69 resultados para Input-output analysis


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This study proposed an input-output-based linkage measurement framework, which is a multi-level hierarchy, omni-direction decision-making model and takes the impact of capital into account. This framework had resolved the critical deficiencies and inherent limitations of the existing methods and was used to explore the real estate and construction linkages.


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The problem of designing linear functional observers for discrete time-delay systems with unknown-but-bounded disturbances in both the plant and the output is considered for the first time in this paper. A novel approach to design a minimum-order observer is proposed to guarantee that the observer error is ϵ-convergent, which means that the estimate converges robustly within an ϵ-bound of the true state. Conditions for the existence of this observer are first derived. Then, by utilising an extended Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and the free-weighting matrix technique, a sufficient condition for ϵ-convergence of the observer error system is given. This condition is presented in terms of linear matrix inequalities with two parameters needed to be tuned, so that it can be efficiently solved by incorporating a two-dimensional search method into convex optimisation algorithms to obtain the smallest possible value for ϵ. Three numerical examples, including the well-known single-link flexible joint robotic system, are given to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our results.


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International pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has forced many countries to look beyond 'demand side' measures. Several industry sectors are examining indirect requirements for energy and other resources that involve significant greenhouse gas emissions. The operation of buildings is responsible for approximately one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia. Moreover, he construction process consumes vast quantities of raw materials and complex goods and services each year. Each of the processes required for the provision of these products requires energy, and most of this is fossil fuel based. A national model of greenhouse gas emissions is required for residential building construction, to indicate where emissions reduction strategies should focus. A disaggregated input-output model is developed for the Australian residential building construction sector, and recommendations are made about how this model can be used in the development of policies of emissions mitigation for both the sector and individual residential buildings.


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Linkage is one of the most important factors for gaining competitive advantage. Information on linkages is essential to understanding the structure of an economy, which is in turn important in formulating industry policies and business strategies. The hypothetical extraction method is used to measure the linkages by extracting a sector hypothetically from an economic system in the literature. In the previous research, however, the internal linkage (linkage within a sector) and sectoral linkages (linkage between two specific sectors) are ignored, and there is not a comprehensive framework to measure the linkages of a specific sector. Using the recently published Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development input-output database at constant prices, this paper aims to resolve these two shortcomings and thereby propose a linkage measure framework to explore the linkages between the real estate sector and other sectors from a new angle. The relative and absolute linkages are termed and the total, backward, forward, internal and sectoral linkage indicators are formulated to investigate the linkages of the real estate sector from all directions. Empirical results show an increasing trend of these linkages, which confirms the increasing role of the real estate sector with economic maturity over the examined period. This framework also can be employed in other sectors.


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The hypothetical extraction method (HEM) is used to extract a sector hypothetically from an economic system and examine the influence of this extraction on other sectors in the economy. Linkage measures based on the HEM become increasingly prominent. However, little construction linkage research applies the HEM. Using the recently published Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development input-output database at constant prices, this research applies the HEM to the construction sector in order to explore the role of this sector in national economies and the quantitative interdependence between the construction sector and the remaining sectors. The output differences before and after the hypothetical extraction reflect the linkages of the construction sector. Empirical results show a declining trend of the total, backward and forward linkages, which confirms the decreasing role of the construction sector with economic maturity over the examined period from a new angle. Analytical results reveal that the unique nature of the construction sector and multifold external factors are the main reasons for the linkage difference between countries. Moreover, hypothesis-testing results consider statistically that the extraction structures employed in this research are appropriate to analyse the linkages of the construction sector.


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Growing global concern regarding the rapid rate at which humans are consuming the earth’s precious natural resources is leading to greater emphasis on more effective means of providing for our current and future needs. Energy and fresh water are the most crucial of these basic human needs. The energy and water required in the operation of buildings is fairly well known. Much less is known about the energy and water embodied in construction materials and products. It has been suggested that embodied energy typically represents 20 times the annual operational energy of current Australian buildings. Studies have suggested that the water embodied in buildings may be just as significant as that of energy. As for embodied energy, these studies have been based on traditional analysis methods, such as process and input-output analysis. These methods have been shown to suffer from errors relating to the availability of data and its reliability. Hybrid methods have been developed in an attempt to provide a more reliable assessment of the embodied energy and water associated with the construction of buildings. This paper evaluates the energy and water resources embodied in a commercial office building using a hybrid analysis method based on input-output data. It was found that the use of this hybrid analysis method increases the reliability and completeness of an embodied energy and water analysis of a typical commercial building by 45% and 64% respectively, over traditional analysis methods. The embodied energy and water associated with building construction is significant and thus represents an area where considerable energy and water savings are possible over the building life-cycle. These findings suggest that current best-practice methods of embodied energy and water analysis are sufficiently accurate for most typical applications, but this is heavily dependent upon data quality and availability.


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We present an input-output analysis of the life-cycle labor, land, and greenhouse gas (GHG) requirements of alternative options for three case studies: investing money in a new vehicle versus in repairs of an existing vehicle (labor), passenger transport modes for a trip between Sydney and Melbourne (land use), and renewable electricity generation (GHG emissions). These case studies were chosen to demonstrate the possibility of rank crossovers in life-cycle inventory (LCI) results as system boundaries are expanded and upstream production inputs are taken into account. They demonstrate that differential convergence can cause crossovers in the ranking of inventories for alternative functional units occurring at second-and higher-order upstream production layers.


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Construction linkage is a well-established research field. However, a significant limitation in previous linkage research is that the flow of capital goods is not addressed. Using the OECD input-output tables, this research first generates a new input-output model considering capital as an intermediate factor. Using the new model, the construction linkages are recalculated and investigated in order to evaluate further the role of construction in national economies. The findings verify that traditional construction linkages were extremely underestimated in previous research. Furthermore, the effect of capital on construction shows a declining trend over the examined period. After considering the effect of capital, most values and rankings of backward and forward linkages show a decreasing trend, which confirms the declining role of the construction sector with economic maturity.


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Even though linkages have attracted a lot of research interest, few researchers focus on the intersectoral linkages between two specific sectors. This research therefore proposes an indirect intersectoral linkage measure model to explore linkages between the real estate and construction sectors using the Hypothetical Extraction Method (HEM). Using the OECD input-output tables, the direct, total intersectoral linkages and the proposed indirect intersectoral linkages are explored and tested respectively for seven OECD countries over twenty years. The findings describe that the intersectoral linkages from construction to real estate are larger than those from real estate to construction. The statistical testing results imply that the proposed indirect intersectoral linkage measure method seems to be appropriate to analyse the intersectoral linkage between the construction and real estate sectors.


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The Chinese government launched a series of real estate reform policies in 1998, which further changed the real estate sector from socialist plan-oriented to modern marketoriented. This paper compares the role of the real estate sector in the Chinese economy in years 1997 and 2002 by using the recently published input-output OECD database. Results verify that the Chinese real estate sector played an increasing role in the Chinese economy with higher contributions and stronger push and pull power in 2002 than those in 1997. However, compared with other countries, especially for some OECD countries, the Chinese real estate sector has a relative lower contribution.


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Linkages among different construction markets have attracted great of attention from the construction economist. With notable exceptions, most of this infestation has carried out by using input-output analysis. Interactions among regional construction markets have been discussed in few studies and none of them investigate spatial effects on the regional construction markets. This study employed spatial econometric techniques, spatial autocorrelation and convergence tests, to analysis interactions and linkages among construction price indices in Australian six states and two territories. The empirical results indicate the presence of significant positive spatial correlation between the construction prices in Australian eight construction markets and the degree of dependence decrease sufficiently quickly as the space between units increase. The results of convergence test further present evidence on "ripple effect" in the construction prices in Australian regional markets and the changes in regional construction price would positively influence neighboring states first, and then spread out into others, and then the regional prices converge and reach a long-run equilibrium in the following quarters. Urban development policymakers and construction developers could benefit from the analysis of spatial linkages in regional construction markets.


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Building environmental design typically focuses on improvements to operational efficiencies such as building thermal performance and system efficiency. Often the impacts occurring across the other stages of a building's life are not considered or are seen as insignificant in comparison. However, previous research shows that embodied impacts can be just as important. There is limited consistent and comprehensive information available for building designers to make informed decisions in this area. Often the information that is available is from disparate sources, which makes comparison of alternative solutions unreliable. It is also important to ensure that strategies to reduce environmental impacts from one life cycle stage do not come at the expense of an increase in overall life-cycle impacts. A consistent and comprehensive framework for assessing and specifying building assemblies for enhanced environmental outcomes does not currently exist. This article presents the initial findings of a project that aims to establish a database of life cycle energy requirements for a broad range of construction assemblies, based on a comprehensive assessment framework. Life cycle energy requirements have been calculated for eight residential construction assemblies integrating an innovative embodied energy assessment technique with thermal performance modelling and ranked according to their performance. © #2010 Earthscan ISSN: 0003-8628.


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Energy efficient design principles and the minimisation of operational energy requirements have been demonstrated in the refurbishment of a small existing residential building. Significant thought has been given to these areas, together with an emphasis on the minimisation of resource consumption and material wastage. However, less consideration has been given to the embodied energy of the additional materials, components and systems required to meet these aims. The additional embodied energy may reduce the advantages of minimising the operational energy consumption by extending the energy payback period beyond the life of the building. In general, the embodied energy of buildings and their products has been found to be significant, when national average input-output data is used to fill gaps in traditional life-cycle assessment inventories. Through the use of an input-outputbased hybrid embodied energy analysis, the embodied energy of this refurbished building has increased by 63% compared to the existing building, showing the impact that filling the gaps in traditional inventories can have on energy payback periods.


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Environmental assessment of buildings typically focuses on operational energy consumption in an attempt to minimise building energy consumption. Whilst the operation of Australian buildings accounts for around 20% of total energy consumption nationally, the energy embodied in these buildings represents up to 20 times their annual operational energy. Many previous studies, now shown to be incomplete in system boundary or unreliable, have provided much lower values for the embodied energy of buildings and their products. Many of these studies have used traditional embodied energy analysis methods, such as process analysis and input-output (1-0) analysis. More recently, hybrid embodied energy analysis methods have been developed, combining these two traditional methods. These hybrid methods need to be compared and validated, as these too have been considered to have several limitations. This paper aims to evaluate a recently developed hybrid method for the embodied energy analysis of the Australian construction industry, relative to traditional methods. Recent improvements to this hybrid method include the use of more recent 1-0 data and th.fl inclusion of capital energy data. These significant systemic changes mean that a previous assessment of the methods needs to be reviewed. It was found that the incompleteness associated with process analysis has increased from 49% to 87%. These findings suggest that current best-practice methods of embodied energy analysis are sufficiently accurate for most typical applications. This finding is strengthened by recent improvements to the 1-0 model.