis. Finally, investigations into the effects of OS on haemopoietic progenitor cells has revealed that OS are a new class of inhibitors of HSPC proliferation of potential relevance in vivo and in vitro.


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The focus of this dissertation was leptin and the leptin receptor, and the role of these genes (OB and OB-R) in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes in humans and Psammomys obesus, a polygenic rodent model of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Studies in humans showed that circulating leptin concentrations were positively associated with adiposity, and independently associated with circulating insulin and triglyceride concentrations. Analysis of two leptin receptor sequence polymorphisms in a Caucasian Australian population and a population of Nauruan males, with very high prevalence rates of obesity, showed no associations between sequence variation within the OB-R gene and obesity- or diabetes-related phenotypic measures. In addition, these two OB-R polymorphisms were not associated with longitudinal changes in body mass or composition in either of the populations examined. A unique analysis of the effects of multiple gene defects in the Nauruan population, demonstrated that the presence of sequence alterations in both the OB and OB-R genes were associated with insulin resistance. Psammomys obesus is regarded as an excellent rodent model in which to study the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes in humans. Examination of circulating leptin concentrations in Psammomys revealed that, as in humans, leptin concentrations were associated with adiposity, and independently associated with circulating insulin concentrations. This animal model was utilised to examine expression of OB-R, and the regulation of expression of this gene after dietary manipulation. OB-R is known to have several isoforms, and in particular, OB-RA and OB-RB gene expression were examined. OB-RB is the main signalling isoform of the leptin receptors. It has a long intracellular domain and has previously been shown to play an important role in energy balance and body weight regulation in rodents and humans. OB-RA is a much shorter isoform of OB-R, and although it lacks the long intracellular domain necessary to activate the JAK/STAT pathway, OB-RA is also capable of signalling, although to a lesser degree than OB-RB. OB-RA is found to be expressed almost ubiquitously throughout the body, and this isoform may be involved in transport of leptin into the cell, although its role remains unclear. OB-RA and OB-RB were both found to be expressed in a large number of tissues in Psammomys obesus. Interestingly, obese Psammomys were found to have lower levels of expression of OB-RA and OB-RB in the hypothalamus, compared to lean animals. This finding raises the possibility that decreased leptin signalling in the brain of obese, hyperleptinemic Psammomys obesus may contribute to the leptin resistance previously described in this animal model. However, the primary defect is unclear, as alternatively, increased circulating leptin concentrations may lead to down-regulation of leptin receptors. The effect of fasting on leptin concentrations and gene expression of OB-RA and OB-RB was also examined. A 24-hour fast resulted in no change in body weight, but a reduction in circulating leptin concentrations, and an increase in hypothalamic OB-RB gene expression in lean Psammomys. In obese animals, fasting again did not alter body weight, but resulted in an increase in both circulating leptin concentrations and hypothalamic OB-RB gene expression. In the liver, fasting resulted in a large increase in OB-RA gene expression in both lean and obese animals. These results highlighted the fact that regulation of leptin receptor gene expression in polygenic models of obesity and type 2 diabetes is complex, and not solely under the control of circulating leptin concentrations. Sucrose-feeding is an established method of inducing obesity and type 2 diabetes in rodents, and this experimental paradigm was utilised to examine the effects of longer term perturbations of energy balance on the leptin signalling pathway in Psammomys obesus. Addition of a 5% sucrose solution to the diet of lean and obese Psammomys resulted in increased body weight in both groups of animals, however only obese Psammomys showed increased fat mass and the development of type 2 diabetes. The changes in body mass and composition with sucrose-feeding were accompanied by decreased circulating leptin concentrations in both groups of animals, as well as a range of changes in leptin receptor gene expression. Sucrose-feeding increased hypothalamic OB-RB gene expression in obese Psammomys only, while in the liver there was evidence of a reduction in OB-RA and OB-RB gene expression in both lean and obese animals. The direct effects of sucrose on the leptin signalling pathway are unclear, however it is possible to speculate that the effect of sucrose to decrease leptin concentrations may have been involved in the exacerbation of obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes in obese Psammomys, From these studies, it appears that sequence variation in the OB and OB-R genes is unlikely to be a major factor in the etiology of obesity in human populations. The ability to examine regulation of expression of these genes in Psammomys obesus, however, has demonstrated that the effects of nutritional modifications on leptin receptor gene expression need closer attention. The role of the OB and OB-R genes in metabolism and the development of type 2 diabetes also warrants further examination, with particular attention on the differential effects of dietary modifications on leptin receptor gene expression across a range of tissues.


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Survivin is a dual functioning protein. It inhibits the apoptosis of cancer cells by inhibiting caspases, and also promotes cancer cell growth by stabilizing microtubules during mitosis. Since the molecular chaperone Hsp90 binds and stabilizes survivin, it is widely believed that down-regulation of survivin is one of the important therapeutic functions of Hsp90 inhibitors such as the phase III clinically trialed compound 17-AAG. However, Hsp90 interferes with a number of molecules that up-regulate the intracellular level of survivin, raising the question that clinical use of Hsp90 inhibitors may indirectly induce survivin expression and subsequently enhance cancer anti-drug responses. The purpose of this study is to determine whether targeting Hsp90 can alter survivin expression differently in different cancer cell lines and to explore possible mechanisms that cause the alteration in survivin expression.


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This research determined how the natriuretic peptide system, which controls water and salt balance, responds to water limitation in a desert rodent. It was found that a uniform down-regulation of the system is not part of the physiological response to minimise water loss during periods of low water availability.


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This dissertation identified and characterised a key genetic regulator called Stat5 using zebrafish. Up-regulation of Stat5 led to an increase in blood cells, indicative of pre-leukaemia, whilst down-regulation decreased these cells and caused other defects. This work shows that Stat5 is critical in blood cell maturation and early embryonic development.


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Techniques for targeted genetic disruption in Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, are currently intractable for those genes that are essential for blood stage development. The ability to use RNA interference (RNAi) to silence gene expression
would provide a powerful means to gain valuable insight into the pathogenic blood stages but its functionality in Plasmodium remains controversial. Here we have used various RNA-based gene silencing approaches to test the utility of RNAi in malaria
parasites and have undertaken an extensive comparative genomics search using profile hidden Markov models to clarify whether RNAi machinery
exists in malaria. These investigative approaches revealed that Plasmodium lacks the enzymology required for RNAi-based ablation of gene expression
and indeed no experimental evidence for RNAi was observed. In its absence, the most likely explanations for previously reported RNAi-mediated knockdown are either the general toxicity of introduced RNA (with global down-regulation of gene expression) or a specific antisense effect mechanistically distinct from RNAi, which will need systematic
analysis if it is to be of use as a molecular genetic tool for malaria parasites.


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Objective: Rational therapeutic development in bipolar is hampered by a lack of pathophysiological model. However, there is a wealth of converging data on the role of dopamine in bipolar disorder. This paper therefore examines the possibility of a dopamine hypothesis for bipolar disorder.

Method: A literature search was conducted using standard search engines Embase, PyschLIT, PubMed and MEDLINE. In addition, papers and book chapters known to the authors were retrieved and examined for further relevant articles.

Collectively, in excess of 100 articles were reviewed from which approximately 75% were relevant to the focus of this paper.

Conclusion: Pharmacological models suggest a role of increased dopaminergic drive in mania and the converse in depression. In Parkinson’s disease, administration of high-dose dopamine precursors can produce a ‘maniform’ picture, which switches into a depressive analogue on withdrawal. It is possible that in bipolar disorder there is a cyclical process, where increased dopaminergic transmission in mania leads to a secondary down regulation of dopaminergic receptor sensitivity over time. This may lead to a period of decreased dopaminergic transmission, corresponding with the depressive phase, and the repetition of the cycle. This model, if verified, may have implications for rational drug development.


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Invasive species are regarded as one of the top five drivers of the global extinction crisis. In response, extreme measures have been applied in an attempt to control or eradicate invasives, with little success overall. We tested the idea that state shifts to invasive dominance are symptomatic of losses in ecosystem resilience, due to the suppression of apex predators. This concept was investigated in Australia where the high rate of mammalian extinctions is largely attributed to the destructive influence of invasive species. Intensive pest control is widely applied across the continent, simultaneously eliminating Australia’s apex predator, the dingo (Canis lupus dingo). We show that predator management accounts for shifts between two main ecosystem states. Lethal control fractures dingo social structure and leads to bottom-up driven increases in invasive mesopredators and herbivores. Where control is relaxed, dingoes re-establish top–down regulation of ecosystems, allowing for the recovery of biodiversity and productivity.


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Yeast cells begin to bud and enter S phase when growth conditions are favourable during G1 phase. When subjected to some oxidative stresses, cells delay entry at G1 allowing repair of cellular damage. Hence, oxidative stress sensing is coordinated with the regulation of cell cycle. We identified a novel function of the cell-cycle regulator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Swi6p, as a redox sensor through its cysteine residue at position 404. When alanine was substituted at this position, the resultant mutant, C404A, was sensitive to several reactive oxygen species and oxidants including linoleic acid hydroperoxide, the superoxide anion and diamide. This mutant lost the ability to arrest in G1 phase upon treatment with lipid hydroperoxide. The Cys404 residue of Swi6p in wild-type cells was oxidised to a sulfenic acid when cells were subjected to linoleic acid hydroperoxide. Mutation of Cys404 to Ala abolished the down-regulation of expression of the G1 cyclin genes CLN1, CLN2, PCL1 and PCL2 that occurred when cells of the wild type were exposed to the lipid hydroperoxide. In conclusion, oxidative stress signaling for cell-cycle regulation occurs through oxidation of the G1/S-speicific transcription factor Swi6p and consequently leads to suppression of the expression of G1-cyclins and delay in cells entering the cell cycle.


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Mammary explants can be hormonally stimulated to mimic the biochemical changes that occur during lactogenesis. Previous studies using mammary explants concluded that the addition of exogenous macromolecules were required for mammary epithelial cells to remain viable in culture. The present study examines the survival of mammary explants from the dairy cow using milk protein gene expression as a functional marker of lactation and cell viability. Mammary explants cultured from late pregnant cows mimicked lactogenesis and showed significantly elevated milk protein gene expression after 3 days of culture with lactogenic hormones. The subsequent removal of exogenous hormones from the media for 10 days resulted in the down-regulation of milk protein genes. During this time, the mammary explants remained hormone responsive, the alveolar architecture was maintained and the expression of milk protein genes was re-induced after a second challenge with lactogenic hormones. We report that a population of bovine mammary epithelial cells have an intrinsic capacity to remain viable and hormone responsive for extended periods in chemically defined media without any exogenous macromolecules. In addition, we found mammary explant viability was dependent on de novo protein and RNA synthesis. Global functional microarray analysis showed that differential expression of genes involved in energy production, immune responses, oxidative stress and apoptosis signalling might contribute to cell survival. As the decline in milk production in dairy cattle after peak lactation results in considerable economic loss, the identification of novel survival genes may be used as genetic markers for breeding programmes to improve lactational persistency in dairy cows.


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Copper (Cu) has a critical role in the generation of oxidative stress during neurodegeneration and cancer. Reactive oxygen species generated through abnormal elevation or deficiency of Cu can lead to lipid, protein, and DNA damage. Oxidation of DNA can induce strand breaks and is associated with altered cell fate including transformation or death. DNA repair is mediated through the action of the multimeric DNA-PK repair complex. The components of this complex are the Ku autoantigens, XRCC5 and XRCC6 (Ku80 and Ku70, respectively). How this repair complex responds to perturbed Cu homeostasis and Cu-mediated oxidative stress has not been investigated. We previously reported that XRCC5 expression is altered in response to cellular Cu levels, with low Cu inhibiting XRCC5 expression and high Cu levels enhancing expression. In this study we further investigated the interaction between XRCC5 and Cu. We report that cytosolic XRCC5 is increased in response to Cu, but not zinc, iron, or nickel, and the level of cytosolic XRCC5 correlates with protection against oxidative damage to DNA. These observations were made in both HeLa cells and fibroblasts. Cytosolic XRCC5 interacted with the Cu chaperone and detoxification protein human Atox1 homologue (HAH), and down regulation of XRCC5 expression using siRNA led to enhanced HAH expression when cells were exposed to Cu. XRCC5 could also be purified from cytosolic extracts using a Cu-loaded column. These findings provide further evidence that cytosolic XRCC5 has a key role in protection against DNA oxidation from Cu, through either direct sequestration or signaling through other Cu-detoxification molecules. Our findings have important implications for the development of therapeutic treatments targeting Cu in neurodegeneration and/or cancer.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE : Annexin-A1 (ANX-A1) is an endogenous, glucocorticoid-regulated anti-inflammatory protein. The N-terminal-derived peptide Ac-ANX-A12–26 preserves cardiomyocyte viability, but the impact of ANX-A1-peptides on cardiac contractility is unknown. We now test the hypothesis that ANX-A1 preserves post-ischaemic recovery of left ventricular (LV) function.

EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH : Ac-ANX-A12–26 was administered on reperfusion, to adult rat cardiomyocytes as well as hearts isolated from rats, wild-type mice and mice deficient in endogenous ANX-A1 (ANX-A1–/–). Myocardial viability and recovery of LV function were determined.

KEY RESULTS: Ischaemia–reperfusion markedly impaired both cardiomyocyte viability and recovery of LV function by 60%. Treatment with exogenous Ac-ANX-A12–26 at the onset of reperfusion prevented cardiomyocyte injury and significantly improved recovery of LV function, in both intact rat and wild-type mouse hearts. Ac-ANX-A12–26 cardioprotection was abolished by either formyl peptide receptor (FPR)-nonselective or FPR1-selective antagonists, Boc2 and cyclosporin H, but was relatively insensitive to the FPR2-selective antagonist QuinC7. ANX-A1-induced cardioprotection was associated with increased phosphorylation of the cell survival kinase Akt. ANX-A1−/− exaggerated impairment of post-ischaemic recovery of LV function, in addition to selective LV FPR1 down-regulation.

CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS : These data represent the first evidence that ANX-A1 affects myocardial function. Our findings suggest ANX-A1 is an endogenous regulator of post-ischaemic recovery of LV function. Furthermore, the ANX-A1-derived peptide Ac-ANX-A12–26 on reperfusion rescues LV function, probably via activation of FPR1. ANX-A1-based therapies may thus represent a novel clinical approach for the prevention and treatment of myocardial reperfusion injury.


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Similar to most cancers, genome-wide DNA methylation profiles are commonly altered in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL); however, recent observations highlight that a large portion of malignancy-associated DNA methylation alterations are not accompanied by related gene expression changes. By analyzing and integrating the methylome and transcriptome profiles of pediatric B-cell ALL cases and primary tissue controls, we report 325 genes hypermethylated and downregulated and 45 genes hypomethylated and upregulated in pediatric B-cell ALL, irrespective of subtype. Repressed cation channel subunits and cAMP signaling activators and transducers are overrepresented, potentially indicating a reduced cellular potential to receive and propagate apoptotic signals. Furthermore, we report specific DNA methylation alterations with concurrent gene expression changes within individual ALL subtypes. The ETV6-RUNX1 translocation was associated with downregulation of ASNS and upregulation of the EPO-receptor, while Hyperdiploid patients (> 50 chr) displayed upregulation of B-cell lymphoma (BCL) members and repression of PTPRG and FHIT. In combination, these data indicate genetically distinct B-cell ALL subtypes contain cooperative epimutations and genome-wide epigenetic deregulation is common across all B-cell ALL subtypes.


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Although many preclinical studies have implicated β3 integrin receptors (αvβ3 and αIIbβ3) in cancer progression, β3 inhibitors have shown only modest efficacy in patients with advanced solid tumours. The limited efficacy of β3 inhibitors in patients could arise from our incomplete understanding of the precise function of β3 integrin and, consequently, inappropriate clinical application. Data from animal studies are conflicting and indicate heterogeneity with respect to the relative contributions of β3-expressing tumour and stromal cell populations in different cancers. Here we aimed to clarify the function and relative contributions to metastasis of tumour versus stromal β3 integrin in clinically relevant models of spontaneous breast cancer metastasis, with particular emphasis on bone metastasis. We show that stable down-regulation of tumour β3 integrin dramatically impairs spontaneous (but not experimental) metastasis to bone and lung without affecting primary tumour growth in the mammary gland. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to subcutaneous tumours, orthotopic tumour vascularity, growth and spontaneous metastasis were not altered in mice null for β3 integrin. Tumour β3 integrin promoted migration, protease expression and trans-endothelial migration in vitro and increased vascular dissemination in vivo, but was not necessary for bone colonization in experimental metastasis assays. We conclude that tumour, rather than stromal, β3 expression is essential and is required early for efficient spontaneous breast cancer metastasis to bone and soft tissues. Accordingly, differential gene expression analysis in cohorts of breast cancer patients showed a strong association between high β3 expression, early metastasis and shorter disease-free survival in patients with oestrogen receptor-negative tumours. We propose that β3 inhibitors may be more efficacious if used in a neoadjuvant setting, rather than after metastases are established. Copyright © 2014 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Glutaredoxin1 (GRX1) is a glutathione (GSH)-dependent thiol oxidoreductase. The GRX1/GSH system is important for the protection of proteins from oxidative damage and in the regulation of protein function. Previously we demonstrated that GRX1/GSH regulates the activity of the essential copper-transporting P1B-Type ATPases (ATP7A, ATP7B) in a copper-responsive manner. It has also been established that GRX1 binds copper with high affinity and regulates the redox chemistry of the metallochaperone ATOX1, which delivers copper to the copper-ATPases. In this study, to further define the role of GRX1 in copper homeostasis, we examined the effects of manipulating GRX1 expression on copper homeostasis and cell survival in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and in human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y). GRX1 knockout led to cellular copper retention (especially when cultured with elevated copper) and reduced copper tolerance, while in GRX1-overexpressing cells challenged with elevated copper, there was a reduction in both intracellular copper levels and copper-induced reactive oxygen species, coupled with enhanced cell proliferation. These effects are consistent with a role for GRX1 in regulating ATP7A-mediated copper export, and further support a new function for GRX1 in neuronal copper homeostasis and in protection from copper-mediated oxidative injury.