172 resultados para Glucose-transporter Isoforms


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Reduced glucose utilization is likely to precede the onset of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Similar aberrant glucose metabolism can also be detected in the brain of several AD mouse models. Although the cause of this metabolic defect is not well understood, it could be related to impaired insulin signaling that is increasingly being reported in AD brain. However, the temporal relationship between insulin impairment and amyloid-β (Aβ) biogenesis is unclear. In this study using female AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mice, we found that the level of Aβ40 was fairly constant in 6- to 15-month-old brains, whereas Aβ42 was only significantly increased in the 15-month-old brain. In contrast, increased levels of IRβ, IGF-1R, IRS1, and IRS-2, along with reduced glucose and insulin content, were detected earlier in the 12-month-old brains of AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mice. The reduction in brain glucose content was accompanied by increased GLUT3 and GLUT4 levels. Importantly, these changes precede the significant upregulation of Aβ42 level in the 15-month-old brain. Interestingly, reduction in the p85 subunit of PI3K was only apparent in the 15-month-old AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mouse brain. Furthermore, the expression profile of IRβ, IRS-2, and p85/PI3K in AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 was distinct in wild-type mice of a similar age. Although the exact mechanisms underlining this connection remain unclear, our results suggest a possible early role for insulin signaling impairment leading to amyloid accumulation in AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mice.


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The contribution of mitochondrial dysfunction to insulin resistance is a contentious issue in metabolic research. Recent evidence implicates mitochondrial dysfunction as contributing to multiple forms of insulin resistance. However, some models of mitochondrial dysfunction fail to induce insulin resistance, suggesting greater complexity describes mitochondrial regulation of insulin action. We report that mitochondrial dysfunction is not necessary for cellular models of insulin resistance. However, impairment of mitochondrial function is sufficient for insulin resistance in a cell type-dependent manner, with impaired mitochondrial function inducing insulin resistance in adipocytes, but having no effect, or insulin sensitising effects in hepatocytes. The mechanism of mitochondrial impairment was important in determining the impact on insulin action, but was independent of mitochondrial ROS production. These data can account for opposing findings on this issue and highlight the complexity of mitochondrial regulation of cell type-specific insulin action, which is not described by current reductionist paradigms.


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Synaptosomal-associated protein 23 (SNAP23) is a SNARE protein expressed abundantly in human skeletal muscle. Its established role is to mediate insulin-stimulated docking and fusion of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) with the plasma membrane. Recent in vitro research has proposed that SNAP23 may also play a role in the fusion of growing lipid droplets (LDs) and the channeling of LD-derived fatty acids (FAs) into neighboring mitochondria for β-oxidation. This study investigates the subcellular distribution of SNAP23 in human skeletal muscle using immunofluorescence microscopy to confirm that SNAP23 localization supports the three proposed metabolic roles. Percutaneous biopsies were obtained from the m. vastus lateralis of six lean, healthy males in the rested, overnight fasted state. Cryosections were stained with antibodies targeting SNAP23, the mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase and the plasma membrane marker dystrophin, whereas intramuscular LDs were stained using the neutral lipid dye oil red O. SNAP23 displayed areas of intense punctate staining in the intracellular regions of all muscle fibers and continuous intense staining in peripheral regions of the cell. Quantitation of confocal microscopy images showed colocalization of SNAP23 with the plasma membrane marker dystrophin (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = 0.50 ± 0.01). The intense punctate intracellular staining colocalized primarily with the mitochondrial marker cytochrome C oxidase (r = 0.50 ± 0.012) and to a lesser extent with LDs (r = 0.21 ± 0.01) visualized with oil red O. We conclude that the observed subcellular distribution of SNAP23 in human skeletal muscle supports the three aforementioned metabolic roles.


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We have examined the requirement for Ca2+ in the signaling and trafficking pathways involved in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+, using 1,2-bis (o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetra (acetoxy- methyl) ester (BAPTA-AM), resulted in >95% inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. The calmodulin antagonist, W13, inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 60%. Both BAPTA-AM and W13 inhibited Akt phosphorylation by 70-75%. However, analysis of insulin-dose response curves indicated that this inhibition was not sufficient to explain the effects of BAPTA-AM and W13 on glucose uptake. BAPTA-AM inhibited insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4 by 50%, as determined by plasma membrane lawn assay and subcellular fractionation. In contrast, the insulin-stimulated appearance of HA-tagged GLUT4 at the cell surface, as measured by surface binding, was blocked by BAPTA-AM. While the ionophores A23187 or ionomycin prevented the inhibition of Akt phosphorylation and GLUT4 translocation by BAPTA-AM, they did not overcome the inhibition of glucose transport. Moreover, glucose uptake of cells pretreated with insulin followed by rapid cooling to 4 °C, to promote cell surface expression of GLUT4 and prevent subsequent endocytosis, was inhibited specifically by BAPTA-AM. This indicates that inhibition of glucose uptake by BAPTA-AM is independent of both trafficking and signal transduction. These data indicate that Ca2+ is involved in at least two different steps of the insulin-dependent recruitment of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane. One involves the translocation step. The second involves the fusion of GLUT4 vesicles with the plasma membrane. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that Ca2+/calmodulin plays a fundamental role in eukaryotic vesicle docking and fusion. Finally, BAPTA-AM may inhibit the activity of the facilitative transporters by binding directly to the transporter itself.


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Several studies have demonstrated that oral glucose tolerance is impaired in the immediate postexercise period. A double-tracer technique was used to examine glucose kinetics during a 2-h oral glucose (75 g) tolerance test (OGTT) 30 min after exercise (Ex, 55 min at 71 ± 2% of peak O2 uptake) and 24 h after exercise (Rest) in endurance-trained men. The area under the plasma glucose curve was 71% greater in Ex than in Rest (P = 0.01). The higher glucose response occurred even though whole body rate of glucose disappearance was 24% higher after exercise (P = 0.04, main effect). Whole body rate of glucose appearance was 25% higher after exercise (P = 0.03, main effect). There were no differences in total (2 h) endogenous glucose appearance (RaE) or the magnitude of suppression of RaE, although RaE was higher from 15 to 30 min during the OGTT in Ex. However, the cumulative appearance of oral glucose was 30% higher in Ex (P = 0.03, main effect). There were no differences in glucose clearance rate or plasma insulin responses between the two conditions. These results suggest that adaptations in splanchnic tissues by prior exercise facilitate greater glucose output from the splanchnic region after glucose ingestion, resulting in a greater glycemic response and, consequently, a greater rate of whole body glucose uptake.


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The cellular role of creatine (Cr) and Cr phosphate (CrP) has been studied extensively in neural, cardiac and skeletal muscle. Several studies have demonstrated that alterations in the cellular total Cr (Cr + CrP) concentration in these tissues can produce marked functional and/or structural change. The primary aim of this review was to critically evaluate the literature that has examined the regulation of cellular total Cr content. In particular, the review focuses on the regulation of the activity and gene expression of the Cr transporter (CreaT), which is primarily responsible for cellular Cr uptake. Two CreaT genes (CreaT1 and CreaT2) have been identified and their chromosomal location and DNA sequencing have been completed. From these data, putative structures of the CreaT proteins have been formulated. Transcription products of the CreaT2 gene are expressed exclusively in the testes, whereas CreaT1 transcripts are found in a variety of tissues. Recent research has measured the expression of the CreaT1 protein in several tissues including neural, cardiac and skeletal muscle. There is very little information available about the factors regulating CreaT gene expression. There is some evidence that suggests the intracellular Cr concentration may be involved in the regulatory process but there is much more to learn before this process is understood. The activity of the CreaT protein is controlled by many factors. These include substrate concentration, transmembrane Na+ gradients, cellular location, and various hormones. It is also likely that transporter activity is influenced by its phosphorylation state and by its interaction with other plasma membrane proteins. The extent of CreaT protein glycosylation may vary within cells, the functional significance of which remains unclear.


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The present study examined the gene expression and cellular localization of the creatine transporter (CreaT) protein in rat skeletal muscle. Soleus (SOL) and red (RG) and white gastrocnemius (WG) muscles were analyzed for CreaT mRNA, CreaT protein, and total creatine (TCr) content. Cellular location of the CreaT protein was visualized with immunohistochemical analysis of muscle cross sections. TCr was higher (P <= 0.05) in WG than in both RG and SOL, and was higher in RG than in SOL. Total CreaT protein content was greater (P <= 0.05) in SOL and RG than in WG. Two bands (55 and 70 kDa) of the CreaT protein were found in all muscle types. Both the 55-kDa (CreaT-55) and the 70-kDa (CreaT-70) bands were present in greater (P <= 0.05) amounts in SOL and RG than in WG. SOL and RG had a greater amount (P <= 0.05) of CreaT-55 than CreaT-70. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the CreaT was mainly associated with the sarcolemmal membrane in all muscle types. CreaT mRNA expression per microgram of total RNA was similar across the three muscle types. These data indicate that rat SOL and RG have an enhanced potential to transport Cr compared with WG, despite a higher TCr in the latter.


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This study examined the effect of epinephrine on glucose disposal during moderate exercise when glycogenolytic flux was limited by low preexercise skeletal muscle glycogen availability. Six male subjects cycled for 40 min at 59 ± 1% peak pulmonary O2 uptake on two occasions, either without (CON) or with (EPI) epinephrine infusion starting after 20 min of exercise. On the day before each experimental trial, subjects completed fatiguing exercise and then maintained a low carbohydrate diet to lower muscle glycogen. Muscle samples were obtained after 20 and 40 min of exercise, and glucose kinetics were measured using [6,6-2H]glucose. Exercise increased plasma epinephrine above resting concentrations in both trials, and plasma epinephrine was higher (P < 0.05) during the final 20 min in EPI compared with CON. Muscle glycogen levels were low after 20 min of exercise (CON, 117 ± 25; EPI, 122 ± 20 mmol/kg dry matter), and net muscle glycogen breakdown and muscle glucose 6-phosphate levels during the subsequent 20 min of exercise were unaffected by epinephrine infusion. Plasma glucose increased with epinephrine infusion (i.e., 20-40 min), and this was due to a decrease in glucose disposal (Rd) (40 min: CON, 33.8 ± 3; EPI, 20.9 ± 4.9 µmol · kg-1 · min-1, P < 0.05), because the exercise-induced rise in glucose rate of appearance was similar in the trials. These results show that glucose Rd during exercise is reduced by elevated plasma epinephrine, even when muscle glycogen availability and utilization are low. This suggests that the effect of epinephrine does not appear to be mediated by increased glucose 6-phosphate, secondary to enhanced muscle glycogenolysis, but may be linked to a direct effect of epinephrine on sarcolemmal glucose transport.


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Zinc is an essential trace element required by all living organisms. An adequate supply of zinc is particularly important in the neonatal period. Zinc is a significant component of breast milk, which is transported across the maternal epithelia during lactation. The mechanisms by which zinc becomes a constituent of breast milk have not been elucidated. The function of the zinc transporter ZnT4 in the transport of zinc into milk during lactation was previously demonstrated by studies of a mouse mutant, the ‘lethal milk’ mouse, where a mutation in the ZnT4 gene decreased the transport of zinc into milk. In the present study, we have investigated the expression of the human orthologue of ZnT4 (hZnT4) in the human breast. We detected hZnT4 mRNA expression in the tissue from the resting and lactating human breast, using reverse-transcriptase PCR. Western-blot analysis using antibodies to peptide sequences of hZnT4 detected a major band of the predicted size of 47 kDa and a minor band of 77 kDa, in extracts from the resting and lactating breast tissues. There was no difference in the hZnT4 expression levels between lactating and resting breasts. The hZnT4 protein was present in the luminal cells of the ducts and alveoli where it had a granular distribution. A cultured human breast epithelial cell line PMC42 was used to investigate the subcellular distribution of hZnT4 and this showed a granular label throughout the cytoplasm, consistent with a vesicular localization. The presence of zinc-containing intracellular vesicles was demonstrated by using the zinc-specific fluorphore Zinquin (ethyl-[2-methyl-8-p-toluenesulphonamido-6-quinolyloxy]acetate). Double labelling indicated that there was no obvious overlap between Zinquin and the hZnT4 protein, suggesting that hZnT4 was not directly involved in the transport of zinc into vesicles. We detected expression of two other members of the hZnT family, hZnT1 and hZnT3, in human breast epithelial cells. We conclude that hZnT4 is constitutively expressed in the human breast and may be one of the several members of the ZnT family involved in the transport of zinc into milk.


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This study examined the effect of combined α- and β-adrenergic blockade on glucose kinetics during intense exercise. Six endurance-trained men exercised for 20 minutes at approximately 78% of their peak oxygen consumption (VO 2) following ingestion of a placebo (CON) or combined α- (prazosin hydrochloride) and β- (timolol maleate) adrenoceptor antagonists (BLK). Plasma glucose increased during exercise in CON (0 minutes: 5.5 ± 0.1; 20 minutes: 6.5 ± 0.3 mmol · L−1, P < .05). In BLK, the exercise-induced increase in plasma glucose was abolished (0 minutes: 5.7 ± 0.3; 20 minutes: 5.7 ± 0.1 mmol · L−1). Glucose kinetics were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H] glucose. Glucose production was not different between trials; on average these values were 25.3 ± 3.9 and 30.9 ± 4.4 μmol · kg−1 · min−1 in CON and BLK, respectively. Glucose uptake during exercise was greater (P < .05) in BLK (30.6 ± 4.6 μmol · kg−1 · min−1) compared with CON (18.4 ± 2.5 μmol · kg−1 · min−1). In BLK, plasma insulin and catecholamines were higher (P < .05), while plasma glucagon was unchanged from CON. Free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol were lower (P < .05) in BLK. These findings demonstrate that adrenergic blockade during intense exercise results in a blunted plasma glucose response that is due to enhanced glucose uptake, with no significant change in glucose production.


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Increased hepatic glucose output and decreased glucose utilization are implicated in the development of type 2 diabetes. We previously reported that the expression of a novel gene, Tanis, was upregulated in the liver during fasting in the obese/diabetic animal model Psammomys obesus. Here, we have further studied the protein and its function. Cell fractionation indicated that Tanis was localized in the plasma membrane and microsomes but not in the nucleus, mitochondria, or soluble protein fraction. Consistent with previous gene expression data, hepatic Tanis protein levels increased more significantly in diabetic P. obesus than in nondiabetic controls after fasting. We used a recombinant adenovirus to increase Tanis expression in hepatoma H4IIE cells and investigated its role in metabolism. Tanis overexpression reduced glucose uptake, basal and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis, and glycogen content and attenuated the suppression of PEPCK gene expression by insulin, but it did not affect insulin-stimulated insulin receptor phosphorylation or triglyceride synthesis. These results suggest that Tanis may be involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism, and increased expression of Tanis could contribute to insulin resistance in the liver.


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Purpose: This study investigated whether acute (5 d) and/or short-term (28 d) creatine (Cr) ingestion altered glucose tolerance or insulin action in healthy, untrained men (aged 26.9 ± 5.7 yr; SD). Methods : Subjects were randomly allocated to either a Cr (N = 8) or placebo group (N = 9) and were tested in the control condition (presupplementation), and after 5 and a further 28 d of supplementation. The Cr group ingested 20 g and 3 g·d-1 of Cr for the first 5 and following 28 d, respectively. The placebo group ingested similar amounts of glucose over the same time period. During each testing period, subjects underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to determine insulin sensitivity, and six subjects from each group underwent a muscle biopsy before each OGTT. Results : Cr supplementation resulted in an increased (P < 0.05) muscle TCr content after both the acute and short-term loading phase compared with placebo. Neither acute nor short-term Cr supplementation influenced skeletal muscle glycogen content, glucose tolerance, or measures of insulin sensitivity. Conclusions: These findings demonstrated that acute Cr supplementation (20 g·d-1 for 5 d) followed by short-term Cr supplementation (3 g·d-1 for 28 d) did not alter insulin action in healthy, active untrained men.


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Zinc deficiency, causing impaired growth and development, may have a nutritional or genetic basis. We investigated two cases of inherited zinc deficiency found in breast-fed neonates, caused by low levels of zinc in the maternal milk. This condition is different from acrodermatitis enteropathica but has similarities to the "lethal milk" mouse, where low levels of zinc in the milk of lactating dams leads to zinc deficiency in pups. The mouse disorder has been attributed to a defect in the ZnT4 gene. Little is known about the expression of the human orthologue, hZnT4 (Slc30A4). Sequence analysis of cDNA, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis of hZnT4, carried out on control cells and cells from unrelated mothers of two infants with zinc deficiency, showed no differences. The hZnT4 gene was highly expressed in mouthwash buccal cells compared with lymphoblasts and fibroblasts. The hZnT4 protein did not co-localise with intracellular free zinc pools, suggesting that hZnT4 is not involved in transport of zinc into vesicles destined for secretion into milk. This observation, combined with phenotypic differences between the "lethal milk" mouse and the human disorder, suggests that the "lethal milk" mouse is not the corresponding model for the human zinc deficiency condition.


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The present study investigated whether there were any differences between males and females in respect to creatine transporter (CreaT) gene expression and/or total creatine (TCr) content in human vastus lateralis muscle. Skeletal muscle obtained from young healthy male (n = 13, age: 23.2 ± 5.0 years) and female subjects (n = 12, age: 21.7 ± 4.3 years) was analyzed for CreaT mRNA, CreaT protein and TCr content. Total CreaT protein content in the muscle was similar (p > 0.05) between the sexes. Two bands (~ 55 and 73 kDa) of the CreaT protein were detected in all muscle samples. Both the 55 and the 73 kDa bands were present in similar (p > 0.05) amounts in males compared with females. The 73 kDa band was in greater abundance (p < 0.05) than the 55 kDa band, irrespective of gender. In addition, CreaT mRNA expression relative to ß-actin mRNA and the TCr content (males: 117.8 ± 2.2, females: 125.3 ± 4.3 mmol.kg–1 dry mass) were also unaffected (p > 0.05) by gender. These data demonstrate that gender does not influence skeletal muscle TCr content and CreaT gene expression in young human subjects.