26 resultados para Peas -- Genetics


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With escalating health expenditure and a shrinking purse, there is increased focus on the cost efficacy of still patented versus generic medications in general, and for atypical antipsychotics in particular. In a recent BMC Medicine article, Godman and colleagues presented data indicating poor uptake of the off patent atypical antipsychotic risperidone, arguing for authorities to mandate its greater use. This is under the assumption of clinical equivalence of atypical antipsychotics. This commentary argues that there are clinically meaningful differences between atypical antipsychotics and important inter-individual heterogeneity in clinical response and tolerability. Access to a broad range of atypical antipsychotics enables clinicians to tailor care, taking consideration of differential efficacy and adverse effects profile in order to meet the needs of individual patients with improved real world effectiveness of treatment. Restriction of agent choice risks detracting from optimal clinical care, with possible poorer outcomes and greater costs of care. A balance between encouraging use of cheapest in class agent and allowing access to various atypical agents for tailored care is likely to produce optimal health outcomes.Please see related article: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/12/98.


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A clear genetic influence in suicide has been established. In addition, both the serotonergic and noradrenergic systems appear to have a role in suicide, mood disorders and alcoholism. This paper reviews some of the genes that may possibly be involved in suicide and their link to major depression and alcoholism. The genes that are reviewed act on various enzymes within the serotonergic and catecholaminergic systems. With further study, these entities may form a spectrum along the same disease process associated with variable expressivity of the responsible genes.


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 Indigenous people stand to benefit from advances in genomic technology, but genetic research in Indigenous communities has been controversial. This article reviews the ethical issues that Indigenous people and others have raised with reference to genetic research projects and biobanks. The ethical issues that apply to Indigenous people should be seen as additional to ‘conventional’ ethical issues that apply to all people, rather than replacing them. The additional ethical concerns discussed include group harm; cultural beliefs relating to biospecimens and human origins; community engagement and collective consent; benefit; ownership; and whether biospecimens can and should be ‘repatriated.’


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This first range-wide study of the ecology and systematics of the Little Penguin, Eudyptula minor, supported a single species model with two distinct groups and a New Zealand origin. Critical information collected on gene flow, connectivity and sex identification will greatly enhance conservation strategies for this iconic Australasian bird.


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Estimating contemporary genetic structure and population connectivity in marine species is challenging, often compromised by genetic markers that lack adequate sensitivity, and unstructured sampling regimes. We show how these limitations can be overcome via the integration of modern genotyping methods and sampling designs guided by LIDAR and SONAR datasets. Here we explore patterns of gene flow and local genetic structure in a commercially harvested abalone species (Haliotis rubra) from South Eastern Australia, where the viability of fishing stocks is believed to be dictated by recruitment from local sources. Using a panel of microsatellite and genome-wide SNP markers we compare allele frequencies across a replicated hierarchical sampling area guided by bathymetric LIDAR imagery. Results indicate high levels of gene flow and no significant genetic structure within or between benthic reef habitats across 1400 km of coastline. These findings differ to those reported for other regions of the fishery indicating that larval supply is likely to be spatially variable, with implications for management and long-term recovery from stock depletion. The study highlights the utility of suitably designed genetic markers and spatially informed sampling strategies for gaining insights into recruitment patterns in benthic marine species, assisting in conservation planning and sustainable management of fisheries.


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Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to biodiversity, as it can alter ecological processes at various spatial and trophic scales. At the species level, fragmentation leading to the isolation of populations can trigger reductions in genetic diversity, potentially having detrimental effects on population fitness, adaptability and ultimately population persistence. Leptomyrmex pallens is a widespread rainforest ant endemic to New Caledonia but now confined to habitat patches that have been fragmented by anthropogenic fire regimes over the last 200 years. We investigated the social structure of L. pallens in the Aoupinié region (c.a. 4900 ha), and assessed the impacts of habitat fragmentation on its population genetic structure. Allele frequencies at 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci were compared among 411 worker ants from 21 nests distributed across the region. High within-nest relatedness (r = 0.70 ± 0.02), and a single queen found in 38 % of the nests by pedigree analysis indicate that the species is monogynous to weakly polygynous. Estimates of gene flow and genetic structure across the region were subsequently determined using a combined dataset of single workers per nest and of unrelated foraging workers. These estimates coupled with a comprehensive landscape genetic analysis revealed no evidence of significant population structure or habitat effects, suggesting that the Aoupinié region harbours a single panmictic population. In contrast, analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequence data revealed a high degree of genetic structuring, indicating limited maternal gene flow and suggesting that gene flow among nests is driven primarily by winged males. Overall these findings suggest that fire-induced habitat fragmentation has had little impact on the population dynamics of L. pallens. Additional studies of less mobile species should therefore be conducted to gain further insights into fire related disturbances on the unique biodiversity and function of New Caledonian ecosystems.