103 resultados para Nutritional and culinary quality


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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of starvation and water quality during the purging process on the biometric parameters, fatty acids, and flavor volatiles of Murray cod farmed in a recirculation system. Market size Murray cod, at the end of the grow-out stage, were divided into eight treatments. The treatments were either fed/starved (F or S) and kept in clean water (CW: CWF2, CWS2, CWF4, and CWS4) or fed/starved and kept in recycled water (RW: RWF2, RWS2, RWF4, and RWS4) for either 2 or 4 weeks. Fish were sampled at 0, 2, and 4 week intervals. Food deprivation was responsible for a significant (P < 0.05) weight loss compared to that of fed treatments. The same was observed for the condition factor (K), hepatosomatic index (HSI), and dress-out percentage (DP). No significant changes were, however, observed in the visceral fat index (VFI). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) were highest in RWF4 and lowest in CWS4 (P < 0.05), while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were lowest in CWF4 (P < 0.05). Starvation did not affect the flavor volatile compounds, which were mainly affected by changes in water quality. Specifically, total aldehyde (% w/w) content was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by water quality, but the time of purging was not responsible for any noteworthy differences. This study was able to separate the effects of starvation and water quality, in the purging process, on the final eating quality of farmed market size Murray cod. It is concluded that because of the inevitable weight loss during starvation, Murray cod should be fed during the purging stage but kept in clean water and deprived of food only for the time necessary to empty the gastro-intestinal tract.


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Intensively farmed, market-size Murray cod (~ 600 g), were purged (transferred into a clean water system and starved) and sampled at three day intervals for a total of 18 days (D0, D3, D6, D9, D12, D15 and D18). Purged fish lost from 6% (D3) to 14% (D18) body weight, and the weight loss was highly correlated to the number of days of purging/starvation. Condition factor and Hepatosomatic Index decreased significantly (P < 0.05) only after 18 days of purging compared to the control (D0). Fillet lipid content (%) did not vary during the trial. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA: 20:5 n−3) decreased and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA: 22:5 n−3) increased (P < 0.05) during the trial, while docosahexaenoic acid (DHA: 22:6 n−3) did not show any significant variation. Purging contributed positively to the improvement of the volatile flavour compound composition, with a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in total volatile aldehydes and an increase in total volatile hydrocarbons. Since no major differences were found between samples during the last stages of the purging process (D12, D15 and D 18), it is possible to conclude that, under these experimental conditions, 12 days is the minimum duration to obtain an improvement in the volatile compound profile of intensively farmed Murray cod whilst keeping body weight loss to a minimum.


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Factors which may account for the high frequency of macrovascular disease in diabetics are age, sex, cigarette smoking, hypertension, obesity, lack of exercise, diet, hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaeroia, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL-cholesterol concentration, elevated free fatty acid concentration and enhanced platelet aggregation. Twenty seven (13 men and 14 women) non-insulin-dependent diabetics and thirty eight age, height and weight matched healthy subjects (10 men and 28 women) were studied. None of the subjects were smokers, or hypertensive. No subject had any clinical evidence of peripheral arterial disease, coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease. All had apparently normal peripheral pulses and normal ankle/arm blood pressure indices. Methods for determining arterial compliance in the segment between the left subclavian artery and each common femoral artery, and proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery, have been reviewed and developed. An appropriate food intake methodology for deriving food indices from food records was developed. Biochemical determinants have been made of glucose tolerance, glycosylated haemoglobin, serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, plasma free fatty acid and insulin. A significant decrease in the arterial compliance, and a significant increase in the arterial proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery in non-insulin-dependent diabetics, compared with their healthy controls, have been found. Significant negative correlation between arterial compliance and proximal resistance and, a significant positive correlation between the arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery were found. Differences between control (healthy subjects) and non-insulin-dependent diabetic groups indicate that preclinical peripheral arterial disease can be recognised even in mild diabetics by non-invasive measurement of arterial compliance or proximal resistance. There were significant and negative correlations between arterial compliance and each of blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin concentration. There were significant and positive correlations between arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery and each of blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin and plasma free fatty acid concentration. Multivariate analysis to examine each of the biochemical factors Including blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid, plasma Insulin and lipids, showed that the factor which most influenced the arterial compliance and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was the glucose level in the fasting state or the glucose response after a glucose load. In addition, the factors which most influenced proximal resistance of the common femoral artery were free fatty acid -level in the fasting state or glucose response after a glucose load. The factors which most influenced arterial compliance were glucose level in men, and the insulin level in the fasting state or the plasma free fatty acid response after a glucose load in women. These findings indicate that blood glucose, plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin are risk factors for changes in arterial wall characteristic at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent. Arterial compliance was decreased and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was increased in those with a low intake of protective foods compared with those with a high intake whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Arterial compliance was decreased in non-fish eaters compared with the fish eaters whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Proximal resistance of the posterior tibia! artery in non-fish eaters was increased compared with fish eaters in healthy subjects. Overall, food variety, a protective food score consumption and fish consumption emerge as importance determinants of arterial wall characteristics at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent.


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The study highlights the interrelationship between physical characteristics of female broodstock with reproductive performance, egg quality and subsequent larval success, and reproductive seasonality of the blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra Leach). Suitable indices for assessing broodstock were developed. Seasonal changes in biochemical compositions in relation to maturation and development was discussed.


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Dietary pattern analysis provides a practical way to characterise total diet. In contrast to single food approaches, measures of dietary patterns capture interactions between food components and assist in the development of food guidelines from a public health perspective. Two main approaches to assessing dietary patterns, multivariate statistical approach and dietary indices or scores in epidemiological studies, are assessed.


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In the absence of financial information on Australian mohair enterprises we aimed to determine the gross margins (per dry sheep equivalent, DSE) and their relationships with farm inputs, productivity and mohair quality in Australian mohair enterprises. Using established Victorian Farm and Sheep Monitor Project protocols we collected data for the financial years 200405, 200506 and 200607 from farmers in south-eastern Australia and made comparisons with data from wool enterprises of similar farm area. Over 3 years the financial returns from mohair exceeded that from wool in terms of $/DSE ($23.0 v. 11.3) and $/ha ($132 v. $116). This result was achieved despite the mohair enterprises grazing their goats far less intensively compared with the grazing intensity of sheep (5.9 v. 10.311.1 DSE/ha) and by using far less phosphate fertiliser than used in the wool enterprises (2.2 v. 4.66.1 kg P/ha). These differences were counterbalanced by higher prices for mohair compared with fine wool ($13.15/kg v. $8.35/kg clean fibre). Gross margin for the mohair enterprise did not increase as stocking rate increased. Income from mohair sales declined as the proportion of does in the flock increased. Increasing the proportion of does in the flock was associated with a decline in the average price of mohair ($16/kg greasy at 42% does to $8/kg greasy at 83% does in the flock). This decline was closely associated with the increasing proportion of the total amount of mohair coarser than 34.0 μm (either fine hair or hair) plus stained mohair. The variation in profitability between farms indicates significant scope for many mohair enterprises to increase profit. A focus on producing finer quality mohair will increase mohair profitability.