44 resultados para Thirteenth Century


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The Tonic Sol-fa method of teaching singing was developed in England by John Curwen over a period of forty years from the 1840s until the 1870s. Although originally an aid to reading staff notation, the J 872 Standard Course saw staff notation dispensed with altogether in favour of its own notational system. By the end of the century it had spread from Britain to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, the United States, India, China, Japan and the Pacific Islands. However, largely due to its notational isolation, Tonic Sol-fa declined markedly during the early twentieth century. Except for the incorporation of certain aspects into the Kodaly method, it has largely disappeared from contemporary music teaching practice. Surprisingly, however, Tonic Sol-fa in its nineteenth century form is presently "alive and well" in certain developing countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. This paper will present an analysis of Tonic Sol-fa and evaluate its characteristics in terms of contemporary pedagogical and notational theory. The paper will then report on the current use of Tonic Sol-fa in developing countries and it will be argued that, in certain of these countries, this nineteenth century teaching method and notational system has not only survived but has indeed flourished. It will be argued that, in at least one case, Tonic Sol-fa has been "indiginised" so that it has not only become an integral part of the musical culture but also has become part of the social fabric of the country. The case will be put for a revival of Tonic Sol-fa in developing countries where, for social, economic and educational reasons, an alternative model to that utilised in more highly developed countries may be more successful/ in promoting school and community choral music.


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In a corporate environment that is changing at warp speed, performing consistently at high levels is more difficult and more necessary than ever. Narrow interventions simply aren't sufficient anymore. Companies can't afford to address their employees' cognitive capacities while ignoring their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. On the playing field or in the boardroom, high performance depends on how much people renew and recover energy as on how they expend it, on how they manage their lives as much as on how they manage their work. When people feel strong and resilient - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - they perform better, with more passion, for longer. They win, their families win, and the corporations that employ them win. (Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz (2001) The Making of a Corporate Athlete, p.128)


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The Tonic Sol-fa method of teaching choral singing and its system of music notation was developed in England by John Curwen and propagated throughout the British Isles as a means of both enhancing Christian worship and achieving social reform. Tonic Sol-fa may be identified as an entirely foreign musical practice introduced to indigenous people in many British colonies and in other overseas countries during the nineteenth century as an instrument of Christian evangelism as well as of European cultural imposition. Nevertheless, indigenous communities were introduced to other aspects of European musical culture including a choral repertoire consisting of four-part hymnody and masterworks by Handel, Bach, Mozart, etc which sometimes resulted in the emergence of a school of indigenous composers writing in Tonic Sol-fa notation and using the tonal harmonic style. The result has been that in several countries-such as South Africa and Fiji for example-Tonic Sol-fa has been so fully assimilated into the ethnic culture that it has been "indigenized" and may now be said to represent a significant exogenous aspect of the musical culture in these countries.

Tonic Sol-fa was most commonly introduced to countries in the Asia-Pacific Region -as in Africa - by Christian missionaries who sought to exploit the attraction of hymns, particularly when sung in four-part harmony, as a means of evangelizing indigenous people who frequently regarded this aspect of missionary activity as a form of "magic". In particular, the Tonic Sol-fa method and notation gained a significant foothold in what were referred to as the South Sea Islands--especially in Fiji where today, the Fijian Hymn Book (1985 edition) is notated exclusively in Tonic Sol-fa. The vast majority of the Fijians are literate in Tonic Sol-fa notation and congregational singing in four parts is the norm in Fijian churches.

This paper will draw on data from nineteenth century journal sources, particularly The Tonic Sol-fa Reporter (1853-1888) and The Musical Herald (1889-1920), and will document the introduction and dissemination of Tonic Sol-fa in several Asia-Pacific countries where, unlike Australia and New Zealand, the indigenous population has maintained its own cultural and demographic predominance. Countries to be considered will include India, China (including Hong Kong), and Pacific Island nations. There will also be a consideration of the contemporary usage and applications of Tonic Sol-fa in the region, with specific reference to Fiji. It will be argued that countries where Tonic Sol-fa notation has become the norm should resist any external pressure to transfer to the standard staff notation merely for the sake of conformity. In the case of Fiji, almost universal music literacy has been achieved through Tonic Sol-fa and this should be recognized as an enviable social and cultural asset.


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Organised amateur sports emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century. This paper, an exercise in historical sociology, analyses how a new system of sports training was devised by the amateurs to meet their particular needs. The data comes from contemporary British training manuals and the analysis is informed by the theories of Bourdieu and Foucault. That amateurs came from the higher social classes was highly
significant: it meant that they could not adopt existing training practices because these were associated with plebeian professional athletes. For amateurs to have followed the preparation of the professionals would have placed their bodies under the control of a social inferior and promoted a somatic shape more in keeping with the lower than with
the higher social orders. Mirroring the social distance between them, amateurs came to stridently reject professional training practices. Instead, they devised new training techniques which were justified through recourse to contemporary bio-medical knowledge. It is argued that amateur training originated for social reasons, with the proponents’ class positions and social capital facilitating the evocation of scientific knowledge as a legitimating ideology.


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Downsizing and organisational restructuring have impacted both the role and the number of middle managers in organisations. .This paper provides a review of recent research on middle management to seek an understanding of the current situation for middle managers as they face the start of the 2rt century. The literature review is presented in two parts - focusing on the position of middle managers as they emerge from downsizing, and drawing attention to the special circumstances for managers "in the middle". The research points to some of the challenges middle managers' experience as they work, live, and survive organisational life, as well as highlighting the need for ongoing investigation of their individual experiences.


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Purpose – Sir George Simpson, the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) from 1821 to his death in 1860, was the subject of numerous biographical works that described various facets of the man including his managerial abilities, literary prowess, physical stamina, abundant energy, extensive art collection and ethnological specimens. Two related aspects of his outstanding management style have been overlooked: the genesis of his management style and where it can be placed in the evolution of management practices during the 19th century.

Design/methodology/approach – Primary data from the Hudson's Bay Company archives plus secondary sources.

Findings – Simpson's management abilities came from his grammar school education and his apprenticeship to a counting house. More importantly, it can be attributed to his association with his mentor Andrew Wedderburn, his dedication to the HBC, and his high level of physical and intellectual energy. His information intensive management style was also a significant precursor to systematic management, which occurred later in the 19th century.

Research limitations/implications – Future research should examine other examples of the evolution of management during the 19th century, particularly the transition from sub-unit accountability to systematic management.

Originality/value – The paper emphasizes the importance of managers in making management systems work.


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This article is based on recent Ph.D research. The practices for appointing Vice Chancellors (VC's) in Australian Universities were examined, together with the changing role of the VC and new demographic patterns in VC backgrounds. A number of other issues were also examined, including the training and preparation of VC's, mentoring and the changing skill base required to be effective in the role. In addition, the paradox was investigated of appointing academics from the ranks of individuals with non-business backgrounds, to run large enterprises which are being compelled to adopt an increasingly business-oriented focus. The methodology employed involved the use of a survey instrument administered to present and former VC's, Chancellors and members of selection panels, supplemented by interviews. Representatives of the Australian Vice Chancellors Committee (AVCC) and consultants operating in the academic field were also interviewed. In addition, extensive use was made of public domain material. The research was mainly qualitative in nature. However, use was also made of descriptive statistics to provide an insight into how higher education in Australia is changing and to analyse survey findings. Some key results of the research are reported, including the importance of informal processes such as networking in the selection of VC's, the key role played by Chancellors, and the continued practice of appointing VC's from within academia rather than the private sector. This is in spite of evidence that the role of the VC has changed to one of strategic planner and business manager rather than the more traditional role, in the context of a rapidly changing external environment. Suggestions are also made for ongoing research in the area.