47 resultados para Gray, Peter


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Peter Ollerton (centre) heads for goal for the Socceroos against Iran at Olympic Park in Melbourne in front of a full house on 14 August 1977.


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Peter Wilson, Australia's inspirational captain in 1974 at the World Cup in West Germany, seen here playing for the Western Suburbs in the Philips Soccer League (National Soccer League of Australia) in the 1970s.


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This is the third edition of European cardiovascular disease statistics. The first edition was published in 2000 when the European Union (EU) consisted of 15 Member States. After enlargement in 2004 and then again in 2007, there are now 27 Member States. Much has changed in the last seven years, but cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the main cause of death in the EU. The European cardiovascular disease statistics was the first publication to bring together all the available sources of information about the burden of CVD in Europe, including data on death and illness, treatment, the prevalence of behavioural risk factors for CVD (smoking, diet, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption), and the prevalence of medical conditions associated with CVD (raised cholesterol, raised blood pressure, overweight and obesity, and diabetes). It
has become an indispensable resource for anybody working on reducing the burden of CVD in Europe or in public health generally.


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This publication is the latest edition of a series of statistical compendia and supplements that document the burden of cardiovascular disease in the United Kingdom. This series of publications, published by the British Heart Foundation, usually focuses on coronary heart disease, but Stroke Statistics is jointly published by the British Heart Foundation and The Stroke Association and focuses on the important and substantial burden of stroke in the United Kingdom.

Stroke Statistics is designed for policy makers, health professionals, medical researchers and anyone else with an interest in stroke or cardiovascular disease. It aims to provide the most recent statistics related to the burden of stroke and to document the geographic, social and ethnic inequalities in the experience of stroke.

Stroke Statistics is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 documents trends and patterns in stroke mortality and premature mortality. Chapter 2 reports on the morbidity burden of stroke, both in terms of prevalence (the rate of people who have had a stroke in the past) and incidence (the rate of first ever strokes). Chapter 3 describes the burden of stroke on the National Health Service, in terms of drug therapy, hospitalisations and surgical procedures. Chapter 4 provides estimates of the prevalence of risk factors for stroke, broken down by age, sex, socioeconomic status and ethnicity. Details about Government targets to tackle the risk factor status of the population are also provided where available. Chapter 5 provides new estimates, calculated specifically for Stroke Statistics, of the economic cost of stroke to the National Health Service and to the United Kingdom economy.


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In this exchange, Peter Coghlan and Nick Trakakis discuss the problem of natural evil in the light of the recent Asian tsunami disaster. The exchange begins with an extract from a newspaper article written by Coghlan on the tsunami, followed by three rounds of replies and counter-replies, and ending with some final comments from Trakakis. While critical of any attempt to show that human life is good overall despite its natural evils, Coghlan argues that instances of natural evil, even horrific ones, can be justified as the unavoidable by-product of a natural system on which human life and culture depends. Trakakis, however, rejects this view, counselling instead a degree of skepticism about our ability to construct a plausible theodicy for horrific evil.


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The objective of the work reported in this thesis was to design and implement an ecological effects environmental monitoring program which would: 1) Collect baseline biological information on sessile epibiotic fouling communities from an area adjacent to a petroleum refinery located on Corio Bay, Victoria, to allow comparison with results of future monitoring for the assessment of long term temporal water quality trends. 2) Detect and — if possible - estimate the magnitude of any influence on epibiotic fouling communities within the Corio Bay marine ecosystem attributable to operations at the Shell Petroleum Refinery. 3) Investigate the extent of thermal stratification and rate of dispersal of the petroleum refinery main cooling-water outfall plume (discharging up to 350,000 tonnes of warmed seawater per day), and its effect on epibiotic communities within the EPA-defined mixing zone. A major component of the work undertaken was the design and development of artificial-substrate biological sampling stations suitable for use under the conditions prevailing in Corio Bay, and the development of appropriate quantitative underwater photographic sampling techniques to fulfil the experimental criteria outlined above. Experimental and other constraints imposed on the design of the stations precluded the simple suspension of frames from jetties or pylons, a technique widely used in previous work of this type. Artificial substrate panels were deployed along three radial transects centred within and extending beyond the petroleum refinery main cooling-water mixing zone. Identical substrate panels were deployed at a number of control sites located throughout Corio Bay, each chosen for differences in their degree of exposure to such factors as water movement, depth, shipping traffic and/or comparable industrial activity. The rate of colonisation (space utilisation) and the development of epibiotic fouling communities on artificial substrate panels was monitored over two twelve-month sampling periods using quantitative underwater photographic sampling techniques. Sampling was conducted at 4-8 week intervals with the rate of panel colonisation and community structure determined via coverage measurements. Various species of marine algae, polychaete tubeworms, hydroids, barnacles, simple and colonial ascidians, sponges, bivalve molluscs and encrusting bryozoans were all detected growing on panels. Communities which established on panels within the cooling-water mixing-zone and those at control sites were compared using statistical procedures including agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis. A photographic sample archive has been established to allow comparison with similar future studies.


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Peter Muller is one of the most unique Australian architects of the 20th century possessing a passion for organic architecture realised in several significant Australian and Indonesian design exemplars. His inquiry in the organic style of architecture stylistically mirrors that of Frank Lloyd Wright whom wrote to Muller expressing his pleasure in his successful pursuit of this style in Australia.3 This paper considers the position of moral rights under the Australian Copyright Act 19684 having regard to the Australian exemplars of Muller. It considers recent Australian debates about moral rights and projects that implicate several architectural and landscape architecture projects, the interpretations the legal fraternity are taking in approaching this topic, and positions the ideas, values, and attitudes of Muller in this context. Muller’s personal opinion is expressed providing an insight into the thoughts of one senior contemporary Australia architect as to 'their' architecture and ‘heritage’.


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Peter Snodgrass, an early pioneer and squatter in the Port Phillip District, died on 27 November 1867. A member of a gentrified military family, he reconstructed his life by overlanding from New south Wales to the Goulburn River District where he established a pastoral holding. Despite his early reputation as 'a wild young man' he became a member of Port Phillip District's first Legeslative Council, first Legislative Assembly and first Prahran Council, and was also a foundation member of a number of professional and sporting clubs in Melbourne. A somewhat enigmatic figure in his lifetime, Snodgrass is yet worthy of study for legacies that became an integral part of our cultural heritage.