25 resultados para Parasitic gastroenteritis


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A biomolecular delivery system consisting of a novel alginate enclosed, chitosan coated ceramic antimicrobial nanocarrier containing lactoferrin (AEC-CP-Fe-bLf) and development of this multifunctional bovine iron saturated lactoferrin nanotechnology based drug delivery systems for finding treatment to parasitic and bacterial diseases was prepared. Since lactoferrin is a naturally occurring molecule its clinical application would be welcome.


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Transformerless inverters technology in photovoltaic systems offers many advantages, but there are some safety issues due to the solar panel parasitic capacitance. The parasitic capacitance value depends on many factors such as PV panels and frame structure, surface of the cells, distance between the cells, module frame, weather conditions (e.g., humidity) and the amount of dust covering the PV panel. Harsh climate like the one in the Central Queensland region is characterized by high temperature, high relative humidity. Due to the region’s high dew point, high humidity and heavy rain during the wet season, the water condensed over the PV array surface will affect the stray capacitance significantly and consequently, the system leakage current. Human safety in PV system is a key issue, which must be addressed when this technology is applied. Protection against electrical shock is essential while deploying such systems to avoid injury or loss of life. Furthermore, PV insulation varies with meteorological conditions such as, temperatures, humidity. Therefore, the protective circuit should have the capability to adapt to any changes in metrological variables. This paper explorers the effect of meteorological changes on the insulation parameters and leakage capacitance and design a tools for protection.


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In the recent years, there has been a widespread trend in the use of the transformerless inverters in the single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic systems. This has been motivated by the low price, minor size, light mass, and great efficiency associated with them. However, when no transformer is used, common-mode voltage appears and leads to ground leakage current through the Photovoltaic parasitic capacitance to the ground due to the non-galvanic isolation configuration. This has lead to a main research focus on ways of minimizing or eliminating these leakage currents without influencing the efficiency of the system. Different topologies have been suggested to eliminate the leakage current in the transformerless grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems. In this paper, a review of these transformerless topologies is carried out, in regard to the leakage current for single phase. The benefits, in regard to each scheme, are outlined and their disadvantages explained.


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The emergence of Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD), a highly contagious cancer, is driving Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) to extinction. The cancer is a genetically and chromosomally stable clonal cell line which is transmitted by biting during social interactions. In the present study, we explore the Devil Facial Tumour (DFT) epigenome and the genes involved in DNA methylation homeostasis. We show that tumour cells have similar levels of methylation to peripheral nerves, the tissue from which DFTD originated. We did not observe any strain or region-specific epimutations. However, we revealed a significant increase in hypomethylation in DFT samples over time (p < 0.0001). We propose that loss of methylation is not because of a maintenance deficiency, as an upregulation of DNA methyltransferase 1 gene was observed in tumours compared with nerves (p < 0.005). Instead, we believe that loss of methylation is owing to active demethylation, supported by the temporal increase in MBD2 and MBD4 (p < 0.001). The implications of these changes on disease phenotypes need to be explored. Our work shows that DFTD should not be treated as a static entity, but rather as an evolving parasite with epigenetic plasticity. Understanding the role of epimutations in the evolution of this parasitic cancer will provide unique insights into the role of epigenetic plasticity in cancer evolution and progression in traditional cancers that arise and die with their hosts.


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Well-planned vegetarian diets are considered adequate for all stages of the life cycle, despite limited data on the zinc status of vegetarians during early childhood. The bioavailability of iron and zinc in vegetarian diets is poor because of their higher content of absorption inhibitors such as phytate and polyphenols and the absence of flesh foods. Consequently, children as well as adult vegetarians often have lower serum ferritin concentrations than omnivores, which is indicative of reduced iron stores, despite comparable intakes of total iron; hemoglobin differences are small and rarely associated with anemia. However, data on serum zinc concentrations, the recommended biomarker for identifying population groups at elevated risk of zinc deficiency, are sparse and difficult to interpret because recommended collection and analytic procedures have not always been followed. Existing data indicate no differences in serum zinc or growth between young vegetarian and omnivorous children, although there is some evidence of low serum zinc concentrations in vegetarian adolescents. Some vegetarian immigrants from underprivileged households may be predisposed to iron and zinc deficiency because of nondietary factors such as chronic inflammation, parasitic infections, overweight, and genetic hemoglobin disorders. To reduce the risk of deficiency, the content and bioavailability of iron and zinc should be enhanced in vegetarian diets by consumption of fortified cereals and milk, by consumption of leavened whole grains, by soaking dried legumes before cooking and discarding the soaking water, and by replacing tea and coffee at meals with vitamin C-rich drinks, fruit, or vegetables. Additional recommended practices include using fermented soy foods and sprouting at least some of the legumes consumed. Fortified foods can reduce iron deficiency, but whether they can also reduce zinc deficiency is less certain. Supplements may be necessary for vegetarian children following very restricted vegan diets.


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Drug discovery, development and registration is an expensive and time-consuming process associated with a high failure rate [Pessetto et al. (Mol Cancer Ther 12:1299-1309, 2013), Woodcock and Woosley (Annu Rev Med 59:1-12, 2008)]. Drug 'repurposing' is the identification of new therapeutic purposes for already approved drugs and is more affordable and achievable than novel drug discovery [Pessetto et al. (Mol Cancer Ther 12:1299-1309, 2013)]. Auranofin is a drug that is approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis but is being investigated for potential therapeutic application in a number of other diseases including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, HIV/AIDS, parasitic infections and bacterial infections [Tejman-Yarden et al. (Antimicrob Agents Chemother 57:2029-2035, 2013)]. The main mechanism of action of auranofin is through the inhibition of reduction/oxidation (redox) enzymes that are essential for maintaining intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species. Inhibition of these enzymes leads to cellular oxidative stress and intrinsic apoptosis [Pessetto et al. (Mol Cancer Ther 12:1299-1309, 2013), Fan et al. (Cell Death Dis 5:e1191, 2014), Fiskus et al. (Cancer Res 74:2520-2532, 2014), Marzano et al. (Free Radic Biol Med 42:872-881, 2007)]. Drugs such as auranofin that have already been approved for human use [Tejman-Yarden et al. (Antimicrob Agents Chemother 57:2029-2035, 2013)] can be brought into clinical use for other diseases relatively quickly and for a fraction of the cost of new drugs.


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Maternal antibodies protect chicks from infection with pathogens early in life and may impact pathogen dynamics due to the alteration of the proportion of susceptible individuals in a population. We investigated the transfer of maternal antibodies against avian influenza virus (AIV) in a key AIV host species, the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Combining observations in both the field and in mallards kept in captivity, we connected maternal AIV antibody concentrations in eggs to (i) female body condition, (ii) female AIV antibody concentration, (iii) egg laying order, (iv) egg size and (v) embryo sex. We applied maternity analysis to the eggs collected in the field to account for intraspecific nest parasitism, which is reportedly high in Anseriformes, detecting parasitic eggs in one out of eight clutches. AIV antibody prevalence in free-living and captive females was respectively 48% and 56%, with 43% and 24% of the eggs receiving these antibodies maternally. In both field and captive study, maternal AIV antibody concentrations in egg yolk correlated positively with circulating AIV antibody concentrations in females. In the captive study, yolk AIV antibody concentrations correlated positively with egg laying order. Female body mass and egg size from the field and captive study, and embryos sex from the field study were not associated with maternal AIV antibody concentrations in eggs. Our study indicates that maternal AIV antibody transfer may potentially play an important role in shaping AIV infection dynamics in mallards.


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BACKGROUND: Lactoferrin is a natural multifunctional protein known to have antitumor, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activity. Apart from its antimicrobial effects, lactoferrin is known to boost the immune response by enhancing antioxidants. Lactoferrin exists in various forms depending on its iron saturation. The present study was done to observe the effect of lactoferrin, isolated from bovine and buffalo colostrum, on red blood cells (RBCs) and macrophages (human monocytic cell line-derived macrophages THP1 cells). METHODS: Lactoferrin obtained from both species and in different iron saturation forms were used in the present study, and treatment of host cells were given with different forms of lactoferrin at different concentrations. These treated host cells were used for various studies, including morphometric analysis, viability by MTT assay, survivin gene expression, production of reactive oxygen species, phagocytic properties, invasion assay, and Toll-like receptor-4, Toll-like receptor-9, and MDR1 expression, to investigate the interaction between lactoferrin and host cells and the possible mechanism of action with regard to parasitic infections. RESULTS: The mechanism of interaction between host cells and lactoferrin have shown various aspects of gene expression and cellular activity depending on the degree of iron saturation of lactoferrin. A significant increase (P<0.05) in production of reactive oxygen species, phagocytic activity, and Toll-like receptor expression was observed in host cells incubated with iron-saturated lactoferrin when compared with an untreated control group. However, there was no significant (P>0.05) change in percentage viability in the different groups of host cells treated, and no downregulation of survivin gene expression was found at 48 hours post-incubation. Upregulation of the Toll-like receptor and downregulation of the P-gp gene confirmed the immunomodulatory potential of lactoferrin protein. CONCLUSION: The present study details the interaction between lactoferrin and parasite host cells, ie, RBCs and macrophages, using various cellular processes and expression studies. The study reveals the possible mechanism of action against various intracellular pathogens such as Toxoplasma, Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosoma, and Mycobacterium. The presence of iron in lactoferrin plays an important role in enhancing the various activities taking place inside these cells. This work provides a lot of information about targeting lactoferrin against many parasitic infections which can rule out the exact pathways for inhibition of diseases caused by intracellular microbes mainly targeting RBCs and macrophages for their survival. Therefore, this initial study can serve as a baseline for further evaluation of the mechanism of action of lactoferrin against parasitic diseases, which is not fully understood to date.


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In proposing an ontology of motion capture, this paper identifies three modalities — capture, hold, release — to conceptualise the peculiar affordances of motion capture technology in its relationship to a performer's movement. Motion capture is unique among contemporary moving image media in its capacity to re-perform a performer'srecorded movement a potentially limitless number of times, e.g. as applied to innumerable different CG characters. Unlike live-action film or even rotoscoping (motion capture's closest equivalent), the movement extracted from the captured performance lives on, but only by way of the inimagable (non-visible) domain of motion data.Motion data 'holds' movement itself in inimagable form, and 'releases' it in the domain of the digital moving image. This tri-fold conception relates an important dimension of (Heideggerian) Being to the idea of movement as fundamental to an ontology or 'being' of motion capture. At the same time, the proposed ontology challenges the 'illusion of life' metaphor as the accepted definition of (motion capture) animation.The Oscar's Special Rules for the Animated Feature Film Award asserts that 'by itself' motion capture does not qualify as an animation method. The notion that a technology could do or be anything 'by itself' affords a conceptual leap toward Heideggerian thinking on the nature of Being as embodied in temporality, in which past, present and future are unified.In its capacity to operate outside the domain of the digital moving image, the concept of 'movement itself' not only articulates an ontology of motion capture: motion capture itself can be understood to be brought into being by movement, thus also challenging the notion that capture technology has a parasitic relationship to a performer's originary performance.