27 resultados para Higher temperatures


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The alloy Mg-1.5Gd has been extruded at different temperatures to produce two significantly different textures. At lower extrusion temperatures there was significant solute clustering in the matrix, coupled with segregation of solute to the grain boundaries. At higher temperatures these two phenomena were both less pronounced. It is suggested here that segregation of solute to the grain boundaries plays a significant role in the texture modification effect that rare earth elements have in magnesium alloys.


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The static recrystallisation behaviour of two magnesium alloys after hot rolling have been examined. The alloys chosen for study were the conventional alloy AZ31, and an alloy containing the rare earth element Gadolinium. The recrystallisation kinetics were lower for the rareearth alloy at low annealing temperatures, but at high annealing temperatures the kinetics were higher for the rare-earth alloy. It is suggested that this change in the comparative recrystallisation kinetics is a result of the improved mobility of the rare-earth solute at higher temperatures. This affects the recrystallisation kinetics through solute partitioning to the grain boundaries. The effect of this segregation on the recrystallisation texture is also discussed.


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In this work, a series of aging treatments has been conducted on AA6111 alloy samples for various times at ambient temperature (so-called natural aging) and at temperatures between 60 and 180 °C (artificially aged). The time at artificial ageing was chosen such that samples with approximately the same yield stress were produced. The microstructures of these alloy samples have been carefully characterized using atom probe tomography together with advanced cluster-finding techniques in order to obtain quantitative information about the changes in distribution of both the solute clusters and early-stage precipitates that are formed. The size distribution of clusters has been mapped onto the glide plane and then the stress necessary for a dislocation to pass through the range of obstacles has been estimated using an areal glide model where the dislocation–obstacle interaction strength has been assumed to be related to the obstacle size on the glide plane. It is demonstrated that the contribution of cluster strengthening during artificial aging at higher temperatures is dominated by the high number density of small clusters (Guinier radius <1 nm), whereas the situation during room temperature natural aging is more complex.


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A comparison of body size and flipper size was carried out on green turtle Chelonia mydas) hatchlings produced from natural nests at two beaches on Ascension Island, South Atlantic and one beach in northern Cyprus in the Mediterranean (N=18 nests; N=180 hatchlings). Hatchlings from Ascension Island were significantly larger and heavier than hatchlings in Cyprus, a likely consequence of maternal size effects. Incubation temperature appeared to influence body size of hatchlings on Ascension Island with higher temperatures producing smaller hatchlings. Both hind and fore-flipper area scaled positively with body size. In proportion to body size, hind-flipper area appears relatively consistent among the Atlantic populations but is smaller than hatchlings measured in Hawaii.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of deformation temperature on the active deformation mechanisms in a 0.6C-18Mn-1.5Al (wt%) TWIP steel. The tensile testing was performed at different temperatures, ranging from ambient to 400°C at a constant strain rate of 10-3 S-1. The microstructure characterization was carried out using a scanning electron microscopy. The deformation temperature revealed a significant effect on the active deformation mechanisms (i.e. slip versus twinning), resulting in different microstructure evolution and mechanical properties. At the room temperature, the mechanical twinning was the dominant deformation mechanism, enhancing both the strength and ductility. Dynamic strain aging (DSA) effect was observed at different deformation temperatures, though it was more pronounced at higher temperatures. The volume fraction of deformation twins significantly reduced with an increase in the deformation temperature, deteriorating the mechanical behavior. There was a transition temperature (~300°C), above which the mechanical twinning was hardly observed in the microstructure even at fracture, resulting in low ductility and strength. The current observation can be explained through the change in the stacking fault energy with the deformation temperature. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Knowledge of ion exchange and transport behavior in electrolyte materials is crucial for designing and developing novel electrolytes for electrochemical device applications such as fuel cells or batteries. In the present study, we show that, upon the addition of triflic acid (HTf) to the guanidinium triflate (GTf) solid-state matrix, several orders of magnitude enhancement in the proton conductivity can be achieved. The static 1H and 19F solid-state NMR results show that the addition of HTf has no apparent effect on local molecular mobility of the GTf matrix at room temperature. At higher temperatures, however, the HTf exhibits fast ion exchange with the GTf matrix. The exchange rate, as quantified by our continuum T2 fitting analysis, increases with increasing temperature. The activation energy for the chemical exchange process was estimated to be 58.4 kJ/mol. It is anticipated that the solid-state NMR techniques used in this study may be also applied to other organic solid-state electrolyte systems to investigate their ion-exchange processes.


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Understanding how multiple environmental stressors interact to affect seagrass health (measured as morphological and physiological responses) is important for responding to global declines in seagrass populations. We investigated the interactive effects of temperature stress (24, 27, 30 and 32°C) and shading stress (75, 50, 25 and 0% shade treatments) on the seagrass Zostera muelleri over a 3-month period in laboratory mesocosms. Z. muelleri is widely distributed throughout the temperate and tropical waters of south and east coasts of Australia, and is regarded as a regionally significant species. Optimal growth was observed at 27°C, whereas rapid loss of living shoots and leaf mass occurred at 32°C. We found no difference in the concentration of photosynthetic pigments among temperature treatments by the end of the experiment; however, up-regulation of photoprotective pigments was observed at 30°C. Greater levels of shade resulting in high photochemical efficiencies, while elevated irradiance suppressed effective quantum yield (ΔF/FM'). Chlorophyll fluorescence fast induction curves (FIC) revealed that the J step amplitude was significantly higher in the 0% shade treatment after 8 weeks, indicating a closure of PSII reaction centres, which likely contributed to the decline in ΔF/FM' and photoinhibition under higher irradiance. Effective quantum yield of PSII (ΔF/FM') declined steadily in 32°C treatments, indicating thermal damage. Higher temperatures (30°C) resulted in reduced above-ground biomass ratio and smaller leaves, while reduced light led to a reduction in leaf and shoot density, above-ground biomass ratio, shoot biomass and an increase in leaf senescence. Surprisingly, light and temperature had few interactive effects on seagrass health, even though these two stressors had strong effects on seagrass health when tested in isolation. In summary, these results demonstrate that populations of Z. muelleri in south-eastern Australia are sensitive to small chronic temperature increases and light decreases that are predicted under future climate change scenarios.


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Summary: The spread of invasive species after their initial introduction is often facilitated by human actions. In some cases, invaders only become established in habitats where dominant native species have been displaced as a result of human actions or where humans inadvertently provide essential resources such as food, water or shelter. We investigated if dams that provide water for livestock have facilitated the cane toad's (Rhinella marina) invasion of a hot semi-arid landscape by providing toads with a resource subsidy and hence refuge from extreme heat and aridity. To determine the relationship between the presence of surface water and habitat occupancy by toads, we surveyed natural and artificial water features for cane toads during the annual dry season. We used radiotracking and acoustic tags to determine whether movement patterns and shelter use of cane toads were focussed around dams. To determine whether dams provide toads with refuge from extreme heat and aridity, we deployed plaster models with internal thermometers to estimate ambient temperatures and toad desiccation rates in shelter sites. To determine whether dams alleviate the stress experienced by toads, we measured plasma corticosterone levels of toads that sheltered in and away from dams. Toads were present in sites with standing water and absent from waterless sites. Most radiotracked toads sheltered within 1 m of water. Toad movements were focussed around water. Toads tracked with passive acoustic telemetry over a 6-month dry season were highly resident at dams. Plaster models placed in toad shelter sites away from the water lost 27% more mass and experienced higher temperatures than models placed near the water's edge. Toads that sheltered in terrestrial shelters exhibited higher plasma corticosterone levels compared to toads that sheltered near dams. Dams provide toads with refuge habitats where they are less at risk from overheating and dehydration. Synthesis and applications. Artificial water points can facilitate biological invasions in arid regions by providing a resource subsidy for water-dependent invasive species. Our study suggests that there is scope to control populations of water-dependent invasive vertebrates in arid regions by restricting their access to artificial water points.


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The poly(N1222)xLi1-x[AMPS] ionomer system with dual cations has previously shown decoupled Li ion dynamics from polymer segmental motions, characterized by the glass transition temperature, which can result in a conductive electrolyte material whilst retaining an appropriate modulus (ie. stiffness) so that it can suppress dendrite formation, thereby improving safety when used in lithium metal batteries. To understand this ion dynamics behavior, molecular dynamics techniques have been used in this work to simulate structure and dynamics in these materials. These simulations confirm that the Li ion transport is decoupled from the polymer particularly at intermediate N1222+ concentrations. At 50 mol% N1222+ concentration the polymer backbone is more rigid than for higher N1222+ concentrations, but with increasing temperature Li ion transport is more significant than polymer or quaternary ammonium cation motions. Here we suggest an ion hopping mechanism for Li+, arising from structural rearrangement of ionic clusters that could explain its decoupled behavior. Higher temperatures favor an aggregated ionic structure as well as enhancing these hopping motions. The simulations discussed here provide an atomic-level understanding of ion dynamics that could contribute to designing an improved ionomer with fast ion transport and mechanical robustness.


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In the industries involving alkaline solutions in different process streams, the nature and stability of oxide films formed on the metallic surfaces determine the rates of erosion–corrosion of the equipment. In the present study the characteristics of the oxide films formed on AISI 1020 steel in a 2.75 M sodium hydroxide solution at temperatures up to 175°C, have been investigated by employing electrochemical techniques of cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The experiments were carried out in an autoclave system based upon a ‘rotating cylinder electrode’ geometry to determine the effects of turbulence on the stability of the films. The results suggest that little protection is afforded in the active region (at about −0.8 VSHE). In the passive region at low potentials (−0.6 V to −0.4 VSHE), it appears the films are compact and more stable, and therefore provide good protection. At higher potentials (>−0.4 VSHE) in the passive region, the results suggest that film formation and dissolution occur simultaneously and the increase in temperature and turbulence causes a breakdown of the passive film resulting in a situation similar to nonprotective magnetite growth.


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Two series of experiments were conducted to examine the effect of ingesting beverages with differing carbohydrate (CHO) concentrations and osmolalities on metabolism and performance during prolonged exercise in different environmental conditions. In series 1, 12 subjects performed three cycling exercise trials to fatigue at 70% ·VO2peak in either 33°C(N = 6) (HT1) or 5°C (N = 6) (CT). Subjects ingested either a 14% CHO solution (osmolality = 390 mosmol·l-1) (HCHO); a 7% CHO solution (330 mosmol·l-1) (NCHO) or a placebo (90 mosmol·l-1) (CON1). In series 2, six subjects performed the same three trials at 33°C (HT2), while ingesting either NCHO, a 4.2% CHO solution (240 mosmol·l-1) (LCHO) or a placebo) (240 mosmol·l-1) (CON2). Plasma glucose was higher (P < 0.05) in HCHO than NCHO, which in turn was higher (P < 0.05) than CON1 in both CT and HT1. Plasma glucose was lower (P < 0.05) in CON2 compared with NCHO and LCHO in HT2. The fall in plasma volume was greater(P < 0.05) in HCHO than other trials in both CT and HT1 but was not different when comparing the three trials in HT2. Exercise time was not different when comparing the trials in either HT1 or HT2 but was longer(P < 0.05) in NCHO compared with HCHO, which, in turn, was longer(P < 0.05) than CON1 in CT. These data demonstrate that, during prolonged exercise in the heat, fatigue is related to factors other than CHO availability. In addition, during exercise in 5°C a 7% CHO solution is more beneficial for exercise performance than a 14% CHO solution.


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Tropical and subtropical species typically experience relatively high atmospheric temperatures during reproduction, and are subject to climate-related challenges that are largely unexplored, relative to more extensive work conducted in temperate regions. We studied the effects of high atmospheric and nest temperatures during reproduction in the zebra finch. We characterized the temperature within nests in a subtropical population of this species in relation to atmospheric temperature. Temperatures within nests frequently exceeded the level at which embryo's develop optimally, even in the absence of parental incubation. We experimentally manipulated internal nest temperature to demonstrate that an average difference of 6°C in the nest temperature during the laying period reduced hatching time by an average of 3% of the total incubation time, owing to 'ambient incubation'. Given the avian constraint of laying a single egg per day, the first eggs of a clutch are subject to prolonged effects of nest temperature relative to later laid eggs, potentially increasing hatching asynchrony. While birds may ameliorate the negative effects of ambient incubation on embryonic development by varying the location and design of their nests, high atmospheric temperatures are likely to constitute an important selective force on avian reproductive behaviour and physiology in subtropical and tropical regions, particularly in the light of predicted climate change that in many areas is leading to a higher frequency of hot days during the periods when birds breed.