89 resultados para Publishers and publishing


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Open-data has created an unprecedented opportunity with new challenges for ecosystem scientists. Skills in data management are essential to acquire, manage, publish, access and re-use data. These skills span many disciplines and require trans-disciplinary collaboration. Science synthesis centres support analysis and synthesis through collaborative 'Working Groups' where domain specialists work together to synthesise existing information to provide insight into critical problems. The Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS) served a wide range of stakeholders, from scientists to policy-makers to managers. This paper investigates the level of sophistication in data management in the ecosystem science community through the lens of the ACEAS experience, and identifies the important factors required to enable us to benefit from this new data-world and produce innovative science. ACEAS promoted the analysis and synthesis of data to solve transdisciplinary questions, and promoted the publication of the synthesised data. To do so, it provided support in many of the key skillsets required. Analysis and synthesis in multi-disciplinary and multi-organisational teams, and publishing data were new for most. Data were difficult to discover and access, and to make ready for analysis, largely due to lack of metadata. Data use and publication were hampered by concerns about data ownership and a desire for data citation. A web portal was created to visualise geospatial datasets to maximise data interpretation. By the end of the experience there was a significant increase in appreciation of the importance of a Data Management Plan. It is extremely doubtful that the work would have occurred or data delivered without the support of the Synthesis centre, as few of the participants had the necessary networks or skills. It is argued that participation in the Centre provided an important learning opportunity, and has resulted in improved knowledge and understanding of good data management practices.


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Testimonies are viewed as essential for recording the experience of atomic warfare. However, hibakusha Keiko Ogura expresses the need for something more than recording and translating these testimonies. She highlights the need for an understanding of the hibakusha experience through a form of virtual collaboration with hibakusha and their stories. Ogura states that this is best achieved via ‘literature, art and poetry’ (Ogura 2015: n.pag.).This paper discusses why and how we speak about the atomic bomb and argues that virtual collaboration with hibakusha, by writing poetry based on their experiences and publishing it online, encourages empathy and keeps the experience alive for future generations. This paper uses Brandon Shimoda’s curated issue—entitled ‘Hiroshima/Nagasaki’—of Evening Will Come, a monthly online journal of poetics, as a case study.


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This article presents a new conceptual model detailing consumer complaint responses relating to exposure to unacceptable advertising. The model is initiated by consumer perceptions of negative inequity which elicits one of three consumer complaint responses based on the identified triggers that may influence complaining propensity such as demographic, psychographic, cultural, situational and social factors. Complainant perception of the process encountered together with the overall outcome of their experience affect future complaint behaviour as shown by this evolving model as the end reaction flows on to form the consumer’s next response to a similar situation. The advertising industry in Australia is valued annually at over $8 billion and some advertisements have been identified as ‘unacceptable’ by elements in society. Industry and regulatory response to consumer complaints is thus an important area to address and there is no extant literature utilising such an holistic model.


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Children in our society have access to many information resources and communication options. As we witness the convergence of art, literacy and publishing, individuals need to learn how to make sense of information presented in many different forms, and how to construct their own communications in multiple media.
Thinking Multimedia is a program that has developed out of many projects that I have run in several school and some tertiary institutions over the past 12 years. It is an attempt to integrate skills and knowledge from different academic disciplines and to encourage students to understand learning processes and their own learning preferences. The course, offered at this stage at Year 10 level at St Catherine’s School in Melbourne, aims to provide background and basic skills in how to construct and deconstruct information in multiple media and to provide students with the opportunity to explore a ‘real need’ project of their own in a project-based team environment. The course is supported by an online resource and discussion component.
In this presentation I will explain the background to the Thinking Multimedia program and explore some of the work by the students involved.


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What types of goods should be considered digital goods? This paper discusses the question of whether virtual property, such as items available in virtual world environments like Linden Lab’s Second Life and Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, should be considered a valid digital good. The makeup of a virtual property items are explored in this paper and their key features compared and contrasted with that of digital goods. Common examples of digital goods include: electronic books, software, digital music and digital movies. These goods are considered a tangible commodity, that is they have an unlimited supply and secondly they are in a digital/binary form (a sequence of 1’s and 0s’). When looking at why a virtual property items should be included in the category of ‘digital goods’, it is important to consider how items in a virtual world come to exist and how the availability of these items are often controlled by publishers and developers. The aim of this paper is show that digital goods should not be limited to the traditional views such as electronic books, software, music and movies; but in fact the term ‘digital good’ should also include the active market of virtual property


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In a recent issue of TEXT, Matthew Ricketson sought to clarify the ‘boundaries between fiction and nonfiction’. In his capacity as a teacher of the creative nonfiction form he writes, ‘I have lost count of the number of times, in classes and in submitted work, that students have described a piece of nonfiction as a novel’. The confusion thus highlighted is not restricted to Ricketson’s journalism students. In our own university’s creative writing cohort, students also struggle with difficulties in melding the research methodology of the journalist with the language and form of creative writing required to produce nonfiction stories for a 21st century readership.
Currently in Australia creative nonfiction is enthusiastically embraced by publishers and teaching institutions. Works of memoir proliferate in the lists of mainstream publishers, as do anthologies of the essay form. During a time of increasing competition and desire for differentiation between institutions, when graduate outcomes form a basis for marketing university degrees, it is hardly surprising that, increasingly, tertiary writing teachers focus on this genre in their writing programs.
A second tension has arisen in higher education more generally, which affects our writing students’ approaches to tertiary study. The student writers of the 21st century emerge from a digitally literate and socially collaborative generation: the NetGen(eration). From a learner-centric viewpoint, they could be described as time-poor, and motivated by work-integrated learning with its perceived close links to workplace contexts and to writing genres. They seek just-in-time learning to meet their immediate employment needs, which inhibits the development of their capacity to adapt their researching and writing to various genres and audiences.
This article examines issues related to moving these NetGen student writers into the demanding and rapidly expanding creative nonfiction market. It is form rather than genre that denotes creative nonfiction and, we argue, it is the unique features of the personal essay, based as it is on doubt, discovery and the writer’s personal voice that can be instrumental in teaching creative nonfiction writing to our digitally and socially literate cohort of students.


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In this seminar Dr Georgina Kelly gave useful advice to Higher Degree students and early career researchers on “When to publish what during your PhD; publishing in conferences and journals; impact versus reputation; and how to get your paper read by others’. Professor Terry Evans spoke of the importance of ‘Being strategic about publishing with(in) a thesis: the public and accessible nature of contemporary PhD theses and the implications for publishing during candidature and for subsequent publications’. In her presentation, ‘Transitioning: riding the wave’, Associate Professor Karen Stagnitti’s drew on her experiences as an HDR student and Early Career Researcher, raising the importance of recognizing opportunities for presenting at conferences, networking and publishing. Associate Professor Rohan Bastin, discussed benefits of ‘Developing pragmatic and rewarding publishing strategies; strategies and opportunities for having multiple publication projects on the go; tailoring one's output to the esteem criteria relevant to disciplines as well as one's own esteem criteria relevant to one's specialist area’.


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Works of journalism by journalism academics can be valuable outcomes of research without making the claim that they are scholarly works per se. In the discussion of the feature article Learning in both worlds that follows, I make a case for the importance of writing and publishing this piece of journalism as an outcome of my research on the interplay of news media and bilingual education policy in Australia’s Northern Territory 1988-2008. I also advocate the ‘experimental’ possibilities such works of journalism offer for ‘testing’ research findings, concepts and theories.


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Artists are under pressure from two conflicting sets of sociocultural expectations. On the one hand, they are expected to conform to the historically grounded myth of the artist as heroic genius. On the other hand, they must meet the expectations of the state (plus ensure their own survival) as economic contributors. One way  that these conflicting pressures are managed by artists working within the traditional art world is by separating the creator from the labourer through the use of intermediaries such as dealer galleries, critics, publishers and agents. This allows the artist to symbolically distance themselves from the economic structures that allow them to continue to work. However, for those artists working outside of these systems of support, legitimization and representation, the positioning of the individual as ‘artist’ becomes a much more complex task.

The construction of artists persona in online spaces can be seen most clearly in those artists who operate outside of the traditional art world. Lacking the symbolic distance between the economic producer and the bohemian, mythical genius, these individual artists instead negotiate a place to stand in direct relation to  their audience of fans, followers and audiences. Using examples from a range of fringe, alternative or counter-culture creative practice, this paper investigates artistic persona by linking the artist myth, economic considerations, and networked society to explore current presentation strategies. 


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Mojo is a new mobile journalism project in isolated Indigenous communities providing skills and mobile technologies to empower Indigenous people to create locally produced user-generated stories (UGS), from their own perspective. This paper explores the degree to which these practices and technologies can help create a more diverse cultural voice in remote Indigenous environments. Diversity is a central component of the broader principle of a robust marketplace of ideas and a catalyst for greater democratic representation. A lack of diversity of opinion from and about marginalized communities in Indigenous Australia has led to underrepresentation in a highly mediated Indigenous public sphere. In the mid-1980s the deployment of AUSSAT—the Australian communications satellite—led to an influx of Western media into remote communities, creating even greater marginalization of content at the source. This resulted in an under representation of local views and culture and a lack of exposure. This paper describes the empirical study—the technical practices and outcomes of mojos recording, editing and publishing complete UGS directly from their iPhones to the Internet. This practice has the potential to create more diverse media skills, representation and new job opportunities in local media. A making of NT Mojo video can be viewed at the following URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRmGACFJd Jo. Mojo stories can be viewed at the following URL: http://ntmojos.indigneous.gov.au


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In this chapter we described a novel framework for automatic face recognition in the presence of varying illumination, primarily applicable to matching face sets or sequences. The framework is based on simple image processing filters that compete with unprocessed greyscale input to yield a single matching score between individuals. By performing all numerically consuming computation offline, our method both (i) retains the matching efficiency of simple image filters, but (ii) with a greatly increased robustness, as all online processing is performed in closed-form. Evaluated on a large, real-world data corpus, the proposed framework was shown to be successful in video-based recognition across a wide range of illumination, pose and face motion pattern changes


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Anomaly detection techniques are used to find the presence of anomalous activities in a network by comparing traffic data activities against a "normal" baseline. Although it has several advantages which include detection of "zero-day" attacks, the question surrounding absolute definition of systems deviations from its "normal" behaviour is important to reduce the number of false positives in the system. This study proposes a novel multi-agent network-based framework known as Statistical model for Correlation and Detection (SCoDe), an anomaly detection framework that looks for timecorrelated anomalies by leveraging statistical properties of a large network, monitoring the rate of events occurrence based on their intensity. SCoDe is an instantaneous learning-based anomaly detector, practically shifting away from the conventional technique of having a training phase prior to detection. It does acquire its training using the improved extension of Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) which is proposed in this study. SCoDe does not require any previous knowledge of the network traffic, or network administrators chosen reference window as normal but effectively builds upon the statistical properties from different attributes of the network traffic, to correlate undesirable deviations in order to identify abnormal patterns. The approach is generic as it can be easily modified to fit particular types of problems, with a predefined attribute, and it is highly robust because of the proposed statistical approach. The proposed framework was targeted to detect attacks that increase the number of activities on the network server, examples which include Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and, flood and flash-crowd events. This paper provides a mathematical foundation for SCoDe, describing the specific implementation and testing of the approach based on a network log file generated from the cyber range simulation experiment of the industrial partner of this project.


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This paper examines trends in co-authorship in the Group of Eight (Go8) law reviews over the period 1975 to 2010. Several conclusions emerge. First, co-authorship occurs less in legal scholarship than in other disciplines. Second, co-authorship in Australian legal scholarship is less than in legal scholarship in the United States. Third, in terms of gender differences, males collaborate more than females. Fourth, academics at the leading law schools provide a disproportionate number of co-authored articles in the Go8 law reviews. Fifth, there is a positive correlation between co-authorship and publishing in the top Australian law journals. Between a quarter and a third of those who co-authored three or more articles in the Go8 law reviews were also those who published the most in the top Australian law journals over the period 1990–2010.