30 resultados para correctness verification


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This paper describes an investigation into the use of parametric 2D models describing the movement of edges for the determination of possible 3D shape and hence function of an object. An assumption of this research is that the camera can foveate and track particular features. It is argued that simple 2D analytic descriptions of the movement of edges can infer 3D shape while the camera is moved. This uses an advantage of foveation i.e. the problem becomes object centred. The problem of correspondence for numerous edge points is overcome by the use of a tree based representation for the competing hypotheses. Numerous hypothesis are maintained simultaneously and it does not rely on a single kinematic model which assumes constant velocity or acceleration. The numerous advantages of this strategy are described.


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The identification of useful structures in home video is difficult because this class of video is distinguished from other video sources by its unrestricted, non edited content and the absence of regulated storyline. In addition, home videos contain a lot of motion and erratic camera movements, with shots of the same character being captured from various angles and viewpoints. In this paper, we present a solution to the challenging problem of clustering shots and faces in home videos, based on the use of SIFT features. SIFT features have been known to be robust for object recognition; however, in dealing with the complexities of home video setting, the matching process needs to be augmented and adapted. This paper describes various techniques that can improve the number of matches returned as well as the correctness of matches. For example, existing methods for verification of matches are inadequate for cases when a small number of matches are returned, a common situation in home videos. We address this by constructing a robust classifier that works on matching sets instead of individual matches, allowing the exploitation of the geometric constraints between matches. Finally, we propose techniques for robustly extracting target clusters from individual feature matches.


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Average number of fiber-to-fiber contacts in a fibrous structure is a prerequisite to investigate the mechanical, optical and transport properties of stochastic nanomicrofibrous networks. In this research work, based on theoretical analysis presented for the estimation of the number of contacts between fibers in electrospun random multilayer nanofibrous assembles, experimental verification for theoretical dependence of fiber diameter and network porosity on the fiber to fiber contacts has been provided. The analytical model formulated is compared with the existing theories to predict the average number of fiber contacts of nanofiber structures. The effect of fiber diameters and network porosities on average number of fiber contacts of nano-microfiber mats has been investigated. A comparison is also made between the experimental and theoretical number of inter-fiber contacts of multilayer electrospun random nanomicrofibrous networks. It has been found that both the fiber diameter and the network porosity have significant effects on the properties of fiber-to-fiber contacts.


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Motion analysis of a parallel robot assisted minimally invasive surgery/microsurgery system (PRAMiSS) and the control structures enabling it to achieve milli/micromanipulations under the constraint of moving through a fixed penetration point or so-called remote centre-of-motion (RCM) are presented in this article. Two control algorithms are proposed suitable for minimally invasive surgery (MIS) with submillimeter accuracy and for minimally invasive micro-surgery (MIMS) with submicrometer accuracy. The RCM constraint is performed without having any mechanical constraint. Control algorithms also apply orientation constraint preventing the tip to orient relative to the soft tissues due to the robot movements. Experiments were conducted to verify accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms for MIS and MIMS operations. The experimental results demonstrate accuracy and performance of the proposed position control algorithms.


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The notion of database outsourcing enables the data owner to delegate the database management to a cloud service provider (CSP) that provides various database services to different users. Recently, plenty of research work has been done on the primitive of outsourced database. However, it seems that no existing solutions can perfectly support the properties of both correctness and completeness for the query results, especially in the case when the dishonest CSP intentionally returns an empty set for the query request of the user. In this paper, we propose a new verifiable auditing scheme for outsourced database, which can simultaneously achieve the correctness and completeness of search results even if the dishonest CSP purposely returns an empty set. Furthermore, we can prove that our construction can achieve the desired security properties even in the encrypted outsourced database. Besides, the proposed scheme can be extended to support the dynamic database setting by incorporating the notion of verifiable database with updates.


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On-time completion is an important temporal QoS (Quality of Service) dimension and one of the fundamental requirements for high-confidence workflow systems. In recent years, a workflow temporal verification framework, which generally consists of temporal constraint setting, temporal checkpoint selection, temporal verification, and temporal violation handling, has been the major approach for the high temporal QoS assurance of workflow systems. Among them, effective temporal checkpoint selection, which aims to timely detect intermediate temporal violations along workflow execution plays a critical role. Therefore, temporal checkpoint selection has been a major topic and has attracted significant efforts. In this paper, we will present an overview of work-flow temporal checkpoint selection for temporal verification. Specifically, we will first introduce the throughput based and response-time based temporal consistency models for business and scientific cloud workflow systems, respectively. Then the corresponding benchmarking checkpoint selection strategies that satisfy the property of “necessity and sufficiency” are presented. We also provide experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our checkpoint selection strategies, and finally points out some possible future issues in this research area.


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Cloud computing is establishing itself as the latest computing paradigm in recent years. As doing science in the cloud is becoming a reality, scientists are now able to access public cloud centers and employ high-performance computing resources to run scientific applications. However, due to the dynamic nature of the cloud environment, the usability of scientific cloud workflow systems can be significantly deteriorated if without effective service quality assurance strategies. Specifically, workflow temporal verification as the major approach for workflow temporal QoS (Quality of Service) assurance plays a critical role in the on-time completion of large-scale scientific workflows. Great efforts have been dedicated to the area of workflow temporal verification in recent years and it is high time that we should define the key research issues for scientific cloud workflows in order to keep our research on the right track. In this paper, we systematically investigate this problem and present four key research issues based on the introduction of a generic temporal verification framework. Meanwhile, state-of-the-art solutions for each research issue and open challenges are also presented. Finally, SwinDeW-V, an ongoing research project on temporal verification as part of our SwinDeW-C cloud workflow system, is also demonstrated.


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Workflow temporal verification is conducted to guarantee on-time completion, which is one of the most important QoS (Quality of Service) dimensions for business processes running in the cloud. However, as today's business systems often need to handle a large number of concurrent customer requests, conventional response-time based process monitoring strategies conducted in a one-by-one fashion cannot be applied efficiently to a large batch of parallel processes because of significant time overhead. Similar situations may also exist in software companies where multiple software projects are carried out at the same time by software developers. To address such a problem, based on a novel runtime throughput consistency model, this paper proposes a QoS-aware throughput based checkpoint selection strategy, which can dynamically select a small number of checkpoints along the system timeline to facilitate the temporal verification of throughput constraints and achieve the target on-time completion rate. Experimental results demonstrate that our strategy can achieve the best efficiency and effectiveness compared with the state-of-the-art as and other representative response-time based checkpoint selection strategies.


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An inverse model is proposed to construct the mathematical relationship between continuous cooling transformation (CCT) kinetics with constant rates and the isothermal one. The kinetic parameters in JMAK equations of isothermal kinetics can be deduced from the experimental CCT kinetics. Furthermore, a generalized model with a new additive rule is developed for predicting the kinetics of nucleation and growth during diffusional phase transformation with arbitrary cooling paths based only on CCT curve. A generalized contribution coefficient is introduced into the new additivity rule to describe the influences of current temperature and cooling rate on the incubation time of nuclei. Finally, then the reliability of the proposed model is validated using dilatometry experiments of a microalloy steel with fully bainitic microstructure based on various cooling routes.