99 resultados para Gene expression vectors


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Microarray plays a major role to identify the over- and under-expressed genes. It is a well-known fact that trace elements in our body play a major role in the metabolic processes of all living organisms. In this paper, the microarray studies related to major trace metals are reviewed. This review forms the basis for the converged effort to locate the genes that are either defective and destabilise the concentration of the trace metals or influenced by the changed concentration of the trace metals that are needed for proper functions of the human body, at different parts of the body.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the regulation of adiponectin receptors 1 (AdipoR1) and 2 (AdipoR2) gene expression in primary skeletal muscle myotubes, derived from human donors, after exposure to globular adiponectin (gAd) and leptin. Research Methods and Procedures: Four distinct primary cell culture groups were established [ Lean, Obese, Diabetic, Weight Loss (Wt Loss); n = 7 in each] from rectus abdominus muscle biopsies obtained from surgical patients. Differentiated myotube cultures were exposed to gAd (0.1 mug/mL) or leptin (2.5 mug/mL) for 6 hours. AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 gene expression was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Results: AdipoR1 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle myotubes derived from Lean subjects (p < 0.05) was stimulated 1.8-fold and 2.5-fold with gAd and leptin, respectively. No increase in AdipoR1 gene expression was measured in myotubes derived from Obese, Diabetic, or Wt Loss subjects. AdipoR2 mRNA expression was unaltered after gAd and leptin exposure in all myotube groups. Discussion: Adiponectin and leptin are rapid and potent stimulators of AdipoR1 in myotubes derived from lean healthy individuals. This effect was abolished in myotubes derived from obese, obese diabetic subjects, and obese-prone individuals who had lost significant weight after bariatric surgery. The incapacity of skeletal muscle of obese and diabetic individuals to respond to exogenous adiponectin and leptin may be further suppressed as a result of impaired regulation of the AdipoR1 gene.


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Ingestion of carbohydrate during exercise may blunt the stimulation of fat oxidative pathways by raising plasma insulin and glucose concentrations and lowering plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels, thereby causing a marked shift in substrate oxidation. We investigated the effects of a single 2-h bout of moderate-intensity exercise on the expression of key genes involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism with or without glucose ingestion in seven healthy untrained men (22.7 ± 0.6 yr; body mass index: 23.8 ± 1.0 kg/m2; maximal O2 consumption: 3.85 ± 0.21 l/min). Plasma FFA concentration increased during exercise (P < 0.01) in the fasted state but remained unchanged after glucose ingestion, whereas fat oxidation (indirect calorimetry) was higher in the fasted state vs. glucose feeding (P < 0.05). Except for a significant decrease in the expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (P < 0.05), glucose ingestion during exercise produced minimal effects on the expression of genes involved in carbohydrate utilization. However, glucose ingestion resulted in a decrease in the expression of genes involved in fatty acid transport and oxidation (CD36, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, uncoupling protein 3, and 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase-α2; P < 0.05). In conclusion, glucose ingestion during exercise decreases the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism rather than increasing genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.


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SEPS1 (also called selenoprotein S, SelS) plays an important role in the production of inflammatory cytokines and its expression is activated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this report, we have identified two binding sites for the nuclear factor kappa B in the human SEPS1 promoter. SEPS1 gene expression, protein levels and promoter activity were all increased 2–3-fold by TNF-α and IL-1β in HepG2 cells. We have also confirmed that the previously proposed ER stress response element GGATTTCTCCCCCGCCACG in the SEPS1 proximate promoter is fully functional and responsive to ER stress. However, concurrent treatment of HepG2 cells with IL-1β and ER stress produced no additive effect on SEPS1 gene expression. We conclude that SEPS1 is a new target gene of NF-κB. Together with our previous findings that SEPS1 may regulate cytokine production in macrophage cells, we propose a regulatory loop between cytokines and SEPS1 that plays a key role in control of the inflammatory response.


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Microarray data provides quantitative information about the transcription profile of cells. To analyze microarray datasets, methodology of machine learning has increasingly attracted bioinformatics researchers. Some approaches of machine learning are widely used to classify and mine biological datasets. However, many gene expression datasets are extremely high dimensionality, traditional machine learning methods can not be applied effectively and efficiently. This paper proposes a robust algorithm to find out rule groups to classify gene expression datasets. Unlike the most classification algorithms, which select dimensions (genes) heuristically to form rules groups to identify classes such as cancerous and normal tissues, our algorithm guarantees finding out best-k dimensions (genes), which are most discriminative to classify samples in different classes, to form rule groups for the classification of expression datasets. Our experiments show that the rule groups obtained by our algorithm have higher accuracy than that of other classification approaches


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Objective: To examine whether rosiglitazone alters gene expression of some key genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic patients, and whether this is associated with alterations in skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and lipid content.

Design: Skeletal muscle gene expression, mitochondrial protein content, oxidative capacity and lipid accumulation were measured in muscle biopsies obtained from diabetic patients, before and after 8 weeks of rosiglitazone treatment, and matched controls. Furthermore, whole-body insulin sensitivity and substrate utilization were assessed.

Subjects: Ten obese type 2 diabetic patients and 10 obese normoglycemic controls matched for age and BMI.

Methods: Gene expression and mitochondrial protein content of complexes I–V of the respiratory chain were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, respectively. Histochemical staining was used to quantify lipid accumulation and complex II succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity. Insulin sensitivity and substrate utilization were measured during a hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp with indirect calorimetry.

Results: Skeletal-muscle mRNA of PGC-1a and PPARb/d – but not of other genes involved in glucose, fat and oxidative metabolism – was significantly lower in diabetic patients (Po0.01). Rosiglitazone significantly increased PGC-1a (B2.2-fold, Po0.01) and PPARb/d (B2.6-fold, Po0.01), in parallel with an increase in insulin sensitivity, SDH activity and metabolic flexibility (Po0.01). Surprisingly, none of the measured mitochondrial proteins was reduced in type 2 diabetic patients, nor affected by rosiglitazone treatment. No alterations were seen in muscular fat accumulation upon treatment.

Conclusion: These results suggest that the insulin-sensitizing effect of rosiglitazone may involve an effect on muscular oxidative capacity, via PGC-1a and PPARb/d, independent of mitochondrial protein content and/or changes in intramyocellular lipid.


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Endurance exercise transiently increases the mRNA of key regulatory proteins involved in skeletal muscle metabolism. During prolonged exercise and subsequent recovery, circulating plasma fatty acid (FA) concentrations are elevated. The present study therefore aimed to determine the sensitivity of key metabolic genes to FA exposure, assessed in vitro using L6 myocytes and secondly, to measure the expression of these same set of genes in vivo, following a single exercise bout when the post-exercise rise in plasma FA is abolished by acipimox. Initial studies using L6 myotubes demonstrated dose responsive sensitivity for both PDK4 and PGC-1α mRNA to acute FA exposure in vitro. Nine active males performed two trials consisting of 2 h exercise, followed by 2 h of recovery. In one trial, plasma FA availability was reduced by the administration of acipimox (LFA), a pharmacological inhibitor of adipose tissue lipolysis, and in the second trial a placebo was provided (CON). During the exercise bout and during recovery, the rise in plasma FA and glycerol was abolished by acipimox treatment. Following exercise the mRNA abundance of PDK4 and PGC-1α were elevated and unaffected by either acipimox or placebo. Further analysis of skeletal muscle gene expression demonstrated that the CPT I gene was suppressed in both trials, whilst UCP-3 gene was only modestly regulated by exercise alone. Acipimox ingestion did not alter the response for both CPT I and UCP-3. Thus, this study demonstrates that the normal increase in circulating concentrations of FA during the later stages of exercise and subsequent recovery is not required to induce skeletal muscle mRNA expression of several proteins involved in regulating substrate metabolism.


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We determined the interaction of exercise and diet on glucose transporter (GLUT-4) protein and mRNA expression in type I (soleus) and type II [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] skeletal muscle. Forty-eight Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to one of two dietary conditions: high-fat (FAT, n =24) or high-carbohydrate (CHO, n =24). Animals in each dietary condition were allocated to one of two groups: control (NT, n =8) or a group that performed 8 weeks of treadmill running (4 sessions week<sup>–1</sup> of 1000 m @ 28 m min<sup>–1</sup> , RUN, n =16). Eight trained rats were killed after their final exercise bout for determination of GLUT-4 protein and mRNA expression: the remainder were killed 48 h after their last session for measurement of muscle glycogen and triacylglycerol concentration. GLUT-4 protein expression in NT rats was similar in both muscles after 8 weeks of either diet. However, there was a main effect of training such that GLUT-4 protein was increased in the soleus of rats fed with either diet (P < 0.05) and in the EDL in animals fed with CHO (P < 0.05). There was a significant diet–training interaction on GLUT-4 mRNA, such that expression was increased in both the soleus (100% ↑P < 0.05) and EDL (142% ↑P < 0.01) in CHO-fed animals. Trained rats fed with FAT decreased mRNA expression in the EDL (↓ 45%, P < 0.05) but not the soleus (↓ 14%, NS). We conclude that exercise training in CHO-fed rats increased both GLUT-4 protein and mRNA expression in type I and type II skeletal muscle. Despite lower GLUT-4 mRNA in muscles from fat-fed animals, exercise-induced increases in GLUT-4 protein were largely preserved, suggesting that control of GLUT-4 protein and gene expression are modified independently by exercise and diet.


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Few models are in place for analysis of extreme lactation patterns such as that of the fur seals which are capable of extended down regulation of milk production in the absence of involution. During a 10–12 month lactation period, female fur seals suckle pups on shore for 2–3 days, and then undertake long foraging trips at sea for up to 28 days, resulting in the longest intersuckling bouts recorded. During this time the mammary gland down regulates milk production. We have induced Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) mammary cells in vitro to form mammospheres up to 900 μm in diameter, larger than any of their mammalian counterparts. Mammosphere lumens were shown to form via apoptosis and cells comprising the cellular boundary stained vimentin positive. The Cape fur seal GAPDH gene was cloned and used in RT-PCR as a normalization tool to examine comparative expression of milk protein genes (αS2-casein, β-lactoglobulin and lysozyme C) which were prolactin responsive. Cape fur seal mammary cells were found to be unique; they did not require Matrigel for rapid mammosphere formation and instead deposited their own matrix within 2 days of culture. When grown on Matrigel, cells exhibited branching/stellate morphogenesis highlighting the species-specific nature of cell–matrix interactions during morphological differentiation. Matrix produced in vitro by cells did not support formation of human breast cancer cell line, PMC42 mammospheres. This novel model system will help define the molecular pathways controlling the regulation of milk protein expression and species specific requirements of the extracellular matrix in the cape fur seal.


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Development of polarized immune responses controls resistance and susceptibility to many microorganisms. However, studies of several infectious, allergic, and autoimmune diseases have shown that chronic type-1 and type-2 cytokine responses can also cause significant morbidity and mortality if left unchecked. We used mouse cDNA microarrays to molecularly phenotype the gene expression patterns that characterize two disparate but equally lethal forms of liver pathology that develop in Schistosoma mansoni infected mice polarized for type-1 and type-2 cytokine responses. Hierarchical clustering analysis identified at least three groups of genes associated with a polarized type-2 response and two linked with an extreme type-1 cytokine phenotype. Predictions about liver fibrosis,  apoptosis, and granulocyte recruitment and activation generated by the microarray studies were confirmed later by traditional biological assays. The data show that cDNA microarrays are useful not only for determining  coordinated gene expression profiles but are also highly effective for molecularly “fingerprinting” diseased tissues. Moreover, they illustrate the potential of genome-wide approaches for generating comprehensive views on the molecular and biochemical mechanisms regulating infectious  disease pathogenesis.


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Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are essential structural components of the central nervous system. Their role in controlling learning and memory has been well documented. A nutrigenomic approach with high-density microarrays was used to reveal brain gene-expression changes in response to different PUFA-enriched diets in rats. In aged rats fed throughout life with PUFA-enriched diets, genes with altered expressions included transthyretin, α-synuclein, and calmodulins, which play important roles in synaptic  plasticity and learning. The effect of perinatal omega-3 PUFA supply on gene expression later in life also was studied. Several genes showed similar changes in expression in rats fed omega-3-deficient diets in the perinatal period, regardless of whether they or their mothers were fed omega-3 PUFA-sufficient diets after giving birth. In this experiment, among the down-regulated genes were a kainate glutamate receptor and a DEAD-box polypeptide. Among the up-regulated genes were a chemokine-like factor, a tumor necrosis factor receptor, and cytochrome c. The possible involvement of the genes with altered expression attributable to different diets in different brain regions in young and aged rats and the possible mode of regulatory action of PUFA also are discussed. We conclude that PUFA-enriched diets lead to significant changes in expression of several genes in the central nervous tissue, and these effects appear to be mainly independent of their effects on membrane composition. The direct effects of PUFA on transcriptional modulators, the downstream developmentally and tissue-specifically activated elements might be one of the clues to understanding the beneficial effects of the omega-3 PUFA on the nervous system.