37 resultados para Uruguayan cultural field


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This article traces the 'cultural turn' in UK educational policy through an analysis of the Creative Partnerships policy (New Labour's 'flagship programme in the cultural education field') and a consideration of an arts project funded under this initiative in one primary school. It argues that current educational policy foregrounds the economic importance of cultural activity and its contribution to the social inclusion agenda. However, 'creativity' is seen as being located outside mainstream school structures, in projects rather than in the National Curriculum, and in artists rather than in teachers. The emphasis is on enjoyment and inclusion rather than cultural or social critique, or significant curriculum change. The transformative potential of involvement in the arts is marginalised in favour of a relatively weak form of social inclusion.


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This theoretically innovative anthology investigates the problematic linkages between conserving cultural heritage, maintaining cultural diversity, defining and establishing cultural citizenship, and enforcing human rights.

It is the first publication to address the notions of cultural diversity, cultural heritage and human rights in one volume. Heritage provides the basis of humanity’s rich cultural diversity. While there is a considerable literature dealing separately with cultural diversity, cultural heritage and human rights, this book is distinctive and has contemporary relevance in focusing on the intersection between the three concepts. Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights establishes a fresh approach that will interest students and practitioners alike and on which future work in the heritage field might proceed.


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The global construction environment offers stakeholders a range of opportunities but is characterised by a high level of risks and uncertainty. Internationalisation is a relatively new field of research in the AEC sector and past research has largely focused on explaining the behaviour of the industry itself. To date there has been little research investigating the client's leadership role. Much effort has been placed on positioning clients towards overall industry performance improvement, however, with little emphasis on the client's capacity to undertake their role. Clients establish the decision-making environment through key early critical decisions including procurement strategy and team membership. To a large extent they establish a unique culture that project team members need to work within and make decisions, which is the social and cultural embedding of the economic activities on projects. This theoretical paper is positioned within a PhD study which undertakes a cultural political economy perspective to investigate the client's central role in setting the boundaries within which decisions affecting budgets, quality, design, project organisational structure and team membership throughout the project lifecycle come to be made. A conceptual model for client leadership on international projects is developed based upon two contextual indicators which seeks to describe and explain the economic decisions clients make, which are deeply embedded in social relationships, shared meanings and cultural norms and the associated power and influence clients have on the political economy of international design and construction practice. This paper also seeks to develop a research question for future empirical testing.


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The field of cultural development in local government is relatively new, with most councils only having dedicated staff or teams within the last ten to fifteen years. Challenges are associated with that newness in the areas of planning, goal setting and formal evaluation of achievements in relation to goals. How can the best decisions be made about what is needed? How can the outcomes of that work be evaluated? What should be measured and how? This paper explores these challenges and presents some solutions. Program Logic is introduced as a methodology for effective planning and evaluation of cultural development work in local government. The need for both performance and outcome evaluation of cultural development work is discussed, as are the levels of evaluation required; considering the contribution of individual workers, departments, whole of council and the overall community outcomes. Factors beyond the influence of local government, which impact the outcomes of arts initiatives, are also considered in arguing that more sophisticated evaluation processes are required.


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I examine in this paper deification and demonisation – the social attribution of absolute ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ to individuals or individual entities. Specifically, I unpack ways that evilness and goodness have become personified in the figure of the chief executive officer in contemporary, particularly US, business culture. Showing both the readily accessible and widely used nature of these religious tropes, I nevertheless argue that both deification and demonisation have ethically and politically disempowering effects for organisational members, the wider citizenry, and for critique within the field of business ethics.


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The article discusses an aspect of the first phase of the Kelabit Highlands Museum Development Project. Deakin University and the Rurum Kelabit Sarawak collaborated in a field school for post-graduate cultural heritage and museums studies students that was held in Bario in June 2012. The article provides details about the learning framework and research activities that were designed to facilitate exchange and cross-cultural learning between the students and local participants.


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This brief paper focuses on structural barriers that impact upon the processes of providing inclusive education programs, as well as on wider societal policies that have the potential to engender social marginalisation and cultural alienation among CALD youth.


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In 2011, the Innovation and Next Practice Division (INP) of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) conducted a field trial on intercultural understanding in partnership with a research and evaluation team from the University of Melbourne and La Trobe University. The field trial was sponsored by the Languages, English as another Language (EAL) and Multicultural Education Division of DEECD.

The primary research question guiding the field trial was:

1. What is the impact on student outcomes of teaching and learning practice for intercultural understanding?
2. The secondary research questions were:
3. What knowledge and skills do both learners and educators need for intercultural understanding?
4. How is effective practice identified and measured?
5. What intercultural understanding capabilities can be developed at each developmental stage of children and young people in different cultural contexts?

In order to explore these questions, schools across Victoria were initially nominated by International Division, the Multicultural Education Unit and by regional directors and INP based on three core criteria, which included school culture, capability and connections within the school and the wider community. Following an expression of interest process, 26 schools, including one independent school and two catholic schools were selected. Participation in the field trial included the following aims:

• to stimulate thinking about current school policy and practice around intercultural understanding and interaction (ICU)
• to trial projects that support the field trial’s primary research question 
• to evaluate innovative ‘next practice’ and consider its relevance for the education system
• to support the intercultural understanding general capability under consideration for inclusion in the Australian National Curriculum in 2013.

The field trial was implemented by DEECD INP from February 2011 to December 2011 over three stages.


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This research project provides a systematic and strcutured investigation into the issues associated with the emergent field of cross-cultural visual communication design. The results of the scoping research and the international cross-cultural design project offer clear guidance for designers through all stages of the communication process. 


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Over the past decade there have been constant reports of damage to significant cultural property in several complex (post-)conflict and (post-)revolutionary states. Recent events in Syria, Mali, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Afghanistan and Iraq – as devastating as they have been for people – have also had dramatic consequences for a number of important cultural heritage sites. Despite the severity of these events and global concern, the field of heritage studies has not developed a methodology for cataloguing such heritage destruction in a database. Addressing this paucity in the literature, this article details the methodology developed to produce the Iraq Cultural Property Destruction database, the world’s first database to document the destruction of cultural property in Iraq. This article also documents the calculation of the Heritage Destruction Index – a scale for measuring both the heritage ‘significance’ of a site and the overall level of destruction. Finally, this article also demonstrates the manifold uses of such a database in measuring and monitoring heritage destruction in Iraq. This study therefore sets a significant precedent in heritage studies by providing methods that can be applied to other contexts (past, present and future) to document the destruction of cultural property in complex contexts.


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Whilst countertransference is commonly experienced as feelings, thoughts, images, symbols and dreams endured by the therapist in relation to their client, somatic countertransference is positioned as embodied, physical manifestations in the therapist’s body. Common examples include headaches, nausea, aches, pains, sleepiness, sexual arousal, dizziness and trembling felt by the psychotherapist in session. Current interest in somatic countertransference spans the spectrum from the psychoanalytic, post-Jungian, dance movement and humanistic modalities to empirical studies originating from the trauma research field. Although the clinical literature emphasizes the therapeutic relevance and richness of somatic countertransference for understanding unconscious communications occurring in the session, trauma research advocates greater self-awareness and management of somatic countertransference to prevent therapist burnout. This article will outline the rationale and research process for proposing the first cross-cultural study of somatic countertransference. This study is suggested as a means to extend our understanding of, and ability to work with, somatic countertransference. Preliminary results from an initial study of Chinese psychotherapists will be discussed.


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In parallel with many nations’ education policies, national education policies in Australia seek to foster students’ intercultural understanding. Due to Australia’s location in the Asia-Pacific region, the Australian government has focused on students becoming “Asia literate” to support Australia’s economic and cultural engagement with Asian countries. Drawing on Allport’s optimal contact principles and key factors supporting intercultural understanding, this study examines two “sister school” cultural immersion trips in Indonesia and East Timor to explore ways in which their different approaches supported positive intergroup contact and helped foster intercultural understanding among students. Focus groups and interviews with school project teams and analysis of both researcher and teacher project field notes and documents suggested that these schools’ programmes could be mapped onto Allport’s contact principles in different ways. The paper concludes with promising approaches that can help to inform sister school programmes.


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Cultural competency is a recognized and popular approach to improving the provision of health care to racial/ethnic minority groups in the community with the aim of reducing racial/ethnic health disparities. The aim of this systematic review of reviews is to gather and synthesize existing reviews of studies in the field to form a comprehensive understanding of the current evidence base that can guide future interventions and research in the area.


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The objective of this paper is to develop and describe a construct of the ethos of the corporate codes of ethics (i.e. an ECCE construct) across three countries, namely Australia, Canada and Sweden. The introduced construct is rather unique as it is based on a cross-cultural sample seldom seen in the literature. While the outcome of statistical analyses indicated a satisfactory factor solution and acceptable estimates of reliability measures, some research limitations have been stressed. They provide a foundation for further research in the field and testing of the ECCE construct in other cultural and corporate settings. We believe that the ECCE construct makes a contribution to theory and practice in the field as it outlines a theoretical construct for the benefit of other researchers. It is also of managerial interest as it provides a grounded framework of areas to be considered in the implementation in organizations of corporate codes of ethics.


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Organisational culture is a complex and heavily contested concept. Not only is it difficult to define what organisational culture is, but it is also very difficult to analyse how it guides and constrains behaviour, and whether and how organisational cultures change. The central argument of this article is that organisational networks can effect cultural change and that the terms ‘structural’ and ‘relational’, which are commonly used to conceptualise the properties of networks, may also provide a useful conceptual framework for understanding cultural change. While there has been some attention directed to the effects of organisational culture for networks, there has been very little attention placed on the potential for networks to shape organisational culture. Based on a detailed qualitative study of networks in the field of ‘high’ policing in Australia, the article draws on interviews with senior members of police and security agencies to explore organisational culture and cultural change. The article puts forward a network perspective on cultural change and aims to advance our knowledge of how security nodes can experience cultural change as they work together in and through networks.