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Large-scale, high-density, and patterned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on both pure Si and quartz (SiO2) substrates have been produced using different approaches. The CNTs were synthesized by pyrolysis of the ball-milled iron phthalocyanine (FePc) in a tube furnace under a Ar-5% H2 gas flow. Because patterned CNTs are difficult to grow directly on smooth and perfect single-crystalline Si wafer surface, mechanical scratches were created to help the selective deposition and growth of CNTs on the scratched areas. This simple process does not require pre-deposition of any metal catalysts. For SiO2 substrates, which can be readily covered by a CNT film, patterned CNTs are produced using a TEM grid as mask to cover the areas where CNTs are not needed. The growth temperature and vapor density have strong influence on the patterned CNT formation. The scratch areas with a special structure and a higher surface energy help the selective nucleation of CNTs.


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The separation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and polystyrene microparticles using a dielectrophoresis (DEP) system is presented. The DEP system consists of arrays of parallel microelectrodes patterned on a glass substrate. The performance of the system is evaluated by means of numerical simulations. The MWCNTs demonstrate a positive DEP behaviour and can be trapped at the regions of high electric field. However, the polystyrene microparticles demonstrate a negative DEP behaviour at a certain range of frequencies and migrate to the regions of low electric field. Experiments are performed on the microparticles at the frequencies between 100 Hz and 1 MHz to estimate their crossover frequency and select the range of separation frequencies. Further, experiments are conducted at the obtained range of separation frequencies to separate the MWCNTs and polystyrene microparticles.


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This study presents the dielectrophoretic (DEP) assembly of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) between curved microelectrodes for the purpose of trapping polystyrene microparticles within a microfluidic system. Under normal conditions, polystyrene particles exhibit negative DEP behaviour and are repelled from microelectrodes. Interestingly, the addition of MWCNTs to the system alters this situation in two ways: first, they coat the surface of particles and change their dielectric properties to exhibit positive DEP behaviour; second, the assembled MWCNTs are highly conductive and after the deposition serve as extensions to the microelectrodes. They establish an array of nanoelectrodes that initiates from the edge of microelectrodes and grow along the electric field lines. These nanoelectrodes can effectively trap the MWCNT-coated particles, since they cover a large portion of the microchannel bottom surface and also create a much stronger electric field than the primary microelectrodes as confirmed by our numerical simulations. We will show that the presence of MWCNT significantly changes performance of the system, which is investigated by trapping sample polystyrene particles with plain, COOH and goat anti-mouse IgG surfaces.


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This article compares the operation of a dielectrophoretic (DEP) platform before and after pattering carbon nanotubes (CNTs) between its microelectrodes. The diverse performance of the DEP system is assessed by separating 1 and 5 μm polystyrene particles. In the absence of CNTs, both particles can only be trapped by operating the system at low medium conductivities, (<10-3 S/m) and frequencies (<75 kHz). Alternatively, applying CNTs to the system, some CNTs coat the surface of particles and increase their overall conductivity and permittivity, whereas the rest of them are patterned between the microelectrodes and induce strong DEP forces at their free ends, which can effectively trap the coated particles. The first development extends the range of medium conductivities and frequencies at which the trapping of both particles is achievable, whereas the second development facilitates the selective deposition of particles along the surface of curved microelectrodes. Setting the medium conductivity to 2×10-3 S/m and the frequency to 20 MHz, most of 5 μm particles are trapped at the entry region of the first microelectrode pair, whereas most of 1 μm particles are trapped at the tips, and this distinction facilitates their separation. The trapping of 1 μm particles can be improved by decreasing the frequency to 1.5 MHz. This study demonstrates how the integration of CNTs into microfluidic systems enables them to operate beyond their capabilities.


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With the rapid development in nanoscience and nanotechnology, there is an ever increasing demand for polymer fibres of diameters down to a nanometre scale having multiple functionalities. Electrospinning, as a simple and efficient nanofibre-making technology, has been used to produce polymer nanofibres for diverse applications. Electrospun nanofibres
based on polymer/carbon nanotube (CNT) composites are very attractive multifunctional nanomaterials because they combine the remarkable mechanical and electronic properties of CNTs and the confinement-enhanced CNTs alignment within the nanofibre structure, which could greatly improve the fibre mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. In this chapter, we summarise recent research progress on electrospun CNTs/polymer nanofibres, with an emphasis on fibre mechanical properties and structure-property attributes. Outlook towards the challenge and future directions in this field is also presented.


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Ever since the discovery of carbon nanotubes, researchers have been exploring their potential in biological and biomedical applications. The recent expansion and availability of chemical modification and bio-functionalization methods have made it possible to generate a new class of bioactive carbon nanotubes which are conjugated with proteins, carbohydrates, or nucleic acids. The modification of a carbon nanotube on a molecular level using biological molecules is essentially an example of the 'bottom-up' fabrication principle of bionanotechnology. The availability of these biomodified carbon nanotube constructs opens up an entire new and exciting research direction in the field of chemical biology, finally aiming to target and to alter the cell's behaviour at the subcellular or molecular level. This review covers the latest advances of bio-functionalized carbon nanotubes with an emphasis on the development of functional biological nano-interfaces. Topics that are discussed herewith include methods for biomodification of carbon nanotubes, the development of hybrid systems of carbon nanotubes and biomolecules for bioelectronics, and carbon nanotubes as transporters for a specific delivery of peptides and/or genetic material to cells. All of these current research topics aim at translating these biotechnology modified nanotubes into potential novel therapeutic approaches.


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Two methods for attaching DNA to oxidized single-walled carbon nanotubes either in organic solvent or aqueous solution are described. The sites of DNA attachment to the nanotubes have been verified by binding gold nanoparticles modified with DNA of complementary sequence to the DNA-modified nanotubes, and imaging with TEM. The gold nanoparticles appear on the tips of the nanotubes, and at isolated positions (defects) on the sidewalls. The methods provide versatility for the modification of nanotubes with DNA for their directed assembly, or for their composites with gold nanoparticles, into nanoscale devices.


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The incorporation and uniform dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in polymer matrix could facilitate engineers to create high performance nanocomposites that potentially compete with most advanced materials in nature. The unique combination of outstanding mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of CNTs makes them excellent nanofillers for the fabrication of advanced materials. Successful enhancement in mechanical properties via reinforcement is expected only when the nanofillers are well dispersed in the polymer matrix. Moreover, the orientation as well as the CNT/matrix interfacial strength also determines the effective physical properties of the nanocomposites. However, CNTs typically assemble to give bundles, which are heavily entangled to each other with a high aspect ratio and a large π-electronic surface. In this work, we outline some preliminary results in preparing high performance epoxy composites. Composites with fine dispersion and superior mechanical properties were prepared using epoxy and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The fine dispersion of the nanocomposites can be identified in the high resolution SEM image shown in Figure 1. This method can provide an alternative route for the preparation of new structural and functional nanocomposites.


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 Improved methods of functionalizing the surfaces of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have been investigated. It is shown that a level of primary amines of 2.3%, higher than previously reported for any nitrogen-containing gas plasma treatment, can be achieved using a mixture of N2 and H2, which is preferable to using NH3. Even higher levels (3.5%) of primary amines can be achieved by coating the MWCNTs with a thin layer of plasma polymerized heptylamine. In both cases, the highest levels were achieved using a combined continuous plus pulsed plasma mode which was superior to either continuous wave or pulsed wave alone. The integrity of the MWCNT structure is maintained by the plasma treatments, and the functionalized surface improves the dispersion of the MWCNTs and their interfacial bonding with epoxy, giving superior nanoindentation performance of the composites.


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A facile, two-step method for chemically attaching single-stranded DNA to graphitic surfaces, represented here by carbon nanotubes, is reported. In the first step, an azide-containing compound, N-5-azido-nitrobenzoyloxy succinimide (ANB-NOS), is used to form photo-adducts on the graphitic surfaces in a solid-state photochemical reaction, resulting in active ester groups being oriented for the subsequent reactions. In the second step, pre-synthesized DNA strands bearing a terminal amine group are coupled in an aqueous solution with the active esters on the photo-adducts. The versatility of the method is demonstrated by attaching pre-synthesized DNA to surfaces of carbon nanotubes in two platforms—as vertically-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes on a solid support and as tangled single-walled carbon nanotubes in mats. The reaction products at various stages were characterized by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Two different assays were used to check that the DNA strands attached to the carbon nanotubes were able to bind their partner strands with complementary base sequences. The first assay, using partner DNA strands tethered to gold nanoparticles, enabled the sites of DNA attachment to the carbon nanotubes to be identified in TEM images. The second assay, using radioactively labelled partner DNA strands, quantified the density of functional DNA strands attached to the carbon nanotubes. The diversity of potential applications for these DNA-modified carbon-nanotube platforms is exemplified here by the successful use of a DNA-modified single-walled carbon-nanotube mat as an electrode for the specific detection of metal ions.


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The effect of sonication temperature on the debundling of carbon nanotube (CNT) macro-bundles is reported and demonstrated by analysis with different particle sizing methods. The change of bundle size over time and after several comparatively gentle sonication cycles of suspensions at various temperatures is reported. A novel technique is presented that produces a more homogeneous nanotube dispersion by lowering the temperature during sonication. We produce evidence that temperature influences the suspension stability, and that low temperatures are preferable to obtain better dispersion without increasing damage to the CNT walls.