30 resultados para Replicated Chains


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Despite the increasing significance of e-business worldwide and construction market leaders developing innovative e-business applications, the widespread uptake in the Australian construction industry is lagging. There has been considerable literature related to e-business adoption focusing on drivers and barriers to adoption. However, there has not been an investigation that has applied fundamental supply chain theory concepts. In this paper a reflexive capability model for the individual firm in relation to e-business is developed which relies upon merging economic and social practices through an industrial organization economic theoretical lens and social science theories of communication. The reflexive
capability model proposed within this paper describes a framework for theorization of the different degrees of e-business adoption exhibited by individual firm’s and accounts for social-cultural, organisational-structural, communicative and economic (market and supply
chain) barriers, influences and pressures to adopt e-business.The model is proposed for the construction supply chain to enable awareness, engagement and realization of e-business technology and achieve long term construction e-business sustainability.


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The objective of this paper is to introduce and describe a conceptual framework of firms' corporate and business ethics in supply chains in terms of ethical structures, ethical processes and ethical performance. A framework is outlined and positioned incorporating an ethical frame of reference in the field of Supply Chain Management (SCM). A number of areas and sub-areas of firms' corporate and business ethics are framed in the context of supply chains. The introduced framework should be seen as a seed for further development and refinement in the field of SCM. It provides opportunities for further research of ethical concerns in supply chains.


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The argument developed in this paper is that a focus on practice provides some resolutions to methodological problems facing Bourdieuian scholarship in education. In order to develop Bourdieu's work on practice to account for the interactions between practices, this paper presents a conceptualization of practice as chains of production and consumption. The first part of the paper reviews the account of practice offered by Bourdieu both embedded in practice games and as field effects. The second part of the paper introduces practice chains of production and consumption as a way to conceptualize practice by drawing on a case involving print journalists' involvement with policy makers over the course of an Australian policy review. The final section presents a discussion of this conceptualization and highlights the potential of the concept for further research in understanding the processes of educational policy development.


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This thesis establishes that the way music consumers perceive value has been significantly altered because of their virtual 'inclusion' in information systems processes. The results identified factors influencing the value perception and value-adding processes, providing industry stakeholders with an understanding of customers' judgements, perceptions and their sense of value.


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Reports the design of three-level transaction processing model which provides efficient transaction management in a replicated and mobile environment. The model uses a promary/non-primary replication control protocol to enable transaction processing with fast user response time at any distributed site including mobile hosts. A Web-based design with an implementation of a prototype application system shows a concrete example of how to adopt the transaction model over distributed databases.


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Teleoperation is integral to society's uptake of modern robotic systems. Given the wide array of readily available robots, ranging from simple mobile platforms and UAVs to advanced humanoid robots such as ASIMO and PR2, teleoperation is required in many different forms. The recent advances in virtual reality systems, interactive input controls and even haptic devices facilitate a wide range of new approaches to teleoperation control. This paper considers a dynamic user interface for improving the operator's ability to teleoperate heterogeneous robotic systems in dynamic and challenging environments. In order to achieve the proposed dynamic user interface the robot(s) comprising the heterogeneous robotic system and their active components need to be categorized. The recent uptake of ROS means that many robots are now represented within the standardized Unified Robot Descriptive Format (URDF), and this paper proposes a method for searching the URDF for active serial chains in individual robot systems. Results demonstrate the ability of the approach to determine active serial chains and associated kinematic information for the Baxter torso robot.


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In recent years, there has been studies on the cardinality constrained multi-cycle problems on directed graphs, some of which considered chains co-existing on the same digraph whilst others did not. These studies were inspired by the optimal matching of kidneys known as the Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP). In a KEP, a vertex on the digraph represents a donor-patient pair who are related, though the kidney of the donor is incompatible to the patient. When there are multiple such incompatible pairs in the kidney exchange pool, the kidney of the donor of one incompatible pair may in fact be compatible to the patient of another incompatible pair. If Donor A’s kidney is suitable for Patient B, and vice versa, then there will be arcs in both directions between Vertex A to Vertex B. Such exchanges form a 2-cycle. There may also be cycles involving 3 or more vertices. As all exchanges in a kidney exchange cycle must take place simultaneously, (otherwise a donor can drop out from the program once his/her partner has received a kidney from another donor), due to logistic and human resource reasons, only a limited number of kidney exchanges can occur simultaneously, hence the cardinality of these cycles are constrained. In recent years, kidney exchange programs around the world have altruistic donors in the pool. A sequence of exchanges that starts from an altruistic donor forms a chain instead of a cycle. We therefore have two underlying combinatorial optimization problems: Cardinality Constrained Multi-cycle Problem (CCMcP) and the Cardinality Constrained Cycles and Chains Problem (CCCCP). The objective of the KEP is either to maximize the number of kidney matches, or to maximize a certain weighted function of kidney matches. In a CCMcP, a vertex can be in at most one cycle whereas in a CCCCP, a vertex can be part of (but in no more than) a cycle or a chain. The cardinality of the cycles are constrained in all studies. The cardinality of the chains, however, are considered unconstrained in some studies, constrained but larger than that of cycles, or the same as that of cycles in others. Although the CCMcP has some similarities to the ATSP- and VRP-family of problems, there is a major difference: strong subtour elimination constraints are mostly invalid for the CCMcP, as we do allow smaller subtours as long as they do not exceed the size limit. The CCCCP has its distinctive feature that allows chains as well as cycles on the same directed graph. Hence, both the CCMcP and the CCCCP are interesting and challenging combinatorial optimization problems in their own rights. Most existing studies focused on solution methodologies, and as far as we aware, there is no polyhedral studies so far. In this paper, we will study the polyhedral structure of the natural arc-based integer programming models of the CCMcP and the CCCCP, both containing exponentially many constraints. We do so to pave the way for studying strong valid cuts we have found that can be applied in a Lagrangean relaxation-based branch-and-bound framework where at each node of the branch-and-bound tree, we may be able to obtain a relaxation that can be solved in polynomial time, with strong valid cuts dualized into the objective function and the dual multipliers optimised by subgradient optimisation.


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 This thesis presents several results regarding the kinematic performance analysis of axis-symmetric parallel mechanisms with closed-loop sub-chains. Screw theory based methods have been utilised to generate new indices, along with a formal procedure, enabling the systematic and complete singularity and motion/force transmission analysis of parallel mechanisms with these closed-loop sub-chains.


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This paper draws on interview data gathered as part of a broader study around issues of equity and schooling. It features the voices of the Executive Director and four Head Teachers from one of England's top performing academy chains, ‘CONNECT’. The notion of neoliberal responsibilisation is drawn on to examine, first, the ways in which Head Teachers describe their work and, second, the chain's expectations of them as CONNECT leaders. Responsibilisation of the self was apparent in Head Teachers' construction of themselves as ideal neoliberal workers – performing and enterprising subjects who readily accept the business principles and results-orientation of their ‘data-driven’ environment. Responsibilising of Head Teachers by the organisation was evident in the rigorous ‘non-negotiable’ standards and accountabilities at CONNECT that they were expected to comply with. These non-negotiables cultivated and rewarded Head Teachers’ entrepreneurial identity of achievement motivation. The paper illustrates how such neoliberal responsibilisation is both a crucial and highly troubling element in the work of academy chains as new modalities of state power.