35 resultados para Soils, Salts in.


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Wildfires can induce or enhance soil water repellency under a range of vegetation communities. According to mainly USA-based laboratory studies, repellency is eliminated at a maximum soil temperature (T) of 280–400°C. Knowledge of T reached during a wildfire is important in evaluating post-fire soil physical properties, fertility and seedbed status. T is, however, notoriously difficult to ascertain retrospectively and often based on indicative observations with a large potential error. Soils under fire-prone Australian eucalypt forests tend to be water repellent when dry or moderately moist even if long unburnt. This study aims to quantify the temperature of water repellency destruction for Australian topsoil material sampled under three sites with contrasting eucalypt cover (Eucalyptus sieberi, E. ovata and E. baxteri). Soil water repellency was present prior to heating in all samples, increased during heating, but was abruptly eliminated at a specific T between 260 and 340°C. Elimination temperature varied somewhat between samples, but was found to be dependent on heating duration, with longest duration resulting in lowest elimination temperature. Results suggest that post-fire water repellency may be used as an aid in hindcasting soil temperature reached during the passage of a fire within repellency-prone environments.


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After an initial evaluation of several solvents, the efficiency of Soxhlet extractions with isopropanol/ammonia (s.g. 0.88) (70 : 30 v : v; 24 h) in extracting compounds associated with water repellency in sandy soils was examined using a range of repellent and wettable control soils (n = 15 and 4) from Australia, Greece, Portugal, The Netherlands, and the UK. Extraction efficiency and the role of the extracts in causing soil water repellency was examined by determining extract mass, sample organic carbon content and water repellency (after drying at 20°C and 105°C) pre- and post-extraction, and amounts of aliphatic C–H removed using DRIFT, and by assessing the ability of extracts to cause repellency in acid-washed sand (AWS).

Key findings are: (i) none of organic carbon content, amount of aliphatic C–H, or amount of material extracted give any significant correlation with repellency for this diverse range of soils; (ii) sample drying at 105°C is not necessarily useful before extraction, but may provide additional information on extraction effectiveness when used after extraction; (iii) the extraction removed repellency completely from 13 of the 15 repellent samples; (iv) extracts from all repellent and wettable control soils were capable of inducing repellency in AWS. The findings suggest that compounds responsible for repellency represent only a fraction of the extract composition and that their presence does not necessarily always cause repellency.


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Copper is an important micronutrient and trace amounts are essential for crop growth. However, high concentrations of copper will produce toxic effects. Australia is increasingly developing production of crops in water repellent soils. Clay amendment, a common amelioration techniques used in Australia, has demonstrated agronomic benefits in increased crop or pasture production. The sorption and desorption of copper and the effect of clay treatment on copper behaviour in a water repellent soil collected from an experimental farm in South Australia is studied. We found that the water repellent soils amended with clay have an increased adsorption capacity of copper. Also the clay-amended soils had an increased ratio of specific sorption to total sorption of copper. The implications of this study to the sustainable agro-environmental management of water repellent soils is discussed.


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Australia is a water-stressed nation and demand on potable water supply is increasing. Consequently water conservation and reuse are increasingly becoming important. Irrigation of recycled wastewater on water repellent soils is a technology that is being trialled as a means of improving crop production and conserving potable supply. However, recycled water contains potentially harmful heavy metals. This paper reports the competitive sorption and desorption of several common heavy metals found in soils collected from a farm located in the south-east of South Australia. The soil from this location is severely water repellent, but some sites were amended with kaolinite clay (Si4Al4O10(OH)8) about 7 and 15 years ago. The metals studied were Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Zn. Competitive sorption of the metals was distinctly observed. For all heavy metals, the quantity of metal sorbed was higher in amended soil, and there was a strong correlation between the specific sorption to total sorption ratio and the amount of clay in the soil. The sorption intensities varied with metal, Cr, Pb, and Cu having a high sorption tendencies and Zn, Cd, and Ni having comparatively low sorption tendencies. The total sorption capacity for all metals increased in clay-treated soils compared with non-treated soils. On average, clay-amended water repellent soils had a 20–40% increased capacity to adsorb total metals; however, this increase was largely caused by the increased capacities to adsorb Zn, Cd, and Ni. The effect of clay treatment largely enhanced the sorption capacity of relatively weakly adsorbing heavy metals. The implications for using recycled wastewater on the long-term sustainable agro-environmental management of these soils are discussed.


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Although soils are generally considered to wet readily, some are actually water repellent at the surface and in the rhizosphere. This phenomenon occurs at low to moderate moisture contents and has been reported from soils under a range of vegetation types and from many regions around the globe. Water repellency in soils can have serious environmental implications including reduced seed germination and plant growth as well as irrigation efficiency, accelerated soil erosion, and enhanced leaching of agrochemicals through preferential flow. it has been proposed that water repellency is caused by the accumulation of hydrophobic organic compounds released as root exudates, microbial byproducts or from decomposing organic matter, which are deposited on mineral or aggregate surfaces, or are present as interstitial matter, Few studies to date have attempted to isolate and characterize these compounds and their structure is therefore only poorly understood, These studies have generally focussed on only a single soil or a small range of samples, have not included non-repellent soils as a control and have not always been able to demonstrate that the substances isolated are indeed responsible for repellency formation.

This study reports on the first part (extraction procedures) of a research programme addressing these gaps in current knowledge by investigating a wide range of severely repellent and wettable ‘control’ samples from different countries, and by including assessments of extraction efficiency and ability of extracts to cause repellency. Analytical methods include DRIFT (Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy) of soils and IR (Infrared) analysis of extracts.

Key findings are that (i) soil sample heating after extraction is valuable in assessing the effectiveness of the extraction procedure, (ii) Soxhlet extraction using isopropanol/ ammonia (70/30 v/v) was the most effective method in extracting hydrophobic compounds, while leaving the ability of extracted compounds to induce water repellency virtually unaffected, (iii) wettable control soils also contain hydrophobic substances capable of inducing water repellency, (iv) the amount of organic compounds extracted was poorly related to sample repellency, indicating that compounds responsible for repellency may only represent a small fraction of the extract, (v) differences in extraction efficiency between different samples indicate that the compounds responsible may differ generically and/or in terms of their bonding to minerals, and (vi) the combination of repellency assessments with DRIFT on soils and JR on extracts used with internal standards has considerable potential to allow quantification of CH bearing organic matter in the soil, the efficiency of extraction processes for its removal, and its significance in causing water repellency in soils.


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Three field sites were chosen to study the environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil. These sites were the Werribee Farm and the Myome Farm in Australia and Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area in China. The Werribee Farm and the Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area received sewage treatment and application on land for a long time. The Myome farm is an experimental site in which investigations on land application of municipal wastewater on water repellent soils is currently being trailed. Heavy metal contamination, in particular Cr, Cu and Zn, in the Land Filtration soil of Werribee Farm was widespread. More than a century of sewage irrigation has occurred in the Werribee Farm. The temporal distribution pattern of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the soil at this site follow an exponential trend with time and the spatial distribution pattern of accumulation of heavy metals in different paddocks correlates with the number of years of sewage irrigation at that site in the Farm. Extensive sewage irrigation at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area resulted in significant Cd pollution in soil-plant (rice) system and poses a significant threat to the health of local people. Even after eight years since cessation of sewage irrigation, the bioavailable fractions of Cd in the soil as analyzed by sequential extraction techniques were very high thus illustrating long-term persistence. The simultaneous competitive adsorption of metals in water repellent soils (at Myome Farm in South Australia) was studied. In the competitive situation, Cr, Pb and Cu are the heavy metal cations more strongly adsorbed by the soil, whereas Cd, Ni and Zn are the least adsorbed. The increase in Freundlich adsorption capacity by clay amendment suggested that clayed soils are capable sorption of higher heavy metal loadings compared to the non-clayed water repellent soil, which is more vulnerable to heavy metal inputs. A simple model of environmental assimilative capacity is proposed. The results of comparison of the three field sites shows that the Werribee Farm has a higher environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil than the soils at Shenyang Zhangshi Irrigation Area and Myome Farm, however heavy metal contamination at Werribee Farm is still a concern. The model of environmental assimilative capacity of heavy metals in soil is an effective tool to assist management of effluent applied land irrigation systems and can be used to better design environmental engineering systems.


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Experimentation indicates that water and nutrients move through heterogeneous matrix flow pathways and that nutrients show little variation in concentration with fertilizer application rate after 2 months. However a scatter in concentrations independent of application rates after 4 and 7 months, indicates that external factors are affecting nutrient concentrations within the soil after this time period. Grassmere and Rutherglen were the sample sites.


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Fast-ion conduction has been observed in the iodide and bromide salts of 1-methyl-3-ethylimidazolium at ambient temperatures. The melting point of these two compounds is above 350 K and even at 273 K the ionic conductivity in the solid-state is greater than 10−3S cm−1. Cation diffusion coefficients have been measured using fringe field gradient and/or pulse field gradient 1H NMR techniques, which indicated cation diffusion coefficients of the order of 10−10 m2 s−1 in the solid-state. Remarkably, these values are up to an order of magnitude higher than the cation diffusion coefficient in the supercooled liquid at 293 K. The activation energy for diffusion in the solid-state is extremely small, as is typical of solid-state fast-ion conductors and indicates a change in transport mechanism from the melt to the crystal. The inability to detect an 127I signal together with the modelling of the conductivity using the Nernst–Einstein equation suggests that the solid-state conduction is primarily due to cation diffusion. The solid-state fast-ion conduction is most likely related to vacancy diffusion along the cation layers in the crystal. The temperature dependence of the NMR signal intensity indicates that the number of mobile species is increasing with increasing temperature with an activation energy of approximately 20–30 kJ mol−1.


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The crystal structure of a 1,2,3-trisubstituted imidazolium salt of the bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl)]amide ion is presented; this salt is a prototype for similar, room temperature liquid, imidazolium salts; the structure shows that the anion and cation interact weakly, with little if any hydrogen bonding present.


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A new series of ionic liquids based on the thiocyanate anion has been prepared. Incorporation of this anion with an imidazolium, tetraalkylammonium or pyrrolidinium cation produces ionic liquids with advantageously low melting points and good thermal stability. The low temperature phase behaviour of the salts has been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry and multiple solid phases have been observed. The electrochemical windows of representative imidazolium and pyrrolidinium species have been investigated by cyclic voltammetry and determined to be 2.4 and 3.5 V, respectively. In addition, the solid-state structure of N,N-dimethylpyrrolidinium thiocyanate has been determined by X-ray crystallography. This is the first reported structure of a pyrrolidinium thiocyanate species and shows a layered structure with linear thiocyanate groups having bond lengths comparable to those observed in similar SCN−-containing species.


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In this paper a Neural Network Model was used to develop a ranking of the potential damage influences for light structures on expansive soils in Victoria. These influences include geology, Thornthwaite moisture index, vegetation covers, construction foundation type, construction wall type, geographical region and age of building when first inspected. Approximately 400 cases of damage to light structures in Victoria, Australia were considered in this study. Feedforward Backpropagation was adopted to train the data. The ranking of importance was estimated using connection weight approach and then compared to results calculated from sensitivity analysis. From the analysis, the ranking of importance for potential damage factor was noted.