30 resultados para Strongly Semantic Information


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1. Informative Bayesian priors can improve the precision of estimates in ecological studies or estimate parameters for which little or no information is available. While Bayesian analyses are becoming more popular in ecology, the use of strongly informative priors remains rare, perhaps because examples of informative priors are not readily available in the published literature.
2. Dispersal distance is an important ecological parameter, but is difficult to measure and estimates are scarce. General models that provide informative prior estimates of dispersal distances will therefore be valuable.
3. Using a world-wide data set on birds, we develop a predictive model of median natal dispersal distance that includes body mass, wingspan, sex and feeding guild. This model predicts median dispersal distance well when using the fitted data and an independent test data set, explaining up to 53% of the variation.
4. Using this model, we predict a priori estimates of median dispersal distance for 57 woodland-dependent bird species in northern Victoria, Australia. These estimates are then used to investigate the relationship between dispersal ability and vulnerability to landscape-scale changes in habitat cover and fragmentation.
5. We find evidence that woodland bird species with poor predicted dispersal ability are more vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than those species with longer predicted dispersal distances, thus improving the understanding of this important phenomenon.
6. The value of constructing informative priors from existing information is also demonstrated. When used as informative priors for four example species, predicted dispersal distances reduced the 95% credible intervals of posterior estimates of dispersal distance by 8-19%. Further, should we have wished to collect information on avian dispersal distances and relate it to species' responses to habitat loss and fragmentation, data from 221 individuals across 57 species would have been required to obtain estimates with the same precision as those provided by the general model.


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Typically, asking people to reinstate the context of events increases their recall of those events; however, research findings have been mixed with children. We tested whether the principle underlying context reinstatement applies to children as it does to adults. This underlying principle, encoding specificity, suggests that the greater the overlap between study context cues and retrieval context cues, the more information that people should recall. In the current experiment, four age groups (7-year-olds, 9-year-olds, 11-year-olds and adults) took part in an encoding specificity procedure. At study, participants saw cue– target word pairs in which the cue word was either a strong or a weak associate of the target word (e.g., ice–COLD; blow–COLD). During an immediate cued recall test, participants were presented with the same strong or weak cue words and new, extra-list cue words. Overall, children and adults recalled more targets when they were presented with the same cue words at study and test, regardless of whether the cues were strong or weak. This finding suggests that encoding specificity applies to children as well as adults. We discuss the implications of these results.


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Video event detection is an effective way to automatically understand the semantic content of the video. However, due to the mismatch between low-level visual features and high-level semantics, the research of video event detection encounters a number of challenges, such as how to extract the suitable information from video, how to represent the event, how to build up reasoning mechanism to infer the event according to video information. In this paper, we propose a novel event detection method. The method detects the video event based on the semantic trajectory, which is a high-level semantic description of the moving object’s trajectory in the video. The proposed method consists of three phases to transform low-level visual features to middle-level raw trajectory information and then to high-level semantic trajectory information. Event reasoning is then carried out with the assistance of semantic trajectory information and background knowledge. Additionally, to release the users’ burden in manual event definition, a method is further proposed to automatically discover the event-related semantic trajectory pattern from the sample semantic trajectories. Furthermore, in order to effectively use the discovered semantic trajectory patterns, the associative classification-based event detection framework is adopted to discover the possibly occurred event. Empirical studies show our methods can effectively and efficiently detect video events.


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Multimedia information is now routinely available in the forms of text, pictures, animation and sound. Although text objects are relatively easy to deal with (in terms of information search and retrieval), other information bearing objects (such as sound, images, animation) are more difficult to index. Our research is aimed at developing better ways of representing multimedia objects by using a conceptual representation based on Schank's conceptual dependencies. Moreover, the representation allows for users' individual interpretations to be embedded in the system. This will alleviate the problems associated with traditional semantic networks by allowing for coexistence of multiple views of the same information. The viability of the approach is tested, and the preliminary results reported.


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1. Informative Bayesian priors can improve the precision of estimates in ecological studies or estimate parameters for which little or no information is available. While Bayesian analyses are becoming more popular in ecology, the use of strongly informative priors remains rare, perhaps because examples of informative priors are not readily available in the published literature.

2. Dispersal distance is an important ecological parameter, but is difficult to measure and estimates are scarce. General models that provide informative prior estimates of dispersal distances will therefore be valuable.

3. Using a world-wide data set on birds, we develop a predictive model of median natal dispersal distance that includes body mass, wingspan, sex and feeding guild. This model predicts median dispersal distance well when using the fitted data and an independent test data set, explaining up to 53% of the variation.

4. Using this model, we predict a priori estimates of median dispersal distance for 57 woodland-dependent bird species in northern Victoria, Australia. These estimates are then used to investigate the relationship between dispersal ability and vulnerability to landscape-scale changes in habitat cover and fragmentation.

5. We find evidence that woodland bird species with poor predicted dispersal ability are more vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than those species with longer predicted dispersal distances, thus improving the understanding of this important phenomenon.

6. The value of constructing informative priors from existing information is also demonstrated. When used as informative priors for four example species, predicted dispersal distances reduced the 95% credible intervals of posterior estimates of dispersal distance by 8-19%. Further, should we have wished to collect information on avian dispersal distances and relate it to species' responses to habitat loss and fragmentation, data from 221 individuals across 57 species would have been required to obtain estimates with the same precision as those provided by the general model.


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Natal dispersal is an important life history trait driving variation in individual fitness, and therefore, a proper understanding of the factors underlying dispersal behaviour is critical to many fields including population dynamics, behavioural ecology and conservation biology. However, individual dispersal patterns remain difficult to quantify despite many years of research using direct and indirect methods. Here, we quantify dispersal in a single intensively studied population of the cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps) using genetic networks created from the combination of pairwise relatedness data and social networking methods and compare this to dispersal estimates from re-sighting data. This novel approach not only identifies movements between social groups within our study sites but also provides an estimation of immigration rates of individuals originating outside the study site. Both genetic and re-sighting data indicated that dispersal was strongly female biased, but the magnitude of dispersal estimates was much greater using genetic data. This suggests that many previous studies relying on mark–recapture data may have significantly underestimated dispersal. An analysis of spatial genetic structure within the sampled population also supports the idea that females are more dispersive, with females having no structure beyond the bounds of their own social group, while male genetic structure expands for 750 m from their social group. Although the genetic network approach we have used is an excellent tool for visualizing the social and genetic microstructure of social animals and identifying dispersers, our results also indicate the importance of applying them in parallel with behavioural and life history data.


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Objective Maternal nutrition knowledge has frequently been identified as an important target for nutrition promotion interventions. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether maternal nutrition knowledge is more strongly associated with the mother's own diet or that of her child.

Design Cross-sectional multivariate linear regression with interactions analyses of survey data.

Socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Victoria, Australia.

Subjects Five hundred and twenty-three mothers and their children who participated in the Resilience for Eating and Physical Activity Despite Inequality (READI) study, a cross-sectional survey study conducted in 2009 among women and their children residing in socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods.

Results In adjusted models, for three (vegetable, chocolate/lollies and soft drink consumption) out of the seven dietary outcomes assessed, there was a significant association between maternal nutrition knowledge and maternal diet, whereas for the children's diets none of the seven outcomes were associated with maternal nutrition knowledge. Statistical comparison of regression coefficients showed no difference between the maternal nutrition knowledge–maternal diet association and the maternal nutrition knowledge–child diet association.

Conclusions Promoting maternal nutrition knowledge may represent an important avenue for improving diet in mothers from socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods, but more information is needed on how and when this knowledge is translated to benefits for their children's diet.


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Information quality is a complex problem. Issues relating to information quality are strongly embedded in the context of the operations of information systems. Information quality issues, therefore, have qualitative as well as quantitative underpinnings, which affect on the various dimensions of information quality. In order to improve information quality, it is essential to assess its various dimensions. This assessment provides the gaps that work as the building blocks for improving quality of information. However, assessing information quality dimensions is extremely intricate because each dimension depends upon other dimensions, which makes it difficult to objectively assess these dimensions. This research utilizes a product perspective of information and applies Six-Sigma methodology to assess information quality. It describes a case study of a Korean manufacturing organization where analytical hierarchy process and quality function deployment was utilized to determine the mutual relationships of information quality dimensions and critical to information quality factors.


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The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is increasingly being recognized as a major public health issue which affects approximately 0.5-0.6% of the population. Promoting the general awareness of the disorder, increasing the engagement with the affected individuals and their carers, and understanding the success of penetration of the current clinical recommendations in the target communities, is crucial in driving research as well as policy. The aim of the present work is to investigate if Twitter, as a highly popular platform for information exchange, can be used as a data-mining source which could aid in the aforementioned challenges. Specifically, using a large data set of harvested tweets, we present a series of experiments which examine a range of linguistic and semantic aspects of messages posted by individuals interested in ASD. Our findings, the first of their nature in the published scientific literature, strongly motivate additional research on this topic and present a methodological basis for further work.


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We propose a novel hierarchical Bayesian framework, word-distance-dependent Chinese restaurant franchise (wd-dCRF) for topic discovery from a document corpus regularized by side information in the form of word-to-word relations, with an application on Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). Typically, a EMRs dataset consists of several patients (documents) and each patient contains many diagnosis codes (words). We exploit the side information available in the form of a semantic tree structure among the diagnosis codes for semantically-coherent disease topic discovery. We introduce novel functions to compute word-to-word distances when side information is available in the form of tree structures. We derive an efficient inference method for the wddCRF using MCMC technique. We evaluate on a real world medical dataset consisting of about 1000 patients with PolyVascular disease. Compared with the popular topic analysis tool, hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), our model discovers topics which are superior in terms of both qualitative and quantitative measures.


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Threshold concepts have proven to be a useful tool in understanding a particular set of difficulties that confront students in higher education. From the viewpoint of a student threshold concepts are characterized as transformative, integrative, bounded, troublesome, and to a large extent invisible. The sematic web, among its many other advantages, holds the possibility of allowing students to successfully move beyond the threshold concepts in their chosen discipline. The nature of threshold concepts are discussed and related specifically to andragogy. A preliminary solution, which takes advantage of the features of Web 3.0, is presented.


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Stability in clinical prediction models is crucial for transferability between studies, yet has received little attention. The problem is paramount in high dimensional data, which invites sparse models with feature selection capability. We introduce an effective method to stabilize sparse Cox model of time-to-events using statistical and semantic structures inherent in Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Model estimation is stabilized using three feature graphs built from (i) Jaccard similarity among features (ii) aggregation of Jaccard similarity graph and a recently introduced semantic EMR graph (iii) Jaccard similarity among features transferred from a related cohort. Our experiments are conducted on two real world hospital datasets: a heart failure cohort and a diabetes cohort. On two stability measures – the Consistency index and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) – the use of our proposed methods significantly increased feature stability when compared with the baselines.


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Considering the raising socio-economic burden of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), timely and evidence-driven public policy decision-making and communication of the latest guidelines pertaining to the treatment and management of the disorder is crucial. Yet evidence suggests that policy makers and medical practitioners do not always have a good understanding of the practices and relevant beliefs of ASD-afflicted individuals’ carers who often follow questionable recommendations and adopt advice poorly supported by scientific data. The key goal of the present work is to explore the idea that Twitter, as a highly popular platform for information exchange, could be used as a data-mining source to learn about the population affected by ASD—their behaviour, concerns, needs, etc. To this end, using a large data set of over 11 million harvested tweets as the basis for our investigation, we describe a series of experiments which examine a range of linguistic and semantic aspects of messages posted by individuals interested in ASD. Our findings, the first of their nature in the published scientific literature, strongly motivate additional research on this topic and present a methodological basis for further work.


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Traditional information extraction methods mainly rely on visual feature assisted techniques; but without considering the hierarchical dependencies within the paragraph structure, some important information is missing. This paper proposes an integrated approach for extracting academic information from conference Web pages. Firstly, Web pages are segmented into text blocks by applying a new hybrid page segmentation algorithm which combines visual feature and DOM structure together. Then, these text blocks are labeled by a Tree-structured Random Fields model, and the block functions are differentiated using various features such as visual features, semantic features and hierarchical dependencies. Finally, an additional post-processing is introduced to tune the initial annotation results. Our experimental results on real-world data sets demonstrated that the proposed method is able to effectively and accurately extract the needed academic information from conference Web pages. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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Ontology-driven systems with reasoning capabilities in the legal field are now better understood. Legal concepts are not discrete, but make up a dynamic continuum between common sense terms, specific technical use, and professional knowledge, in an evolving institutional reality. Thus, the tension between a plural understanding of regulations and a more general understanding of law is bringing into view a new landscape in which general legal frameworks – grounded in well-known legal theories stemming from 20th-century c. legal positivism or sociological jurisprudence – are made compatible with specific forms of rights management on the Web. In this sense, Semantic Web tools are not only being designed for information retrieval, classification, clustering, and knowledge management. They can also be understood as regulatory tools, i.e. as components of the contemporary legal architecture, to be used by multiple stakeholders – front-line practitioners, policymakers, legal drafters, companies, market agents, and citizens. That is the issue broadly addressed in this Special Issue on the Semantic Web for the Legal Domain, overviewing the work carried out over the last fifteen years, and seeking to foster new research in this field, beyond the state of the art.