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A thermomechanical processing (TMP) structure map is proposed that plots the critical strains required for dynamic recrystallization along with the grain sizes that result. These maps are useful in identifying the limits to grain refinement and designing hot working processes. They are readily constructed for well studied alloys such as plain carbon steel. In light of the recent interest in the hot working of magnesium, initial steps are taken here to construct a TMP structure map for the most common wrought magnesium alloy, AZ31. The completion of dynamic recrystallization is estimated using a geometrical approach and a twinning region is identified.


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A force model was developed for crankshaft pin grinding to predict the forces generated during grinding. The force model developed builds on the authors’ previously developed model, which predicted the out-of-roundness in crankshaft pin grinding. The model includes key grinding variables, such as the work removal parameter (WRP), system sti€ ness and Young’s modulus to determine the end forces produced. The model also includes the important geometrical relationships that are unique to this type of grinding. The model was veriŽ ed using an experiential set-up involving sophisticated strain gauge force measurements on a commercial Landis CP grinding machine, with close correlation between the results and the model.


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This article reports on a classroom-based case study of a group of six Year 10 students, within a class of 23 students. The study implemented constructivist-informed teaching and learning approaches within a classroom setting in the topic of optics and documented any changes in the conceptual understanding students had about seven central concepts of geometrical optics over a teaching sequence lasting nine weeks.


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We examine a mathematical model of non-destructive testing of planar waveguides, based on numerical solution of a nonlinear integral equation. Such problem is ill-posed, and the method of Tikhonov regularization is applied. To minimize Tikhonov functional, and find the parameters of the waveguide, we use two new optimization methods: the cutting angle method of global optimization, and the discrete gradient method of nonsmooth local optimization. We examine how the noise in the experimental data influences the solution, and how the regularization parameter has to be chosen. We show that even with significant noise in the data, the numerical solution is of high accuracy, and the method can be used to process real experimental da.ta..


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The alternant heat transfer induced by particle packet and gas bubbles on an object surface in a gas fluidised bed is computationally studied. The particle packet and bubble are modelled by a DPPM (double particle-layer and Porous Medium) model and a hemispherical model, respectively. Different meshing schemes are applied and different mesh sizes are used in meshing particle packet and heated object and a very large geometrical size difference between them was considered. Two parallel solver processes were proposed to perform the simulation of heat transfer for different purposes and implemented with the Fluent CFD package.


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The cross-section area of animal fibers varies along the fiber length, and this geometrical irregularity has a major impact on the mechanical properties of those fibers. In practice fibers are often subjected to tensile stresses during processing and application, which may change fiber cross-section area. It is thus necessary to examine geometrical irregularity of fibers under tension. In this study, scoured animal fibers were subjected to different tensile loading using a Single Fiber Analyzer (SIFAN) instrument. The 3D images of the fiber specimens were first constructed, and then along-fiber diameter irregularities of the specimens were analyzed for different levels of tensile loading. The changes in effective fineness of the fiber specimens were also discussed. The results indicate that for the wool fibers examined, there is considerable discrepancy in the fiber diameter results obtained from the commonly used single scan along fiber length and that from multiple scans at different rotational angles, and that the diameter variation along fiber length increases as fiber tension increases. The results also show that when diameter reduction treatments are applied to wool by stretching, the reduced average fiber diameter is associated with an increase in both within-fiber and between-fiber diameter variations. So in terms of effective fineness, the change is much smaller than the difference between the average diameters of the parent and treated wool. These results have significant implications for improving the accuracy of fiber diameter measurement and evaluation.


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This paper presents the concept and a test implementation of a digital representation of the physical world designed to assess comfort quality in
future environments. An integrated set of physical phenomena is modeled three-dimensionally to investigate the dynamic behavior of design objects

The formulation supports the integration of computational simulation in the performance-based design process. It employs the principles of
geometrical and physical selfcontainedness to avoid that complex geometrical and physical circumstances have to be specified at design time. The concepts of congeneric cells and congeneric conjunctions are
introduced to simulate various physical phenomena simultaneously with a uniformly structured set of equations.

The concept, the prototype implementation and selected test cases are presented. Although it was not possible to implement all features and model parts completely, the research and the discussion of its achievements make valuable contributions towards more effective integration of computational simulation in the performance-based design process.


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This paper reports on the third year of a three-year longitudinal investigation into six Year 10 secondary students’ understanding of optics at a secondary school level. During the first two years of the study the students’ understanding of geometrical optics was explored with the adoption of constructivist teaching and learning strategies. The students' understanding of geometrical optics following the Year 11 teaching stage then formed the basis of exploration of their mental models of the nature of light. This exploration occurred before, during and following a Year 12 teaching stage where the students studied physical optics and quantum ideas. Before the Year 12 teaching stage the students had constructed mental models of light that related to their understanding of a ray. Over the Year 12 teaching stage the students’ mental models changed to conceptualizations of a photon. There was evidence in the students’ mental models of a hybridization of the particle and wave scientific models. That is, they conceptualized the photon as having both wave and particle characteristics. The variation in the students’ hybrid models also suggested a variation in the way they conceived of the nature of scientific models.


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High pressure die casting (HPDC) is a versatile process for producing engineered metal parts by forcing molten metal under high pressure into reusable steel dies. However there are a large number of attributes involved which contribute to the complexity of the process. A novel integrated approach is developed to optimize the high pressure die casting processes. The die temperature profiles will be studied with infrared thermograph technology and the internal cooling system will be optimized to provide even cooling to the components and the die. The heat stored in the die and the components is studied with image processing. Based on the geometrical profile of the components, cooling channels can be redesigned to improve the cooling efficiency while the cooling time is reduced. This will not only significantly improve the quality of the castings but also improve the productivity of the process.


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The global warming has led to enormous challenges worldwide for a large variety of communities, particularly these associated to water and water treatment industry. Due to increasing scarcity of water resources, the development of new membrane materials and water treatment processes will play an important role in tackling this emerging problem. In this paper, the recent development in characterization of in particular, geometrical parameters of micro- and nano-membrane materials will be reviewed. Membranes with micro- and nano-pores have widely been used for ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. The structure of the pores and the surface of the pores/membranes may be optimized to achieve much improved flow rate in these micro-/nano-channels. Therefore, accurate characterization of porous structures will contribute significantly to the prediction of membrane performance. It will not only provide an insight into the new characterization methods but also the development of novel materials.


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The requirement for the automotive industry at present and even more so in the future is to simultaneously develop materials, economic forming processes and techniques for weight reduction of the component. To fulfil this need steel manufacturers have developed Advanced High Strength Steels which have high strength and good formability. Due to high strength, material thickness can be reduced without compromising the function of the component. High pressure hydro forming is one process that can be used to produce complex components from these materials. However, reduction in material thickness of these steels does not result in a large decrease of internal fluid pressure and die closing force during tube hydro forming and hence the higher strengths of these steels will require higher pressures. Tube crushing is a process in which the component can be formed with low pressures. In this paper numerical comparison of ramp and constant pressurization system during tube crushing for a TRIP steel is studied. It is proposed that ramp pressure is the best option to obtain a part with accurate geometrical shape from tube crushing with less die closing force. The stress and thickness distribution of the part during tube crushing were critically analysed.


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This work investigates the tensile behaviour of non-uniform fibres and fibrous composites. Wool fibres are used as an example of non-uniform fibres because they're physical, morphological and geometrical properties vary greatly not only between fibres but also within a fibre. The focus of this work is on the effect of both between-fibre and within-fibre diameter variations on fibre tensile behaviour. In addition, fit to the Weibull distribution by the non-brittle and non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres is examined, and the Weibull model is developed further for non-uniform fibres with diameter variation along the fibre length. A novel model fibre composite is introduced to facilitate the investigation into the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. This work first confirms that for processed wool, its coefficient of variation in break force can be predicted from that of minimum fibre diameters, and the prediction is better for longer fibres. This implies that even for processed wool, fibre breakage is closely associated with the occurrence of thin sections along a fibre, and damage to fibres during processing is not the main cause of fibre breakage. The effect of along-fibre diameter variation on fibre tensile behaviour of scoured wool and mohair is examined next. Only wet wool samples were examined in the past. The extensions of individual segments of single non-uniform fibres are measured at different strain levels. An important finding is the maximum extension (%) (Normally at the thinnest section) equals the average fibre extension (%) plus the diameter variation (CV %) among the fibre segments. This relationship has not been reported before. During a tensile test, it is only the average fibre extension that is measured. The third part of this work is on the applicability of Weibull distribution to the strength of non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres. Little work has been done for wool fibres in this area, even though the Weibull model has been widely applied to many brittle fibres. An improved Weibull model incorporating within-fibre diameter variations has been developed for non-uniform fibres. This model predicts the gauge length effect more accurately than the conventional Weibull model. In studies of fibre-reinforced composites, ideal composite specimens are usually prepared and used in the experiments. Sample preparation has been a tedious process. A novel fibre reinforced composite is developed and used in this work to investigate the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. The results obtained from the novel composite specimen are consistent with that obtained from the normal specimens.


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Although coordinate metrology has reached a very high state of development concerning versatility and accuracy for common engineering parts, a high precision capability with nano scale resolution and accuracy is often hard to achieve when it is required to measure very small parts and features. The limiting component is the bulky probing system of traditional CMMs (coordinate measuring machines). In order to satisfy increasing demand for highly accurate geometrical measurements on small parts and small structures, a new measuring probe of high sensitivity and small geometrical dimension with low contact forces needs to be developed. In this paper, a novel probing system, which combines a FBG (Fibre Bragg Grating) embedded optical fibre tactile probe with an optical sensing technique, has been proposed. With the sensor elements integrated into the probe tip directly, the system sensitivity can be increased significantly. A preliminary theoretical analysis of the sensitivity of the FBG fibre sensor under axial and lateral end point loading has been presented and the results show that this micro scale probe has great potential to realize a resolution of 1nanometer on geometrical measurement of small parts.


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The self-assembling behavior of a single-chain quaternary ammonium amphiphile bearing azobenzene (C12AzoC6N+) on freshly cleaved mica sheet has been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) method. Confocal microscopic Raman spectra confirm the adsorption of the self-assembled monolayer structure. Ex-situ AFM reveals that C12AzoC6N+ forms branch-like stripes indicating the fusion and reorganization of the micelles during drying in air as the in-situ AFM has revealed that surfactant forms spherical micelles on the mica surface. The nano-sized surface structure is strongly dependent on the change of molecular structure, which resulted from photo-induced isomerization. The nano-sized stripe is quite stable even being annealed at 90 °C for 4 h.


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Defines the geometrical proportion that was used to design the Classical Parthenon of Athens. Through the exploration of Pythagorean theories, the symbolism of the numbers 4, 6, and 9, which make up the temple's geometrical proportion, is unraveled in order to reveal the meaning of the temple's design.