26 resultados para copy number variation


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Background: Several studies support the use of CT for diagnosing coronal fractures of the distal radius but the inter-observer reliability of these observations is less well studied. We tested the null hypothesis that radiographs alone and the combination of radiographs and two-dimensional computed tomography scans (2DCT) have the same inter-observer variation for the diagnosis of coronal articular fracture lines in the distal radius. Methods: Using a web-based survey, 63 surgeons were randomized to evaluate 16 fractures of the distal radius on radiographs alone or radiographs and 2DCT for the presence or absence of a coronal fracture line of the lunate facet and, if present, the stability of the fracture. The kappa multirater measure was calculated to estimate agreement between observers. Results: The inter-observer variation in diagnosis of a coronal fracture line was fair with both radiographs and 2DCT, as was the diagnosis of instability of the volar lunate facet fracture when present. Conclusion: Two-dimensional computed tomography does not improve observer agreement on the diagnosis of coronal plane articular fracture lines in the lunate facet of the distal radius. © 2012 American Association for Hand Surgery.


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 Yield function has various material parameters that describe how materials respond plastically in given conditions. However, a significant number of mechanical tests are required to identify the many material parameters for yield function. In this study, an effective method using crystal plasticity through a virtual experiment is introduced to develop the anisotropic yield function for AA5042. The crystal plasticity approach was used to predict the anisotropic response of the material in order to consider a number of stress or strain modes that would not otherwise be evident through mechanical testing. A rate-independent crystal plasticity model based on a smooth single crystal yield surface, which removes the innate ambiguity problem within the rate-independent model and Taylor model for polycrystalline deformation behavior were employed to predict the material’s response in the balanced biaxial stress, pure shear, and plane strain states to identify the parameters for the anisotropic yield function of AA5042.


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Background. We have shown that low nephron number (Nglom) is a strong determinant of individual glomerular volume (IGV) in male Americans. However, whether the same pattern is present in female Americans remains unclear. The contributions of body surface area (BSA) and race to IGV in the context of Nglom also require further evaluation. Methods. Kidneys without overt renal disease were collected at autopsy in Mississippi, USA. The extremes of female Nglom were used to define high and low N glom for both sexes. Nglom and IGV were estimated by design-based stereology. A total of 24 African and Caucasian American females (n = 12 per race; 6 per Nglom extreme) were included. These subjects were subsequently matched to 24 comparable males by age and Nglom and to 18 additional males by age, Nglom and BSA. Results. IGV average and variance were very similar in female African and Caucasian Americans with high and low Nglom. Males with low Nglom from both races showed greater IGV average and variance than comparable females matched by age and Nglom. These differences in IGV between sexes were not observed in Caucasian Americans with low Nglom that were matched by age, Nglom and BSA. In contrast, glomeruli from African Americans were larger than those from Caucasian Americans, especially in subjects with high Nglom. Conclusions. While female Americans with low Nglom did not show glomerular hypertrophy, comparable males with low Nglom showed marked glomerular hypertrophy that was closely associated with high BSA. Glomerular size in African Americans may be confounded by multiple additional factors. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.


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Phloem turgor pressure (PTP) is the initial driving force for latex flow after a rubber tree is tapped and therefore plays an important role in rubber tree latex production. Variation in PTP with rubber tree clone, age, yield potential and commonly used Ethrel (an ethylene releaser) stimulation have, however, not been comprehensively studied to date. The aim of this study was to investigate these relations and examine whether PTP can be used as an index for rubber tree clone assessment and tapping system optimization. The results showed that: (1) the daily change of PTP in the foliation season suggests that a high PTP can ensure a high latex yield and tapping could be moved forward to midnight or earlier in the night; (2) the decrease of PTP from the basal to distal stem indicates the benefit of a controlled upward tapping system; (3) the logarithmic increase in PTP with rubber tree planting age and age-based mean girth suggests that the preferred age for the commencement of rubber tree tapping is eight years; (4) the change of PTP with regenerated bark age suggests that the regenerated bark could be exploited again after the second year; (5) PTP is positively related to the yield potential of rubber tree clones; (6) although Ethrel stimulation could not significantly increase the initial PTP of a rubber tree, it delays the recovery of PTP after tapping. Therefore, PTP is an indicator of rubber tree latex yield and can be used for tapping system optimization. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Variation in textural greasy wool handle across the fleece of Merino sheep was explored. Results demonstrate that there were significant differences across nine sites on the fleece. The inclusion of the covariates fibre diameter, fibre diameter co-efficient of variation, staple length, dust penetration, staple structure, greasy wool colour and resistance to compression, helped to explain some of the variation in textural greasy wool handle between sites such that site of assessment was no longer a significant factor (P ≤ 0.065). However, in practice, those involved with clip preparation or sheep selection based on textural greasy wool handle assessment are unlikely to have these measurements available. The results highlight the importance of nominating a site of assessment when recording textural greasy wool handle. © CSIRO 2014.


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Dingoes/wild dogs (Canis dingo/familiaris) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) are widespread carnivores in southern Australia and are controlled to reduce predation on domestic livestock and native fauna. We used the occurrence of food items in 5875 dingo/wild dog scats and 11,569 fox scats to evaluate interspecific and geographic differences in the diets of these species within nine regions of Victoria, south-eastern Australia. The nine regions encompass a wide variety of ecosystems. Diet overlap between dingoes/wild dogs and foxes varied among regions, from low to near complete overlap. The diet of foxes was broader than dingoes/wild dogs in all but three regions, with the former usually containing more insects, reptiles and plant material. By contrast, dingoes/wild dogs more regularly consumed larger mammals, supporting the hypothesis that niche partitioning occurs on the basis of mammalian prey size. The key mammalian food items for dingoes/wild dogs across all regions were black wallaby (Wallabia bicolor), brushtail possum species (Trichosurus spp.), common wombat (Vombatus ursinus), sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), cattle (Bos taurus) and European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The key mammalian food items for foxes across all regions were European rabbit, sheep (Ovis aries) and house mouse (Mus musculus). Foxes consumed 6.1 times the number of individuals of threatened Critical Weight Range native mammal species than did dingoes/wild dogs. The occurrence of intraguild predation was asymmetrical; dingoes/wild dogs consumed greater biomass of the smaller fox. The substantial geographic variation in diet indicates that dingoes/wild dogs and foxes alter their diet in accordance with changing food availability. We provide checklists of taxa recorded in the diets of dingoes/wild dogs and foxes as a resource for managers and researchers wishing to understand the potential impacts of policy and management decisions on dingoes/wild dogs, foxes and the food resources they interact with.


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Coarse woody debris (CWD) is a common structural component of terrestrial ecosystems, and provides important habitat for biota. Fires modify the distribution of CWD, both spatially and temporally. Changes in fire regimes, such as those arising from prescribed burning and changing climatic conditions, make it critical to understand the response of this resource to fire. We created a conceptual model of the effects of fire on logs and dead trees in topographically diverse forests in which trees often survive severe fire. We then surveyed paired sites, in a damp gully and adjacent drier slope, ~3.5. years after a large wildfire in south-eastern Australia. Sites were stratified by fire severity (unburnt, understorey burnt and severely burnt), and fire history (burnt ≤3. years or ≥20. years prior to the wildfire). Both components of the fire regime influenced CWD availability in gullies. Severe wildfire and fire history ≤3. years reduced the volume of small logs (10-30. cm diameter) in gullies, while severe wildfire increased the number of large dead trees in gullies. CWD on slopes was not affected by fire severity or history at ~3.5. years post-fire. Log volumes on slopes may recover more quickly after wildfire through rapid collapse of branches and trees. Gullies generally supported more logs than slopes, but longer inter-fire intervals in gullies may allow fuel loads to accumulate and lead to comparatively larger fire impacts. Given that fire severity and fire interval are predicted to change in many fire-prone ecosystems in coming decades, this study highlights the importance of understanding the interacting effects of multiple components of the fire regime with landscape structure. In particular, variation in fire interval and fire severity in relation to topographic position will influence the pattern of accumulation of coarse woody debris across the landscape, and therefore the structure and quality of habitats for biota.


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Seagrasses are ecosystem engineers that offer important habitat for a large number of species and provide a range of ecosystem services. Many seagrass ecosystems are dominated by a single species, with research showing that genotypic diversity at fine spatial scales plays an important role in maintaining a range of ecosystem functions. However, for most seagrass species, information on fine-scale patterns of genetic variation in natural populations is lacking. In this study, we use a hierarchical sampling design to determine the levels of genetic and genotypic diversity at different spatial scales (centimeters, meters, kilometers) in the Australian seagrass Zostera muelleri. Our analysis shows that at fine spatial scales (<1 m), levels of genotypic diversity are relatively low (R(Plots) = 0.37 ± 0.06 SE), although there is some intermingling of genotypes. At the site (10’s m) and meadow location (km) scale, we found higher levels of genotypic diversity (R(sites) = 0.79 ± 0.04 SE; R(Locations) = 0.78 ± 0.04 SE). We found some sharing of genotypes between sites within meadows, but no sharing of genotypes between meadow locations. We also detected a high level of genetic structuring between meadow locations (FST = 0.278). Taken together, our results indicate that both sexual and asexual reproductions are important in maintaining meadows of Z. muelleri. The dominant mechanism of asexual reproduction appears to occur via localized rhizome extension, although the sharing of a limited number of genotypes over the scale of 10’s of meters could also result from the localized dispersal and recruitment of fragments. The large number of unique genotypes at the meadow scale indicates that sexual reproduction is important in maintaining these populations, while the high level of genetic structuring suggests little gene flow and connectivity between our study sites. These results imply that recovery from disturbances will occur through both sexual and asexual regeneration, but the limited connectivity at the landscape scale implies that recovery at meadow-scale losses is likely to be limited.


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Knowledge of diet is critical in interpreting the ecological roles of marine top predators and provides information towards their conservation and management. The Falkland Islands hold the largest number of breeding gentoo penguins. Yet knowledge of gentoo penguin diet at the Falklands is limited to either broad taxonomic divisions of prey items or dietary samples collected only on a single day. This study is the first to investigate gentoo penguin diet at Cow Bay, Falklands, to the species level, over repeated sampling intervals during the breeding period. Through stomach content analysis, we determined diet over a large temporal scale (2002/2003/2004–2011/2012/2013) and between the guard and crèche periods of chick rearing. The principle prey item by reconstituted mass was rock cod fish Patagonotothen spp., for all periods (47–78 %) except that of the 2012/2013 crèche period (19 %) when Falkland herring Sprattus fugensis made up the bulk of the diet (52 %). Of the cephalopods recovered, Patagonian squid Doryteuthis gahi was prominent (1–24 %), while crustaceans contributed negligibly to gentoo penguin diet. Our findings revealed that gentoo penguins breeding at the Falkland Islands were primarily demersal foragers with an ability for pelagic feeding. Diet choice appears to reflect prey availability.


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Explaining appears to dominate primary teachers’ understanding of mathematical reasoning when it is not confused with problem solving. Drawing on previous literature of mathematical reasoning, we generate a view of the critical aspects of reasoning that may assist primary teachers when designing and enacting tasks to elicit and develop mathematical reasoning. The task used in this study of children’s reasoning is a number commonality problem. We analysed written and verbal samples of reasoning gathered from children in grades 3 and 4 from three primary schools in Australia and one elementary school in Canada to map the variation in their reasoning. We found that comparing and contrasting was a critical aspect of forming conjectures when generalising in this context, an action not specified in frameworks for generalising in early algebra. The variance in children’s reasoning elicited through this task also illuminated the difference between explaining and justifying.


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Energy metabolism - the "fire of life" - is the sum of the processes by which animals acquire energy, channel energy into useful functions, and dissipate energy from their bodies. Acquisition and allocation processes deal with energy mainly as a quantity, but energy is absorbed or expended over a period of time; therefore, the most relevant way to conceptualize energy budgets is with the use of rate functions. A large number of recent studies have examined co-variation in metabolic and behavioral traits among individuals. A general finding stemming from this body of work is that there is no single cause-and-effect mechanism driving these relationships, but that the direction of the effects is dynamic and shifts in different contexts and environments. However, the remarkable energetic differences between endotherms and ectotherms are an unexploited basis for achieving a further understanding of such relationships.