121 resultados para Postgraduate degree


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Triage is the formal nursing assessment of all patients who present to an Emergency Department (ED). The National Triage Scale (NTS) is used in most Australian EDs. Triage decision making involves the allocation of every patient presenting to an ED to one of the five NTS categories. The NTS directly relates a triage category to illness or injury severity and need for emergency care. Triage nurses’ decisions not only have the potential to impact on the health outcomes of ED patients, they are also used, in part, to evaluate ED performance and allocate components of ED funding. This study was a correlational study that used survey methods. Triage decisions were classified as ‘expected triage’, ‘overtriage’ or ‘undertriage’ decisions. Participant’s qualifications were allocated to five categories: ‘nil’; ‘emergency nursing’; ‘critical care nursing’; ‘midwifery’; and ‘tertiary’ qualifications. There was no correlation between triage decisions and length of experience in emergency nursing or triage. ‘Expected triage’ decisions were more common when the predicted triage category was Category 3 (P< 0.001) and ‘overtriage’ decisions were less common when the predicted triage category was Category 2 (P< 0.0010). The frequency of ‘undertriage’ decisions decreased significantly when the predicted triage category was Category 3 (P< 0.001) or Category 4 (P< 0.001). There was no correlation between triage decisions and qualifications in the ‘nil’, ‘emergency nursing’ or ‘critical care nursing’ categories. A midwifery qualification demonstrated a positive correlation with ‘expected triage’ decisions (P = 0.048) and a negative correlation with ‘undertriage’ decisions (P = 0.012). There was also a positive correlation between a tertiary qualification and ‘expected triage’ decisions (P = 0.012).


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Using content analysis, this paper examines the orientation of Australian coursework masters degrees in marketing by analysing data collected from 38 university websites on the entry requirements, degree structure and research opportunities of the programs. The findings indicate that there appears to be an attempt to offer programs aiming at a range of “outcomes”, i.e. training for PhD, advanced studies in marketing, or accreditation for those in the industry. The diverse orientation of the degrees offered means that Australian institutions are potentially facing a challenge, targeting programs at different market segments.


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Servicing an increasingly diverse international student community in the globally competitive education market is a challenge faced by Australian universities. Market forecasts indicate a seven-fold increase in the number of students seeking higher education overseas by 2025 (Bohm et al, 2002) and with the growing diversity and competitiveness of the industry, universities will need to focus on factors influencing student satisfaction to improve service quality where required.

This paper, using logistic regression, ANOVA, and MANOVA, investigates the influence of country, age and gender with regard to satisfaction among international postgraduate students from four Asian countries studying in universities in Victoria. The results indicate that there is an inverse relationship between age and satisfaction among postgraduate students while the gender of the students does not have an impact on satisfaction, and that significant differences are evident between the four countries investigated with respect to the levels of satisfaction.


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Customer satisfaction is a core-marketing concept. It is considered as a major outcome of marketing activity and serves to link processes, culminating in purchase and consumption with post-purchase phenomena such as attitudinal change, customer retention, repeat purchase, brand loyalty, positive word-of-mouth communication. Student satisfaction is a strategic factor in developing a competitive advantage in the highly attractive and globally competitive international education market. Market forecasts indicate a seven-fold increase in the number of students seeking higher education overseas by 2025 and given the competitiveness of the industry, universities will need to focus on variables influencing student satisfaction in order to address areas where improvements in service quality are required.

A sample of 371 postgraduate students from China, India, Indonesia and Thailand, is investigated. The study highlights the development of a scale to measure international postgraduate student satisfaction. The scale demonstrates the importance of four predominant factors influencing university choices - Education Resources; Communication and Guidance; Customer Value and Study Outcomes; and Image, Prestige and Recognition. Using logistic regression and chi square testing, this paper investigates the impact of age and gender on satisfaction among international postgraduate students from four Asian countries studying in universities in Victoria, Australia, on theses factors. The results indicate that age has a positive relationship with satisfaction among postgraduate students while the influence of gender has no effect on influencing satisfaction among postgraduate students from Asia.


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The rising expectations of university students with regard to quality, service and value for money, and the growing diversity of student populations have challenged universities to become increasingly student focused. Marketing theory suggests that a clear understanding of customer needs and expectations is central to being customer focused and to facilitate targeting of products and services to appropriate segments. The process requires the marketer to have insights into the cultural backgrounds of customers where the study of personal values becomes a critical component in understanding consumer needs and preferences. The results of this study indicate that personal values are useful in explaining differences amongst the student cohorts with regard to age, gender and nationality. Recommendations are made with regard to developing the educational product for the international student, based on underlying value domains of Self-efficacy and Hedonism.


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Australian universities face a challenging task to service an increasingly diverse international student community in the globally competitive education market. The pressure on universities to successfully negotiate cultural diversity arising from nationality differences and to improve service quality will continue to increase with further expansions in the international student market. Such a scenario requires insights into the individual backgrounds of students. Personal values are one way in which insights can be gained of students, particularly with regard to their needs and preferences. Using Factor Analysis, ANOVA and MANOVA, this study analyses the national differences on the basis of underlying value domains of Selfefficacy, Power, Inner harmony, Aspiration and Hedonism. The results indicate significant differences in personal values amongst the student cohorts, which suggest that universities may need to adopt different approaches in servicing international students.


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We determine the affine equivalence classes of the eight variable degree three homogeneous bent functions using a new algorithm. Our algorithm applies to general bent functions and can systematically determine the automorphism groups. We provide a partial verification of the computer enumeration of bent functions by Meng et al.


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The construction industry worldwide is having problems attracting and retaining skilled workers. This study analyses a series of factors affecting job satisfaction of site-based construction professionals employed in medium to large scale metropolitan construction firms in Melbourne, Australia. The industry survey carried out identified salary as the strongest determinant of job satisfaction. However, many respondents reported being dissatisfied with pay levels when compared to other industries and the number of work hours expected. The greatest causes of dissatisfaction were related to difficulties in maintaining a work-life balance. The indicator "Variety, interest and challenge" was the most frequently cited positive aspect of a career in construction. Given the shortage of skilled construction workers in Australia, it is important for companies to maximise the retention of site-based construction professionals and ensure that key job satisfaction indicators are met.


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Using structural modelling, this paper investigates the relationship between non academic factors of choice of study destination and satisfaction among Asian postgraduate students studying in Australia from a social marketing perspective. The results indicate that four factors, recognition of the institution, Information, infrastructure and cultural support, are major factors of choice which influence overall satisfaction among the cohort of students. The study concludes that universities need to place a strong emphasis on non educational aspects in order to improve satisfaction levels of students.


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Leadership, professional and other transferable skills are embedded in the expected attributes of Australian research postgraduates at the successful completion of their degrees. This paper reports on the development of an evaluation process for a postgraduate transferable skills program at The University of Melbourne, Australia. Existing and emerging evaluation practices and processes are examined in light of the literature on what constitutes 'good' evaluation of the type of program under consideration. The development of the process to go beyond the commonly used participant satisfaction surveys and to improve evaluation practices is described in detail. The results of the evaluation to date are provided and discussed in terms of their usefulness in incorporating particular improvements to the program. The implications for the evaluation of other programs of this type are considered.


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This paper reports a study of science graduates who are employed in positions outside their discipline specialisation. The research was designed to uncover the reasons for them choosing to study science at university, the competencies they utilise in their work and their lives, and how these relate to their undergraduate education in science. The study is seen as important in that already about one-half of science graduates are in such positions and it is argued that there is a need in scientific and technologically based societies to have a greater representation of such people in decision-making positions in government and industry. The directions for the science degree that can be drawn from the data gathered are congruent with those arising from other relevant studies. That is, attention should be paid to widely used skills, such as communication and problem-solving, and to developing an understanding of science within its social and ethical context. An argument is mounted for considering the way the science degree is presented to potential students and to the general public.


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In this paper, we rigorously prove that the complete set of Riemann tensor invariants given by Sneddon [J. Math. Phys. 40, 5905 (1999)] is both minimal and complete. Furthermore, we provide a two-stage algorithm for the explicit construction of polynomial syzygies relating any dependent Riemann tensor invariant to members of the complete set.


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Community reintegration of ex-prisoners is an important issue in efforts to reduce recidivism. The present study examined the multiple, complex, and dynamic nature of variables influencing successful reintegration by assessing the type and degree of change in reintegration variables over time. Participants were 79 adult prisoners (54 male, 25 female) who completed a prerelease questionnaire 1 month before their release, which focused on prison-related variables, participant background, and anticipated conditions upon release. A postrelease questionnaire was administered to the same participants at 1-4 weeks and 3-4 months postrelease, focusing on the quality of life conditions experienced following release. Results indicate that current health ratings and several indicators of drug use were significantly different over the three measurement phases. Ratings of employment and housing stability, finance, and social support were unchanged over the postrelease period. Theoretical implications of the present investigation for reintegration theory are discussed, together with practical applications.


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Workforce planning at a national level within nursing and midwifery has been largely fragmented and uncoordinated with health-care organisations, state health authorities, peak nursing organisations and the tertiary sector often engaging in independent decision making and planning. In order to gain an increased understanding of the complexity of contemporary nurse education and to quantify the number of graduates of nursing education courses into categories that are meaningful for workforce planning, the federal Department of Education, Science and Training commissioned a national study in 2002. The aim of this study was to map and quantify current and projected numbers of Australian domestic nursing postgraduate students within their respective specialisation according to each State/Territory. All Australian universities offering postgraduate courses in nursing were electronically surveyed (n=30). Two non-university providers of postgraduate nursing education were also asked to participate, but only one responded. Data were gathered on the number of domestic postgraduate nursing students enrolled in 2002, the number of course completions in 2001 and projected completions for 2002. Of the 13 broad band specialty categories developed for the study, the specialties of Midwifery and High Dependency were dominant in both student enrolments and course completions, including projected completions. The range of specialties that were offered varied by State/Territory, as did the number and percentage of students enrolled, completing and projected to complete each specialty program. Generic courses (without listed specialisations) continue to complicate the process of attempting to tease out and quantify accurately the number of enrolled and completing postgraduate students according to area of specialty practice.