35 resultados para Plants in winter


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Information on the variability in supply of algal propagules is scarce, hindered by the difficulty in identifying propagules, but this variability may affect the distribution and abundance of algal assemblages. This study examined the small-scale (½ hourly to hourly) temporal variation in propagule supply of Chondrus verrucosus (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) over a dense, isolated bed in south-eastern Japan in summer and winter of 1999. Either 0.5 litre scoop samples or 5 litre pump samples were collected ½ hourly to hourly over 13, 22.5, and 30 h on three occasions in summer (June & July) and 32 h on one occasion in winter (December). Sampling was conducted around either the new moon (two occasions in summer) or full moon (one occasion in both summer and winter) and incorporated full tidal sequences including daytime (summer) and nighttime (winter) low-low (LL) tides. Chondrus verrucosus was the only red alga with spores within the size range of 15–20 μm that was fertile in the study area and surrounds at the time of sampling facilitating identification of spores. Spores in scoop samples were settled onto Petri dishes and identified on the basis of cell shape, colour and size. Pump samples were filtered onto transparent membrane filters and identified using epifluorescence microscopy: C. verrucosus spores fluoresced bright yellow and were easily distinguished from other micro-organisms of similar size, which fluoresced red or green. Results showed that while propagules could be found in the water column at most times, propagule supply of C. verrucosus was greatest during the 1–2 h period following LL tides. Variability in propagule supply was less than in previous studies examining surface or offshore waters. Spore release is thought to be stimulated by either desiccation or salinity changes associated with periods of emersion at low tide followed by re-immersion on incoming tides.


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Mass and length growth models were determined for male (n = 69) and female (n = 163) Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) collected at a breeding colony on Seal Rocks (38˚31′S, 145˚06′E), Bass Strait, in south-east Australia, between February and November during 1970–72. Growth was best described by the logistic model in males and the von Bertalanffy model in females. Asymptotic mass and length were 229 kg and 221 cm for males, and 85 kg and 163 cm for females. In all, 95% of asymptotic mass and length were attained by 11 years and 11 years, respectively, in males compared with 9 years and 5 years, respectively, in females. Males grew in length faster than females and experienced a growth spurt in mass coinciding with the onset of puberty (4–5 years). The onset of puberty in females occurs when approximately 86% of asymptotic length is attained. The rate of growth and sexual development in Australian fur seals is similar to (if not faster than) that in the conspecific Cape fur seal (A. p. pusillus), which inhabits the nutrient-rich Benguela current. This suggests that the low marine productivity of Bass Strait may not be cause of the slow rate of recovery of the Australian fur seal population following the severe over-exploitation of the commercial sealing era. Sternal blubber depth was positively correlated in adult animals with a body condition index derived from the residuals of the mass–length relationship (males: r2 = 0.38, n = 19, P < 0.001; females: r2 = 0.22, n = 92, P < 0.001), confirming the validity of using such indices on otariids. Sternal blubber depth varied significantly with season in adult animals. In males it was lowest in winter and increased during spring prior to the breeding season (r2 = 0.39, n = 19, P < 0.03) whereas in females it was greatest during winter (r2 = 0.05, n = 122, P< 0.05).


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The dive behaviour, foraging locations, and colony-attendance patterns of female Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) from Kanowna Island (39°10'S, 146°18'E) in Bass Strait, southeastern Australia, were determined throughout lactation during 1997–1999. Foraging-trip durations increased as lactation progressed, being shortest in summer (3.71 ± 0.24 days; mean ± 1 SE) and longest in winter (6.77 ± 0.57 days, P < 0.05), but maternal-attendance periods did not differ in duration (1.70 ± 0.10 days, P > 0.5). Individual mean attendance periods and trip durations were positively correlated (r2 = 0.21, P < 0.005). Diving commenced shortly after seals left the colony (2.6 ± 0.4 h), was continuous for long periods (up to 36 h), occurred mostly during daylight hours, and lacked regular diel variation in depth. The majority of dives (78%) were typically U-shaped and reached depths corresponding to the prevailing depths in Bass Strait (65–85 m), indicating that these animals forage mostly on the benthos of the shallow continental shelf in this region. Such behaviour is unusual for fur seals but is reminiscent of that of some sea lion species. Mean dive durations varied between 2.0 and 3.7 min (maximum 8.9 min) and the theoretical aerobic dive limit (3.91–4.26 min) was exceeded on 17.3% of dives. Dive frequency (8.3 ± 0.6/h) and the proportion of time at sea spent diving (40.7 ± 2.1%) were weakly negatively related to the duration of the foraging trip (r2= 0.07, P < 0.004, and r2 = 0.13, P < 0.0001, respectively). Data from at-sea locations showed that lactating females forage almost exclusively within Bass Strait during all seasons.


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A two-storey rammed earth building was built on the Thurgoona Campus of Charles Sturt University in Albury-Wodonga, Australia, in 1999. The building is novel both in the use of materials and equipment for heating and cooling. The climate at Wodonga can be characterised as hot and dry, so the challenge of providing comfortable working conditions with minimal energy consumption is considerable. This paper describes an evaluation of the building in terms of measured thermal comfort and energy use. Measurements, confirmed by a staff questionnaire, found the building was too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Comparison with another office building in the same location found that the rammed earth building used more energy for heating. The thermal performance of three offices in the rammed earth building was investigated further using simulation to predict office temperatures. Comparisons were made with measurements made over typical weeks in summer and winter. The validated model has been used to investigate key building parameters and strategies to improve the thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption in the building. Simulations showed that improvements could be made by design and control strategy changes.


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Objective To examine whether students use or avoid newly shaded areas created by shade sails installed at schools.

Design Cluster randomised controlled trial with secondary schools as the unit of randomisation.

Setting 51 secondary schools with limited available shade, in Australia, assessed over two spring and summer terms.

Participants Students outside at lunch times.

Intervention Purpose built shade sails were installed in winter 2005 at full sun study sites to increase available shade for students in the school grounds.

Main outcome measure Mean number of students using the primary study sites during weekly observations at lunch time.

Results Over the study period the mean change in students using the primary study site from pre-test to post-test was 2.63 (95% confidence interval 0.87 to 4.39) students in intervention schools and –0.03 (–1.16 to 1.09) students in control schools. The difference in mean change between groups was 2.67 (0.65 to 4.68) students (P=0.011).

Students used rather than avoided newly shaded areas provided by purpose built shade sails at secondary schools in this trial, suggesting a practical means of reducing adolescents’ exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Trial registration Exempt.


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Analysis of the interaction of pathogens with plant roots is often complicated by the growth of plants in a soil substrate. A soil-free plant growth system (SPS) was developed that removes the need for a substrate while supporting the growth of seedlings in a nutrient rich, oxygenated environment. The model legume Lupinus angustifolius was used to compare the growth of seedlings within soil and the SPS. Seedlings grown under both conditions were similar in morphology, anatomy and health (measured by leaf chlorophyll abundance) and importantly there was little difference in root growth and development although straighter and fuller root systems were achieved in the SPS. The ease of access to the root system proved efficient for the analysis of root and pathogen interactions with no interference from soil or adhering particulate matter. Following inoculation of L. angustifolius roots with Phytophthora cinnamomi the host/pathogen interaction was easily observed and tissues sampled undamaged.


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Heterotrimeric G proteinshave been previously linked to plant defense; however a role for the Gbg dimer in defense signaling has not been described to date. Using available Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking functional Ga or Gb subunits, we show that defense against the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Fusarium oxysporum is impaired in Gb-deficient mutants while Ga-deficient mutants show slightly increased resistance compared to wild-type Columbia ecotype plants. In contrast, responses to virulent (DC3000) and avirulent (JL1065) strains of Pseudomonas syringae appear to be independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. The induction of a number of defense-related genes in Gb-deficient mutants were severely reduced in response to A. brassicicola infection. In addition, Gb-deficient mutants exhibit decreased sensitivity to a number of methyl jasmonate-induced responses such as induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, inhibition of root elongation, seed germination, and growth of plants in sublethal concentrations of methyl jasmonate. In all cases, the behavior of the Ga-deficient mutants is coherent with the classic heterotrimeric mechanism of action, indicating that jasmonic acid signaling is influenced by the Gbg functional subunit but not by Ga. We hypothesize that Gbg acts as a direct or indirect enhancer of the jasmonate signaling pathway in plants.


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Despite being the most widely distributed and cultured freshwater crayfish species in Australia, relatively little is known about the ecology of Cherax destructor outside of captivity. Similarly, few ecological studies have been conducted on the large and threatened stream dwelling Australian freshwater crayfish Euastacus bispinosus. A series of seasonal sampling surveys over two years investigated the population structure, life history and reproductive timing of C. destructor in fire dam habitats, and of E. bispinosus in channel (stream) habitats, in the Grampians National Park in south-west Victoria, Australia. Cherax destructor individuals in the largest size class (50 – 59.95 mm OCL) were not abundant during the study, while those belonging to the 0 – 9.95 mm OCL size class were more frequent in summer than at other times of year, suggesting synchronous recruitment in fire dam habitats. Individuals in the reproductively active mid-size classes were also frequent in summer. For E. bispinosus, sex ratios in spring always favoured females, although there were no clear trends for other times of year. Gravid E. bispinosus females were found in winter and spring throughout the study, and were sexually mature at a smaller size than has previously been reported.


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The lipid and fatty acid (FA) contents of muscle, gonad and digestive glands (DG) of Jade Tiger hybrid abalone were studied over the four seasons. Higher contents of total lipid and saturated fatty acids (SFA) were found in summer from muscle. For gonad the higher total lipid content was found in summer and spring whereas the SFA content peaked in summer only. For DG the higher contents of total lipid and SFA were recorded in all seasons except autumn. Winter samples showed significantly higher content of PUFA in all three types of tissue. High contents of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5 n&minus;3), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5 n&minus;3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n&minus;3) were recorded in winter from muscle, although no marked variations were observed from gonad. For DG the high content of DHA was also observed in winter whilst EPA and DPA maintained high levels in all seasons except summer.


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on the liveweight, body condition score, carcass yield and mortality of goats and sheep were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia from 1981 to 1984. The pattern of liveweight change was similar for both species with growth from pasture germination in autumn until maturation in late spring followed by weight loss. In winter, sheep grew faster than goats (65 versus 10 g/day, P < 0.05). In mixed-grazed treatments between November and December goats either grew when sheep were losing weight or goats lost less weight than sheep (P < 0.01). Both AS (P < 0.001) and SR (P < 0.001) affected liveweight of sheep and an AS SR interaction (P <  0.05) affected liveweight of goats. Mixed-grazed sheep were heavier than separately grazed sheep at all SR with a mean difference at 10 and 12.5/ha of 4.6 kg. Mixed-grazed goats at 10/ha were heavier than separately grazed goats from the end of the second year of the experiment, but at 12.5/ha, separately grazed goats maintained an advantage over mixed-grazed goats, with a 9.4-kg mean difference in December (P < 0.05). Body condition scores of goats and sheep declined with increasing SR; they were highest in late spring and were highly correlated with liveweight (r2 > 0.8). Both AS and SR affected (P < 0.001) carcass weight and GR tissue depth as a direct result of differences in liveweight. Adjusting for differences in carcass weight negated AS effects on GR tissue depth. The carcass weights of sheep and goats increased by similar amounts for each 1-kg increase in liveweight. Mortality of sheep (3.1% p.a.) was unaffected by AS or SR. An AS SR interaction indicated mortality of separately grazed goats at 12.5/ha and mixed-grazed goats at 10 and 12.5/ha were higher (P < 0.05) than all other goat (29 versus 9%) and sheep treatments, primarily because of increased susceptibility to cold stress. Disease prevalence differed between sheep and goats. Mixed grazing of Merino sheep and Angora goats produced complementary and competitive effects depending upon the SR. Goats used summer pasture better but winter pasture less well for liveweight gain than sheep. Angora goats should not be grazed alone or mixed grazed with sheep on annual temperate pastures at SR greater than that recommended for Merino sheep and the evidence indicates a lower SR will reduce risks associated with mortality.


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Compared to terrestrial environments, grazing intensity on belowground plant parts may be particularly strong in aquatic environments, which may have great effects on plant-community structure. We observed that the submerged macrophyte, Potamogeton pectinatus, which mainly reproduces with tubers, often grows at intermediate water depth and that P. perfoliatus, which mainly reproduces with rhizomes and turions, grows in either shallow or deep water. One mechanism behind this distributional pattern may be that swans prefer to feed on P. pectinatus tubers at intermediate water depths. We hypothesised that when swans feed on tubers in the sediment, P. perfoliatus rhizomes and turions may be damaged by the uprooting, whereas the small round tubers of P. pectinatus that escaped herbivory may be more tolerant to this bioturbation. In spring 2000, we transplanted P. perfoliatus rhizomes into a P. pectinatus stand and followed growth in plots protected and unprotected, respectively, from bird foraging. Although swan foraging reduced tuber biomass in unprotected plots, leading to lower P. pectinatus density in spring 2001, this species grew well both in protected and unprotected plots later that summer. In contrast, swan grazing had a dramatic negative effect on P. perfoliatus that persisted throughout the summer of 2001, with close to no plants in the unprotected plots and high densities in the protected plots. Our results demonstrate that herbivorous waterbirds may play a crucial role in the distribution and prevalence of specific plant species. Furthermore, since their grazing benefitted their preferred food source, the interaction between swans and P. pectinatus may be classified as ecologically mutualistic.


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The diet of long-nosed bandicoots (Perameles nasuta) on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia, was examined over two summers and two winters using a combination of faecal scat analysis for food fragments and stable isotope analysis (ratios of 13C/12C and 15N/14N) of blood. Isotope ratios in blood overlapped most strongly with those in invertebrate prey, and varied much less between seasons than did those in most dietary items, suggesting that the assimilated diet of long-nosed bandicoots is dominated by invertebrates throughout the year. Invertebrate remains dominated collected faeces in both seasons, even though the availability of invertebrate prey was higher in summer. Thus both techniques indicated that long-nosed bandicoots were primarily insectivorous year-round. Faecal scat analysis indicated that invertebrate eggs were more abundant in summer than winter. At a finer scale, spiders, orthopterans, lepidopteran larvae, ants, leaf material (non-grass monocot) and seeds were more abundant in summer, while cicada larvae, roots, fungi, grass leaves and Acacia bract (small modified leaves appearing as scales) were more abundant in winter. Subterranean foods (cicada larvae, plant roots and hypogeous fungi) were more abundant in winter and more abundant in the diet of males than of either lactating or non-lactating females.


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Objective: To assess vitamin D intake and casual exposure to sunshine in relation to serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) levels.

Cross-sectional study of a population-based, random sample of women aged 20-92 years, assessed between 1994 and 1997.

Setting and participants:
861 women from the Barwon Statistical Division (population, 218 000), which includes the city of Geelong (latitude 38° south) in Victoria.

Main outcome measures:
Vitamin D intake; serum 25OHD level; season of assessment; exposure to sunshine.

Median intake of vitamin D was 1.2 μg/day (range, 0.0-11.4 μg/day). Vitamin D supplements, taken by 7.9% of participants, increased intake by 8.1% to 1.3 μg/day (range, 0.0-101.2 μg/day) (P < 0.001). A dose-response relationship in serum 25OHD levels was observed for sunbathing frequency before and after adjusting for age (P < 0.05). During winter (May-October), serum 25OHD levels were dependent on vitamin D intake (partial r2 = 0.01; P < 0.05) and were lower than during summer (November-April) (age-adjusted mean, 59 nmol/L [95% CI, 57-62] v 81 nmol/L [95% CI, 78-84]; P < 0.05). No association was detected between serum 25OHD and vitamin D intake during summer. The prevalences of low concentrations of serum 25OHD were, for <28 nmol/L, 7.2% and 11.3% overall and in winter, respectively; and, for <50 nmol/L, 30.0% and 43.2% overall and in winter, respectively.

At latitude 38° south, the contribution of vitamin D from dietary sources appears to be insignificant during summer. However, during winter vitamin D status is influenced by dietary intake. Australia has no recommended dietary intake (RDI) for vitamin D, in the belief that adequate vitamin D can be obtained from solar irradiation alone. Our results suggest that an RDI may be needed.


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Although the movements of seabirds at sea during various stages of breeding in spring and summer have been the focus of many studies in recent years, there is still little known about the non-breeding period for most species. Satellite telemetry was used to determine the at-sea movements and foraging range of 47 Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) from Phillip Island, south-eastern Australia, during the winter non-breeding period. Individuals conducting single-day trips (72% of individuals) typically foraged 8–14 km from the colony, whereas individuals conducting longer trips (28%; 2–49 days) foraged either within Port Phillip Bay or in the coastal waters of western Bass Strait at maximum distances of 62–147 km from the colony. Although there was no difference between sexes in duration of foraging trips, the overall foraging range of males (841 km2) was substantially smaller than that of females (1983 km2) across all months, and showed an overlap of only 34%. Our results show that the foraging range of Little Penguins in the non-breeding period is greater than that observed during the summer breeding period, which suggest a reduction in local food abundance in winter and highlights the importance of foraging areas distant to the colony during a time of increased energetic costs and higher mortality.


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The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency varies, with the groups at greatest risk including housebound, community-dwelling older and/or disabled people, those in residential care, dark-skinned people (particularly those modestly dressed), and other people who regularly avoid sun exposure or work indoors.

Most adults are unlikely to obtain more than 5%–10% of their vitamin D requirement from dietary sources. The main source of vitamin D for people residing in Australia and New Zealand is exposure to sunlight.

A serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) level of ≥ 50 nmol/L at the end of winter (10–20 nmol/L higher at the end of summer, to allow for seasonal decrease) is required for optimal musculoskeletal health.

Although it is likely that higher serum 25-OHD levels play a role in the prevention of some disease states, there is insufficient evidence from randomised controlled trials to recommend higher targets.

For moderately fair-skinned people, a walk with arms exposed for 6–7 minutes mid morning or mid afternoon in summer, and with as much bare skin exposed as feasible for 7–40 minutes (depending on latitude) at noon in winter, on most days, is likely to be helpful in maintaining adequate vitamin D levels in the body.

When sun exposure is minimal, vitamin D intake from dietary sources and supplementation of at least 600 IU (15 μg) per day for people aged ≤ 70 years and 800 IU (20 μg) per day for those aged > 70 years is recommended. People in high-risk groups may require higher doses.

There is good evidence that vitamin D plus calcium supplementation effectively reduces fractures and falls in older men and women.