68 resultados para Ratio and proportion.


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The mining and energy sectors are particularly publicly sensitive sectors and subject to a high degree of public scrutiny. Evan and Freeman (1993) suggest that such public scrutiny needs may be better met by having direct public stakeholder representation on the board of directors. Similarly, Bilimoria (2000) argues a strong commercial case for engaging women on boards. This paper investigates the number and proportion of non equity holding public stakeholder directors and the number and proportion of women directors on the boards of Australian mining and energy company initial public offerings (IPOs) and reports a paucity of public stakeholder directors and also a low proportional female representation on such IPO boards.


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Background: A protein isolate from white lupin (Lupinus albus; L-ISO) has potential as a novel human food ingredient, but its nutritional effects are unknown.

: We evaluated protein quality and effects on body composition in rats of isoenergic diets of L-ISO, lactalbumin, or casein with both restricted (10-day) and ad libitum (28-day)intake. The diets were equivalent in protein per se, but supplementation was used to balance essential amino acid levels.

Results: In both studies, the rats consumed similar amounts of each diet, and no effect of diet on the gain:feed ratio was observed--though gain:N ratio and net protein utilization were slightly lower for the L-ISO diet. Lower large intestinal weights after the L-ISO than after the lactalbumin diet were observed in both studies. The L-ISO diet resulted in lowered body fat percentage in the 10-day study but in an elevated level in the 28-day study. Liver composition (DNA, RNA, glycogen, and fat) and plasma levels of some amino acids (His, Thr, Ala, Pro, Tyr, Val and Met) were affected by diet, but no effects on plasma lipid, glucose, or uric acid were observed.

: The L-ISO diet did not affect feed intake and has adequate nutritional quality in rats whilst modifying large intestinal weight in a potentially beneficial manner--suggesting potential for this protein in human nutrition.


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For a given sheet metal forming process, an accurate determination of the contact pressure distribution is an essential step towards the estimation of tool life. This investigation utilizes finite element (FE) analysis to model and explain the evolution and distribution of contact pressure over the die radius, throughout the duration of a channel forming process. It was found that a typical two-peak steady-state contact pressure response exists for the majority of the process. However, this was preceded by an initial transient response, characterized by extremely large and localized contact pressures, which were more than double the magnitude of the steady-state peak pressure. The validity of the predicted contact pressure behavior was assessed via detailed numerical analysis and by examining the wear response of an experimental stamping operation. The experimental results revealed that the high contact pressure zones of the transient response corresponded to a severe galling wear mechanism. Therefore, the transient response may be of primary significance to the tool wear response; thus questioning the applicability of traditional bending-under-tension wear tests for sheet metal stamping processes. Finally, a parametric study was conducted, examining the influence of the major process parameters on the steady-state and peak transient contact pressures, using the developed FE model. It was found that the bend ratio and the blank material ultimate tensile strength had the most influence on the peak contact pressures. The main process-related parameters, friction coefficient and blank holder force, were found to have only a minor influence.


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This paper examines board responsibilities and accountability by management and Board of Directors in relation to the National Australia Bank's (NABs) performance. The NAB, an international financial service provider within the top thirty most profitable banks in the world, is compared with the Australian major banks. The evidence suggests that NABs poor performance was consistent with a lack of accountability, poor corporate governance and board dysfunction associated with fraudulent currency trading and the subsequent AUD360 million foreign currency losses. The NAB's performance is investigated by utilising accounting-based measures of profitability and cost efficiency as proxies for performance. Following the foreign currency trading losses in 2004 the NAB under-performed the other major Australian banks in terms of profits, cost to income ratio and growth in assets. In terms of profitability and cost efficiency NAB had the lowest ROE and ROA with a 19.7% fall in net profit and the highest cost to income ratio of 5 7.4% of any of the five largest banks. This case study provides an Australian example of poor corporate governance and suggests that financial institutions and regulators can learn from the NAB's experience. Failure to have top-down accountability can have significant impact on over-all performance, profitability and reputation. In particular, it suggests that management and Boards need to review their risk management procedures and regulators need to be more pro-active in their prudential oversight of financial institutions.


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This study uses a two-sector model to determine the productivity differential between the export and non-export sectors of Fiji, and the contribution of exports and investment to gross domestic product over the period 1962-2000. Amongst our key results, we find that the productivity differential between the export and non-export sectors is small and statistically insignificant; investment to GDP ratio and weighted exports positively contribute to economic growth in Fiji; and in the abnormal years (years of coups in Fiji) marginal productivity in capital in the non-export sector is lower than in normal years.


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Few studies to date have examined age-related changes in markers of immune status in healthy older individuals. The immune status of 93 healthy individuals aged 55–70 years was assessed by two- and three-color flow cytometry and biochemical analysis. There were significant age effects (p ≤.05) on monocyte phagocytic activity and cluster of differentiation (CD) 3/human leukocyte antigen-D-related (HLA-DR) late-activated T lymphocytes (% expression). There was a significant (p ≤ 0.1) Age x Sex interaction in absolute counts (x 109/L) of CD3/CD8 total cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), the CD4 T- helper to CD8 CTL ratio, the CD3/CD4/CD45RA naïve T helper to CD3/CD4/CD45RO memory T helper lymphocyte ratio, and interleukin (IL)-1ß (% expression) by activated monocytes. The study shows that alterations in markers of immune status occur between 55 and 70 years, and provides reference values for the lymphocyte measures in healthy men and postmenopausal women in this age group. The study further highlights the need for sex-specific reference ranges for such markers.


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Utrophin expression is regulated by calcineurin and up-regulating utrophin can decrease the susceptibility of dystrophic skeletal muscle to contraction-induced injury. We overexpressed the constitutively active calcineurin-A α in skeletal muscle of mdx dystrophic mice (mdx CnA*) and examined the tibialis anterior muscle to determine whether the presence of activated calcineurin promotes resistance to muscle damage after lengthening contractions. Two stretches (10 s apart) of 40% strain relative to muscle fibre length were initiated from the plateau of a maximal isometric tetanic contraction. Muscle damage was assessed 1, 5 and 15 min later by the deficit in maximum isometric force and by quantifying the proportion of muscle fibres staining positive for intracytoplasmic albumin. The force deficit at all time points after the lengthening contractions was approximately 80% in mdx muscles and 30% in mdxCnA* muscles. The proportion of albumin-positive fibres was significantly less in control and injured muscles from mdxCnA* mice than from mdx mice. Compared with mdx mice, mean fibre cross-sectional area was 50% less in muscles from mdxCnA* mice. Furthermore, muscles frommdxCnA* mice exhibited a higher proportion of fibres expressing the slow(er) myosin heavy chain (MyHC) I and IIa isoforms, prolonged contraction and relaxation times, lower absolute and normalized maximum forces, and a clear leftward shift of the frequency–force relationship with greater force production at lower stimulation frequencies. These are structural and functional markers of a slower muscle phenotype. Taken together, our findings show that muscles from mdxCnA* mice have a smaller mean fibre cross-sectional area, a greater sarcolemmal to cytoplasmic volume ratio, and an increase in utrophin expression, promoting an attenuated susceptibility to contraction-induced injury. We conclude that increased calcineurin activity may confer functional benefits to dystrophic skeletal muscles.


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The major polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in the western diet is linoleic acid (LA), which is considered to be the major source of tissue arachidonic acid (AA), the principal precursor for the vaso-active eicosanoids via the cyclooxygenase enzymatic pathway. However, dietary AA may contribute significantly to tissue levels of AA in humans, leading to an increase in the production of eicosanoids, particularly the platelet aggregating, vasoconstricting, thromboxane (TXA2), hence increasing thrombosis risk. The aims of this study were to determine the extent to which dietary AA contributed to prostacyclin (PGI2) and TXA2 production in vivo and whether dietary long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA have a modulating influence on the metabolism of AA to these vaso-active eicosanoids. A gas chromatography -mass spectrometry (GCMS) method for urinary PGI2-M determination and a tandem GCMS/MS method for urinary TXA2-M determination were perfected for use within our laboratory (with the assistance of Dr Howard Knapp, University of Iowa and Professor Reinhard Lorenz, Ludwig Maximilian's University, Munich, respectively). An initial animal study compared the in vitro production of PGI2 by aorta segments with the whole body in vivo production of PGI2 in rats fed ethyl arachidonate or the ethyl ester of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), at levels many times higher than encountered in human diets. During AA feeding both measures of PGI2 increased, although in vitro TXA2 production was not affected. EPA feeding lowered in vitro TXA2 and in vivo PGI2. Prior to determining the effects of AA and LC n-3 PUFA in humans, a study was carried out to determine the AA and LC n-3 PUFA content of foods and from these, an estimate of the mean daily intake of AA and other LC PUFA. Eggs, organ meats and paté were found to be the richest sources of AA. Of the meat and fish analysed, white meat was found to be relatively rich in AA but poor in LC n-3 PUFA. Lean red meat, particularly kangaroo had similar LC n-3 PUFA and AA content. Fish, although rich in AA, had extremely high levels of LC n-3 PUFA. The calculated mean daily intakes of AA in Australian adults was 130mg (males) and 96mg (females). For total LC n-3 PUFA intake, the mean daily values were 247mg (males) and 197mg (females). Two human pilot studies involving dietary intervention trials examined the effects of dietary AA and AA plus long chain n-3 PUFA on thrombosis risk, gauged by the change in the ratio of PGI2 / TXA2 as well as alterations to other recognised risk factors, such as lipoprotein lipids and platelet aggregation. The desired dietary amounts of AA and LC n-3 PUFA were achieved in the first study by combining food items with known levels of each fatty acid. In the second study, where a diet with approximately equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA was being examined, kangaroo meat was consumed, following a low-fat vegetarian diet used as a baseline. Diets rich in AA alone (~500mg/day) increased plasma phospholipid (PL) AA levels, PGIi and TXA2 production. When foods containing equal quantities of AA and EPA (∼500mg/day of each) were fed to subjects PGI2 increased, with no change in TXAs production. Low fat vegetarian diets lowered PGI2 production, the level of which was reestablished by an AA rich diet (∼300mg AA/day + ∼260mg/day LC n-3 PUFA) of kangaroo meat. However, TXA2 production was not altered. A final, larger human dietary intervention trial then examined the effects of diets relatively rich in AA alone, AA plus LC n-3 PUFA and LC n-3 PUFA, on the ratio of PGI2/TXA2- The dietary sources of these fatty acids were white meat, red meat and fish, respectively. Each contained a mean level of AA of ∼140mg/day, with varying LC n-3 PUFA levels (59, 161 and 3380mg/day, respectively). Neither meat diet altered PGI2 or TXA2 production significantly, despite increasing serum PL AA levels. The fish diet resulted in a decrease in the serum and platelet PL AA/EPA ratio and TXA2 production, thus increasing the PGI2 / TXA2 ratio. These results would indicate that stores of AA in the body are sufficiently high to have effectively saturated the cyclooxygenase pathway for production of both PGI2 and TXA2, thus making any small change in the plasma level of AA due to 'normal' dietary levels, inconsequential. However, as seen in the rat study and the two pilot studies higher dietary levels of AA can increase both PGI2 and TXA2 production. Increases in platelet levels of EPA and DHA were associated with a decrease in TXA2 production, or the maintenance of a constant TXA2 level, while AA tissue levels and PGI2 production increased. This suggests a possible inhibitory effect of LC n-3 PUFA on the metabolism of AA to TXA2, particularly in platelets. From these short term studies, conducted over 2-3 week periods, it can be concluded that diets rich in lean meats can raise plasma AA levels but do not affect TXA2 or PGI2 production, hence are not pro-thrombotic. Diets rich in long chain n-3 PUFA from fish, raise plasma EPA and DHA levels, lower TXA2 production and are anti-thrombotic. Diets which combine equal quantities of AA and LC n-3 PUFA appear to increase PGI2 production while keeping TXA2 production constant. In order for these LC PUFA to have a significant effect on eicosanoid production the dietary intake of these fatty acids through foods such as red meat or white meat would have to be higher than average current Australian consumption levels.


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The microstructure and crystallographic texture characteristics were studied in a 22Cr-6Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steel subjected to plastic deformation in torsion at a temperature of 1000 °C using a strain rate of 1 s−1. High-resolution EBSD was successfully used for precise phase and substructural characterization of this steel. The austenite/ferrite ratio and phase morphology as well as the crystallographic texture, subgrain size, misorientation angles and misorientation gradients corresponding to each phase were determined over large sample areas. The deformation mechanisms in each phase and the interrelationship between the two are discussed.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are nanoscale cylinders of graphene with exceptional properties such as high mechanical strength, high aspect ratio and large specific surface area. To exploit these properties for membranes, macroscopic structures need to be designed with controlled porosity and pore size. This manuscript reviews recent progress on two such structures: (i) CNT Bucky-papers, a non-woven, paper like structure of randomly entangled CNTs, and (ii) isoporous CNT membranes, where the hollow CNT interior acts as a membrane pore. The construction of these two types of membranes will be discussed, characterization and permeance results compared, and some promising applications presented.


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In a replicated experiment, we investigated the impact of cashmere in blends with superfine wools on the wear attributes of single jersey knitted fabrics. We also investigated the relative performance of low crimp/low fiber curvature superfine wool when compared with cashmere and also when compared with traditional high crimp/high fiber curvature superfine wool in pure and blended knitted fabrics. Wool type, blend ratio and fabric structure affected fabric air permeability, resistance to pilling and change in appearance, relaxation shrinkage, hygral expansion, and dimensional stability during laundering. The responses to variation in fiber crimp were much greater than previously reported. The fabric properties of low crimp wool differed significantly from those made from high crimp wool, and low crimp wool fabric properties differed significantly from, but were closer to, the fabric properties of cashmere, compared with high curvature wool.


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Objective: To identify the type and proportion of depressive and related mental health disorders in a group of individuals seeking outpatient treatment at an alcohol and other drug (AOD) service.
Design, setting and participants: A cross-sectional study using diagnostic interviews with 95 participants (56 men, 39 women) seeking treatment from an AOD service.
Main outcome measures: Mental health and substance disorders were measured using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist, Beck Depression Inventory, and State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (Trait Version).
Results: This was a complex group with addiction, mental health and physical health conditions; 76% had a depressive disorder and 71% had an anxiety disorder. Most were diagnosed with at least two mental health disorders and 25% were diagnosed with four or more different disorders. Alcohol and cannabis use were the most commonly diagnosed AOD disorders. Further, those diagnosed with a drug use disorder reported significantly higher levels of depression compared with those with an alcohol-only disorder. Finally, 60% of the sample reported chronic health conditions, with over one third taking medication for a physical condition on a regular basis.
Conclusions: Primary care providers such as general practitioners are likely to be increasingly called on to assess, treat and/or coordinate care of patients with AOD disorders. We show that this group will likely present to their GP with more than one MJA 2011; 195: S60–S63 mental health disorder in addition to acute and chronic physical health conditions.


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The hypothesis that heavy fishing pressure has led to changes in the biological characteristics of the estuary cobbler (Cnidoglanis macrocephalus) was tested in a large seasonally open estuary in southwestern Australia, where this species completes its life cycle and is the most valuable commercial fish species. Comparisons were made between seasonal data collected for this plotosid (eeltail catfish) in Wilson Inlet during 2005-08 and those recorded with the same fishery-independent sampling regime during 1987-89. These comparisons show that the proportions of larger and older individuals and the catch rates in the more recent period were far lower, i.e., they constituted reductions of 40% for fish ≥430 mm total length, 62% for fish ≥4 years of age, and 80% for catch rate. In addition, total mortality and fishing-induced mortality estimates increased by factors of ~2 and 2.5, respectively. The indications that the abundance and proportion of older C. macrocephalus declined between the two periods are consistent with the perception of long-term commercial fishermen and their shift toward using a smaller maximum gill net mesh to target this species. The sustained heavy fishing pressure on C. macrocephalus between 1987-89 and 2005-08 was accompanied by a marked reduction in length and age at maturity of this species. The shift in probabilistic maturation reaction norms toward smaller fish in 2005-08 and the lack of a conspicuous change in growth between the two periods indicate that the maturity changes were related to fishery-induced evolution rather than to compensatory responses to reduced fish densities.


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Physical models and scaled prototypes of architecture play an important role in design. They enable architects and designers to investigate the formal, functional, and material attributes of the design. Understanding digital processes of realizing scaled prototypes is a significant problem confronting design practice. This paper reports on three approaches to the translation of Gaussian surface models into scaled physical prototype models. Based on the geometry of Eladio Dieste’s Gaussian Vaults, the paper reports on the aspects encountered in the process of digital to physical construction using scaled prototypes. The primary focus of the paper is on computing the design geometry, investigating methods for preparing the geometry for fabrication and physical construction. Three different approaches in the translation from digital to physical models are investigated: rapid prototyping, two-dimensional surface models in paper and structural component models using CNC fabrication. The three approaches identify a body of knowledge in the design and prototyping of Gaussian vaults. Finally the paper discusses the digital to fabrication translation processes with regards to the characteristics, benefits and limitations of the three approaches of prototyping the ruled surface geometry of Gaussian Vaults. The results of each of three fabrication processes allowed for a better understanding of the digital to physical translation process. The use of rapid prototyping permits the production of form models that provide a representation of the physical characteristics such as size, shape and proportion of the Gaussian Vault.


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The incorporation and uniform dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in polymer matrix could facilitate engineers to create high performance nanocomposites that potentially compete with most advanced materials in nature. The unique combination of outstanding mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of CNTs makes them excellent nanofillers for the fabrication of advanced materials. Successful enhancement in mechanical properties via reinforcement is expected only when the nanofillers are well dispersed in the polymer matrix. Moreover, the orientation as well as the CNT/matrix interfacial strength also determines the effective physical properties of the nanocomposites. However, CNTs typically assemble to give bundles, which are heavily entangled to each other with a high aspect ratio and a large π-electronic surface. In this work, we outline some preliminary results in preparing high performance epoxy composites. Composites with fine dispersion and superior mechanical properties were prepared using epoxy and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The fine dispersion of the nanocomposites can be identified in the high resolution SEM image shown in Figure 1. This method can provide an alternative route for the preparation of new structural and functional nanocomposites.