27 resultados para Intestinal lumen


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Currently, diagnostic tests for mesenteric ischaemia and infarction are inadequate due to poor sensitivity and specificity. In addition, many potential markers appear too late to be clinically useful. At present, definitive diagnosis can only be made at the time of surgery, which is not ideal as surgery is often to be avoided in critically ill and elderly patients. A clinically useful, minimally invasive test is likely to decrease the currently very high mortality rate and allow monitoring of 'at risk' patients during their hospital stay. A two-dimensional electrophoresis based proteomic approach was undertaken to assess plasma protein differences between patients with surgically confirmed bowel infarction and control Intensive Care patients. The major protein differences were found to be members or variants of acute phase proteins. Serum amyloid A showed the largest difference between the two patient groups, and this protein was investigated in greater depth. An analysis was performed to compare the diagnostic ability of several commonly used indicators of critical illness and bowel infarction with serum amyloid A and phospholipase A2. Although none of the variables were ideal for clinical use, plasma phospholipase A2 activity showed the best discriminatory power, as determined by Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. From a review of the literature, phospholipase AI (PLA2) appeared to be increased in the bowel as a result of ischaemia and infarction. In one patient, matched tissues were obtained, and PLA2 activity was found to be significantly higher in infarcted bowel tissue compared to ischaemic bowel tissue. PLA2 activity was significantly greater in bowel lumen than tissue, suggesting that the protein was being released, and may enter the circulation. PLA2 activity was increased in the plasma of bowel infarction patients compared with control patients, though the difference was not significant. The phospholipase activity exhibited a number of similarities to typical phospholipase A2 proteins, but also showed a number of inconsistent characteristics. For this reason, we wished to identify the protein responsible for the increased phospholipase activity in infarcted human bowel. The PLA2 activity in human bowel could not be abolished by immunoprecipitation of the PLA2 isoforms IIA (well described in bowel) and V (a closely related isoform). To investigate these proteins, a native urea protein gel devised for snake venom phospholipase A2 was modified for use with mammalian phospholipase AI. The modified gel was used to show that the protein with phospholipase activity from infarcted gut was different from normal gut PLA2 and type IIA PLA2. A number of extensions were devised for these native gels and were found to be useful both in this investigation and for venom investigations. Protein purification was undertaken to identify the protein responsible for the increased phospholipase activity in infarcted bowel. Protein was purified from infarcted human bowel using a number of techniques that exploited unusual characteristics of the protein. The purification techniques each retained the native activity of the protein and the purification could therefore be monitored with a phospholipid hydrolysis assay at each stage. The protein identified by mass spectrometry was an excellent match for cyclophilin B, an inflammatory protein that had previously been identified in rat bowel at the mRNA level (Hasel et al, 1991, Kainer & Doris, 2000). As the purification progress had been monitored throughout with a phospholipid hydrolysis assay, cyclophilin B was an unexpected identification, as it is not known to have phospholipase activity. Cyclophilin B was removed from the highly purified samples via immunoprecipitation and this process abolished all phospholipase activity. The addition of cyclosporin A, (the pharmaceutical ligand of cyclophilin B), did not effect the phospholipase activity. Cyclophilin B protein was found in normal and infarcted human bowel using Western blotting. Cyclophilin B protein also appeared to be present in the bowel lumen and plasma of several patients with bowel infarction, but not in control patients. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the ubiquitous nature of cyclophilin B that had been reported by other groups. This project has investigated the use of two dimensional gel electrophoresis based proteomics to identify proteins present in the plasma of patients with confirmed bowel infarction and control intensive care patients. The major protein classes observed were members of the acute phase proteins, which highlights the need for pre-fractionation of plasma to identify lower abundance, disease associated proteins. A series of potential plasma markers were compared using Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves. Although no ideal marker was clear from this analysis, phospholipase activity appeared to warrant further investigation. Phospholipase activity was investigated in human infarcted bowel. Protein purification identified cyclophilin B as a bowel protein that showed unusual phospholipid hydrolysing activity. Cyclophilin B is a ubiquitous protein in intestinal cell types in both normal and infarcted tissue. There appears to be release of cyclophilin B into bowel lumen and plasma under conditions of mesenteric ischaemia and infarction.


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This thesis is concerned with the effect of alcohol consumption on the pathogenesis of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract via nutritional pathways. Altered nutritional status is a frequently recognised clinical accompaniement of heavy alcohol consumption in hospitalized patients. Similarly, upper gastrointestinal bleeding is frequently accompanied by the presence of heavy alcohol consumption. Nevertheless, the clinical quantification of alcohol intake is often descriptive, so that a link between alcohol use and upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage via nutritional mechanisms has been only generally defined. In the literature review, the methods of defining alcohol use and abuse, using interview, biochemical and haematological techniques are noted. The relationship between alcohol abuse and nutrient imbalances is reviewed, especially in relation to possible effects on the gastrointestinal tract, appetite and eating habits. A further section reviews the relationship between alcohol use and anatomical lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract likely to lead to bleeding. Following the chapter in which the methods used in this thesis are described. Chapter 4 seeks to describe the study population and its subgroups in this thesis in relation to interview, biochemical and haematological methods. Alcohol use is defined in relation to (1) a clinical classification of heavy or light drinking, based on a questionnaire administered in Casualty, (2) a quantified method of determining alcohol consumption during a subsequent ward dietetic assessment, (3) in relation to a biochemical definition (recent drinking and non-drinking), and a classification of (1) and (2) called, for the purposes of this thesis, 'alcohol abusers' and 'nonabusers'. Heavy, regular and recent drinkers and alcohol abusers tend to be male and younger than light, infrequent and nonrecent drinkers and nonabusers. Chapter 5 relates the nutritional status of those patients admitted acutely to hospital in relation to the groups defined in Chapter 4, Nutritional status is defined in terms of food intake, anthropometry, biochemical and haematological parameters. Different methods of defining alcohol use give rise to different patterns of nutritional impairment. Chapter 6 relates the nutritional status of those patients admitted acutely to hospital in relation to the presence or absence of an endoscopically defined site of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. A difference is seen between those bleeding from a Mailory-weiss tear and other sites of bleeding, similarly, biochemical differences in nutritional status emerge between those patients who presented in shock, and those who did not. Chapter 7 explores the relationships between biochemical markers of nutritional status and haemostatic variables in the groups of abusers/non-abusers, the various sites of primary bleeding/controls, and shock/non-shock. Serum copper appears to be related to altered haemostasis in a manner not apparently described elsewhere.


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Analysis of model systems, for example in mice, has shown that the microbiota in the gastrointestinal tract can play an important role in the efficiency of energy extraction from diets. The study reported here aimed to determine whether there are correlations between gastrointestinal tract microbiota population structure and energy use in chickens. Efficiency in converting food into muscle mass has a significant impact on the intensive animal production industries, where feed represents the major portion of production costs. Despite extensive breeding and selection efforts, there are still large differences in the growth performance of animals fed identical diets and reared under the same conditions. Variability in growth performance presents management difficulties and causes economic loss. An understanding of possible microbiota drivers of these differences has potentially important benefits for industry. In this study, differences in cecal and jejunal microbiota between broiler chickens with extreme feed conversion capabilities were analysed in order to identify candidate bacteria that may influence growth performance. The jejunal microbiota was largely dominated by lactobacilli (over 99% of jejunal sequences) and showed no difference between the birds with high and low feed conversion ratios. The cecal microbial community displayed higher diversity, and 24 unclassified bacterial species were found to be significantly (<0.05) differentially abundant between high and low performing birds. Such differentially abundant bacteria represent target populations that could potentially be modified with prebiotics and probiotics in order to improve animal growth performance.


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The increase in the incidence of food allergy is a growing problem for the western world. This review will focus on the findings from several macromolecular epithelial transport experiments and drug permeability studies to provide a recent comprehension of food allergen intestinal epithelial cell transport and the allergen-epithelial relationship. Specifically, this review will aim to answer whether allergens can permeate the intestinal barrier directly via intestinal epithelial cells, and whether this mode of transport affects downstream immune reactions. By improving our understanding of the interactions which take place during exposure of food allergens with the intestinal epithelium, we can begin to understand whether the epithelial barrier plays a major role in the allergic sensitization process rather than simply restricting the entry of allergens to the underlying lamina propria.


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Allergen absorption by epithelia may play an important role in downstream immune responses. Transport mechanisms that can bypass Peyer's patches include transcellular and paracellular transport. The capacity of an allergen to cross via these means can modulate downstream processing of the allergen by the immune system. The aim of this study was to investigate allergen-epithelial interactions of peanut allergens with the human intestinal epithelium.


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Vox Lumen; people into light explored the technological capacity and the aesthetic implications of live dance motion capture to Unity game engine environment in an all night public event. The work was augmented by an app that provided hourly panoramic views of the event using AR that enabled the event to be revisited either on or off site, after the performance evening.


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Partnership with AppeARition, Deakin Motion.Lab, and the Immigration Museum, Melbourne