25 resultados para Slow Crack-growth


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This study investigates the fracture mechanism of fluid coupled with a solid resulting from hydraulic fracture. A new loading machine was designed to improve upon conventional laboratory hydraulic fracture testing and to provide a means of better understanding fracture behavior of solid media. Test specimens were made of cement mortar. An extensometer and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring system recorded the circumferential deformation and crack growth location/number during the test. To control the crack growth at the post-peak stage the input fluid rate can be adjusted automatically according to feedback from the extensometer. The complete stress-deformation curve, including pre- and post-peak stages, was therefore obtained. The crack extension/growth developed intensively after the applied stress reached the breakdown pressure. The number of cracks recorded by the AE monitoring system was in good agreement with the amount of deformation (expansion) recorded by the extensometer. The results obtained in this paper provide a better understanding of the hydraulic fracture mechanism which is useful for underground injection projects. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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This paper theoretically and systematically investigates: (1) the effect of local transformed strains within deformation twinning on twin intersection; (2) the fracture mode based on type I co-zone tensile twin intersection in coarse-grained magnesium alloys, as well as the impacts of twin intersection and grain diameter on interfacial crack nucleation along twin boundaries; and (3) the influence of the local stresses arising from the encountered twin bands on crack growth. A novel dislocation-based strain nucleus model and a Green's function method, which are applicable to any material with local transformations in which elastic properties are reasonably approximated as isotropic, are specifically employed to model the concentrated transformed strain and calculate the local stress field resulting from deformation twinning and the stress intensity factors at crack tips in the magnesium alloys, respectively. In addition, an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurement is provided for crack nucleation originating from Type I co-zone tensile twin intersection. The theoretical modeling indicates: (i) the local strains within barrier twins strongly dictate the growth of incident twins and enhance the twin propagation stress; (ii) larger grains favor brittle fracture. More specifically, the dislocation reactions and pile-ups at the junctions between tensile twins can result in interfacial crack nucleation and growth along the twin boundaries, which is a brittle fracture mode based on lower twinning stress and stress concentration in the coarse-grained magnesium alloys; and (iii) the direction of crack propagation is easily changed by high-density twin bands and twin intersections owing to the local strains.


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A new finite modelling approach is presented to analyse the mode I delamination fracture toughness of z-pinned laminates using the computationally efficient embedded element technique. In the FE model,each z-pin is represented by a single one-dimensional truss element that is embedded within the laminate. Each truss is given the material, geometric and spatial properties associated with the global crackbridging traction response of a z-pin in the laminate; this simplification provides a computationally efficient and flexible model where pin elements are independent of the underlying structural mesh for thelaminate. The accuracy of the FE modelling approach is assessed using mode I interlaminar fracture toughness data for a carbon-epoxy laminate reinforced with z-pins made of copper, titanium or stainless steel. The model is able to predict with good accuracy the crack growth resistance curves and fracture toughness properties for the different types of z-pinned laminate.


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Mass and length growth models were determined for male (n = 69) and female (n = 163) Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) collected at a breeding colony on Seal Rocks (38˚31′S, 145˚06′E), Bass Strait, in south-east Australia, between February and November during 1970–72. Growth was best described by the logistic model in males and the von Bertalanffy model in females. Asymptotic mass and length were 229 kg and 221 cm for males, and 85 kg and 163 cm for females. In all, 95% of asymptotic mass and length were attained by 11 years and 11 years, respectively, in males compared with 9 years and 5 years, respectively, in females. Males grew in length faster than females and experienced a growth spurt in mass coinciding with the onset of puberty (4–5 years). The onset of puberty in females occurs when approximately 86% of asymptotic length is attained. The rate of growth and sexual development in Australian fur seals is similar to (if not faster than) that in the conspecific Cape fur seal (A. p. pusillus), which inhabits the nutrient-rich Benguela current. This suggests that the low marine productivity of Bass Strait may not be cause of the slow rate of recovery of the Australian fur seal population following the severe over-exploitation of the commercial sealing era. Sternal blubber depth was positively correlated in adult animals with a body condition index derived from the residuals of the mass–length relationship (males: r2 = 0.38, n = 19, P < 0.001; females: r2 = 0.22, n = 92, P < 0.001), confirming the validity of using such indices on otariids. Sternal blubber depth varied significantly with season in adult animals. In males it was lowest in winter and increased during spring prior to the breeding season (r2 = 0.39, n = 19, P < 0.03) whereas in females it was greatest during winter (r2 = 0.05, n = 122, P< 0.05).


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Boron nitride (BN) nanotubes of different sizes and tubular structures exhibit very different mechanical and chemical properties, as well as different applications. BN nanotubes of different sizes and nanostructures have been produced in different nitriding gases in a milling and annealing process, in which elemental boron powder was first milled in NH3 for 150 h and subsequently annealed at 1,200 °C for 6 h. The influence of nitriding gases was investigated by using N2, NH3, N2–H2 mixture gases. A relatively slow nitriding reaction in NH3 gas leaded to a 2D growth of BN (002) basal planes and the formation of thin BN nanotubes without the help of metal catalysts. Fast nitriding reactions occurred in N2 or N2–H2 mixture gases, catalyzed by metal particles, resulted in 3D crystal growth and the formation of many large cylindrical and bamboo tubes.


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The possibility for fishery-induced evolution of life history traits is an important but unresolved issue for exploited fish populations. Because fisheries tend to select and remove the largest individuals, there is the evolutionary potential for lasting effects on fish production and productivity. Size selection represents an indirect mechanism of selection against rapid growth rate, because individual fish may be large because of rapid growth or because of slow growth but old age. The possibility for direct selection on growth rate, whereby fast-growing genotypes are more vulnerable to fishing irrespective of their size, is unexplored. In this scenario, faster-growing genotypes may be more vulnerable to fishing because of greater appetite and correspondingly greater feeding-related activity rates and boldness that could increase encounter with fishing gear and vulnerability to it. In a realistic whole-lake experiment, we show that fast-growing fish genotypes are harvested at three times the rate of the slow-growing genotypes within two replicate lake populations. Overall, 50% of fast-growing individuals were harvested compared with 30% of slow-growing individuals, independent of body size. Greater harvest of fast-growing genotypes was attributable to their greater behavioral vulnerability, being more active and bold. Given that growth is heritable in fishes, we speculate that evolution of slower growth rates attributable to behavioral vulnerability may be widespread in harvested fish populations. Our results indicate that commonly used minimum size-limits will not prevent overexploitation of fast-growing genotypes and individuals because of size-independent growth-rate selection by fishing.


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The growth/survival trade-off is a fundamental aspect of life-history evolution that is often explained by the direct energetic requirement for growth that cannot be allocated into maintenance. However, there is currently no empirical consensus on whether fast-growing individuals have higher resting metabolic rates at thermoneutrality (RMRt) than slow growers. Moreover, the link between growth rate and daily energy expenditure (DEE) has never been tested in a wild endotherm. We assessed the energetic and survival costs of growth in juvenile eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) during a year of low food abundance by quantifying post-emergent growth rate (n = 88), RMRt (n = 66), DEE (n = 20), and overwinter survival. Both RMRt and DEE were significantly and positively related to growth rate. The effect size was stronger for DEE than RMRt, suggesting that the energy cost of growth in wild animals is more likely to be related to the maintenance of a higher foraging rate (included in DEE) than to tissue accretion (included in RMRt). Fast growers were significantly less likely to survive the following winter compared to slow growers. Juveniles with high or low RMRt were less likely to survive winter than juveniles with intermediate RMRt. In contrast, DEE was unrelated to survival. In addition, botfly parasitism simultaneously decreased growth rate and survival, suggesting that the energetic budget of juveniles was restricted by the simultaneous costs of growth and parasitism. Although the biology of the species (seed-storing hibernator) and the context of our study (constraining environmental conditions) were ideally combined to reveal a direct relationship between current use of energy and future availability, it remains unclear whether the energetic cost of growth was directly responsible for reduced survival.


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1. Age at maturity is hard to estimate for species that cannot be directly marked or observed throughout their lives and yet is a key demographic parameter that is needed to assess the conservation status of endangered species. 2. For loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, juvenile growth rates (c. 10 cm year−1) were calculated by examining size increases during transoceanic journeys; durations of which were estimated from satellite-tracked Lagrangian surface drifter buoy trajectories. 3. Lagrangian-derived growth estimates were used in a weighted loglinear model of size-specific growth rates for loggerhead turtles and combined with newly available information on size at maturity to estimate an age at maturity of 45 years (older than past estimates). 4. By examining the age at maturity for 79 reptile species, we show that loggerhead turtles, along with other large-bodied Testudine (turtle and tortoise) species, take longer to reach maturity than other reptile species of comparable sizes. This finding heightens concern over the future sustainability of turtle populations. By maturing at an old age, sea turtles will be less resilient to anthropogenic mortality than previously suspected.


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We measured resting and peak metabolism in relation to growth rate in arctic tern Sterna paradisaea chicks over the first 10 d after hatching. For chicks with varying growth rate, body mass seems to be a better predictor of resting metabolic rate rather than age. The effect of changes in growth rate on resting metabolism of arctic terms is smaller than found interspecifically in hatchlings. It is possible that difference exist in the heat increment of feeding between fast and slow growers that would further reduce the effect of growth rate on resting metabolism. Chicks that had body masses lower than 75% of that expected for their age were metabolically inferior in withstanding a thermal challenge compared with chicks of the same age but normal mass. In contrast to resting metabolic rate, the extent of peak metabolic rate is related to both body mass and age. This, in part, the maturation of the thermoregulatory system proceeds steadily with time even when body mass lags behind.


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To obtain infonnation on the energetic implications of intraspecific growth rate differences we measured the energy requirement for development in chicks of Common Tern Sterna hirundo and Sandwich Tern S. sandvicensis under laboratory conditions. Both maximum (kJ.day-l) and total gross energy intake for development (kJ during prefledging period) increased with growth rate and were reduced by almost 40% and 25%, respectively, in the slowest compared to the fastest growing individuals in each of the two species. These results imply that the range of food availability within which a chick can grow to adulthood, is wider than hitherto believed. However, one should bear in mind that slow growth also may result in higher nestling and postfledging mortality.