41 resultados para causal proximity


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The Australian fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus is a temperate latitude species with a breeding distribution restricted to Bass Strait, Australia. Recent studies of the foraging behaviour of female Australian fur seals indicated that they feed demersally in the shallow continental shelf waters, a behaviour that is in contrast to the epipelagic foraging of females of most other arctocephaline (Southern Hemisphere fur seals) species and akin to that observed in sea lions. These studies, however, were conducted at one colony (Kanowna Island) located in central northern Bass Strait, and it was suggested that the observed foraging behaviour may have been due to the distance of this colony from the continental shelf edge (180 km), making it inefficient to forage beyond it. Here, the diet of lactating Australian fur seals was compared between 2 colonies to test if differing proximity to the continental shelf edge resulted in differences in foraging behaviour. The 2 breeding colonies studied, Kanowna Island and The Skerries, were 180 and 25 km from the nearest shelf edge, respectively. We analysed a total of 917 scat samples collected at the 2 colonies between 1997 and 2001. From faecal analysis, 45 primarily demersal on-shelf species of fishes and cephalopods were identified. Only 4 species had a frequency of occurrence greater than 10%: redbait Emmelichthys nitidus, jack mackerel Trachurus sp., red rock cod Pseudophycis bachus, and Gould’s squid Nototodarus gouldi. No seasonal, annual or spatial differences were found between the 2 colonies, indicating that proximity to the shelf edge does not influence diet.


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Disputes have become an inherent feature of the construction industry. A plethora of studies have been undertaken to identify the causes of disputes so as to determine the most appropriate prevention and resolution strategies. While it is widely known what the main causes of dispute are, they still remain prevalent in the Australian construction industry. This is because there is a need to better understand the complexity and interplay between causal variables. Using data derived from the
literature a conceptual causal model of construction disputes is developed. The model identifies the key causal variables and pathogens that can contribute to disputes.


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In this paper, we consider daily financial data of a collection of different stock market indices, exchange rates, and interest rates, and we analyze their multi-scaling properties by estimating a simple specification of the Markov-switching multifractal (MSM) model. In order to see how well the estimated model captures the temporal dependence of the data, we estimate and compare the scaling exponents H(q) (for q=1,2) for both empirical data and simulated data of the MSM model. In most cases the multifractal model appears to generate ‘apparent’ long memory in agreement with the empirical scaling laws.


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This thesis made outstanding contribution in automating the discovery of linear causal models. It introduced a highly efficient discovery algorithm, which implements new encoding, ensemble and accelerating strategies. Theoretic research and experimental work showed that this new discovery algorithm outperforms the previous system in both accuracy and efficiency.


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The central focus of the thesis is to make clear certain links the author perceives between the criminal temperament and the artistic temperament. Concentrates on a small selection of these artists and attempts to come to terms with their preoccupation with dark subject matter.


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This project was designed to ascertain the defining attributes of midlife that render it distinct from young and older adulthood. Based on the determined salient factors the Midlife Adjustment Scale was developed and the nature of midlife, that of a transitional period, was established. The scale was then used to assess the influence that perceived control and major life events have on one's adjustment during the middle years.


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The first article to report on a causal connection between tobacco industry promotion and adolescent smoking (Pierce et al. 1998) had, and continues to have, a significant influence on the marketing of cigarettes in many parts of the world. A key construct in determining causality was the ability to identify the respondents’ “susceptibility to smoke”. Through an analysis of the questions, and reanalysis of the original data used by Pierce et al. (1998), it is shown that the construct is flawed, and needs revision before a causal link can be claimed with the original data.


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Although organizational fit is strongly linked to important psychological outcomes such as motivation, satisfaction, turnover and performance, there is still a lot of confusion about definitions and conceptualizations of the construct. One reason for this is that fit researchers have almost exclusively conducted theory-driven nomothetic studies that have utilized varying approaches to the term. In this paper, we call for exploratory research that listens to how workers construct their own sense of fit and suggest that researchers should adopt idiographic data gathering techniques, coupled with nomothetic analysis tools, to do so. To enable this, we explain how fit researchers might use causal maps and thereby develop a stronger understanding of organizational fit that is grounded in how people conceive it.


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Background: Access to healthy food is often seen as a potentially important contributor to diet. Policy documents in many countries suggest that variations in access contribute to inequalities in diet and in health. Some studies, mostly in the USA, have found that proximity to food stores is associated with dietary patterns, body weight and socio-economic differences in diet and obesity, whilst others have found no such relationships. We aim to investigate whether proximity to food retail stores is associated with dietary patterns or Body Mass Index in Glasgow, a large city in the UK.
Methods: We mapped data from a ‘Health and Well-Being Survey’ (n = 991), and a list of food stores (n = 741) in Glasgow City, using ArcGIS, and undertook network analysis to find the distance from respondents’ home addresses to the nearest fruit and vegetable store, small general store, and supermarket.
Results: We found few statistically significant associations between proximity to food retail outlets and diet or obesity, for unadjusted or adjusted models, or when stratifying by gender, car ownership or employment.
Conclusions: The findings suggest that in urban settings in the UK the distribution of retail food stores may not be a major influence on diet and weight, possibly because most urban residents have reasonable access to food stores


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This paper presents a Minimal Causal Model Inducer that can be used for the reliable knowledge discovery. The minimal-model semantics of causal discovery is an essential concept for the identification of a best fitting model in the sense of satisfactory consistent with the given data and be the simpler, less expressive model. Consistency is one of major measures of reliability in knowledge discovery. Therefore to develop an algorithm being able to derive a minimal model is an interesting topic in the are of reliable knowledge discovery. various causal induction algorithms and tools developed so far can not guarantee that the derived model is minimal and consistent. It was proved the MML induction approach introduced by Wallace, Keven and Honghua Dai is a minimal causal model learner. In this paper, we further prove that the developed minimal causal model learner is reliable in the sense of satisfactory consistency. The experimental results obtained from the tests on a number of both artificial and real models provided in this paper confirm this theoretical result.