28 resultados para T cell cross-reactivity


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Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a complex metabolic disease associated with obesity, insulin resistance and hypoinsulinemia due to pancreatic β-cell dysfunction. Reduced mitochondrial function is thought to be central to β-cell dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced insulin secretion are also observed in β-cells of humans with the most common human genetic disorder, Down syndrome (DS, Trisomy 21). To identify regions of chromosome 21 that may be associated with perturbed glucose homeostasis we profiled the glycaemic status of different DS mouse models. The Ts65Dn and Dp16 DS mouse lines were hyperglycemic, while Tc1 and Ts1Rhr mice were not, providing us with a region of chromosome 21 containing genes that cause hyperglycemia. We then examined whether any of these genes were upregulated in a set of ~5,000 gene expression changes we had identified in a large gene expression analysis of human T2D β-cells. This approach produced a single gene, RCAN1, as a candidate gene linking hyperglycemia and functional changes in T2D β-cells. Further investigations demonstrated that RCAN1 methylation is reduced in human T2D islets at multiple sites, correlating with increased expression. RCAN1 protein expression was also increased in db/db mouse islets and in human and mouse islets exposed to high glucose. Mice overexpressing RCAN1 had reduced in vivo glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and their β-cells displayed mitochondrial dysfunction including hyperpolarised membrane potential, reduced oxidative phosphorylation and low ATP production. This lack of β-cell ATP had functional consequences by negatively affecting both glucose-stimulated membrane depolarisation and ATP-dependent insulin granule exocytosis. Thus, from amongst the myriad of gene expression changes occurring in T2D β-cells where we had little knowledge of which changes cause β-cell dysfunction, we applied a trisomy 21 screening approach which linked RCAN1 to β-cell mitochondrial dysfunction in T2D.


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The present letter concerns anti-cancer natural products inducing cross-talk between apoptosis and autophagy mutual proteins to regulate cancer cell death for future cancer green therapeutic approaches. The course of cancer advancement has always been attributed to the defectiveness in cell death mechanisms (Du et al., 2013; Hematulin et al., 2014). These defects act as a shield in protecting tumor cells from drugs and therapies, all at the same time, maintaining a longer life span and prompting their dispersion procedures. Autophagy and apoptosis safeguards cells from cellular damages and maintains proliferation and homeostasis by deporting outgrowth and controlling differentiation of pernicious cells. The autophagic proteins are conventionally found in hindering apoptosis whereas vice versa accounts had been reported for apoptotic-intermediates in preventing autophagic responses.


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Chlamydiae are important pathogens of humans, birds and a wide range of animals. They are a unique group of bacteria, characterized by their developmental cycle. Chlamydia has been difficult to study because of their obligate intracellular growth habit and lack of a genetic transformation system. However, the past 5 years has seen the full genome sequencing of seven strains of Chlamydia and a rapid expansion of genomic, transcriptomic (RT-PCR, microarray) and proteomic analysis of these pathogens. The Chlamydia Interactive Database (CIDB) described here is the first database of its type that holds genomic, RT-PCR, microarray and proteomics data sets that can be cross-queried by researchers for patterns in the data. Combining the data of many research groups into a single database and cross-querying from different perspectives should enhance our understanding of the complex cell biology of these pathogens. The database is available at: http://www3.it.deakin.edu.au:8080/CIDB/.


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Objective To evaluate responses to self-administered brief questions regarding consumption of vegetables and fruit by comparison with blood levels of serum carotenoids and red-cell folate.

Design A cross-sectional study in which participants reported their usual intake of fruit and vegetables in servings per day, and serum levels of five carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and lycopene) and red-cell folate were measured. Serum carotenoid levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, and red-cell folate by an automated immunoassay system.

Settings and subjects Between October and December 2000, a sample of 1598 adults aged 25 years and over, from six randomly selected urban centres in Queensland, Australia, were examined as part of a national study conducted to determine the prevalence of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risk factors.

Results Statistically significant (P<0.01) associations with vegetable and fruit intake (categorised into groups: ≤1 serving, 2–3 servings and ≥4 servings per day) were observed for α-carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and red-cell folate. The mean level of these carotenoids and of red-cell folate increased with increasing frequency of reported servings of vegetables and fruit, both before and after adjusting for potential confounding factors. A significant association with lycopene was observed only for vegetable intake before adjusting for confounders.

Conclusions These data indicate that brief questions may be a simple and valuable tool for monitoring vegetable and fruit intake in this population.


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Hev b 6.01 is a major allergen of natural rubber latex with sensitization of 70–86% of latex glove-allergic subjects. Recently, we mapped the immunodominant T cell sites of Hev b 6.01 to the highly IgE-reactive hevein (Hev b 6.02) domain. Hev b 6.01 contains 14 cysteine residues with multiple disulphide bridges stabilizing tertiary conformation. With the goal of a standardized specific immunotherapy we developed hypoallergenic Hev b 6.01 mutants by site-directed mutagenesis of selected cysteine residues (3, 12, 17, and 41) within the Hev b 6.02 domain. Peptides corresponding to the Hev b 6.02 domain of two of the mutants were also synthesized. These mutants and peptide variants showed markedly decreased or ablated latex-allergic patient serum IgE binding by immunoblotting and ELISA. Basophil activation testing confirmed markedly decreased activation with successive cysteine substitutions of the mutants and complete abrogation with the Hev b 6.02 (Cys 3, 12, 17, 41 Ala) peptide. Retention of T cell reactivity is crucial for effective specific immunotherapy and all mutants and peptide variants maintained their latex-specific T cell reactivity. The ablated allergenicity but retained T cell reactivity of the Hev b 6.02 (Cys 3, 12, 17, 41 Ala) peptide suggests this peptide is a suitable candidate for inclusion in a latex immunotherapy preparation.


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The mechanisms responsible for the immunosuppression associated with sepsis or some chronic blood infections remain poorly understood. Here we show that infection with a malaria parasite (Plasmodium berghei) or simple systemic exposure to bacterial or viral Toll-like receptor ligands inhibited cross-priming. Reduced cross-priming was a consequence of downregulation of cross-presentation by activated dendritic cells due to systemic activation that did not otherwise globally inhibit T cell proliferation. Although activated dendritic cells retained their capacity to present viral antigens via the endogenous major histocompatibility complex class I processing pathway, antiviral responses were greatly impaired in mice exposed to Toll-like receptor ligands. This is consistent with a key function for cross-presentation in antiviral immunity and helps explain the immunosuppressive effects of systemic infection. Moreover, inhibition of cross-presentation was overcome by injection of dendritic cells bearing antigen, which provides a new strategy for generating immunity during immunosuppressive blood infections.


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in situ high-temperature X-ray diffraction and thermal gravimetric- differential thermal analysis on room-temperature powder, as well as X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy on quenched powder, were applied to study crystal structure and phase transformations in Ba2Bi0.1Sc0.2Co 1.7O6-x (BBSC). Heating BBSC in air to over 800 °C produces a pure cubic phase with space group Fm3m (no. 225), and cooling down below 800 °C leads to a mixture of three noncubic phases including an unknown phase between 200 and 650 °C, a 2H hexagonal BaCoO3 with space group P63/mmc (no. 194) between 600 and 800 °C, and an intermediate phase at 800 °C. These three phases exist concurrently with the major cubic phase. The weight gain and loss between 300 and 900 °C suggest the occurrence of cobalt reduction, oxidation, and disproportion reactions with dominant reduction reaction at above 600 °C. The thermal expansion of BBSC was also examined by dilatometry. BBSC has a highly temperature-dependent thermal expansion coefficient which relates well with its structure evolution. Furthermore, the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) of BBSC was probed by symmetrical cell and three-electrode configurations. The presence of hexagonal phase at 700 °C rarely affects the ORR performance of BBSC as evidenced by a slight increase of its area-specific resistance (ASR) value following 48 h of testing in this three-electrode configuration. This observation is in contrast to the commonly held point of view that noncubic phase deteriorates performance of perovskite compounds (especially in oxygen transport applications). Moreover, cathodic polarization treatment, for example, current discharge from BBSC (tested in three-electrode configuration), can be utilized to recover the original ORR performance. The cubic structure seems to be retained on the cathodic polarization - the normal cathode operating mode in fuel cells. Stable 72-h performance of BBSC in cathodic polarization mode further confirms that despite the presence of phase impurities, BBSC still demonstrates good performance between 500 and 700 °C, the desired intermediate operating temperature in solid oxide fuel cells.


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Understanding the magneto-hydrodynamic forces generated due to the external magnetic field and current density distribution within the cell (current in cell linings) is important in the optimization of cell dynamics. It is well documented that these factors play a crucial role in establishing the metal-pad stability of the cell. Conventional cells use the cathode-collector-bar assembly to carry the current through molten aluminium, the cathode and the steel collector-bar to nearest external bus. The electrical conductivity of the steel is so poor relative to the molten aluminium that the outer third of the collector bar carries the maximum load, which in turn increases the horizontal components of the current within the cell. Previous studies have modelled improvement in the cell instability through external magnetic compensation by redistributing current in the cathode busbar. Very little to date has been published on work to improve the current distribution within the cell. In this work, the current distribution in an aluminium electrolysis cell with copper collector-bar was predicted using finite element modelling. A 2D cross-section of a commercial cell was used under steady conditions of electrical fields in anode, electrolyte, molten aluminium and copper cathode-assembly. Different shapes and sizes of the cathode assembly are also considered to optimise the distribution of current throughout the cathode lining. The findings indicated that the copper-bar of similar size to steel could save voltage up to 150 mV. There is a reduction of more than 70% in peak current density value due to the copper inserts. The predicted trends of current distribution show a good agreement with previously published data.


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Purpose. This non-dispensing cross-over study was conducted to determine if lenses presoaked in Opti-Free RepleniSH (OFR) or ReNu MultiPlus (RMP) cause solution-induced corneal staining (SICS) and subsequent cell sloughing before the typical 2 h in vivo examination point.

Methods. Study lenses (PureVision) were worn bilaterally by 13 participants for periods of 15, 30, 60, and 120 min using two different contralateral care regimen pairings. The lens worn on the test eye was soaked overnight in either OFR or RMP and the control eye in Clear Care (CC). After lens removal, corneal staining was rated on a scale of 0 (negligible) to 100 (severe) for four peripheral quadrants and the central region, and the differential global staining score was calculated by subtracting baseline staining scores. Following the staining assessment, corneal cells were collected from the ocular surface using a non-contact irrigation system to determine ocular cell shedding rates.

Results. Differential global staining score with OFR was greater than CC with the differences being statistically significant at 30 and 60 min (p < 0.01). Maximum staining with RMP was significantly greater than OFR and peaked after 60 and 120 min of lens wear (p < 0.01). On average, 710 ± 470 ocular cells were collected after lens wear, with similar shedding seen independent of solution or lens wear duration (p > 0.05).

Conclusions. SICS occurred earlier but to a significantly lower degree when PureVision lenses were presoaked in OFR compared with RMP, while lenses presoaked in CC did not cause SICS. Ocular surface cell shedding after lens removal was not impacted by lens wear durations of <=2 h.


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We show how in-line Raman spectroscopy can be used to monitor both reactant and product concentrations for a heterogeneously catalysed Suzuki cross reaction operating in continuous flow. The flow system consisted of an HPLC pump to drive a homogeneous mixture of the reactants (4-bromobenzonitrile, phenylboronic acid, and potassium carbonate) through an oven heated (80°C) palladium catalyst immobilised on a silica monolith. A custom built PTFE in-line flow cell with a quartz window enabled the coupling of an Ocean Optics Raman spectrometer probe to monitor both the reactants and product (4-cyanobiphenyl). Calibration was based on obtaining multivariate spectral data in the range 1530 cm–1 and 1640 cm–1 and using partial least-squares regression (PLSR) to obtain a calibration model which was validated using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis. In-line Raman monitoring of the reactant and product concentrations enable (i) determination of reaction kinetic information such as the empirical rate law and associated rate constant and (ii) optimisation of either the product conversion (61 % at 0.02 mL min–1 generating 17 g h–1) or product yield (14 % at 0.24 mL min–1 generating 53 g h–1).


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Allergen absorption by epithelia may play an important role in downstream immune responses. Transport mechanisms that can bypass Peyer's patches include transcellular and paracellular transport. The capacity of an allergen to cross via these means can modulate downstream processing of the allergen by the immune system. The aim of this study was to investigate allergen-epithelial interactions of peanut allergens with the human intestinal epithelium.


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To follow the fate of CD8+ T cells responsive to Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) infection, we generated an MHC I-restricted TCR transgenic mouse line against this pathogen. T cells from this line, termed PbT-I T cells, were able to respond to blood-stage infection by PbA and two other rodent malaria species, P. yoelii XNL and P. chabaudi AS. These PbT-I T cells were also able to respond to sporozoites and to protect mice from liver-stage infection. Examination of the requirements for priming after intravenous administration of irradiated sporozoites, an effective vaccination approach, showed that the spleen rather than the liver was the main site of priming and that responses depended on CD8α+ dendritic cells. Importantly, sequential exposure to irradiated sporozoites followed two days later by blood-stage infection led to augmented PbT-I T cell expansion. These findings indicate that PbT-I T cells are a highly versatile tool for studying multiple stages and species of rodent malaria and suggest that cross-stage reactive CD8+ T cells may be utilized in liver-stage vaccine design to enable boosting by blood-stage infections.