208 resultados para Old person


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When aqueous sodium borohydride (50 mM) is added to a solution of potassium permanganate (1mM, in sodium hexametaphosphate) at acidic pH, bright red-orange emission is easily visible in a darkened room. This chemiluminescence emission is due to an excited state of manganese (II) that undergoes solution phase phosphorescence and provides an excellent opportunity for students to explore the relationship between the initial oxidation state of the manganese and the likelihood of luminescence. Not surprisingly Mn(VII), Mn(IV) and Mn(III) all give rise to chemiluminescence where as Mn(II) fails to react.


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The Convention relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 ("the Convention") is over fifty years old. It is the most comprehensive legally binding international standard for the treatment of refugees.' The Convention governs the rights of refugees and the obligations of ratifying State parties towards refugees. The key aspect of the Convention is article 1A(2), which sets out the Convention definition of a refugee. It provides that a refugee is a person who: Owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.2 At the international law level the definition has remained (effectively)3 unchanged during this period. However, there has been a considerable amount of uncertainty at the domestic level concerning the precise meaning that should be given to important aspects of the definition, such as "particular social group" and "persecution". Given that the Convention is the principal international instrument dealing with the rights of refugees (since it was ratified by Denmark in 1952, 140 states have acceded to the Convention)4 and the importance of the interests and indeterminate nature of several aspects of the definition of refugee, the interpretive approach adopted in relation to the Convention is of considerable importance.


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This study explores the applicability of the personal and organizational value clusters identified by Abbott, White & Charles, (2005) employing the McDonald & Gandz (1991) list of values to university settings. It examines the personal values of business students in two universities, their perception ofthe organizational values important to their university, and measures the extent to which the personal and organizational values are consistent with 'High Performance Work Systems '. Results provide support for individual and organizational values factors similar to those found by Finegan, (2000) and Abbott et al. (2005) and consistent with Schwartz s (1992) an-cultural values hierarchy. While usiness/commerce students rated their personal values as consistent with HPWS and the major pan-cultural values, this did not match their perception of the organizations' values. The implications of personal-organizational value incongruence on motivation, satisfaction, organizational commitment and effectiveness are discussed.


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Background: The family food environment (FFE) is likely to exert important influences on young children's eating. Examination of multiple aspects of the FFE may provide useful insights regarding which of these might most effectively be targeted to prevent childhood obesity.

Objective: To assess the associations between the FFE and a range of obesity-promoting dietary behaviors in 5–6-year-old children.

Design: Cross-sectional study.

Subjects: Five hundred and sixty families sampled from three socio-economically distinct areas.

Measurements: Predictors included parental perceptions of their child's diet, food availability, child feeding practices, parental modeling of eating and food preparation and television (TV) exposure. Dietary outcomes included energy intake, vegetable, sweet snack, savory snack and high-energy (non-dairy) fluid consumption.

Results: Multiple linear regression analyses, adjusted for all other predictor variables and maternal education, showed that several aspects of the FFE were associated with dietary outcomes likely to promote fatness in 5–6-year-old children. For example, increased TV viewing time was associated with increased index of energy intake, increased sweet snack and high-energy drink consumption, and deceased vegetable intake. In addition, parent's increased confidence in the adequacy of their child's diet was associated with increased consumption of sweet and savory snacks and decreased vegetable consumption. 

Conclusion:  This study substantially extends previous research in the area, providing important insights with which to guide family-based obesity prevention strategies.


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The home food environment is central to the development of healthy eating behaviours, but associations between the home food environment and children's food choices are not yet fully understood. The aims of this study were to explore parents' views regarding factors that influence children's food choices and parents' decision-making regarding the food they provide to their children. In-depth one-on-one interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview schedule. Key concepts and themes were coded independently by two investigators. Participants include seventeen parents (16 mothers and 1 father) of children in their first year of formal schooling (aged 5–6 years). Five main themes emerged from the interviews: food marketing, food availability/food exposure, feeding strategies, modelling of eating and opportunities for food involvement. Parents believed that food marketing influenced their child's food preferences but differed in the ways they managed these influences. The food made available to children was also seen to influence what a child ate. Yet, although some parents believed it was the parents' role to determine what foods were made available to their child, others offered food on the basis of the child's tastes or preferences. The use of food as a reward was a feeding strategy employed by many parents. Family mealtimes were seen as an important opportunity for modelling of eating behaviour by parents. Peers were also seen to influence children's food preferences and eating behaviour. Finally, many parents believed that involving children in the preparation of food had a positive impact on children's food choices. Associations between the home food environment and children's food choices are complex and involve multiple mediators. Parents' views on the promoters and reinforcers of their decision-making regarding food and their child's food choices provide useful insights into these mediating factors. Increased understanding of these relationships is likely to enhance obesity prevention efforts.


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Objective: To evaluate the public health and nutritional situation of refugee children in Katale camp, Eastern Zaire, after two years of nutritional and health intervention from 1994 to 1996.
Design: Cross-sectional survey using a two-stage cluster sampling method. Anthropometric data were collected from 28 May 1996 to 4 June 1996. Retrospective review of food basket monitoring data over the preceding six months and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees' weekly mortality data was conducted. Measles immunisation coverage data were surveyed simultaneously, using child health records.
Main outcome measures: Nutritional status measured by weight-for-height index (W/H), measles immunisation status, average daily energy content of the general food ration and crude mortality rate.
Setting: Katale refugee camp, Zaire, June 1996.
Analysis: Weight-for-height index and proportion of immunised children were computed using EPINUT, part of EPINFO computer package.
Results: Malnutrition was found to be most prevalent in children aged six to 29 months old (W/H < -2 Z-score and/or oedema: 6.2%; 95% CI: 3.4%, 10.6%), among whom the malnutrition rate was almost double the overall malnutrition prevalence (W/H < -2 Z-score and/or oedema: 3.5% (95% CI: 1.5%, 7.2%). The general food ration, although conforming to the World Food Program minimum standards of adequacy in terms of variety (being composed of cereals, oil, beans, blended cereal and legume mixes and salt), provided only 6240 kJ on average (95% CI: 5040, 7140 kJ) per person per day, thus meeting only 57% to 84% of the minimum energy requirements for an adult, and falling well below the needs for sub groups with higher nutritional requirements such as children, pregnant and breastfeeding women and the sick. Measles immunisation coverage in children nine to 59 months was 88.6%. The crude mortality rate was found to be 0.3 per 10 000 per day. Refugees received 15 litres of clean water per person per day.
Conclusion: Public health interventions in Katale camp 1994 to 1996 had reduced mortality and morbidity rates dramatically. This was not reflected in the malnutrition rates for children under five years, that remained stable after an initial fall despite two years of nutritional intervention. The factors contributed to this were related to an inadequate general food ration (due to food shortages), lack of ability to supplement the diet, (due to economic restrictions that were imposed in the camp) and inequities in the food distribution process (due to food being siphoned off by camp leaders for military purposes).


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Vanadate has insulin-like effects in adipocytes without stimulating insulin receptor kinase activity. However, it activates IRS-1 associated PI 3-kinase, suggesting that it mimics insulin effects by stimulating signaling elements downstream of PI 3-kinase. Here we analysed the stimulation of MAPK by insulin and vanadate and observed that both elicit a rapid 3.5–4 fold activation which is abolished by wortmannin and PD98059. Simultaneous addition of insulin and vanadate does not result in an additive effect neither on MAPK nor in MEK. Whereas insulin action is transient, vanadate stimulation lasts up to 20 min. In insulin-resistant adipocytes from old rats, insulin stimulates poorly MAPK, whereas a normal activation is achieved with vanadate. We conclude that: (a) insulin and vanadate use a common signaling pathway from PI 3-kinase to MEK and MAPK; (b) vanadate but not insulin, elicits a sustained activation of both enzymes; (c) this pathway is functional in old rat adipocytes.


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Being dependent on dialysis is a potentially overwhelming experience where life as previously known is permanently altered. A dialysis-dependent individual may reformulate their identify or perceive that they are a remnant if their former self. This paper will explore and expand Morse and Penrod's (1999) model as a useful way to understand how a person might reconstruct their identify. Grounded in a narrative methodology, interviews if those on haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis were thematically analysed. It was found that dialysis dependency brings an acknowledgment if a lost past, an inescapable present and an unknowable future, filtered through hope and despair. Nurses need to understand the suffering, wrought by such a struggle,to facilitate the positive re-envisioning if those who are dialysis dependent.


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This presentation will Involve a discussion of Canadian fringe artist Mike Hoolboom's experimental narrative Tom (2002 75 minutes, Digital Video) The presentation will Include a short excerpt and stills from the film Tom is a biography of experimental filmmaker Tom Chomont who tells of his struggle with HIV and Parkinson's disease and disarmingly recounts confronting memories of infanticide, incest, fetishism and death It is how these revelations are innovatively processed through excerpts of Chomont's films, home movies, photos, Images lifted straight form Video Busters, archival and found footage that is so telling it is as If the surface of cinema itself is the body that is being marked and reconstituted and "the personal" forever changed by the Infection of this material Into our psyche.

This work is offered as exemplary evidence of the strong link between an experimental non-narrative cinema that flourishes In North America and new media art

The presentation will touch on the following areas:

> The Innovative marking out of the self In terms relevant to a new media practice.
> The correspondence between this film and media theorist Arthur Kroker's Ideas about panic bodies and excremental culture.
> An examination of erasure and loss In non-narrative forms.
> The historical context of Hoolboom's work as part of a North American experimental tradition and as a shared non-narrative tradition With New Media.

The presentation Will conclude With some comments about the relationship between experimental film and new media In this country and how the failure to Identify this relationship constructively here may have contributed to the current "death of the new" The concept of new media and New Australian Will be contrasted to attain some Insight Into the Ideological underpinnings of "Creative Nation".


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Introduction: Reported effects of body composition and lifestyle of bone mineral density in pre-elderly adult women have been inconsistent.

Methods: In a co-twin study of 146 female twin pairs aged 30 to 65 years, DXA was used to measure bone mineral density at the lumbar spine, total hip, and forearm, total body bone mineral content, and lean and fat mass. Height and weight were measured. Menopausal status, dietary calcium intake, physical activity, current tobacco use, and alcohol consumption were determined by questionnaire. Within-pair differences in bone measures were regressed through the origin against within-pair differences in putative determinants.

Results: Lean mass and fat mass were associated with greater bone mass at all sites. A discordance of 10 pack-years smoking was related to a 2.3-3.3% (SE, 0.8-1.0) decrease in bone density at all sites except the forearm, with the effects more evident in postmenopausal women. In all women, a 0.8% (SE, 0.3) difference in hip bone mineral density was associated with each hour per week difference in sporting activity, with effects more evident in premenopausal women. Daily dietary calcium intake was related to total body bone mineral content and forearm bone mineral density (1.4 ± 0.7% increase for every 1000 mg). Lifetime alcohol consumption and walking were not consistently related to bone mass.

Conclusion: Several lifestyle and dietary factors, in particular tobacco use, were related to bone mineral density. Effect sizes varied by site. Characterization of determinants of bone mineral density in midlife and thereafter may lead to interventions that could minimize postmenopausal bone loss and reduce osteoporotic fracture risk.