51 resultados para GELLAN GUM


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Physical characteristics of roost sites used by the lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi and Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii were investigated in a farmland–remnant vegetation mosaic and adjacent forested floodplain in south-eastern Australia. A total of 45 individuals of N. geoffroyi and 27 C. gouldii were fitted with radio-transmitters, resulting in the location of 139 and 89 roosts, respectively. Male N. geoffroyi roosted in trees, fallen and decayed timber and artificial structures. These roosts were low to the ground, mainly under bark and in cracks in timber. Roosts of female N. geoffroyi were located higher above ground, and all within trees. Maternity roosts were predominantly located in large dead trees, approximately twice the diameter of roost trees used by females outside the breeding season. No maternity roosts were found under bark, despite half the roosts used by non-breeding females being located in these situations. Both sexes roosted primarily in dead timber and used cavities where the narrowest dimension of the entrance was 2.5 cm. Most roosts of C. gouldii were in dead spouts on large, live river red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees. Intraspecific differences in roost characteristics were less pronounced for this species. Despite access to the same roosting opportunities, there were marked differences in roost selection between N. geoffroyi and C. gouldii. Both species favoured large diameter trees, but differed significantly for all other measured variables: type of roost structure, condition of roost tree (live or dead), height of roost tree, height of roost, and entrance dimensions. Although these species are among the most widespread bats in Australia and are often considered to be habitat 'generalists', both displayed a high level of discrimination in the roosts used. Clearly, roosting requirements are a complex and important issue in the conservation of even the most common species of bats.


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A testing facility for combustion of biomass and sampling of emissions has been established at Deakin University. In this pilot project using this facility, four kinds of locally grown wood species were burned and the particle emissions sampled and analysed for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). The selected wood species covering pine, red gum, yellow box and sugar gum, are the most popular domestic fuel wood in Australia. Particulate matter emissions from burning of each load of wood were sampled from the flue using a standard stack emission sampling train. The particle-laden filters were extracted and the .extract analysed to determine PAH concentrations by Gas Chromatographyl Mass Spectrometer (Gc/MS). The sampling was conducted under two different burning conditions with the air inlet of the combustion chamber fully open and with it half open. A suite of 15 PAHs, ranging from naphthalene (C IOHB) to dibenzolahlanthracene (C12H14), were selected for analysis. PAH profiles for the four wood species, under the different burning regimes, have been generated. Some preliminary emission factors for the different wood species have been derived as microgram of summed PAHs (rPAHs) emittedlkilogram of wood burned. Total Particulate Matter (TPM) emission factors were also obtained from gravimetric measurement of the sample filter before and after the combustion. Based on these emission factors, pine displayed the highest level of rPAHs emitted from the combustion of the four wood species, with sugar gum showing the lowest level of rPAHs emission. Emission factors associated with the slow burning condition clearly showed higher l:PAH levels compared to the faster burning condition. During the faster burning condition, red gum and pine show a higher percentage of rPAH to TPM than sugar gum or yellow box. Under the slower burning. the l:PAHlTPM ratio in every case was greater.


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Four kinds of woods used for residential heating in Australia were selected and burned under two burning conditions in a domestic wood heater installed in a laboratory. The selected wood species included pine (Pinus radiata), red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), sugar gum (Eucalyptus cladocalyx) and yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora). The two different burning conditions represented fast burning and slow burning, with the air inlet of the combustion chamber respectively ‘full open’ and ‘half open’. By sampling and analysing particulate and gaseous emissions from the burning of each load of wood under defined experimental conditions, PAHs emissions and their profiles in the particulate and gaseous phases were obtained. 16 species out of the 18 selected PAHs were detected. Of these, seven species were detected in the gaseous phase and most were lower molecular weight compounds. Similarly, more than 10 species of PAHs were detected in the particulate phase and these were mostly heavier molecular weight compounds. Under both burning conditions, emission levels for total PAHs and total genotoxic PAHs were the highest for pine and lowest for sugar gum, with red gum being the second highest, followed by yellow box. Using the specific sampling method, gaseous PAHs accounted for above 90% mass fraction of total PAHs in comparison to particulate PAHs (10%). The majority of the genotoxic PAHs were present in the particulate phase. PAHs emission levels in slow burning conditions were generally higher than those in fast burning conditions.


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There is widespread concern about population decline in a number of woodland-dependent birds in southern Australia. Of all declining species, approximately half forage on the ground. This study examined the avifaunal assemblages of temperate woodlands of the Northern Plains, Victoria, to investigate the importance of woodland habitats for ground-foraging species. Four main types of woodland were surveyed (white cypress-pine, black box, grey box and river red gum) and, in total, 89 bird species were detected. All four woodland types differed in habitat structure and, in turn, supported significantly different avifaunal assemblages. Forty of the 89 species (45%) foraged, at least in part, on the ground. Species richness and abundance of ground-foragers differed significantly between woodland types, being highest in white cypress-pine and black box. There was a greater richness of ground-foragers during the breeding than non-breeding season, but abundance did not vary seasonally. Overall, ground-foraging birds comprised a greater proportion of species (>55%) and individuals (>60%) in white cypress-pine and black box woodland than in grey box and river red gum (42–48% of species, <50% individuals). Those ground-foragers regarded as declining also occurred in greatest richness in white cypress-pine woodlands, one of the most depleted habitats in the region. The lowest richness of ‘declining’ ground-foraging species was in river red gum woodland, the most widespread woodland type. Throughout Australia, the proportion of ground-foraging species in bird assemblages tends to be greater in temperate, semi-arid or arid woodlands than in moist forests and rainforests. However, in many regions woodland habitats are severely depleted and their open ground layer is particularly vulnerable to degradation. The extent of suitable habitat for ground-foraging birds in temperate woodlands may be much less than is apparent from current measures of tree cover. Sustainable management of drier (non-riverine) temperate woodlands is required to conserve this important element of the Australian avifauna.


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The depletion and reservation levels of wetlands varied significantly both across the Murray Fans and Victorian Riverina bioregions and in the study area of the Victorian Environmental Assessments Council's River Red Gum Forests Investigation. The proportion of Freshwater Meadows in protected areas was substantially lower than for other wetland types. Furthermore, of the wetlands that are reserved, many were only partially within a protected area. A variety of reserve categories are used to protect wetlands across the three regions, ranging from reserves with high legal protection and a strong focus on biodiversity conservation to reserves with a lower level of protection and emphasis on biodiversity
conservation. The findings highlight that many wetlands are incompletely reserved in Victoria's northern plains and riverine forests. The current review of public land use in the River Red Gum Forests, which includes Barmah Forest, should recognise these issues to ensure the effective reservation of wetland ecosystems.


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The photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from the leaves of River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) was examined, with a particular focus on the photochemical generation of CO2, consumption of O2, and the effect of particulate iron minerals on these photochemical reactions. Solutions of leaf leachate were irradiated with ultraviolet and visible light in the presence and absence of amorphous iron oxides. Addition of fresh iron oxide was found to increase the rate of photodegradation of the organic matter by up to an order of magnitude compared to the reactions without added iron oxide. The ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed was ~1:1 in both the presence and absence of iron oxyhydroxide. The reactivity of the iron oxides was dependent on the preparation method and decreased with increased storage time. These results suggest that photochemical reactions on particle surfaces should be considered when examining carbon transformation in aquatic ecosystems, especially at sites with potential for the production of iron oxyhydroxides.


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Four kinds of Australian local wood species were burned in a domestic wood heater installed in a laboratory. The selected wood species include pine, red gum, yellow box and sugar gum, that are the most popular domestic fuel wood in Australia. Particulate matter emissions from burning of each load of wood were sampled isokinetically on filter media from the flue by standard stack emission sampling train. The particle laden filters then went for Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) analysis to determine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations. The sampling was conducted under two different burning conditions – air inlet of the combustion chamber fully open and half open. Approximately 15 types of PAHs were detected. Emission factors were derived as microgram of PAHs /kg of wood burned. Total particulate emission factors were also obtained from gravimetric measurement before and after the sampling. PAH emission profiles for four species were generated from the results. Comparisons of emission factors have been conducted among different species of wood, as well as under different burning conditions, ie. fast burning and slowing burning. According to the derived emission factors, pine displayed the highest level of PAHs among the four species, followed by red gum and yellow box, whereas sugar gum showed the lowest level of PAHs. Emission factors were compared between each type of wood under two different burning conditions, the slow burning condition, which was air inlet half open, clearly showed higher PAH levels compared to the fast burning condition. Total PAH fractions on particulate matter were calculated and compared among wood types under two burning conditions. During the fast burning condition, red gum and pine have the higher percentage of PAH to total particulate matter emission than sugar gum and yellow box. When changed to slow burning, the PAH fraction on particulate matter are all increased with sugar gum having the largest increase.


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The blackwater model was developed to predict adverse water quality associated with flooding of the Barmah-Millewa Forests on the River Murray. Specifically, the model examines the likelihood and severity of blackwater events—high dissolved organic carbon associated with low dissolved oxygen. The Barmah-Millewa Forests are dominated by an overstorey of River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and the litter from these trees contributes a substantial proportion of the pulse of dissolved organic matter released from the floodplain during flooding. This model examines rates of litter accumulation and decay on the floodplain (prior to and during flooding), rates of carbon leaching, microbial degradation, oxygen consumption, reaeration processes and the effects of flow on the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved oxygen in the water column (both on the floodplain and in the river channel downstream). The model has been calibrated with data from two blackwater events that have taken place in these forests within the last 5 years. Scenario testing with the model highlights the particularly important roles of flow and temperature in the development of anoxia. Pooled floods and those in the warmest months of the year are substantially more likely to result in blackwater events than floods in cooler times of the year and involving more water exchange between the river channel and the floodplain.


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The squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) occurs in forests and woodlands in eastern Australia. In Victoria it is now largely restricted to small, fragmented areas and is considered endangered. In this study, the time-budget, feeding behaviour and related habitat use of the squirrel glider were investigated in a linear remnant of roadside vegetation near Euroa, Victoria. Timed observations of three males and three females, fitted with radio-collars, were made in each of four seasons. Gliders were observed for a total of 53.2 h, during which they devoted 72% of time to foraging activities. Grooming accounted for 16% of observation time. Exudates associated with homopterous insects were the primary food items consumed throughout the year. Arthropods, nectar and pollen, and Acacia gum formed the remainder of the diet. The proportion of time devoted to harvesting these food items showed marked seasonal variation. The primary dependence on homopterous insect exudates in this study area contrasts with other investigations at sites of greater floristic diversity where nectar and pollen were the most important dietary resources. This highlights the need to obtain ecological information from the range of habitats occupied by a species. Large trees are a vital habitat component of remnant linear vegetation in this study area, providing gliders with critical foraging resources. Retention of such trees is essential for the longevity of glider populations.


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In many lowland floodplains around the world, upriver interferences to flows (weirs, dams, off-takes) have led to much reduced frequency and duration of flooding. As a result, many floodplain wetlands are now inundated relatively rarely if at all. Given regulation of most lowland rivers in southeastern Australia, we assessed use of wetlands by birds in the essentially unregulated Ovens River in northeastern Victoria. Twelve sites (0.4-1.2 ha) were studied after flooding. Four sites were 'permanent billabongs', four were temporary wetlands and the other four were randomly selected woodland sites >60 m from the nearest water body (including the river) acting as 'control' or 'reference' sites. Aquatic birds were not recorded using woodland sites, but many species were differentially associated with either billabongs or temporary wetlands. A surprising number of non-aquatic birds either exclusively or differentially were associated with wetland sites compared with woodland sites. We concluded that heterogeneous macrohabitat will increase local avian biodiversity on lowland floodplains. Moreover, densities and diversity of non-aquatic, woodland species also increased with the presence of wetlands. Temporary wetlands were used differently from permanent billabongs by birds, especially in foraging methods. This suggests that the reinstatement of major flooding on heavily regulated floodplains would be ecologically advantageous for birds by providing foraging and breeding opportunities.


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This study describes the use of landscape transition analysis as a means for effective basin management. Land cover transitions from 1995 to 2002 were analyzed using a cross-tabulation matrix for an important economic zone in south-west Victoria, Australia. Specifically, the matrix was used to determine whether the transitions were random or systematic. Random landscape transitions occur when a land cover replaces other land covers in proportion to their availability. Systematic landscape transitions occur when there are deviations from random patterns, and land use types ‘target’ other land use types for replacement. The analysis was conducted with 11 land cover categories and showed that dryland pastures have been systematically losing area to dryland crops and blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations. Dryland crops have systematically expanded in the north-east of the catchment, an area where increasing in-stream salinization has occurred concurrently with this transition. The systematic expansion of the blue gum plantations has been predominantly in the south-west of the catchment and has the potential to reduce stream flows and groundwater recharge in an already water-stressed region, as blue gums use more water than the dryland pastures they are replacing. All other transitions were largely random. These findings have implications for land use planning in the study area for regional water balance and revegetation strategies. Landscape transition analysis is a cost-effective means of contributing to the management of water resources at a regional scale, and is highly recommended for future basin planning.


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Photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) can influence food webs by altering the availability of carbon to microbial communities, and may be particularly important following periods of high DOM input (e.g. flooding of forested floodplains). Iron oxides can facilitate these reactions, but their influence on subsequent organic products is poorly understood. Degradation experiments with billabong (= oxbow lake) water and river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) leaf leachate were conducted to assess the importance of these reactions in floodplain systems. Photochemical degradation of DOM in sunlight-irradiated quartz tubes (with and without amorphous iron oxide) was studied using gas chromatography and UV-visible spectroscopy. Photochemical reactions generated gaseous products and small organic acids. Bioavailability of billabong DOM increased following irradiation, whereas that of leaf leachate was not significantly altered. Fluorescence excitation-emission spectra suggested that the humic component of billabong organic matter was particularly susceptible to degradation, and the source of DOM influenced the changes observed. The addition of amorphous iron oxide increased rates of photochemical degradation of leachate and billabong DOM. The importance of photochemical reactions to aquatic systems will depend on the source of the DOM and its starting bioavailability, whereas inputs of freshly formed iron oxides will accelerate the processes.


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In 2005, the Victorian government asked the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) to 1) identify and evaluate the extent, condition, values, management, resources and uses of riverine red gum forests and associated fauna, wetlands, floodplain ecosystems and vegetation communities in northern Victoria; and 2) make recommendations relating to the conservation, protection and ecological sustainable use of public land. The design of a comprehensive, adequate and representative (CAR) reserve system was a key part of the recommendations made by VEAC. In order to assist in the decision-making for environmental water allocation for protected areas and other public land, a process for identifying flood-dependent natural values on the Victorian floodplains of the River Murray and its tributaries was developed.

Although some areas such as the Barmah forest are very well known, there have been few comprehensive inventories of important natural values along the Murray floodplains. For this project, VEAC sought out and compiled data on flood requirements (natural flood frequency, critical interval between floods, minimum duration of floods) for all flood-dependent ecological vegetation classes (EVCs) and threatened species along the Goulburn, Ovens, King and Murray Rivers in Victoria. The project did not include the Kerang Lakes and floodplains of the Avoca, Loddon and Campaspe Rivers. 186 threatened species and 110 EVCs (covering 224,247 ha) were identified as flood-dependent and therefore at risk from insufficient flooding.

Past environmental water allocations have targeted a variety of different natural assets (e.g. stressed red gum trees, colonial nesting waterbirds, various fish species), but consideration of the water requirements of the full suite of floodplain ecosystems and significant species has been limited. By considering the water requirements of the full range of natural assets, the effectiveness of water delivery for biodiversity can be maximised. This approach highlights the species and ecosystems most in need of water and builds on the icon sites approach to view the Murray floodplains as an interconnected system. This project also identified for the first time the flood-frequency and duration requirements for the full suite of floodplain ecosystems and significant species.

This project is the most comprehensive identification of water requirements for natural values on the floodplain to date, and is able to be used immediately to guide prioritisation of environmental watering. As more information on floodplain EVCs and species becomes available, the water requirements and distribution of values can be refined by ecologists and land and water managers. That is, the project is intended as the start of an adaptive process allowing for the incorporation of monitoring and feedback over time. The project makes it possible to transparently and easily communicate the extent to which manipulated or natural flows benefit various natural values. Quantitative and visual outputs such as maps will enable environmental managers and the public to easily see which values do and do not receive water (see http://www.veac.vic.gov.au/riverredgumfinal.htm for further details).


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Background: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a link between dietary fibre deficiency and prevalence of many “Western diseases” particularly colon related diseases. Many of the health benefits associated with dietary fibre are attributed to their prebiotic effect. However, not all fibres have the same prebiotic potential or the same impact on colon health.

Objective: To examine the in vitro fermentation properties of individual and mixed dietary fibres by measuring fermentation byproducts over time.

Design: Wheat bran and guar gum were selected for this study. Individual and mixed dietary fibres were added to batch fermentation system and were inoculated with fresh faecal inoculum (n= 4). Positive (inulin) and negative (no substrate) fermenters were also used to determine the differences. The pH of the five fermenters was adjusted to a baseline of 5.5 and 6.8 representing the pH of the proximal and distal sections of the colon respectively. Samples were drawn out of the fermenters at 0, 3, 9 and 24 hours for the analysis of pH, ammonia and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs).

: There were no significant differences in the pH levels at various time points between fermenters adjusted to pH 5.5 at baseline. However, in fermenters adjusted to pH 6.8 the pH of the fermenter containing wheat bran increased over the time (24h (P = 0.017)) due to production of a high amount of ammonia. The total SCFAs production was greater in fermenters containing combined fibres.

: There is a large inter-individual variation in the prebiotic effect of all types of dietary fibres, however, in the present study, dietary fibre combinations showed greater prebiotic potential compared with the individual fibres.


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This thesis involves an investigation in three areas; first, a study of an enzymatic-gravimetric method for the analysis of dietary fibre; second, a survey of dietary fibre intake in an area of a developing country, and finally, some observations on the functional aspects of gel-forming dietary fibre in the rat. A simple and rapid enzymatic-gravimetric assay for both soluble and insoluble dietary fibre has been critically investigated. Reference samples were also analysed by a more comprehensive, enzymatic gas chromatographic method to allow testing of the relative accuracy of the enzymatic-gravimetric method. The enzymatic-gravimetric method was found to be highly reproducible but gave a slightly higher value for total dietary fibre than the more comprehensive method. This discrepancy is probably due to the presence of small quantities of resistant starch and protein residue which are recovered in the enzymatic-gravimetric method. In the enzymatic-gas chromatographic method, protein residue is not measured, and resistant starch is estimated, but not counted as dietary fibre. The enzymatic-gravimetric method was applied to the analysis of foods commonly consumed in the Padang region of West Sumatra in Indonesia, in order to estimate dietary fibre intake in the region. Daily intakes of usual foods were estimated by use of a 24-hour recall procedure aided by food photographs to assist in the estimation of portion size. Samples of approximately 60 of the most commonly consumed foods were collected and analysed for dietary fibre. These appear to be the first data which report values for dietary fibre in Indonesion foods and they represent a significant improvement upon the existing data on crude fibre content. Knowledge of the amounts of foods usually consumed and their dietary fibre content allowed an estimation of usual intakes of dietary fibre. Fibre intake was found to be lower than in the developing countries of Africa and was comparable to intakes measured in the U.K. This is the first study to show that in this part of South East Asia, a developing country area using polished rice as a staple food, dietary fibre intakes are as low as in Western countries. Low intakes of fibre are believed to be related to the prevalence of a range of diseases and, in this study, preliminary data on the rates of non-infective, chronic diseases were collected from the two main hospitals in West Sumatra. Chronic, non-infectious diseases such as inguinal hernia, appendicitis, haemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and malignant neoplasms of the rectum are relatively frequent in West Sumatra. While no firm conclusions can be drawn from these data, they do show the possibility of a relationship between low intakes of dietary fibre and the prevalence of these diseases, and suggest that further investigation is necessary. Some observations were made of the effect of gel-forming dietary fibre on stomach emptying and intestinal transit rate in the rat. Xanthan gum was added to iso-osmotic solutions to produce increased viscosity and phenol sulphonphthalein (phenol red) was used as a non-absorbable marker. Gavage feeding of solutions with a range of viscosities was used to study the effect of viscosity on the rate of stomach emptying and intestinal transit. Increased viscosity was observed to slow gastro-intestinal transit and this provides one mechanism by which dietary fibre of the gel-forming type ray improve glucose tolerance.