23 resultados para Iosaaf, Metropolitan of Bdin, 14th century.


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Downsizing and organisational restructuring have impacted both the role and the number of middle managers in organisations. .This paper provides a review of recent research on middle management to seek an understanding of the current situation for middle managers as they face the start of the 2rt century. The literature review is presented in two parts - focusing on the position of middle managers as they emerge from downsizing, and drawing attention to the special circumstances for managers "in the middle". The research points to some of the challenges middle managers' experience as they work, live, and survive organisational life, as well as highlighting the need for ongoing investigation of their individual experiences.


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This study focuses on the Arabic prose style of Qabus ibn Wushmagir, a Persian ruler of the 4th century AH (10th century AD). Through a textual analysis of a selection of his letters it identifies some fascinating rhythmical patterns using the statistical technique of log-linear modelling. The quantitative analyses are based specifically on syllable patterns in the texts which are evaluated according to the theme of each letter. The study concludes that in some letter types in particular there is a certain predictability in the rhythmical patterns of the text which indicate that the style of a given piece was determined to some degree by the theme of the letter.


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This article explores the experiences of Western women missionaries in a faith mission and their relationships with the women and children of China in the early years of the twentieth century. In a period of twenty years of unprecedented social and political revolution missionaries were forced to reconceptualise their work against a changing discourse of Chinese womanhood. In this context, emerging models of the Chinese New Woman and the New Girl challenged older mission constructions of gender. The Chinese reformation also provided missionaries with troubling reflections on their own roles as independent young women, against debates about modern women at home, and the emerging rights of white women as newly enfranchised citizens in the new nation of Australia.


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Literacy remains one of the central goals of schooling, but the ways in which it is understood are changing. The growth of the networked society, and the spread of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), has brought about significant changes to traditional forms of literacy. Older, print based forms now take their place alongside a mix of newer multi-modal forms, where a wide range of elements such as image, sound, movement, light, colour and interactivity often supplant the printed word and contribute to the ways in which meaning is made. For young people to be fully literate in the twenty-first century, they need to have clear understandings about the ways in which these forms of literacy combine to persuade, present a point of view, argue a case or win the viewers’ sympathies. They need to know how to use them themselves, and to be aware of the ways in which others use them. They need to understand how digital texts organise and prioritise knowledge and information, and to recognise and be critically informed about the global context in which this occurs. That is, to be effective members of society, students need to become critical and capable users of both print and multimodal literacy, and be able to bring informed and analytic perspectives to bear on all texts, both print and digital, that they encounter in everyday life.

This is part of schools’ larger challenge to build robust connections between school and the world beyond, to meet the needs of all students, and to counter problems of alienation and marginalisation, particularly amongst students in the middle years. This means finding ways to be relevant and useful for all students, and to provide them with the skills and knowledge they will need in the ICT-based world of the Twentyfirst century. With respect to literacy education, engagement and technology, we urgently need more information as to how this might be best achieved.


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The socio-political discourse about civil society inclines to use Western models in coneptualising civil society both in Western and non-Western societies. Iraq is one of those countries where civil society is mostly discussed the formally organised type. This paper critiques the disengagement of literature and empirical studies with exploring social structures like tribe within the civil society arena. It contends that civil society organisations should be understood based on their functions rather than forms. This paper argues that studying civil society should be comprehensive by studying other non-Western theories like 14th century Ibn Khaldun’s Muslim/Arab theories in its indigenous Arab and Muslim societies. On the premise of two factors: the Khaldunian asabiya or olidarity concept and the function of tribes in peace-building, policy formulation and democratisation, this paper uncovers how tribes in Iraq can be regarded civil society organisations.


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In the 21st Century young people have the opportunity to create texts that were unimaginable for previous generations. Today’s children live and learn while immersed in a technological world that is fast paced and constantly in a state of change. As technology becomes more and more accessible and specifically marketed to children of the 21st century, educators are challenged to re-consider the literacy skills required to be successfully and safely literate, and the repertoire of literacy pedagogies teacher must have to effectively engage these young people in learning. While there is much evidence to suggest that schools and teachers are not all meeting this challenge, there are some inspiring examples in which schools, communities and teachers are taking up the challenge. This paper presents one case study, which is explored through a 21st century literacy framework that allows us to interpret and analyse the multimodal texts and the processes students use in their creation. Attention is paid to how the case study teacher created meaningful learning experiences and opportunities for them to create and interact within multimodal communications environments, both within and beyond the school.


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This paper presents a study of teachers’ perceptions of ‘21st century literacy’ practices and the dilemmas teacher face when these perceptions clash with the policies and the practices they feel are expected of them. Using narrative inquiry as its methodology, the paper presents 3 themes identified within the study, namely: ‘Teachers’ insights into 21st century literacy, ‘Teachers’ perceptions of necessary 21st century literacy skills for Year 6 students’ and ‘Influences on teachers’ literacy pedagogical decision-making and practice’. The narratives present two teachers’ perceptions (and misperceptions) of 21st century literacy, their pedagogical approaches, and how various factors influence their work. The paper considers how various factors influence teachers’ pedagogical practices, and highlights discrepancies between teachers’ professional beliefs and their practices based on external classroom influences. Narrative offers an insider’s view of how these discrepancies are lived out in two Victorian classrooms.