26 resultados para Secretory Vesicles


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Biomembrane transformations are closely related to many biological processes including endo/exocytosis and the cellular response to the local physical environment. In this work, we investigated the transformation between lipid membranes and lipid vesicles/tubes modulated by the solid substrate of graphene oxide (GO) aggregates under laser irradiation. We firstly fabricate a novel type of lipid@GO composite consisting of micrometer-sized GO aggregates surrounded by lamellar lipid membranes. Upon laser irradiation, lipid protrusion occurs and leads to the formation of vesicles adsorbed on the GO aggregate surface, with an average size as 0.43 times of the radius of GO aggregate. Both the location and the dynamic formation process of vesicles can be modulated. The arising of vesicles prefers to occur at edges of the GO planes rather than on surface of individual GO sheets within the GO aggregate. Furthermore, at a reduced laser power density, the lipid protrusion mainly grows to tubes instead of vesicles. Such transformations from lipid membrane to vesicles and tubes is ascribed to the reduction of GO to reduced-GO (rGO) under laser irradiation, probably along with the release of gases leading to the deformation of lipid membrane surrounding the GO surface.


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Cultured human breast carcinoma cell lines are important models for investigating the pathogenesis of breast cancer. Their use, however, is limited because of loss of expression of breast-specific markers and the development of a dedifferentiated phenotype after continuous culture. PMC42 is a unique human breast carcinoma line, previously shown to express secretory and myoepithelial markers. We have induced PMC42 cells to form hollow organoids in culture, similar to in vivo breast structures, using a combination of hormones including estrogen, progesterone, dexamethasone, insulin, and prolactin in combination with a permeable extracellular matrix. The organoids comprised polarized cells located around a central lumen. Expression of β-casein was demonstrated in cells within organoids using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, and confocal immunofluorescence. In this in vitro system, milk-specific gene expression was induced through hormone and matrix interactions which may be similar to those operating in vivo. PMC42 is a novel model for investigations into the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and differentiation in the human breast.


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In this study we investigated the function of the sheep orthologue of ATP7B (sATP7B), the protein affected in the human copper toxicosis disorder Wilson disease. Two forms of sATP7B are found in the sheep, a ‘normal’ form and one with an alternate N terminus, both of which were expressed in CHO-K1 cells. Cells expressing either form of sATP7B were more resistant to copper than the parental CHO-K1 cells. Subcellular localisation studies showed that both forms of sATP7B were similarly located in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). When the extracellular copper concentration was increased, each form of sATP7B redistributed to a punctate, vesicular compartment that extended throughout the cytoplasm. Both forms of sATP7B recycled to the perinuclear location within one hour when the cells were subsequently incubated in basal medium. After treatment of cells with bafilomycin A1 sATP7B accumulated in cytoplasmic vesicles, implying that ATP7B continuously recycles via the endocytic pathway. These results suggest that both forms of sATP7B are functional copper-transport proteins and that the intracellular location and trafficking of the sheep protein within the cell also appears normal.


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Zinc is an essential trace element required by all living organisms. An adequate supply of zinc is particularly important in the neonatal period. Zinc is a significant component of breast milk, which is transported across the maternal epithelia during lactation. The mechanisms by which zinc becomes a constituent of breast milk have not been elucidated. The function of the zinc transporter ZnT4 in the transport of zinc into milk during lactation was previously demonstrated by studies of a mouse mutant, the ‘lethal milk’ mouse, where a mutation in the ZnT4 gene decreased the transport of zinc into milk. In the present study, we have investigated the expression of the human orthologue of ZnT4 (hZnT4) in the human breast. We detected hZnT4 mRNA expression in the tissue from the resting and lactating human breast, using reverse-transcriptase PCR. Western-blot analysis using antibodies to peptide sequences of hZnT4 detected a major band of the predicted size of 47 kDa and a minor band of 77 kDa, in extracts from the resting and lactating breast tissues. There was no difference in the hZnT4 expression levels between lactating and resting breasts. The hZnT4 protein was present in the luminal cells of the ducts and alveoli where it had a granular distribution. A cultured human breast epithelial cell line PMC42 was used to investigate the subcellular distribution of hZnT4 and this showed a granular label throughout the cytoplasm, consistent with a vesicular localization. The presence of zinc-containing intracellular vesicles was demonstrated by using the zinc-specific fluorphore Zinquin (ethyl-[2-methyl-8-p-toluenesulphonamido-6-quinolyloxy]acetate). Double labelling indicated that there was no obvious overlap between Zinquin and the hZnT4 protein, suggesting that hZnT4 was not directly involved in the transport of zinc into vesicles. We detected expression of two other members of the hZnT family, hZnT1 and hZnT3, in human breast epithelial cells. We conclude that hZnT4 is constitutively expressed in the human breast and may be one of the several members of the ZnT family involved in the transport of zinc into milk.


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Zinc deficiency, causing impaired growth and development, may have a nutritional or genetic basis. We investigated two cases of inherited zinc deficiency found in breast-fed neonates, caused by low levels of zinc in the maternal milk. This condition is different from acrodermatitis enteropathica but has similarities to the "lethal milk" mouse, where low levels of zinc in the milk of lactating dams leads to zinc deficiency in pups. The mouse disorder has been attributed to a defect in the ZnT4 gene. Little is known about the expression of the human orthologue, hZnT4 (Slc30A4). Sequence analysis of cDNA, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis of hZnT4, carried out on control cells and cells from unrelated mothers of two infants with zinc deficiency, showed no differences. The hZnT4 gene was highly expressed in mouthwash buccal cells compared with lymphoblasts and fibroblasts. The hZnT4 protein did not co-localise with intracellular free zinc pools, suggesting that hZnT4 is not involved in transport of zinc into vesicles destined for secretion into milk. This observation, combined with phenotypic differences between the "lethal milk" mouse and the human disorder, suggests that the "lethal milk" mouse is not the corresponding model for the human zinc deficiency condition.


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The existence of an egg-laying hormone (ELH) was identified for the first time in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, by means of immunoenzyme and immunofluorescence techniques. This was achieved using a polyclonal antibody produced against expressed recombinant ELH of the female Australian blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra. The shrimp ELH reactive material was found to be localised within female neurosecretory tissues and the secretory tissue of the antennal gland, but was not identified in the X-organ sinus gland within the eyestalk. It was also present in the ovary, where the amount of ELH present was observed to be greatest in the period prior to spawning. These findings implied that the induction of P. monodon spawning might be involved with humoral regulation relating to ELH expression.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that are pivotal in cellular regulation. Since its discovery in 1977, PKCs have been known as cytosolic and peripheral membrane proteins. However, there are reports that PKC can insert into phospholipids vesicles in vitro. Given the intimate relationship between the plasma membrane and the activation of PKC, it is important to determine whether such “membrane-inserted” form of PKC exists in mammalian cells or tissues. Here, we report the identification of an integral plasma membrane pool for all the 10 PKC isozymes in vivo by their ability to partition into the detergent-rich phase in Triton X-114 phase partitioning, and by their resistance to extractions with 0.2 M sodium carbonate (pH 11.5), 2 M urea and 2 M sodium chloride. The endogenous integral membrane pool of PKC in mouse fibroblasts is found to be acutely regulated by phorbol ester or diacylglycerol, suggesting that this pool of PKC may participate in cellular processes known to be regulated by PKC. At least for PKCα, the C2–V3 region at the regulatory domain of the kinase is responsible for membrane integration. Further exploration of the function of this novel integral plasma membrane pool of PKC will not only shed new light on molecular mechanisms underlying its cellular functions but also provide new strategies for pharmaceutical modulation of this important group of kinases.


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We and others have shown that the copper transporters ATP7A and ATP7B play a role in cellular resistance to cisdiaminedichloroplatinum (II) (CDDP).  In this study, we found that ATP7A transfection of Chinese hamster ovary  cells (CHOK1) and fibroblasts isolated from Menkes disease patients  enhanced resistance not only to CDDP but also to various anticancer drugs, such as vincristine, paclitaxel, 7-ethyl-10- hydroxy-camptothecin (SN-38),  etoposide, doxorubicin, mitoxantron, and 7-ethyl-10-[4-(1-piperidino)-1-piperidino] carbonyloxycamptothecin (CPT-11). ATP7A preferentially localized
doxorubicin fluorescence to the Golgi apparatus in contrast to the more intense nuclear staining of doxorubicin in the parental cells. Brefeldin A   partially and monensin completely altered the distribution of doxorubicin to the nuclei in the ATP7A-expressing cells. ATP7A expression also enhanced the efflux rates of doxorubicin and SN-38 from cells and increased the uptake of SN-38 in membrane vesicles. These findings strongly suggested that   ATP7A confers multidrug resistance to the cells by compartmentalizing drugs in the Golgi apparatus and by enhancing efflux of these drugs, and the trans-Golgi network has an important role of ATP7A-related drug resistance. ATP7A was expressed in 8 of 34 (23.5%) clinical colon cancer specimens but not in the adjacent normal epithelium. Using the histoculture drug response assay that is useful for the prediction of drug sensitivity of clinical cancers, ATP7A-expressing colon cancer cells were significantly more  resistant to SN-38 than ATP7Anegative cells. Thus, ATP7A confers  resistance to various anticancer agents on cancer cells and might be a good index of drug resistance in clinical colon cancers.


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Stomatin, originally identified as a major protein of the human erythrocyte membrane, is widely expressed in various tissues. Orthologues are found in vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and microorganisms. Related proteins exhibit a common core structure, termed the prohibitin (PHB) domain, with varying extensions. Stomatin has an unusual topology, similar to caveolin-1, with a hydrophobic domain embedded at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Additional anchoring is provided by palmitoylation and the membrane affinity of the PHB domain. Stomatin associates with cholesterol-rich microdomains (lipid rafts), forms oligomers, and thereby displays a scaffolding function by generating large protein-lipid complexes. It regulates the activity of various membrane proteins by reversibly recruiting them to lipid rafts. This mechanism of regulation has been shown for GLUT-1 and may also apply for ion channels. Stomatin is located at the plasma membrane, particularly in microvilli, in endocytic and exocytic vesicles, and cytoplasmic granules. Stomatin-carrying endosomes are highly dynamic and interact with lipid droplets suggesting a role in intracellular lipid transport. This subcellular distribution and the caveolin-like protein structure suggest important membrane organizing functions for stomatin. A general picture emerges now that cell membranes contain cholesterol-rich domains that are generated and regulated by scaffolding proteins like caveolins, stomatins, and flotillin/reggie proteins.


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There is an increasing use of herbal medicines worldwide, and the extracts from the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza are widely used in the treatment of angina and stroke. In this study, we investigated the mechanism for the intestinal absorption of tanshinone IIB (TSB), a major constituent of S. miltiorrhiza. The oral bioavailability of TSB was about 3% in rats with less proportional increase in its maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) with increasing dosage. The time to Cmax (Tmax) was prolonged at higher oral dosage. In a single pass rat intestinal perfusion model, the permeability coefficients (Papp) based on TSB disappearance from the lumen (Plumen) were 6.2- to 7.2-fold higher (p < 0.01) than those based on drug appearance in mesenteric venous blood (Pblood). The uptake and efflux of TSB in Caco-2 cells were also significantly altered in the presence of an inhibitor for P-glycoprotein (PgP) or for multi-drug resistance associated protein (MRP1/2). TSB transport from the apical (AP) to basolateral (BL) side in Caco-2 monolayers was 3.3- to 5.7-fold lower than that from BL to AP side, but this polarized transport was attenuated by co-incubation of PgP or MRP1/2 inhibitors. The Papp values of TSB in the BL-AP direction were significantly higher in MDCKII cells over-expressing MDR1 or MRP1, but not in cells over-expressing MRP2-5, as compared with the wild-type cells. The plasma AUC0-24hr in mdr1a and mrp1 gene-deficient mice was 10.2- to 1.7-fold higher than that in the wild-type mice. Furthermore, TSB significantly inhibited the uptake of digoxin and vinblastine in membrane vesicles containing PgP or MRP1. TSB also moderately stimulated PgP ATPase activity. Taken collectively, our findings indicate that TSB is a substrate for PgP and MRP1 and that drug resistance to TSB therapy and drug interactions may occur through PgP and MRP1 modulation.


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AS160 is an Akt substrate of 160 kDa implicated in the regulation of both insulin- and contraction-mediated GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake. The effects of aerobic exercise and subsequent insulin stimulation on AS160 phosphorylation and the binding capacity of 14-3-3, a novel protein involved in the dissociation of AS160 from GLUT4 vesicles, in human skeletal muscle are unknown. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps were performed on seven men at rest and immediately and 3 h after a single bout of cycling exercise. Skeletal muscle biopsies were taken before and after the clamps. The insulin sensitivity index calculated during the final 30 min of the clamp was 8.0 ± 0.8, 9.1 ± 0.5, and 9.2 ± 0.8 for the rest, postexercise, and 3-h postexercise trials, respectively. AS160 phosphorylation increased immediately after exercise and remained elevated 3 h after exercise. In contrast, the 14-3-3 binding capacity of AS160 and phosphorylation of Akt and AMP-activated protein kinase were only increased immediately after exercise. Insulin increased AS160 phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding capacity and insulin receptor substrate-1 and Akt phosphorylation, but the response to insulin was not enhanced by prior exercise. In conclusion, the 14-3-3 binding capacity of AS160 is increased immediately after acute exercise in human skeletal muscle, but this is not maintained 3 h after exercise completion despite sustained AS160 phosphorylation. Insulin increases AS160 phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding capacity, but prior exercise does not appear to enhance the response to insulin.