74 resultados para Software Engineering


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How to provide cost-effective strategies for Software Testing has been one of the research focuses in Software Engineering for a long time. Many researchers in Software Engineering have addressed the effectiveness and quality metric of Software Testing, and many interesting results have been obtained. However, one issue of paramount importance in software testing — the intrinsic imprecise and uncertain relationships within testing metrics — is left unaddressed. To this end, a new quality and effectiveness measurement based on fuzzy logic is proposed. Related issues like the software quality features and fuzzy reasoning for test project similarity measurement are discussed, which can deal with quality and effectiveness consistency between different test projects. Experiments were conducted to verify the proposed measurement using real data from actual software testing projects. Experimental results show that the proposed fuzzy logic based metrics is effective and efficient to measure and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of test projects.


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Global software development teams expressed dissatisfaction with their structures. Job satisfaction was reduced by the inefficiencies of communication technologies and from the functional structures imposed by the management. This led to a reduced contextual understanding of projects which could be improved if employees were to participate in the work designs.


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Software reliability growth models (SRGMs) are extensively employed in software engineering to assess the reliability of software before their release for operational use. These models are usually parametric functions obtained by statistically fitting parametric curves, using Maximum Likelihood estimation or Least–squared method, to the plots of the cumulative number of failures observed N(t) against a period of systematic testing time t. Since the 1970s, a very large number of SRGMs have been proposed in the reliability and software engineering literature and these are often very complex, reflecting the involved testing regime that often took place during the software development process. In this paper we extend some of our previous work by adopting a nonparametric approach to SRGM modeling based on local polynomial modeling with kernel smoothing. These models require very few assumptions, thereby facilitating the estimation process and also rendering them more relevant under a wide variety of situations. Finally, we provide numerical examples where these models will be evaluated and compared.


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Performance is a crucial attribute for most software, making performance analysis an important software engineering task. The difficulty is that modern applications are challenging to analyse for performance. Many profiling techniques used in real-world software development struggle to provide useful results when applied to large-scale object-oriented applications. There is a substantial body of research into software performance generally but currently there exists no survey of this research that would help identify approaches useful for object-oriented software. To provide such a review we performed a systematic mapping study of empirical performance analysis approaches that are applicable to object-oriented software. Using keyword searches against leading software engineering research databases and manual searches of relevant venues we identified over 5,000 related articles published since January 2000. From these we systematically selected 253 applicable articles and categorised them according to ten facets that capture the intent, implementation and evaluation of the approaches. Our mapping study results allow us to highlight the main contributions of the existing literature and identify areas where there are interesting opportunities. We also find that, despite the research including approaches specifically aimed at object-oriented software, there are significant challenges in providing actionable feedback on the performance of large-scale object-oriented applications.


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Software-as-a-service (SaaS) multi-tenancy in cloud-based applications helps service providers to save cost, improve resource utilization, and reduce service customization and maintenance time. This is achieved by sharing of resources and service instances among multiple "tenants" of the cloud-hosted application. However, supporting multi-tenancy adds more complexity to SaaS applications required capabilities. Security is one of these key requirements that must be addressed when engineering multi-tenant SaaS applications. The sharing of resources among tenants - i.e. multi-tenancy - increases tenants' concerns about the security of their cloud-hosted assets. Compounding this, existing traditional security engineering approaches do not fit well with the multi-tenancy application model where tenants and their security requirements often emerge after the applications and services were first developed. The resultant applications do not usually support diverse security capabilities based on different tenants' needs, some of which may change at run-time i.e. after cloud application deployment. We introduce a novel model-driven security engineering approach for multi-tenant, cloud-hosted SaaS applications. Our approach is based on externalizing security from the underlying SaaS application, allowing both application/service and security to evolve at runtime. Multiple security sets can be enforced on the same application instance based on different tenants' security requirements. We use abstract models to capture service provider and multiple tenants' security requirements and then generate security integration and configurations at runtime. We use dependency injection and dynamic weaving via Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to integrate security within critical application/service entities at runtime. We explain our approach, architecture and implementation details, discuss a usage example, and present an evaluation of our approach on a set of open source web applications.


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Detecting inconsistencies is a critical part of requirements engineering (RE) and has been a topic of interest for several decades. Domain knowledge and semantics of requirements not only play important roles in elaborating requirements but are also a crucial way to detect conflicts among them. In this paper, we present a novel knowledge-based RE framework (KBRE) in which domain knowledge and semantics of requirements are central to elaboration, structuring, and management of captured requirements. Moreover, we also show how they facilitate the identification of requirements inconsistencies and other-related problems. In our KBRE model, description logic (DL) is used as the fundamental logical system for requirements analysis and reasoning. In addition, the application of DL in the form of Manchester OWL Syntax brings simplicity to the formalization of requirements while preserving sufficient expressive power. A tool has been developed and applied to an industrial use case to validate our approach.


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Context To determine the effectiveness of software testers a suitable performance appraisal approach is necessary, both for research and practice purposes. However, review of relevant literature reveals little information of how software testers are appraised in practice. Objective (i) To enhance our knowledge of industry practice of performance appraisal of software testers and (ii) to collect feedback from project managers on a proposed performance appraisal form for software testers. Method A web-based survey with questionnaire was used to collect responses. Participants were recruited using cluster and snowball sampling. 18 software development project managers participated. Results We found two broad trends in performance appraisal of software testers - same employee appraisal process for all employees and a specialized performance appraisal method for software testers. Detailed opinions were collected and analyzed on how performance of software testers should be appraised. Our proposed appraisal approach was generally well-received. Conclusion Factors such as number of bugs found after delivery and efficiency of executing test cases were considered important in appraising software testers' performance. Our proposed approach was refined based on the feedback received.


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Most software testing research has focused on the development of systematic, standardised, and automated testing methodologies and tools. The abilities and expertise needed to apply such techniques and tools - such as personality traits, education, and experience - have attracted a comparatively small amount of research attention. However, the limited research in the area to date provides some indication that the human traits of software testers are important for effective testing. This paper presents the opinions of software testers themselves, collected through an online survey, on the importance of a variety of factors that influence effective testing, including testing-specific training, experience, skills, and human qualities like dedication and general intelligence. The survey responses strongly suggest that while testing tools and training are important, human factors were similarly considered highly important. Domain knowledge, experience, intelligence, and dedication, amongst other traits, were considered crucial for a software tester to be effective. As such, while systematic methodologies are important, the individual most clearly does matter in software testing. The results of our research have implications for education, recruitment, training and management of software testers.


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The broad domain of software testing includes different job responsibilities such as creating test plans, devising and running a variety of tests, documenting results, to liaising between different development teams. In this paper, we attempt to collate a list of software testing job responsibilities by applying three different social research methodologies to collect information from different sources. We found that 'test' specific responsibilities are divided into several unit tasks including test suite generation, execution of test plans, and so on. We also found that along with test specific responsibilities, software testers must perform a number of other tasks common to other IT professionals in order to carry out their roles. © 2014 IEEE.


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Software projects have a high risk of cost and schedule overruns, which has been a source of concern for the software engineering community for a long time. One of the challenges in software project management is to make reliable prediction of delays in the context of constant and rapid changes inherent in software projects. This paper presents a novel approach to providing automated support for project managers and other decision makers in predicting whether a subset of software tasks (among the hundreds to thousands of ongoing tasks) in a software project have a risk of being delayed. Our approach makes use of not only features specific to individual software tasks (i.e. local data) -- as done in previous work -- but also their relationships (i.e. networked data). In addition, using collective classification, our approach can simultaneously predict the degree of delay for a group of related tasks. Our evaluation results show a significant improvement over traditional approaches which perform classification on each task independently: achieving 46% -- 97% precision (49% improved), 46% -- 97% recall (28% improved), 56% -- 75% F-measure (39% improved), and 78% -- 95% Area Under the ROC Curve (16% improved).


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Context Over the past 50 years numerous studies have investigated the possible effect that software engineers' personalities may have upon their individual tasks and teamwork. These have led to an improved understanding of that relationship; however, the analysis of personality traits and their impact on the software development process is still an area under investigation and debate. Further, other than personality traits, "team climate" is also another factor that has also been investigated given its relationship with software teams' performance. Objective The aim of this paper is to investigate how software professionals' personality is associated with team climate and team performance. Method In this paper we detail a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of the effect of software engineers' personality traits and team climate on software team performance. Results Our main findings include 35 primary studies that have addressed the relationship between personality and team performance without considering team climate. The findings showed that team climate comprises a wide range of factors that fall within the fields of management and behavioral sciences. Most of the studies used undergraduate students as subjects and as surrogates of software professionals. Conclusions The findings from this SLR would be beneficial for understanding the personality assessment of software development team members by revealing the traits of personality taxonomy, along with the measurement of the software development team working environment. These measurements would be useful in examining the success and failure possibilities of software projects in development processes. General terms Human factors, performance.


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In recent decades we have seen enormous increases in the capabilities of software intensive systems, resulting in exponential growth in their size and complexity. Software and systems engineers routinely develop systems with advanced functionalities that would not even have been conceived of 20 years ago. This observation was highlighted in the Critical Code report commissioned by the US Department of Defense in 2010, which identified a critical software engineering challenge as theability to deliver “software assurance in the presence of...architectural innovation and complexity, criticality with respect to safety, (and) overall complexity and scale”.


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Managing Trade-Offs in Adaptable Software Architectures explores the latest research on adapting large complex systems to changing requirements. To be able to adapt a system, engineers must evaluate different quality attributes, including trade-offs to balance functional and quality requirements to maintain a well-functioning system throughout the lifetime of the system. This comprehensive book brings together research focusing on how to manage trade-offs to help engineers architect adaptive systems in different business contexts, including state-of-the-art techniques, methodologies, tools, best practices, guidelines and guidance on future software engineering research and practice.Each contributed chapter considers the practical application of the topic through case studies, experiments, empirical validation, or systematic comparisons with other approaches already in practice. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, how to architect a system for adaptability, software architecture for self-adaptive systems, understanding and balancing the trade-offs involved, architectural patterns for self-adaptive systems, how quality attributes are exhibited by the architecture of the system, how to connect the quality of a software architecture to system architecture or other system considerations, and more.


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The “external structure” in an object oriented system refers here to the  graphs of objects and classes. The class structure graph or class model is derived from the object structure graph or object model, and in this operation structural information is lost, or never made explicit. Although object oriented programming languages capture the class model as declarations,  contradictory assumptions about object model properties may be made introducing faults into the design. Consistent assumptions about the object model can be specified in the code using assertions such as Eiffel’s  invariants, preconditions and postconditions. Three examples specifying the external structure are considered.


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The demolition activities of buildings produce numerous environmental pressures as a large proportion of demolition waste materials are sent to landfill directly in many projects. Web-based waste exchange systems could provide right solutions for releasing these pressures. Because the approaches adopted in current waste exchange systems are inefficient, these systems cannot generate waste exchange, not achieving their final goal, environmental protection. The Just-in-time (JIT) philosophy has been applied in the manufacture industry for decades and it is proven to be effective to eliminate or minimise inventory during production. This research aims to adopt the JIT philosophy into a demolition project management informapon system so that the system is more efficient in handling waste exchange. The system structure, key components and Just-in-time adoption are proposed and identified. Finally, a proto typed system is demonstrated.