64 resultados para Radio drama


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The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) is Australia's largest owl. Considering their large size they are a very cryptic species, with limited sexual dimorphism, silent fight and a highly camouflaged presence amongst secluded canopy vegetation. These features enable Powerful Owl presence to often go unnoticed and even for the trained eye, extremely difficult to study. Our research has focused on monitoring the behaviour of individual Powerful Owls in urban Melbourne, Australia.
The leg banding of Powerful Owls is a somewhat contentious issue in Australia and here we report on the suitability of different types of legs bands placed on the tarsus of juvenile Powerful Owls. There has been some debate over the band size that should be used and the consequent effects bands may pose for the owls as they mature. We also investigate the usefulness of bands as a technique to identify Powerful Owls once they have dispersed from the natal territory.
Radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls was also undertaken during this study, primarily to determine individual behaviour from post fledging until dispersal. This is the first study in Australia to attempt radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls and the results from this research highlight behavioural characteristics, mortality rates post fledging and dispersal movements for the twelve months post fledging.
Overall we found that aluminium legs bands are a useful tool for individual identification of juvenile Powerful Owls post fledgling, however, their presence is somewhat difficult to determine on mature adults as the tarsus feathers tend to cover the band and make vision from the ground difficult. Aluminium leg bands are also useful as an identification tool for deceased birds. Leather leg bands are more suitable than aluminium bands when attaching radio-transmitters as these provide more flexibility and can be removed by the owl if they become irritating.
Radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls provided invaluable information relating to juvenile behaviour and movements, showing that juveniles actually remain in territories adjacent to their natal territory for the twelve months post fledging. This information is vital for the successful conservation of this species, particularly in relation to habitat conservation and home-range modelling.


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The paper presents a framework to design robust transmit power controllers in cellular radio systems. The robust controllers designed are able to guarantee the quality of service (QoS) by keeping the carrier-to-inference-plus-noise ratio (CIRN) above a desired level in face of network link gain variations. The controller design problem is solved by solving a noncooperative dynamic game between the controller and unknown link gain variations.


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This chapter considers the use of social software, in particular the blog, emerging from youth web-culture as a space for groups and individuals to reflect upon performance-making processes. lt focuses on the Drama Australia VINE project, launched at the beginning of 2006 through to its conclusion at the end of2007. The VINE project brought together groups of drama students within schools, universities and the broader community to make group performances based on a common theme. Using a multi-user blogging environment, vineblogs net, groups or individuals maintained blogs of their performance-making processes. This allowed the work to l¡e shared within the VINE project community and potentially with a worldwide audience. A case study was set up involving one class of students and their teachers who were involved in the VINE project and participants were asked to reflect and comment upon the performance-making and blogging experience. The chapter considers the challenge that we face as educators to find appropriate avenues to engage young people in reflection. It considers the ways in which students engage with technology that are ofter different from their teachers. The chapter goes on to discuss how blogs can contribute to the creation of a sense of individual or group identity and recognition. It asks, 'how do blogs encourage reflection upon performance-making processes and facilitate the creating of connections and the building of community between drama students and teachers across a range of settings?' Finally the chapter describes what we've learned about blogs in drama and considers where we go from here'


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Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFIO) has been explored for various process enhancements in clinical contexts, particularly hospitals, for asset tracking. The technology has been accepted in such environments, as it is inexpensive and, in principle, uncomplicated to integrate with other clinical support systems. It is perceived to offer many benefits to currently resource critical/strained clinical environments. This research investigation focuses on the exploitation of the potential of the technology, to enhance processes in clinical environments. In this paper, the researchers aimed to uncover if the technology, as presently deployed, has been able to achieve its potential and, in particular, if it has been fully integrated into processes in a way that maximises the benefits that were perceived. This research is part of a larger investigation that aims to develop a meta-model for integration of RFIO into processes in a form that will maximise benefits that may be achievable in clinical environments. As the first phase of the investigation, the key learning from a clinical context (hospital), which has deployed RFIO and attempted to integrate it into the processes, to enable better efficiencies, is presented in this paper. The case method has been used as a methodological framework. Two clinical contexts (hospitals) are involved in the larger project, which constitutes two phases. In Phase 1, semi structured interviews were conducted with a selected number of participants involved with the RFIO deployment project, before and after, in clinical context 1 (hereinafter named as CCl). The results were then synthesised drawing a set of key learning, from different viewpoints (implementers and users), as reported in this paper. These results outline a linear conduit for a new proposed implementation (CC2). On completion of the phase II, the researchers aim to construct a meta-model for maximising the potential of RFIO in clinical contexts. This paper is limited to the first phase that aims to draw key learning to inform the linear conduit.


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A case illustrates why politicians like talkback radio. By going on talkback they can appear to be available in an open and unstructured forum, reaching out over the heads of the media to constituents. But far from being open and unmediated, talkback is a highly controlled and contrived forum. Guests like John Howard have the last word, and talkback hosts, Jon Faine included, make sure that they get it. As quantity always seems to win out over quality in mainstream radio, and brevity over depth, the emphasis is on giving as many callers as possible the chance to ask a question. The result is a few rushed seconds of questioning from the caller and a couple of minutes of spin in return from the politician, with no chance for the caller to push the issue further.


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Radio Frequency Identification is a radical technology that is being experimented in hospitals commonly for tracking high value equipment, in order to maximize the efficiency of processes. RFID deployment and integration is mostly vendor and business driven, and hence its potential is not maximized. In this chapter, we propose a strategic framework to develop a process model, that will assist in maximizing the potential of RFID in hospitals.


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A radio labelling of a connected graph G is a mapping f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2, ...} such that | f (u) - f (v) | ≥ diam (G) - d (u, v) + 1 for each pair of distinct vertices u, v ∈ V (G), where diam (G) is the diameter of G and d (u, v) the distance between u and v. The span of f is defined as maxu, v V (G) | f (u) - f (v) |, and the radio number of G is the minimum span of a radio labelling of G. A complete m-ary tree (m ≥ 2) is a rooted tree such that each vertex of degree greater than one has exactly m children and all degree-one vertices are of equal distance (height) to the root. In this paper we determine the radio number of the complete m-ary tree for any m ≥ 2 with any height and construct explicitly an optimal radio labelling.


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Host says Catholic Brothers College in St Kilda lifted a classroom mobile phone ban which is an indication of technology being embraced in the classroom.Host also mentions iPads are being used in classrooms as well.. Dr Debra Bateman, Deakin University, says iPhones, Flip Cams, Zip Recorders and Web 2 [sic] technology are increasingly being used in schools. Bateman says the technologies give students more ways to display their knowledge, and find the knowledge they need. Bateman also mentions is involved in a project ot look at preparing teachers to go into schools with adequate knowledge of technologies. Bateman says smartphones give the opportunity to do creative work in the classrooms. Interviewees: Dr Debra Bateman, Deakin University