37 resultados para Virtus


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The growth of voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting reflects society's expectations for business to set higher ethical standards and to undertake business in a way that meets the profit imperative (the bottom line). Additionally, the community expects socially and environmentally responsible behaviour practices; the so-called triple bottom line approach. The paper briefly reviews the development of corporate social responsibility reporting from the perspective of two large Australian banks and attempts to understand their motivation for voluntary disclosure. Stakeholder theory and game theory provide a means to analyse why banks undertake CSR reporting. The paper compares Westpac and National Australia Bank's CSR reporting over the period 2004-2005 utilising external rating agencies and CSR reports to determine the extent of disclosure in relation to employees, environment, community and customers. The paper concludes with a discussion of the pros and cons of CSR, the role of regulation and recommendations for future policy direction.


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This study examines whether the structure of share ownership or firm's dividend and debt policies provide explanation for firm performances in Malaysia. Firm performance, measured as Tobin's Q is modelled in a dynamic panel framework to estimate effects of director ownership, family ownership, foreign ownership, and firm's dividend and debt policy. The generalised methods of moments (GMM) method is used to estimated the models for 80 CI components companies listed on Main Board of Malaysia observed from 1999 to 2002. The findings reveal strong evidence of positive impact of firm's dividend and debt policy on firm performance. However, ownership structure seems to be less important for market based performance of Malaysian firms: These results are expected to provide guidelines to the investors regarding the significance of firm dividend policy, leverage policy and market to book value ratio as some of the key sources of value creation for Malaysian listed firms.


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This paper addresses the presence of outside directors in family firms in India examining the generation of the firm and years of operation. Aspects of corporate leadership such as family member as CEO, as well as the CEO's role in a founding family firm, are considered in relation to financial performance. The findings show that outside directors do not significantly increase firm performance of family firms demonstrating their ineffective monitoring role. Contrary to studies from developed economies, more established family businesses in India outperform founding firms. Overall the study demonstrates that corporate governance issues related to Indian family firms differ from the findings from more developed economies. This finding has implications for further governance reforms in emerging economies.


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The heightened pace of corporate governance reforms has focused attention on country-specific
governance models. Considerable debate has ensured as to whether the outsider Anglo-Saxon system
or the insider Continental system is most applicable to India. This paper reports the results of a study
of Indian governance which used a primary qualitative approach of twelve interviews of key executives
of five large firms in 2008 as well as publicly available documents. A literature review establishes six
key characteristics that distinguish the two major systems. The governance characteristics of the
Indian firms are classified in terms of the two systems with a view to assessing the extent and nature of
hybridization. The findings endorse the hybrid corporate governance system of India, clearly
identifying similarities and differences to the two major governance models. In drawing on rich
interview data, the paper delves into the national characteristics of India that have influenced the
hybrid model such as stewardship, corporate social responsibility and partnerships between the
corporate and community sectors. The evolution of the governance practices and the rationale for their
existence are also examined. The paper demonstrates that the hybrid governance system has emanated
from country-specific culture including values and ideologies, and political orientation of socialism.
The scope of this study was limited to large listed companies and business groups. Future research
should use a larger and more diverse sample including private and unaffiliated firms for outcomes that
can be generalized.


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We examine the relation between managerial share ownership (MSO) and discretionary accruals in Australia. We find a positive relation between MSO and discretionary accruals up to a certain level of MSO followed by a negative relation (inverse U-shaped). We suggest that these unique results are a result of certain Australian institutional features that are markedly different to those in the US and the UK and imply that the ownership-discretionary accruals relation is context specific with the wider corporate governance systems influencing the theorised incentive effects. We also posit that executive directors and independent directors have different ownership-discretionary accruals incentives and report results consistent with this proposition.


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This study investigates the relationship between the corporate governance structure and performance of listed banks in Bangladesh. We find that board independence and board size have a significant positive impact on performance. However, female directors appear to have no impact on performance. Our evidence indicates that the extent of the managerial ownership level has a significant negative impact on bank performance. These results suggest that better corporate governance mechanisms are imperative for every banking company and should be encouraged for the interest of the investors and other stakeholders.


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As a consequence of the development of the Chinese economy, there has been an emergence of “new” stakeholder groups for the Chinese listed firms. New stakeholder groups include creditors, regulatory agencies, private investors, professional associations and environmentalists. With the use of secondary data, a review was undertaken to explore the emergence of these new stakeholder groups and discuss their influence over listed firms in China. The stakeholder typology developed by Mitchell et al (1997) is used to identify stakeholder attributes of each stakeholder group and assess their stakeholder power. The changes of stakeholder power over the years mirror China’s transition from a centrally planned economy to a more market oriented one.