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Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is associated with hyperhomocysteinaemia and the antiphospholipid syndrome—disorders known to contribute to both arterial and venous thrombosis. In both of these conditions and RVO, platelet activation occurs. Aspirin, not warfarin, is the most effective antithrombotic agent in RVO and, taken together, these observations suggest an important role for platelets in this common ocular thrombotic condition. Platelet glycoprotein Ia/IIa (GpIa/IIa) is an adhesion molecule mediating platelet–collagen interactions and is key to the initiation of thrombosis. Recently, the cellular density of this molecule was shown to be determined by two silent, linked polymorphisms (C807T/G873A) within the GpIa/IIa gene. There is evidence that some of the resulting genotypes are associated with thrombo-embolic disease. This study therefore aimed to establish the prevalence of the GpIa/IIa polymorphisms and the three commonest hereditary thrombophilic disorders (prothrombin gene G20210A (PT) mutation, Factor V Leiden (FVL), and the thermolabile methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase C677T (MTHFR) mutation) in patients with RVO and normal controls. The GpIa/IIa polymorphisms and thrombophilic abnormalities were all identified using the polymerase chain reaction.

Our results show that the frequency of the GpIa/IIa polymorphisms was similar in our normal control population to previously published series. Patients with RVO, however, had only a 10% (4/40) frequency of the lowest risk subtype (CC/GG) compared to 37.5% (15/40) in the control group—P 0.0039. The incidence of the PT, FVL, and MTHFR thrombophilic mutations was not different between the two groups, but interestingly none of the 7/40 RVO cases with a PT, FVL, or MTHFR mutation had the low-risk GpIa/IIa genotype while all but one of the controls did—P<0.05. Thus, 17.5% of RVO patients harboured more than one prothrombotic abnormality. The principal difference between the RVO and control group was the very high incidence of the intermediate-risk GpIa/IIa subtype (CT/GA)—82.5 vs 50%, P<0.05.

These results suggest a major role for GpIa/IIa polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of RVO.


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Background – Epidemiological studies have shown low folate status is associated with colorectal cancer. Colonic tissue folate levels at different stages of cancer development should give important information, but different methodologies to extract the colonic tissue folates have been used. This has hampered progress in defining the relationship between systemic and tissue folate levels.
Objective – To evaluate two methods of colonic tissue preparation for estimation of total folate content.
Design – Whole tissue punch biopsy samples were obtained from the descending colon of 31individuals following a normal colonoscopy. Blood samples were obtained for the determination of plasma homocysteine (Hcy), red cell folate (RCF), methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677C>T genotype, and serum vitamin B12 and folate. Colonic tissue folate was measured both in washed whole tissue biopsies and in epithelial cells isolated from tissue biopsies.
Outcomes - Whole biopsy and epithelial cell folate concentrations were significantly correlated (R=.375; P=.038). Hcy was inversely correlated with both measures (R=-.365; P=.043 and R=-.364; P=.044 respectively). RCF was significantly correlated with isolated epithelial cell folate (R=.477; P=.007) but not with whole tissue biopsy folate (R=.264; P=.151). There were no significant associations between serum and colonic folate in this study.
Conclusion - Both methods are useful for comparing systemic and localised tissue folate status but epithelial cells may provide more reliable data.


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Chemoprevention by dietary constituents in the form of functional food has emerged as a novel approach to control inflammatory diseases and cancers. Recently we reported for the first time that iron content is a critical determinant in the anti-tumour activity of bovine milk lactoferrin (bLf). We therefore wanted to evaluate the chemo-preventative efficacy of Apo-bLF and 100% iron-saturated bLF (Fe-bLF) on hydrogen peroxide (H2O 2)-induced colon carcinogenesis, and their influence on antioxidant enzyme activities within colon carcinogenesis. This was undertaken through observing how oxidative stress induced by H2O2 alters antioxidant enzyme activity within HT29 colon cancer cells, and then observing changes in this activity by treatments with the different antioxidants ascorbic acid (AA), Apo-bLF and Fe-bLF. All antioxidant enzymes (catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-s-transferase (GsT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD)) appeared to be increased within HT29 cells, even prior to H2O2 exposure, and all enzymes showed significant decreased activity when cells were treated with the antioxidants AA, Apo-bLF or Fe-bLF, with or without H2O2 exposure. The results indicate that all three antioxidants have the ability to scavenge ROS, lower antioxidant enzyme activities within already excited states, and possibly allow colon cancer cells to be overcome by oxidative stress that would normally be prevented, perhaps leading to damage and potential apoptosis of the cancer cells. In conclusion, the anti-oxidative effects of Apo-bLF and Fe-bLf studied for the first time, show dynamic changes that may allow for necessary protection from imbalanced oxidative conditions, and potential at reducing the ability of cancer cells to protect themselves from oxidative stress states.


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Background Recent data suggest that 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) decrease fracture risk and increase bone mineral density (BMD).

Methods This cross-sectional study is set in southeastern Australia. We evaluated the association between statin use, fracture risk, and BMD in 1375 women (573 with incident fractures and 802 without incident fracture, all drawn from the same community). Fractures were identified radiologically. Medication use and lifestyle factors were documented by questionnaire.

Results Unadjusted odds ratio for fracture associated with statin use was 0.40 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.23-0.71). Adjusting for BMD at the femoral neck, spine, and whole body increased the odds ratio to 0.45 (95% CI, 0.25-0.80), 0.42 (95% CI, 0.24-0.75), and 0.43 (95% CI, 0.24-0.78), respectively. Adjusting for age, weight, concurrent medications, and lifestyle factors had no substantial effect on the odds ratio for fracture. Statin use was associated with a 3% greater adjusted BMD at the femoral neck (P = .08), and BMD tended to be greater at the spine and whole body but did not achieve statistical significance.

Conclusion The substantial 60% reduction in fracture risk associated with statin use is greater than would be expected from increases in BMD alone.


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Cancer and many chronic inflammatory diseases are associated with increased amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The potential cellular and tissue damage created by ROS has significant impact on many disease and cancer states and natural therapeutics are becoming essential in regulating altered redox states. We have shown recently that iron content is a critical determinant in the antitumour activity of bovine milk lactoferrin (bLF). We found that 100% iron-saturated bLF (Fe-bLF) acts as a potent natural adjuvant and fortifying agent for augmenting cancer chemotherapy and thus has a broad utility in the treatment of cancer. Furthermore, we also studied the effects of iron saturated bLF's ability as an antioxidant in the human epithelial colon cancer cell line HT29, giving insights into the potential of bLF in its different states. Thus, metal saturated bLF could be implemented as anti-cancer neutraceutical. In this regard, we have recently been able to prepare a selenium (Se) saturated form of bLF, being up to 98% saturated. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine how oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) alters antioxidant enzyme activity within HT29 epithelial colon cancer cells, and observe changes in this activity by treatments with different antioxidants ascorbic acid (AA), Apo (iron free)-bLF and selenium (Se)-bLF. The states of all antioxidant enzymes (glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-s-transferase (GsT), catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD)) demonstrated high levels within untreated HT29 cells compared to the majority of other treatments being used, even prior to H2O2 exposure. All enzymes showed significant alterations in activity when cells were treated with antioxidants AA, Apo-bLF or Se-bLF, with and/or without H2O2 exposure. Obvious indications that the Se content of the bLF potentially interacted with the glutathione (GSH)/GPx/GR/GsT associated redox system could be observed immediately, showing capability of Se-bLF being highly beneficial in helping to maintain a balance between the oxidant/antioxidant systems within cells and tissues, especially in selenium deficient systems. In conclusion, the antioxidative defence activity of Se-bLf, investigated in this study for the first time, shows dynamic adaptations that may allow for essential protection from the imbalanced oxidative conditions. Because of its lack of toxicity and the availability of both selenium and bLF in whole milk, Se-bLF offers a promise for a prospective natural dietary supplement, in addition to being an immune system enhancement, or a potential chemopreventive agent for cancers.


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Cardiac ischemia reperfusion leads to oxidative stress and poor physiological recovery. Selenium deficiency down-regulates thioredoxin reductase (Txnrd) and glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) activity, impairing recovery from ischemia-reperfusion. Furthermore, selenium supplementation has been shown to be cardioprotective and lessens oxidative stress in reperfused rat hearts. In this study we have investigated the role of selenium in the mRNA expression of these, and related antioxidant proteins, post ischemia-reperfusion. Male rats were fed varying doses of selenium for five weeks. Hearts were isolated and perfused using the Langendorff method with 22.5 min of global ischemia and 45 min reperfusion. RNA was extracted for quantitative real-time PCR analysis of glutathione peroxidase (Gpx)-1 and 4, glutathione reductase (Gsr), thioredoxin peroxidase-2 (Prdx2), thioredoxin (Txn) and thioredoxin reductase (Txnrd)-1 and 2 gene expression. Selenium deficiency produced significant reductions in Gpx-1, Gpx-4, Prdx2, Txnrd-1 and Txnrd-2 expression. Conversely, selenium supplementation of 1000 μg/kg significantly up-regulated Gpx-1, Gpx-4, Txn, Txnrd-1 and Txnrd-2 transcription. Our results show selenium modulates the cardiac mRNA expression of thioredoxin and glutathione related enzymes post ischemia-reperfusion, and impacts on tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion.


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1. Auranofin, an antirheumatic gold compound, is an inhibitor of selenocysteine enzymes, such as thioredoxin reductase and glutathione peroxidase. These enzymes play an important role in protecting cardiac tissue from oxidative stress generated during ischaemia–reperfusion.

Auranofin (100 mg/kg) was administered to rats and their hearts were subjected to an in vitro model of ischaemia–reperfusion. The activity of thioredoxin reductase and glutathione peroxidase was determined in liver and heart tissues in an attempt to correlate enzymatic activity with heart recovery after ischaemia–reperfusion.

 There was significantly less thioredoxin reductase activity in rat liver extracts, whereas the level of glutathione activity remained unchanged, demonstrating that the dose of auranofin used was able to selectively inhibit one of these enzyme systems. Rats administered auranofin displayed significantly impaired recovery from ischaemic insult. The end diastolic pressure was increased, whereas the rate pressure product was significantly decreased.

 The level of postischaemic apoptosis was also assessed by examining caspase-3 activity in tissue homogenates. Auranofin significantly increased the degree of postischaemic apoptosis, leading to poor postischaemic recovery.


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Coronary heart disease (CHD) remains the greatest killer in the Western world, and although the death rate from CHD has been falling, the current increased prevalence of major risk factors including obesity and diabetes, suggests it is likely that CHD incidence will increase over the next 20 years. In conjunction with preventive strategies, major advances in the treatment of acute coronary syndromes and myocardial infarction have occurred over the past 20 years. In particular the ability to rapidly restore blood flow to the myocardium during heart attack, using interventional cardiologic or thrombolytic approaches has been a major step forward. Nevertheless, while 'reperfusion' is a major therapeutic aim, the process of ischemia followed by reperfusion is often followed by the activation of an injurious cascade. While the pathogenesis of ischemia-reperfusion is not completely understood, there is considerable evidence implicating reactive oxygen species (ROS) as an initial cause of the injury.

ROS formed during oxidative stress can initiate lipid peroxidation, oxidize proteins to inactive states and cause DNA strand breaks, all potentially damaging to normal cellular function. ROS have been shown to be generated following routine clinical procedures such as coronary bypass surgery and thrombolysis, due to the unavoidable episode of ischemia-reperfusion. Furthermore, they have been associated with poor cardiac recovery post-ischemia, with recent studies supporting a role for them in infarction, necrosis, apoptosis, arrhythmogenesis and endothelial dysfunction following ischemia-reperfusion. In normal physiological condition, ROS production is usually homeostatically controlled by endogenous free radical scavengers such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and the glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase systems. Accordingly, targeting the generation of ROS with various antioxidants has been shown to reduce injury following oxidative stress, and improve recovery from ischemia-reperfusion injury.

This review summarises the role of myocardial antioxidant enzymes in ischemia-reperfusion injury, particularly the glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and the thioredoxin reductase (TxnRed) systems. GPX and TxnRed are selenocysteine dependent enzymes, and their activity is known to be dependent upon an adequate supply of dietary selenium. Moreover, various studies suggest that the supply of selenium as a cofactor also regulates gene expression of these selenoproteins. As such, dietary selenium supplementation may provide a safe and convenient method for increasing antioxidant protection in aged individuals, particularly those at risk of ischemic heart disease, or in those undergoing clinical procedures involving transient periods of myocardial hypoxia.


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Cardiac surgery often generates oxidative stress leading to ischemia reperfusion injury (I-R). Antioxidants have been shown to prevent this injury and have been added to cardioplegic solutions to assist in recovery. In this study, we tested the effectiveness of sodium selenite in protecting against ischemia reperfusion injury and investigated the mechanisms behind this protection. Hearts from male Wistar rats were subjected to ischemia reperfusion using the Langendorf model. Krebs-Henseleit perfusion solutions were supplemented with 0,0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 10μM sodium selenite. Hearts were perfused for 30 min and then subjected to 22.5 min of global ischemia followed by 45 min reperfusion. Heart rate, ischemic contracture, end diastolic pressure, and developed ventricular pressure were monitored. At the completion of the experiment, hearts were homogenized and tissue extracts were assayed for glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and thioredoxin reductase (Thx-Red) activity. Sodium selenite, at a concentration of 0.5 μM, demonstrated a protective effect on the recovery of cardiac function following I-R, as evidenced by a lower end diastolic pressure and enhanced recovery of rate pressure product. There was no beneficial effect observed in hearts perfused with 0.1 μM sodium selenite-supplemented buffer, whereas poorer functional recovery was observed in hearts perfused with 10 μM sodium selenite-supplemented buffer. The beneficial effect of sodium selenite was not mediated through increased activity of GSH-Px or Thx-Red. This study demonstrates that the addition of sodium selenite to reperfusion solutions, at an optimal concentration of 0.5 μM, assists in cardiac recovery following ischemia reperfusion.


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Lovastatin is a potent hypercholesterolemic drug used for lowering blood cholesterol. It acts by competitively inhibiting the enzyme, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. It is produced by a variety of filamentous fungi including Penicillium species, Monascus ruber and Aspergillus terreus as a secondary metabolite. Production of lovastatin by biotechnology decreases the production cost compared to costs of chemical synthesis. In recent years, lovastatin has also been reported as a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of various types of tumors and also play a tremendous role in the regulation of the inflammatory and immune response, coagulation process, bone turnover, neovascularization, vascular tone, and arterial pressure. This review focus on the structure, biosynthesis, biotechnological production and biomedical applications of lovastatin.


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The closely related pathogenic Neisseria species N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae are able to respire in the absence of oxygen, using nitrite as an alternative electron acceptor. aniA (copper-containing nitrite reductase) is tightly regulated by four transcriptional regulators: FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase), NarP, FUR (Ferric uptake regulator) and NsrR. The four regulators control expression of aniA in N. meningitidis by binding to specific and distinct regions of the promoter. We show in the present study that FUR and NarP are both required for the induction of expression of aniA in N. meningitidis, and that they bind adjacent to one another in a non-co-operative manner. Activation via FUR/NarP is dependent on their topological arrangement relative to the RNA polymerase-binding site. Analysis of the sequence of the aniA promoters from multiple N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae strains indicates that there are species-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms, in regions predicted to be important for regulator binding. These sequence differences alter both the in vitro DNA binding and the promoter activation in intact cells by key activators FNR (oxygen sensor) and NarP (which is activated by nitrite in N. meningitidis). The weak relative binding of FNR to the N. gonorrhoeae aniA promoter (compared to N. meningitidis) is compensated for by a higher affinity of the gonococcal aniA promoter for NarP. Despite containing nearly identical genes for catalysing and regulating denitrification, variations in the promoter for the aniA gene appear to have been selected to enable the two pathogens to tune differentially their responses to environmental variables during the aerobic–anaerobic switch.


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We have analyzed the extent of regulation by the nitric oxide (NO)-sensitive repressor NsrR from Neisseria meningitidis MC58, using microarray analysis. Target genes that appeared to be regulated by NsrR, based on a comparison between an nsrR mutant and a wild-type strain, were further investigated by quantitative real-time PCR, revealing a very compact set of genes, as follows: norB (encoding NO reductase), dnrN (encoding a protein putatively involved in the repair of nitrosative damage to iron-sulfur clusters), aniA (encoding nitrite reductase), nirV (a putative nitrite reductase assembly protein), and mobA (a gene associated with molybdenum metabolism in other species but with a frame shift in N. meningitidis). In all cases, NsrR acts as a repressor. The NO protection systems norB and dnrN are regulated by NO in an NsrR-dependent manner, whereas the NO protection system cytochrome c′ (encoded by cycP) is not controlled by NO or NsrR, indicating that N. meningitidis expresses both constitutive and inducible NO protection systems. In addition, we present evidence to show that the anaerobic response regulator FNR is also sensitive to NO but less so than NsrR, resulting in complex regulation of promoters such as aniA, which is controlled by both FNR and NsrR: aniA was found to be maximally induced by intermediate NO concentrations, consistent with a regulatory system that allows expression during denitrification (in which NO accumulates) but is down-regulated as NO approaches toxic concentrations.


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The human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis is capable of growth using the denitrification of nitrite to nitrous oxide under microaerobic conditions. This process is catalyzed by two reductases: nitrite reductase (encoded by aniA) and nitric oxide (NO) reductase (encoded by norB). Here, we show that in N. meningitidis MC58 norB is regulated by nitric oxide via the product of gene NMB0437 which encodes NsrR. NsrR is a repressor in the absence of NO, but norB expression is derepressed by NO in an NsrR-dependent manner. nsrR-deficient mutants grow by denitrification more rapidly than wild-type N. meningitidis, and this is coincident with the upregulation of both NO reductase and nitrite reductase even under aerobic conditions in the absence of nitrite or NO. The NsrR-dependent repression of aniA (unlike that of norB) is not lifted in the presence of NO. The role of NsrR in the control of expression of aniA is linked to the function of the anaerobic activator protein FNR: analysis of nsrR and fnr single and nsrR fnr double mutants carrying an aniA promoter lacZ fusion indicates that the role of NsrR is to prevent FNR-dependent aniA expression under aerobic conditions, indicating that FNR in N. meningitidis retains considerable activity aerobically.


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As a transcriptional coactivator, PGC-1α contributes to the regulation of a broad range of metabolic processes in skeletal muscle health and disease; however, there is limited information about the genes it transcriptionally regulates. To identify new potential gene targets of PGC-1α regulation, mouse C2C12 myotubes were screened by microarray analysis following PGC-1α overexpression. Genes with an mRNA expression of 2.5-fold or more (P < 0.001) were identified. From these, further genes were singled out if they had no previous connection to PGC-1α regulation or characterization in skeletal muscle, or were unannotated with no known function. Following confirmation of their regulation by PGC-1α using qPCR analysis, eight genes were focused on for further investigation (Akr1b10, Rmnd1, 1110008P14Rik, 1700021F05Rik, Mtfp1, Mrm1, Oxnad1 and Cluh). Bioinformatics indicated a number of the genes were linked to a range of metabolic-related functions including fatty acid oxidation, oxido-reductase activity, and mitochondrial remodeling and transport. Treating C2C12 myotubes for 6 h with AICAR, a known activator of AMP kinase and inducer of Pgc-1α gene expression, increased the mRNA levels of both Pgc-1α (P < 0.001) and of Mtfp1, Mrm1, Oxnad1 and Cluh (P < 0.05). Screening of the promoter and intron 1 regions also revealed all genes to contain either a consensus or near consensus response elements for the estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα), a key transcription factor-binding partner of PGC-1α in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, knockdown of endogenous ERRα levels partially or completely blocked the induction of gene expression of all genes by PGC-1α, while each gene was significantly upregulated in the presence of a constitutively active form of ERRα (P < 0.05) except for Akr1b10. These findings provide preliminary evidence for the novel regulation of these genes by PGC-1α and its signaling pathway in skeletal muscle.