125 resultados para Neustonic plastic


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The plastic crystal tetraethylammonium dicyanamide ([N2,2,2,2][dca]) has been investigated with an emphasis on structure and dynamics in the plastic phase. It was found that almost all of the volume expansion occurs at the II → I transition, with no volume expansion at the melt transition (as normally observed for crystals). The conductivity of this material shows a rapid increase at temperatures below the II → I transition, reaching values ~ 10− 3 S/cm in Phase I, and 0.1 S/cm in the melt. The NMR measurements show that there is a sudden onset of rotational motions of the cations at the plastic transition; below this temperature the cations appear static. The rotational motion of the cation in Phase I has been discussed in terms of isotropic tumbling.


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A series of new electrolyte materials based on a molecular plastic crystal doped by different iodide salts together with iodine have been prepared and characterized by thermal analysis, ionic conductivity, electrochemical and solid-state NMR diffusion measurements. In these materials, the plastic crystal phase of succinonitrile acts as a good matrix for the quaternary ammonium based iodides and iodine and appears to act in some cases as a solid-state “solvent” for the binary dopants. The materials were prepared by mixing the components in the molten state with subsequent cooling into the plastic crystalline state. This resulted in waxy-solid electrolytes in the temperature range from − 40 to 60 °C. The combination of structural variation of the cations, and fast redox couple diffusion (comparable with liquid-based electrolytes), as well as a high ionic conductivity of up to 3 × 10− 3 S cm− 1 at ambient temperature, make these materials very attractive for potential use in solid-state photoelectrochemical cells.


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High current-carrying capacity and rapid, liquidlike diffusion were achieved in a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) based on the plastic-crystalline electrolyte succinonitrile and the I/I3 redox couple (see diagram). This could lead to the development of true solid-state DSSCs without conventional organic-liquid electrolytes, which can cause problems with long-term device stability.


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The structure and transport of N-propyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate (P13BF4) has been investigated over a wide temperature range in consequence to exhibiting properties suitable for potential solid-state superionic electrolyte applications. Prior to melting, the organic salt, P13BF4, transforms into a plastic crystal phase. Intrinsic conductivity in this solid, phase I (45–65 °C), is comparable to that in the melt (~10−3 S cm−1). Ionic motion and transport properties were investigated by 1H and 11B nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Pressure-induced plastic flow in this system may accommodate volume changes in device application and to this extent, X-ray diffraction (XRD) has been used. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed complex surface morphology and lattice imperfections associated with the strong orientational disorder of the plastic state.


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The incorporation of dopant levels of lithium ions (0.5 to 9.3% by mole) in the N-methyl-N-ethylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide (P12TFSA) plastic crystalline phase results in increases in the solid state ionic conductivity of more than 3 orders of magnitude at 298 K. Conductivities as high as 10−-4 S cm−1 at 323 K have been measured in these doped plastic crystal phases. These materials can therefore be classified as fast-ion conductors. Higher levels of Li only marginally increase the conductivity, up to around 33 mol%, followed by a slight decrease to 50 mol%. Thermal analysis behaviour has allowed the partial development of the binary phase diagram for the LiTFSA–P12TFSA system between 0–50 mol% LiTFSA, which suggests the presence of a solid solution single phase at concentrations less than 9.3 mol% LiTFSA. There is also strong evidence of eutectic behaviour in this system with a eutectic transition temperature around 308 K at 33 mol% LiTFSA. A model relating ionic conduction to phase behaviour in this system is presented. The increased conductivity upon doping has been associated with lithium ion motion via7Li solid state NMR linewidth measurements.


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A series of N-methyl-N-alkylpyrrolidinium nonafluoro-1-butanesulfonate salts were synthesised and characterised. The thermophysical characteristics of this family of salts have been investigated with respect to potential use as ionic liquids and solid electrolytes. N-Methyl-N-butylpyrrolidinium nonafluoro-1-butanesulfonate (p1,4NfO) has the lowest melting point of the family, at 94 °C. Electrochemical analysis of p1,4 NfO in the liquid state shows an electrochemical window of ~6 V. All compounds exhibit one or more solid–solid transitions at sub-ambient temperatures, indicating the existence of plastic crystal phases.


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A new series of salts, based on the N-methyl-N-alkylpyrrolidinium cation and the PF6- anion, are reported and their thermal properties described for alkyl = Me, Et, Pr, Bu, Hx, and Hp. X-ray structures of several of the salts are also reported. The N,N-dimethylpyrrolidinium hexafluorophosphate has a melting point greater than 390 °C; however, the N-methyl-N-butylpyrrolidinium derivative melts at 70 °C. Most of the PF6- salts were observed to have lower melting points in comparison with the analogous iodide salts. Most of the salts exhibit one or more thermal transitions prior to melting and a final entropy of melting less than 20 J K-1 mol-1, behavior which has previously been associated with the formation of plastic crystal phases. Good crystal structure solutions were obtained at low temperatures in the case of the alkyl = propyl and heptyl derivatives. The loss of diffraction peaks and changes in symmetry at higher temperatures indicated the presence of dynamic rotational disorder, supporting the understanding that the plastic properties arise from rotational motions in the crystal.


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Ambient temperature conductive plastic crystal phases of alkylmethylpyrrolidinium trifluoromethanesulfonyl amide (TFSA) salts are studied using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) to examine the role of vacancy size and concentration in conductivity. The ethyl methylpyrrolidinium TFSA salt (P12 TFSA) has larger vacancies and a greater concentration of vacancies than the dimethylpyrrolidinium TFSA salt (P11 TFSA) over the temperature range investigated. The relative vacancy size and concentration vary with temperature and reflect the solid–solid transitions as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). P12 TFSA has greater conductivity than P11 TFSA and has furthermore been observed to exhibit slip planes at room temperature. P12 TFSA has greater entropy changes associated with solid–solid phase transitions below the melting point than P11 TFSA possibly indicating greater rotational freedom in P12 TFSA. These results support the notion that the diffusion, conduction, and plastic flow properties of the pyrrolidinium TFSA salts are derived from the lattice vacancies.


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High proton conductivity has been achieved in the high temperature plastic crystal phase of pentaglycerine when doped with strong acids, including trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (triflic acid) and methanesulfonic acid. The solid–solid phase transition from the ordered to plastic phase in this material occurs at 86 °C and conductivities of 10− 3 S/cm were measured in the high temperature plastic phase on the addition of 1 mol% triflic acid. In the case of methanesulfonic acid, the conductivities showed a greater dependence on acid concentration and were lower than for triflic acid, as expected on the basis of acid strengths. Electrochemical characterisation shows a clear hydrogen reduction process indicating that the proton is the mobile species in the plastic phase.


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Doping of lithium salts and acids into the plastic crystal phase of succinonitrile has shown for the first time of the possibility of creating solid state electrolytes based on plastic crystalline solvents where the matrix itself is neutral and hence not intrinsically conductive. These materials illustrate the concept of a solid state electrolyte solvent. Room temperature conductivities up to 3.4×10−4 S cm−1 were obtained with 5 wt.% lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonylamide) in succinonitrile. Pulsed field gradient NMR measurements indicate that both cation and anion are mobile in this lattice. Proton conductivity was also observed when methane sulfonic acid or glacial acetic acid was used as dopants, however, the conductivity in these systems is limited by the poor dissociating ability of these acids.


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Plastic crystal materials have long been known but have only relatively recently become of interest as solid–state ion conductors. Their properties are often associated with dynamic orientational disorder or rotator motions in the crystalline lattice. This paper describes recent work in the field including the range of organic ionic compounds that exhibit ion conduction at room temperature. Conductivity in some cases is high enough to render the compounds of interest as electrolyte materials in all solid state electrochemical devices. Doping of the plastic crystal phase with a small ion such as Li+ in some cases produces an even higher conductivity. In this case the plastic crystal acts as a solid state “solvent” for the doped ion and supports the conductive motion of the dopant via motions of the matrix ions. These doped materials are also described in detail.


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Rechargeable lithium batteries have long been considered an attractive alternative power source for a wide variety of applications. Safety and stability1 concerns associated with solvent-based electrolytes has necessitated the use of lithium intercalation materials (rather than lithium metal) as anodes, which decreases the energy storage capacity per unit mass. The use of solid lithium ion conductors - based on glasses, ceramics or polymers - as the electrolyte would potentially improve the stability of a lithium metal anode while alleviating the safety concerns. Glasses and ceramics conduct via a fast ion mechanism, in which the lithium ions move within an essentially static framework. In contrast, the motion of ions in polymer systems is similar to that in solvent-based electrolytes - motion is mediated by the dynamics of the host polymer, thereby restricting the conductivity to relatively low values. Moreover, in the polymer systems, the motion of the lithium ions provides only a small fraction of the overall conductivity2, which results in severe concentration gradients during cell operation, causing premature failure3. Here we describe a class of materials, prepared by doping lithium ions into a plastic crystalline matrix, that exhibit fast lithium ion motion due to rotational disorder and the existence of vacancies in the lattice. The combination of possible structural variations of the plastic crystal matrix and conductivities as high as 2 3 1024 S cm21 at 60 8C make these materials very attractive for secondary battery applications.


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A number of novel organic ionic compounds based on the pyrrolidinium cation are described which have been found to be ion conductors in their solid states around room temperature. The properties of the compounds are consistent with their exhibiting plastic crystal phases. In order to understand some of the molecular origins of the plastic crystal behaviour and the ion conductivity that it promotes, a number of related compounds based on the imidazolium and ammonium cations are also described which have structural elements in common with the pyrrolidinium cation, but which do not show the plastic behaviour. It is found therefore that the nature of the cation is quite critical to the development of this behaviour. The alkyl methyl pyrrolidinium cation is found to produce plastic crystal phases when the alkyl chains are short, thereby preserving the ability of the cation to rotate with minimal steric hindrance. The ammonium and imidazolium cations of comparable size and structure are less able to produce these plastic phases, in many cases because the low temperature phase proceeds to melt rather than forming a stable rotator phase.


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A new family of molten salts is reported, based on the N-alkyl, N-alkyl pyrrolidinium cation and the bis(trifluoromethane sulfonyl)imide anion. Some of the members of the family are molten at room temperature, while the smaller and more symmetrical members have melting points around 100 °C. Of the room-temperature molten salt examples, the methyl butyl derivative exhibits the highest conductivity; at 2 × 10-3 S/cm this is the highest molten salt conductivity observed to date at room temperature among the ammonium salts. This highly conductive behavior is rationalized in terms of the role of cation planarity. The salts also exhibit multiple crystalline phase behavior below their melting points and exhibit significant conductivity in at least their higher temperature crystal phase. For example, the methyl propyl derivative (mp = 12 °C) shows ion conductivity of 1 × 10-6 S/cm at 0 °C in its higher temperature crystalline phase.


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The treatment of an organic ionic plastic crystal electrolyte N-methyl-N-ethylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate (P1,2BF4) with supercritical CO2 resulted in a substantial increase in ionic conductivity, especially in the more highly ordered solid phases of the material, and also stabilised the most ordered phase to lower temperatures.