137 resultados para Patient Acceptance of Health Care


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The Aboriginal person's strong wish to die at home with family, surrounded by their 'country' and in their own community means effective palliative care services must be Aboriginal centred and focused.


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In Australia, it is commonplace for tertiary mental health care to be provided in large regional centres or metropolitan cities. Rural and remote consumers must be transferred long distances, and this inevitably results in difficulties with the integration of their care between primary and tertiary settings. Because of the need to address these issues, and improve the transfer process, a research project was commissioned by a national government department to be conducted in South Australia. The aim of the project was to document the experiences of mental health consumers travelling from the country to the city for acute care and to make policy recommendations to improve transitions of care. Six purposively sampled case studies were conducted collecting data through semistructured interviews with consumers, country professional and occupational groups and tertiary providers. Data were analysed to produce themes for consumers, and country and tertiary mental healthcare providers. The study found that consumers saw transfer to the city for mental health care as beneficial in spite of the challenges of being transferred over long distances, while being very unwell, and of being separated from family and friends. Country care providers noted that the disjointed nature of the mental health system caused problems with key aspects of transfer of care including transport and information flow, and achieving integration between the primary and tertiary settings. Improving transfer of care involves overcoming the systemic barriers to integration and moving to a primary care-led model of care. The distance consultation and liaison model provided by the Rural and Remote Mental Health Services, the major tertiary provider of services for country consumers, uses a primary care-led approach and was highly regarded by research participants. Extending the use of this model to other primary mental healthcare providers and tertiary facilities will improve transfer of care.


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PURPOSE: Preventable patient harm due to adverse events (AEs) is a significant health problem today facing contemporary health care. Knowledge of patients' experiences of AEs is critical to improving health care safety and quality. A systematic review of studies of patients' experiences of AEs was conducted to report their experiences, knowledge gaps and any challenges encountered when capturing patient experience data. DATA SOURCES: Key words, synonyms and subject headings were used to search eight electronic databases from January 2000 to February 2015, in addition to hand-searching of reference lists and relevant journals. STUDY SELECTION: Titles and abstracts of publications were screened by two reviewers and checked by a third. Full-text articles were screened against the eligibility criteria. DATA EXTRACTION: Data on design, methods and key findings were extracted and collated. RESULTS: Thirty-three publications demonstrated patients identifying a range of problems in their care; most commonly identified were medication errors, communication and coordination of care problems. Patients' income, education, health burden and marital status influence likelihood of reporting. Patients report distress after an AE, often exacerbated by receiving inadequate information about the cause. Investigating patients' experiences is hampered by the lack of large representative patient samples, data over sufficient time periods and varying definitions of an AE. CONCLUSION: Despite the emergence of policy initiatives to enhance patient engagement, few studies report patients' experiences of AEs. This information must be routinely captured and utilized to develop effective, patient-centred and system-wide policies to minimize and manage AEs.


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Nurses are the largest group of health-care professionals in hospitals providing 24-h care to patients. Hence, nurses are pivotal in coordinating and communicating patient care information in the complex network of health-care professionals, services, and other care processes. Further, surveillance and timely interventions by nurses impact quality of care, reduce errors, and decrease health-care costs. Information communication technologies (ICTs) provide the capabilities to support many aspects of nursing care. However, within the context of acute nursing care, there is a lack of integrated technology solutions to support the complex interactions associated with nursing activities and thereby the delivery of high-quality and safe care. Generally, to date, the literature reports low levels of acceptance of ICT solutions by nurses. To address this, the following discussion serves to examine nurses’ acceptance of an integrated point-of-care solution for acute nursing contexts. The ICT was specifically designed to be sensitive to nurses’ needs with the expectation that this will lead to high levels of user acceptance. An evaluation of the acceptability of the proposed solution is presented using unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Through the UTAUT lens, initial reactions of the participating nurses were examined. The findings provided us with feedback to redesign the solution to better fit with the dynamics and complexity of nursing care. The study has implications for theory, including using UTAUT in health-care contexts, and for practice, including recommendations for the design and development of ICT solutions suitable for nursing contexts.


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This paper presents key findings of a situational analysis of institutional and structural levels of HIV/AIDS-related discrimination in Beijing, China, with a focus on the area of health care. Initially slow to respond to the presence of HIV, China has altered its approach and enacted strict legislative protection for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). In order to determine whether this has altered discrimination against PLWHA, this study examined existing legislation and policy, and interviewed key informants working in health care and PLWHA. The overall findings revealed that discrimination in its many forms continued to occur in practice despite China's generally strong legislative protection, and it is the actual practice that is hindering PLWHAs' access to health services. A number of legislative and policy gaps that allow discrimination to occur in practice were also identified and discussed. The paper concludes with a call to rectify specific gaps between legislation, policy and practice. An understanding of the underlying factors that drive discrimination will also be necessary for effective strategic interventions to be developed and implemented.


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Background The appropriate response of health care professionals to intimate partner violence is still a matter of debate. This article reports a meta-analysis of qualitative studies that answers 2 questions: (1) How do women with histories of intimate partner violence perceive the responses of health care professionals? and (2) How do women with histories of intimate partner violence want their health care providers to respond to disclosures of abuse?

Methods Multiple databases were searched from their start to July 1, 2004. Searches were complemented with citation tracking and contact with researchers. Inclusion criteria included a qualitative design, women 15 years or older with experience of intimate partner violence, and English language. Two reviewers independently applied criteria and extracted data. Findings from the primary studies were combined using a qualitative meta-analysis.

Results Twenty-nine articles reporting 25 studies (847 participants) were included. The emerging constructs were largely consistent across studies and did not vary by study quality. We ordered constructs by the temporal structure of consultations with health care professionals: before the abuse is discussed, at disclosure, and the immediate and further responses of the health care professional. Key constructs included a wish from women for responses from health care professionals that were nonjudgmental, nondirective, and individually tailored, with an appreciation of the complexity of partner violence. Repeated inquiry about partner violence was seen as appropriate by women who were at later stages of an abusive relationship.

Conclusion Women’s perceptions of appropriate and inappropriate responses partly depended on the context of the consultation, their own readiness to address the issue, and the nature of the relationship between the woman and the health care professional.


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Research has found that a substantial proportion of individuals with mental illness have high morbidity and mortality rates, and high under-diagnosis of major physical illnesses. Furthermore, people with a mental illness tend not to seek out or utilise health care services. The reasons for the negative attitudes and behaviour towards health care services among this population have not been investigated. This paper presents findings from a study that investigated the health care service needs of people with mental illness (n = 20), and views from health care providers (n = 16) regarding access to these services by people with a mental illness. Results indicated that psychiatric patients identified a range of barriers to their health care usage and low levels of health care satisfaction. These views were shared with health care professionals. Reasons for these findings and strategies to address these problems so that there is better access to health care services for people with mental illness are discussed.


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There is increasing recognition in Australia that racial and ethnic minority groups experience significant disparities in health and health care compared with the average population and that the Australian health care system needs to be more responsive to the health and care needs of these groups. The paper presents the findings of a year long study that explored what providers and recipients of health care know and understand about the nature and implications of providing culturally safe and competent health care to minority racial and ethnic groups in Victoria, Australia. Analysis of the data obtained from interviewing 145 participants recruited from over 17 different organizational sites revealed a paucity of knowledge and understanding of this issue and the need for a new approach to redress the status quo.


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Aims & Rationale/Objectives
Taking a capacity building approach to research and evaluation within the context of a federally funded national program challenges the traditional paradigms of both research and evaluation. The objective of this approach was to foster attitudes and behaviours of reflection, critical inquiry and collaborative action amongst participants responsible for health care integration activities.

A series of workshops focusing on different elements of health care integration was conducted. Each workshop offered skill development in research and evaluation methods relevant to the participants' clinical practise. The workshops were multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral in order to promote discussion about shared patient care issues.

Principal Findings
Participatory action research facilitated by external agents can build the capacity of participants to identify and make changes that improve health care integration at local levels. A capacity building approach to research and evaluation can mediate tensions between top-down initiatives and on-the-ground practitioners.

A capacity building approach was crucial to the success of this project particularly as the project proposal was developed at the corporate level. The workshops played an important role in engaging the participants and fostering the development of solutions for locally identified clinical issues. The opportunities for discussion with other health care service providers were both readily embraced and appreciated by the participants. The networks formed during the workshops are likely to be vital in sustaining integration efforts.

Education sessions such as the workshops held within this project ensure that health care integration remains on the agenda of the relevant organisations. These workshops fostered a continuous quality improvement approach whilst focusing on the skills required and the systemic barriers to achieving health care integration. The success of these workshops is evidence that the need and desire for shared education opportunities exists and the interdisciplinary focus is a powerful tool for developing an appreciation of the cultures within disciplines as well as linkages.


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Abstract This thesis set out to achieve the following objectives: (1) To identify the priorities and expectations that the Geelong community has of its public health care system. (2) To determine if there is a common view on the attributes of a just health system. (3) To consider a method of utilising the data in the determination of health care priority setting in Barwon Health. (4) To determine a model of community participation which enables ongoing input into the decision making processes of Barwon Health. The methodology involved a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative work involved the use of focus groups that were conducted with 64 members of the Geelong community. The issues raised informed the development of the interview schedule that was the basis of the quantitative study, which surveyed a representative sample of 400 members of the Geelong community. Prior to reporting on this work, the areas of distributive justice, scarcity and community participation in health care were considered. The research found that timely access to public hospitals, emergency care and aged care services were the major priorities; for many people, the cost was less relevant than a quality service. Shorter waiting times and increased staffing levels were strongly supported. Increased taxes were nominated as the best means of financing the health system they sought. Community based services were less relevant than hospital services but health education was supported. An egalitarian approach to resource distribution was favoured although the community was prepared to discriminate in favour of younger people and against older people. There was strong support for the community to be involved in decision making in the public health care system through surveys or focus groups but very little support was given to priorities being determined by politicians, administrators and to a lesser extent, medical professionals.


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Objective: To estimate the costs of health care and lost productivity attributable to overweight and obesity in New Zealand (NZ) in 2006.

Methods: A prevalence-based approach to costing was used in which costs were calculated for all cases of disease in the year 2006. Population attributable fractions (PAFs) were calculated based on the relative risks obtained from large cohort studies and the prevalence of overweight and obesity. For each disease, the PAF was multiplied by the total health care cost. The costs of lost productivity associated with premature mortality were estimated using both the Human Capital approach (HCA) and Friction Cost approach (FCA).

Results: Health care costs attributable to overweight and obesity were estimated to be NZ$686m or 4.5% of New Zealand's total health care expenditure in 2006. The costs of lost productivity using the FCA were estimated to be NZ$98m and NZ$225m using the HCA. The combined costs of health care and lost productivity using the FCA were $784m and $911m using the HCA.

Conclusion: The cost burden of overweight and obesity in NZ is considerable.

Implications: Policies and interventions are urgently needed to reduce the prevalence of obesity thereby decreasing these substantial costs.


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BACKGROUND: While it is common for an economic evaluation of health care to rely on trial participants for self-reported health service utilisation, there is variability in the accuracy of this data due to potential recall bias. The aim of this study was to quantify the level of recall bias in self-reported primary health care general practitioner (GP) visits following inpatient rehabilitation over a 12 month period.

METHODS: This report is a secondary analysis from a larger randomised control trial of an economic evaluation of additional Saturday inpatient rehabilitation. Participants were adults who had been discharged into the community following admission to an acute general rehabilitation hospital. Participants were asked to recall primary health care visits, including community GP visits, via a telephone questionnaire which was administered at 6 and 12 months following discharge from inpatient rehabilitation. Participants were asked to recall health service utilisation over each preceding 6 month period. The self-reported data were compared to equivalent claims data from the national insurer, over the same period.

RESULTS: 751 participants (75% of the full trial) with a mean age of 74 years (SD 13) were included in this analysis. Over the 12 month period following discharge from rehabilitation there was an under-reporting of 14% in self-reported health service utilisation for GP visits compared to national insurer claims data over the same period. From 0 to 6 months following discharge from rehabilitation, there was an over-reporting of self-reported GP visits of 35% and from 7 to 12 months there was an under-reporting of self-reported GP visits of 36%, compared to national insurer claims data over the same period. 46% of patients reported the same or one number difference in self-reported GP visits between the 0 to 6 and the 7 to 12 month periods.

CONCLUSION: Based on these findings we recommend that an economic evaluation alongside a clinical trial for an elderly adult rehabilitation population include a sensitivity analysis that inflates self-reported GP visits by 16% over 12 months. However caution is required when utilising self-reported GP visits as the data may contain periods of both over and under reporting. Where general practitioner visits are expected to vary significantly between intervention and control groups we recommend that administrative data be included in the trial to accurately capture resources for an economic evaluation.


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Many health professionals and rural health academics are motivated by the challenge of achieving equitable access to health care in rural communities with the implicit vision that fairer access to services might ultimately lead to more equitable health outcomes for people living in rural and remote settings. The purpose of this paper is to put the issue of rural and urban health outcome parity into perspective and assess recent progress towards achieving the ultimate goal of improving rural health status. I will also explore ways in which rural communities might increase their access to and use of primary health care revenue in the future to improve community health outcomes. While some improvements have been achieved across the rural health system in recent times, the fundamental problem of maintaining infrastructure to service community needs in rural areas remains as daunting as ever. Extensive evidence has now been assembled to show that rural people generally enjoy a much lower standard of health care, health outcomes and life expectancy than their urban cousins. The question underlying all of this evidence, however, is... must this always be so? Is it possible to redress the current inequities between rural and urban populations and could new primary health care initiatives, such as the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) program, be vehicles for achieving more equitable health care arrangements and health outcomes for people living in rural communities?


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BACKGROUND: The clinical profile and outcome of nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis are not well defined. OBJECTIVE: To compare the characteristics and outcomes of community-associated and nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: 61 hospitals in 28 countries. PATIENTS: Patients with definite native valve endocarditis and no history of injection drug use who were enrolled in the ICE-PCS (International Collaboration on Endocarditis Prospective Cohort Study) from June 2000 to August 2005. MEASUREMENTS: Clinical and echocardiographic findings, microbiology, complications, and mortality. RESULTS: Health care-associated native valve endocarditis was present in 557 (34%) of 1622 patients (303 with nosocomial infection [54%] and 254 with non-nosocomial infection [46%]). Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause of health care-associated infection (nosocomial, 47%; non-nosocomial, 42%; P = 0.30); a high proportion of patients had methicillin-resistant S. aureus (nosocomial, 57%; non-nosocomial, 41%; P = 0.014). Fewer patients with health care-associated native valve endocarditis had cardiac surgery (41% vs. 51% of community-associated cases; P < 0.001), but more of the former patients died (25% vs. 13%; P < 0.001). Multivariable analysis confirmed greater mortality associated with health care-associated native valve endocarditis (incidence risk ratio, 1.28 [95% CI, 1.02 to 1.59]). LIMITATIONS: Patients were treated at hospitals with cardiac surgery programs. The results may not be generalizable to patients receiving care in other types of facilities or to those with prosthetic valves or past injection drug use. CONCLUSION: More than one third of cases of native valve endocarditis in non-injection drug users involve contact with health care, and non-nosocomial infection is common, especially in the United States. Clinicians should recognize that outpatients with extensive out-of-hospital health care contacts who develop endocarditis have clinical characteristics and outcomes similar to those of patients with nosocomial infection. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: None.


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Objective: To identify the strengths and limitations of health care and related services provided to young adults with a disability during the period of transition from the care of a paediatrician to the mainstream health system.
Design: A descriptive design was used to address the study objectives.
Setting: Barwon and south-western region of Victoria.
Subjects: Twelve focus group discussions, with young adults with a disability, carers of young adults with a disability and health care service providers. Each focus group involved eight to 10 participants.
Results: The findings revealed a number of problems with the transition period. All participants acknowledged the supportive, coordinating role of the paediatrician. In the absence of this type of role, carers felt they lacked the knowledge and support to manage the adolescent with a disability. Communication problems between all service providers were identified as being problematical. The general lack of continuity of care between providers made it difficult for individuals to negotiate the transition period and increased the burden of care on carers.
Conclusion: There is a need for policy makers to address these transition problems and develop appropriate services that improve the situation for young adults with a disability and their carers.
What is already known: It is well documented that the transition period from paediatrician to adult health care services is problematic for the young adult with a disability and their carer. The difficulties experienced are attributed to poor communication between service providers and a lack of continuity of care.
What does this study add: This study provides insights from a number of different consumer and health care professionals' perspectives. The findings identify service delivery gaps and a need to develop health care services that could assist the young adult with the disability negotiate this transition from the paediatric services to mainstream health care services in rural and regional settings in Victoria.