106 resultados para Lea, Langdon "Biff"


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine consumers' readiness to change to a plant-based diet. Design: Mail survey that included questions on readiness to change, eating habits and perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a plant-based diet. Setting: Victoria, Australia. Subjects: A total of 415 randomly selected adults. Results: In terms of their readiness to eat a plant-based diet, the majority (58%) of participants were in the precontemplation stage of change, while 14% were in contemplation/preparation, and 28% in action/maintenance. Those in the action/maintenance stage ate more fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole-meal bread, and cooked cereals than those in earlier stages. There were statistically significant differences in age and vegetarian status between the stages of change, but not for other demographic variables. There were strong differences across the stages of change with regard to perceived benefits and barriers to plant-based diets. For example, those in action/maintenance scored highest for benefit factors associated with well-being, weight, health, convenience and finances, whereas those in the precontemplation stage did not recognise such benefits. Conclusions: These findings can be utilised to help provide appropriate nutrition education and advertising, targeted at specific stages of change. For example, education about how it is possible to obtain iron and protein from a plant-based diet and on the benefits of change, in addition to tips on how to make a gradual, easy transition to a plant-based diet, could help progress precontemplators to later stages.


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Purpose – To examine consumers' beliefs about organic foods and their relationship with socio-demographics and self-transcendence (universal, benevolence) personal values.

Design/methodology/approach – A random questionnaire-based mail survey of 500 Australian (Victorian) adults (58 per cent response) was used. The questionnaire included items on organic food beliefs, the importance of self-transcendence values as guiding principles in life, and socio-demographics. Statistical analyses included cross-tabulations of organic food beliefs by socio-demographics and multiple regression analyses of positive organic food beliefs with personal value and socio-demographic items as the independent variables.

Findings – The majority of participants believed organic food to be healthier, tastier and better for the environment than conventional food. However, expense and lack of availability were strong barriers to the purchasing of organic foods. Generally, women were more positive about organic food than men (e.g. women were more likely to agree that organic food has more vitamins/minerals than conventional food). The personal value factor related to nature, environment and equality was the dominant predictor of positive organic food beliefs, followed by sex. These predictors accounted for 11 per cent of the variance.

Research limitations/implications – A survey response bias needs to be taken into account. However, the response rate was adequate for reporting and differences in age and education between participants and the Victorian population were taken into account in data presentation. Future understanding of consumers' use of organic foods will require the inclusion of a fairly extensive set of potential influences.

Practical implications – Communication appeals based on psychographics may be a more effective way to alter consumers' beliefs about organic foods than those based on demographic segmentation.

Originality/value – To the best of one's knowledge, this is the first study to examine the relationship between personal values, socio-demographics and organic food beliefs in a random population sample. This study is relevant to producers, processors and retailers of organic food and those involved with food and agricultural policy.


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The aim of this paper is to examine some of the issues that surround food and the environment, particularly conventional and organic agriculture and food distribution, and to look at some of the health implications. It is argued that the links between food, health and the environment are strong. Consumers have the power to have an impact positively or negatively on the environment via their dietary choices. By providing information and advice about the environmental as well as the health impact of food choices, health and nutrition professionals could increase consumers' awareness of such issues.


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Abstract: Purpose – The aims of this study were to examine farmers' and food processors' alignment with consumers' views about plant foods and their intentions to produce plant foods. Design/methodology/approach – Data on plant food beliefs were collected from mail surveys of farmers, food processing businesses and random population samples of adults in Victoria, Australia. Findings – There were strong differences between consumers' beliefs and farmers' and food processors' perceptions of consumers' beliefs. For example, a higher proportion of farmers and processors believed that consumers would eat more plant foods if more convenience-oriented plant-based meals were available than consumers themselves agreed. Farmers appeared to be more aware of or aligned with consumers' beliefs than were processors. One- and two-thirds of farmers and processors respectively were planning to grow or process more plant foods, which bodes well for the availability of plant and plant-based foods. Research limitations/implications – Study limitations include the small food industry sample sizes and possible response bias, although analysis suggests the latter was low. Future research could survey a larger sample of food industry representatives, including those from other sectors (e.g. retailers). Practical implications – Education of consumers and industry groups on plant foods and better lines of communication from consumer to processor to farmer, are required. Originality/value – To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to examine farmers' and food processors' awareness of consumers' beliefs about plant foods. This issue is important for those involved with the production and marketing of plant foods or with food, farming and health policy.


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This study is aimed to examine consumers' beliefs about genetically modified foods. Ten focus group interviews of community members and a random questionnaire-based mail survey of 500 Australian (Victorian) adults were conducted (58% response). Participants were generally negative about genetically modified foods, with concerns being raised about them being unnatural, difficult to identify, and having unknown long-term health and environmental effects. Many participants were unaware of or disagreed with the benefits of genetically modified foods that are promoted by its advocates and there were some misconceptions present. These findings provide information for both advocates and opponents of genetically modified foods and a basis for future larger-scale research.


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This exploratory qualitative study examined consumers’ perceived barriers and benefits of plant food (fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds) consumption and views on the promotion of these foods. Ten focus groups were conducted in Melbourne, Australia. Groups consisted of employees of various workplaces, community group members, university students, and inner-city residents. Health-related benefits predominated, particularly relating to the properties of plant foods (e.g., vitamins). Taste, variety, versatility, and environmental benefits were also considered important. The main barriers to eating plant foods were lack of knowledge and skills and length of preparation time. The poor quality of plant foods was also an issue for consumers. Awareness of the promotion of plant foods was generally high. Participants noted that promotions require a stronger practical emphasis with a focus on quick, easy-to-prepare foods and meals. These findings provide insight into effective ways to promote a higher consumption of plant foods


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine consumers' perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a plant-based diet. Design: Mail survey that included questions on perceived benefits and barriers to the consumption of a plant-based diet. Setting: Victoria, Australia. Subjects: Four hundred and fifteen randomly selected Victorian adults. Results: The main perceived barrier to adoption of a plant-based diet was a lack of information about plant-based diets (42% agreement). Sex, age and education differences were present in over a quarter of the barrier items. For example, non-university-educated respondents and older people were less willing to change their current eating pattern than were university educated and younger respondents. The main benefits associated with plant-based diets were health benefits, particularly decreased saturated fat intake (79% agreement), increased fibre intake (76%), and disease prevention (70%). Age, sex and education differences with regard to benefits were apparent, although sex differences were more important than age or education differences. Conclusions: The majority of respondents perceived there to be health benefits associated with the consumption of a plant-based diet. Compared with the proportion of respondents who agreed that there were particular benefits of eating a plant-based diet, perceived barriers were relatively low. An understanding of the perceived benefits and barriers of consuming a plant-based diet will help formulate strategies that aim to influence beliefs about plant foods, plant food consumption, and, ultimately, public health.


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Casitas b-lineage lymphoma (c-Cbl) is a multiadaptor protein with E3-ubiquitin ligase activity residing within its RING finger domain. We have previously reported that c-Cbl–deficient mice exhibit elevated energy expenditure, reduced adiposity, and improved insulin action. In this study, we examined mice expressing c-Cbl protein with a loss-of-function mutation within the RING finger domain (c-CblA/– mice). Compared with control animals, c-CblA/– mice display a phenotype that includes reduced adiposity, despite greater food intake; reduced circulating insulin, leptin, and triglyceride levels; and improved glucose tolerance. c-CblA/– mice also display elevated oxygen consumption (13%) and are protected against high-fat diet–induced obesity and insulin resistance. Unlike c-CblA/– mice, mice expressing a mutant c-Cbl with the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase binding domain ablated (c-CblF/F mice) exhibited an insulin sensitivity, body composition, and energy expenditure similar to that of wild-type animals. These results indicate that c-Cbl ubiquitin ligase activity, but not c-Cbl–dependent activation of PI 3-kinase, plays a key role in the regulation of whole-body energy metabolism.


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Through the International Energy Agency (lEA) Task-31 Daylighting in the 21 st Century a subtask has been organized to undertake the development of a Daylighting Design Roadmap. This project will attempt to unfold a path as to how we may approach and provide support for daylighting at the various project stages of a design. Although this roadmap is in its preliminary stages, the authors have examined several case studies of daylighting projects. This paper outlines an initial overview of a daylighting design roadmap by reflecting on several aspects of the case studies. An attempt is made to provide reasonable guidance of parameters which could be analyzed at various stages in a project. The roadmap gives reference to several design tools and simulation programs acknowledging that the process can be selective in targeting results to particular circumstances. Voids of information and methodology in the construction of the daylighting roadmap, at this stage in the project, are also acknowledged. It is expected that this initial paper on the subject, will provide awareness and hopefully generate a contribution from other experts in the field.


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Casitas b-lineage lymphoma (c-Cbl) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that has an important role in regulating the degradation of cell surface receptors. In the present study we have examined the role of c-Cbl in whole-body energy homeostasis. c-Cb-/- mice exhibited a profound increase in whole-body energy expenditure as determined by increased core temperature and whole-body oxygen consumption. As a consequence, these mice displayed a decrease in adiposity, primarily due to a reduction in cell size despite an increase in food intake. These changes were accompanied by a significant
increase in activity (2- to 3-fold). In addition, cc-Cb-/- mice displayed a marked improvement in whole-body insulin action, primarily due to changes in muscle metabolism. We observed increased protein levels of the insulin receptor (4-fold) and uncoupling protein-3 (2-fold) in skeletal muscle and a significant increase in the phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase. These fmdings suggest that c-Cbl plays an integral role in whole-body fuel homeostasis by regulating whole-body energy expenditure and insulin action.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of meaningful leisure activity in reducing latent deprivation during unemployment. Samples of unemployed (N=201) and employed (N=128) participants were asked to rate their levels of latent deprivation using the Access to Categories of Experience Scale. They were also asked to complete the Profile of Mood States depression subscale, Adult Self-Perception Profile, Meaningful Leisure Activities Questionnaire, and to rate the frequency with which they engaged in social and solitary leisure activities. Results indicate that unemployed participants engaged in social leisure activities less frequently than employed participants and solitary leisure activities more frequently; and they reported higher perceived latent deprivation, higher depressive affect and lower self-esteem. Overall, these findings suggest that participation in leisure activities that are meaningful, rather than simply frequent, may be a constructive and readily achievable coping response during unemployment.


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Objective: The overall aim of this study was to examine a variety of belief and demographic factors that are associated with the perception that meat is intrinsically unhealthy.

Design: State-wide survey (written questionnaire) that included questions on meat and nutrition beliefs, perceived barriers and benefits of vegetarian diets, personal values, number of vegetarian friends and family members, and use and trust of health/nutrition/food information sources.

: South Australia.

: Six hundred and one randomly selected South Australians and 106 non-randomly selected vegetarians and semi-vegetarians.

Results: For all respondents considered as a group, the most important predictors of the belief that meat is intrinsically unhealthy were the perceived benefits of vegetarian diets (all positive predictors). These included: (1) the perceived links between vegetarianism, peace and increased contentment; (2) animal welfare and environmental benefits; and (3) health benefits. There were differences between different dietary groups however. For non-vegetarians, social concerns about vegetarianism (positive) were most important, followed by health and non-health benefits (positive) of vegetarianism. Red meat appreciation was the strongest (positive) predictor for vegetarians, with health benefits of vegetarianism (positive) and education (negative predictor) also important.

: The implications of the findings for health and other issues are discussed. Judgements about the healthiness of meat are likely to be related to moral and environmental beliefs and, for non-vegetarians, to social concerns about vegetarianism, in addition to health beliefs. These need to be considered if any attempts are made to influence meat consumption.


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The current study investigated the relationship between career-related mentoring, psychosocial mentoring, business success, and self-esteem in participants of a program that was designed to assist in the establishment of a new business. Seventy-seven protégés and their matched mentors were included in the study. A comparison of mentor and protégé perceptions revealed that mentors considered themselves to provide higher levels of psychosocial support than did the protégés. Protégé perceptions of business success were predicted by the frequency of mentor contact and the level of career-related support provided by their mentor.


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