68 resultados para Loneliness and isolation


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OBJECTIVES: In widely used protocols for the collection and isolation of cord blood mononuclear cells, investigators are left with substantial volumes of diluted plasma which could be used for other measurements. The aim of this study was to ascertain the validity of umbilical cord blood (UCB) diluted plasma samples for vitamin D, A and E analysis compared to UCB serum samples. DESIGN & METHODS: Twenty UCB matched samples of diluted plasma and serum were collected. The samples were analysed by two liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methods on two separate occasions. RESULTS: The results of 25(OH)D3 obtained by the two laboratories demonstrated close agreement with a mean difference of 0.14nmol/L [95% confidence interval (95% CI), -6.8 to 7.1]. Both methods demonstrate close agreement for 25(OH)D3 in UCB serum versus diluted UCB plasma; mean difference 2.2nmol/L [95% CI, -9.5 to 13.9] and 4.1nmol/L [95% CI, -14.5 to 6.1] for the results from Lab A and Lab B, respectively. Vitamin A was quantified by Lab A in UCB serum and diluted UCB plasma; mean difference 0.07μmol/L [95% CI, -0.41 to 0.28]. Results of 25(OH)D3 epimer and vitamin E in the diluted UCB plasma were below the limit of quantification, and could not be compared with UCB serum. CONCLUSIONS: Diluted UCB plasma can be used for the quantification of retinol and 25(OH)D3 by LC-MS/MS. By contrast, quantification of 25(OH)D3 epimer and vitamin E in diluted UCB plasma is not supported by this study due to limitations in analytical sensitivity.


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The management of urban environments is an increasingly important issue on an international scale as humans emigrate from rural areas to cities. Designing cities that can sustain mass human expansion while maintaining biodiversity is becoming an increasingly complex challenge for land managers. This is largely due to the lack of knowledge on how urbanization impacts upon biodiversity. Our previous research has highlighted the importance of urban remnant vegetation for avian diversity, but also suggested that landscape scale influences may have considerable impacts on the ability for a remnant to sustain species. We have since conducted a study examining avian diversity in 38 urban remnants ranging in size from 5ha to 107ha. These sites vary in relation to the quality of vegetation in the patch and their level of isolation from other remnant patches. This talk discusses the relative influences of remnant patch size, vegetation quality and isolation on avian diversity in urban remnant vegetation. We discuss how the findings of this research could be applied to managing avian diversity in the urban landscape.


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Human modification of landscapes typically results in many species being confined to small, isolated and degraded habitat fragments. While fragment size and isolation underpin many studies of modified landscapes, vegetation characteristics are less frequently incorporated. The relative influence of biogeographic (e.g. size, isolation) and vegetation parameters on assemblages is poorly understood, but critical for conservation management. In this study, a multiple hypothesis testing framework was used to determine the relative importance of biogeographic and vegetation parameters in explaining the occurrence of an assemblage of small mammals in 48 forest fragments in an agricultural landscape in south-eastern Australia. Fragment size and vegetation characteristics were consistently important predictors of occurrence across species. In contrast, fragment isolation was important for just one native species. Differing abilities of species to move through the landscape provide a reasonable explanation for these results. We conclude that for effective conservation of assemblages, it is important to: (1) consider differing responses of species to landscape change, and (2) move beyond a focus primarily on spatial attributes (size, isolation) to recognise that landscape change also has profound effects on habitat composition and quality.


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Static nonlinear systems are common when the model of the kinematics of mechanical or civil structures is analyzed for instance kinematics of robotic manipulators. This paper addresses the maximum effort toward fault tolerance for any number of the locked actuators failures in static nonlinear systems. It optimally reconfigures the inputs via a mapping that maximally accommodates the failures. The mapping maps the failures to an extra action of healthy actuators that results to a minimum jump for the velocity of the output variables. Then from this mapping, the minimum jump of the velocity of the output is calculated. The conditions for a zero velocity jump of the output variables are discussed. This shows that, when the conditions of fault tolerance are maintained, the proposed framework is capable of fault recovery not only at fault instances but also at the whole output trajectory. The proposed mapping is validated by three case studies.


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This paper presents a fast and accurate method for extracting the scattering parameters of a RF MEMS switch by using its essential parameters. A neural network is developed for parametric modeling of the switch. The essential parameters of the switch are analyzed in terms of its return loss and isolation with variation of its geometrical component values. Simulation results show that the proposed approach can be used to accurately model the RF characteristics of RF-MEMS switches. The results show good agreement between the neural network prediction and electromagnetic simulations.


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Transient stability, an important issue to avoid the loss of synchronous operation in power systems, can be achieved through proper coordination and operation of protective devices within the critical clearing time (CCT). In view of this, the development of an intelligent decision support system is useful for providing better protection relay coordination. This paper presents an intelligent distributed agent-based scheme to enhance the transient stability of smart grids in light of CCT where a multi-agent framework (MAF) is developed and the agents are represented in such a way that they are equipped with protection relays (PRs). In addition to this, an algorithm is developed which assists the agents to make autonomous decision for controlling circuit breakers (CBs) independently. The proposed agents are responsible for the coordination of protection devices which is done through the precise detection and isolation of faults within the CCT. The agents also perform the duty of reclosing CBs after the clearance of faults. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a standard IEEE 39-bus test system by considering short-circuit faults at different locations under various load conditions. To further validate the suitability of the proposed scheme a benchmark 16-machine 68-bus power system is also considered. Simulation results show that MAF exhibits full flexibility to adapt the changes in system configurations and increase the stability margin for both test systems.


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Mitigating the impacts of large-scale fires on biodiversity is becoming increasingly important as their frequency increases. In response, fire managers have engaged with the concept that retaining small unburnt residual areas of vegetation within extensively burnt landscapes may facilitate biodiversity conservation. However, it remains uncertain how the size and isolation of these unburnt residuals influence faunal distributions, persistence and recovery following fire. We used a replicated observation study to test bird responses to the size and isolation of unburnt residuals in a mallee woodland area recently burnt by a 28 000 ha wildfire in southern Australia. The scale of our study provided a rare opportunity to consider the responses of large mobile organisms to fire-induced habitat fragmentation. Within five replicated spatial blocks, we crossed two levels of isolation with large (5-7 ha) and small (1-3 ha) unburnt patches and matrix sites burnt 5 years previously. We compared these site types to six continuous (non-fragmented) unburnt sites. We surveyed each site on eight occasions. Most birds occurred more frequently in unburnt habitat beyond the extent of the fire. Bird responses to the availability and spatial distribution of unburnt remnants within the fire were largely influenced by their ability to use the recently burnt matrix. Occurrence of five species was higher in unburnt residuals when more of the landscape within 500 m was burnt. A fire refuge effect may be likely for two competitive species that occurred more frequently in unburnt residuals than in the burnt matrix or continuous unburnt habitat. For the weebill, recolonization following fire was likely to occur gradually over time from ex situ sources. Synthesis and applications. To maintain avian diversity in fire-prone landscapes, our results suggest a need to shift management focus from creating networks of small unburnt patches towards preserving large, intact areas of habitat. However, five species common to the burnt matrix preferentially selected residual patches when unburnt resources were locally scarce. Therefore, to benefit birds, land managers should limit the extent of applied burns and use narrow burns. When planning large burns, practitioners should consider that a number of species will remain absent from the landscape for several decades.


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Prose poems are frequently characterised as fragmentary or incomplete in the way that they gesture to a larger, often unnamed, frame of reference; present small, sometimes unfinished narratives which are implied to be parts of larger narrative structures; and are often characterised by considerable indeterminacy. In this respect, it may be argued that prose poetry traces part of its lineage back to Romantic fragment poems—indeed, at least as far back as James Macpherson’s Ossian “translations”. In the Romantic period, fragments were understood as reflecting the idea of the imperfectability of contemporary human existence, aided by the antiquarian attraction of many Romantic writers to the ruins and relics of the classical past and an associated preference for the evocation of notions of infinitude and boundlessness. This paper argues that prose poems gesture to this Romantic genealogy in their concern with openness and diversity, and the reshaping of literary-aesthetic boundaries to metonymically explore incompleteness. The paper takes its name from Friedrich Schelgel’s Igel. Schlegel famously described the fragment as an Igel, or hedgehog, because of its autonomy and isolation from the wider world. One way of understanding the renaissance of the prose poem in the last 35 years, is to apply the Schlegelian metaphor of a hedgehog to contemporary prose poems in order to argue that this hybrid genre remains in dialogue with the fragmented literary works of the past. This paper argues that as prose poetry continues to explore fissured identity and plurality in a postmodern society, it owes a significant debt to postmodernism’s Romantic and fragmented inheritance.


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In fragmented landscapes, a species' dispersal ability and response to habitat condition are key determinants of persistence. To understand the relative importance of dispersal and condition for survival of Nephrurus stellatus (Gekkonidae) in southern Australia, we surveyed 92 woodland remnants three times. This gecko favours early post-fire succession conditions so may be at risk of extinction in the long-unburnt agricultural landscape. Using N-mixture models, we compared the influence of four measures of isolation, patch area and two habitat variables on the abundance and occurrence of N. stellatus, while taking into account detection probability. Patch occupancy was high, despite the long-term absence of fire from most remnants. Distance to the nearest occupied site was the most informative measure of patch isolation, exhibiting a negative relationship with occupancy. Distance to a nearby conservation park had little influence, suggesting that mainland-island metapopulation dynamics are not important. Abundance and occurrence were positively related to %-cover of spinifex (Triodia), indicating that niche-related factors may also contribute to spatial dynamics. Patterns of patch occupancy imply that N. stellatus has a sequence of spatial dynamics across an isolation gradient, with patchy populations and source-sink dynamics when patches are within 300 m, metapopulations at intermediate isolation, and declining populations when patches are separated by >1-2 km. Considering the conservation needs of the community, habitat condition and connectivity may need to be improved before fire can be reintroduced to the landscape. We speculate that fire may interact with habitat degradation and isolation, increasing the risk of local extinctions.


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An enriched microsatellite library was constructed for the Powerful Owl (Aves; Strigiformes: Ninox strenua) from which 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers were characterized. Forty individuals (32 unrelated and four pairs of siblings) were genotyped to determine the application of these markers for genetic profiling. The mean observed and expected heterozygosity for unrelated individuals was 0.53 and 0.59, respectively. We demonstrate that this suite of markers is sufficient to unequivocally identify individuals and will be beneficial in assessing the population genetics and reproductive ecology of this species.


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This paper will examine how qualitative research into bereaved young adults’ experiences of social isolation can constitute a qualitative variant on the study of social isolation to Hawthorne’s quantitative ‘Friendship Scale’ (FS). As an instrument for measuring social isolation, the FS derives primarily from a particular dimension of social support; that is, the individual’s sense of connection to other people. This sense of connection to others is similarly a principal concern in the author’s study of bereaved young siblings (aged 18-30). The death of a close family member is commonly identified by researchers as the most debilitating stressor in everyday life. How then does this major life stressor impact on the individual’s sense of social connectedness?


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Many housebound older adults lack meaningful social relationships. In this study we explore the phenomenon of social connectedness in the volunteer-older adult relationship through the experiences of frail and isolated older adults and volunteers. We conceptualise this relationship as a journey whereby each traveller plays an active role in its direction and outcome. The emergent phenomenological essence of social connectedness from these dyad’s narratives provides meaning for both differences and similarities into the way the construct is conceptualised. When volunteers maintain the boundaries of the relationship through structured conversation and visits, it is described as friendly. Transgressing the boundaries involves doing extra for the elder and is both a function of the dyad’s compatibility, and the volunteer’s sense of ongoing agency and lack of elder expectations. The sense of social connectedness inherent in these relationships often feels like that of friendship or family, and these relationships are perceived as meaningful and close for both parties. Social connectedness in family-like relationships is a function of the playing out of an otherwise missing family role. However, if volunteer volition is compromised, this results in feelings of obligation and responsibility, similar to the dynamic between blood relatives. Participants’ narratives suggest that when the boundaries of the relationship are mutually negotiated, this serves to strengthen the relationship’s socioemotional quality, and potential for the continuity of the unique sense of social connectedness that has already been established.


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There is evidence that levels of adipose tissue can influence responses of the hypothalamopituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to stress in humans and rats but this has not been explored in sheep. Also, little is known about the sympathoadrenal responses to stress in individuals with relatively different levels of adipose tissue. We tested the hypothesis that the stress-induced activation of the HPA axis and sympathoadrenal system is lower in ovariectomized ewes with low levels of body fat (lean) than ovariectomized ewes with high levels of body fat (fat). Ewes underwent dietary manipulation for 3 months to yield a group of lean ewes (n = 7) with a mean (±SEM) live weight of 39.1 ± 0.9 kg and body fat of 8.9 ± 0.6% and fat ewes (n = 7) with a mean (±SEM) live weight of 69.0 ± 1.8 kg and body fat of 31.7 ± 3.4%. Fat ewes also had higher circulating concentrations of leptin than lean ewes. Blood samples were collected every 15 min over 8 h when no stress was imposed (control day) and on a separate day when 4 h of isolation/restraint was imposed after 4 h of pretreatment sampling (stress day). Plasma concentrations of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine did not change significantly over the control day and did not differ between lean and fat ewes. Stress did not affect plasma leptin levels. All stress hormones increased significantly during isolation/restraint stress. The ACTH, cortisol and epinephrine responses were greater in fat ewes than lean ewes but norepinephrine responses were similar. Our results suggest that relative levels of adipose tissue influence the stress-induced activity of the hypothalamopituitary-adrenal axis and some aspects of the sympathoadrenal system with fat animals having higher responses than lean animals.


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This study investigated sex differences in the stress-induced activation of neurons containing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of gonadectomized male and female sheep. Groups (n=3) of both sexes were either subjected to 90 min isolation and restraint stress (stress group) or were not stressed. Blood samples were taken every 10 min for 90 min prior to and after stress to monitor cortisol levels in plasma. Brains were harvested after 90 min of stress. Stress caused elevation of plasma cortisol levels to a similar extent in both sexes. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry for Fos and either CRH, AVP or enkephalin was undertaken to quantify the numbers of neurons staining for CRH, AVP and enkephalin that also immunostained for Fos. Stress increased Fos immunostaining in all cell types. There was a greater proportion of CRH than AVP neurons activated in stressed animals. There were no sex differences in the activation of CRH and AVP neurons although females had a greater proportion of enkephalin cells staining for Fos than males in both control and stressed animals. There were no differences between control and stressed animals in the proportion of cells co-staining for CRH and AVP. We conclude that isolation and restraint stress activates neurons producing CRH, AVP and enkephalin in sheep and that CRH may play a greater role than AVP in regulating adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion in response to this stressor in sheep. Finally, isolation and restraint stress does not influence co-localization of CRH and AVP in sheep.