30 resultados para Force field


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To fully harness the enormous potential offered by interfaces between graphitic nanostructures and biomolecules, detailed connections between adsorbed conformations and adsorption behaviour are needed. To elucidate these links, a key approach, in partnership with experimental techniques, is molecular simulation. For this, a force-field (FF) that can appropriately capture the relevant physics and chemistry of these complex bio-interfaces, while allowing extensive conformational sampling, and also supporting inter-operability with known biological FFs, is a pivotal requirement. Here, we present and apply such a force-field, GRAPPA, designed to work with the CHARMM FF. GRAPPA is an efficiently implemented polarisable force-field, informed by extensive plane-wave DFT calculations using the revPBE-vdW-DF functional. GRAPPA adequately recovers the spatial and orientational structuring of the aqueous interface of graphene and carbon nanotubes, compared with more sophisticated approaches. We apply GRAPPA to determine the free energy of adsorption for a range of amino acids, identifying Trp, Tyr and Arg to have the strongest binding affinity and Asp to be a weak binder. The GRAPPA FF can be readily incorporated into mainstream simulation packages, and will enable large-scale polarisable biointerfacial simulations at graphitic interfaces, that will aid the development of biomolecule-mediated, solution-based graphene processing and self-assembly strategies.


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We report the structure of the electrical double layer, determined from molecular dynamics simulations, for a range of saline solutions (NaCl, KCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2) at both 0.16 and 0.60molkg(-1) on different facets of the gold and silver aqueous interfaces. We consider the Au/Ag(111), native Au/Ag(100) and reconstructed Au(100)(5×1) facets. For a given combination of metallic surface and facet, some variations in density profile are apparent across the different cations in solution, with the corresponding chloride counterion profiles remaining broadly invariant. All density profiles at the higher concentration are predicted to be very similar to their low-concentration counterparts. We find that each electrolyte responds differently to the different metallic surface and facets, particularly those of the divalent metal ions. Our findings reveal marked differences in density profiles between facets for a given metallic interface for both Mg(2+) and Ca(2+), with Na(+) and K(+) showing much less distinction. Mg(2+) was the only ion for which we find evidence of materials-dependent differences in interfacial solution structuring between the Ag and Au.


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Adsorption of small biomolecules onto the surface of nanoparticles offers a novel route to generation of nanoparticle assemblies with predictable architectures. Previously, ligand-exchange experiments on citrate-capped gold nanoparticles with the amino acid arginine were reported to support linear nanoparticle assemblies. Here, we use a combination of atomistic modeling with experimental characterization to explore aspects of the assembly hypothesis for these systems. Using molecular simulation, we probe the structural and energetic characteristics of arginine overlayers on the Au(111) surface under aqueous conditions at both low- and high-coverage regimes. In the low-density regime, the arginines lie flat on the surface. At constant composition, these overlayers are found to be lower in energy than the densely packed films, although the latter case appears kinetically stable when arginine is adsorbed via the zwitterion group, exposing the charged guanidinium group to the solvent. Our findings suggest that zwitterion-zwitterion hydrogen bonding at the gold surface and minimization of the electrostatic repulsion between adjacent guanidinium groups play key roles in determining arginine overlayer stability at the aqueous gold interface. Ligand-exchange experiments of citrate-capped gold nanoparticles with arginine derivatives agmatine and N-methyl-l-arginine reveal that modification at the guanidinium group significantly diminishes the propensity for linear assembly of the nanoparticles.


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Investigation of the non-covalent interaction of biomolecules with aqueous graphene interfaces is a rapidly expanding area. However, reliable exploitation of these interfaces in many applications requires that the links between the sequence and binding of the adsorbed peptide structures be clearly established. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can play a key role in elucidating the conformational ensemble of peptides adsorbed at graphene interfaces, helping to elucidate these rules in partnership with experimental characterisation. We apply our recently-developed polarisable force-field for biomolecule-graphene interfaces, GRAPPA, in partnership with advanced simulation approaches, to probe the adsorption behaviour of peptides at aqueous graphene. First we determine the free energy of adsorption of all twenty naturally occurring amino acids (AAs) via metadynamics simulations, providing a benchmark for interpreting peptide-graphene adsorption studies. From these free energies, we find that strong-binding amino acids have flat and/or compact side chain groups, and we relate this behaviour to the interfacial solvent structuring. Second, we apply replica exchange with solute tempering simulations to efficiently and widely sample the conformational ensemble of two experimentally-characterised peptide sequences, P1 and its alanine mutant P1A3, in solution and adsorbed on graphene. For P1 we find a significant minority of the conformational ensemble possesses a helical structure, both in solution and when adsorbed, while P1A3 features mostly extended, random-coil conformations. In solution this helical P1 configuration is stabilised through favourable intra-peptide interactions, while the adsorbed structure is stabilised via interaction of four strongly-binding residues, identified from our metadynamics simulations, with the aqueous graphene interface. Our findings rationalise the performance of the P1 sequence as a known graphene binder.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) together with the adaptive biasing force (ABF) and metadynamics free energy calculation methods was used to investigate the permeation properties of salt water through poly(amide) thin film composite reverse osmosis membranes. The thin films were generated by annealing an amorphous cell of poly(amide) chains through an MD method. The MD results showed they have typical structural properties of the active layer of thin film composite membranes and comparable water diffusivity (2.13×10-5cm2/s for the film with a density of 1.06g/cm3) and permeability (9.27×10-15cm3cm/cm2sPa) to experimental data. The simulations of water permeation through the films under different transmembrane pressures revealed the behaviours of water molecules in the thin films and the dynamic regimes of water permeation, including Brownian diffusion, flush and jump diffusion regimes. The intermolecular interactions of water and ions with poly(amide) chains showed a strong dependence on the local structure of films. The attraction between water and ploy(amide) molecules can be up to 8.5kcal/mol in dense polymer regions and 5kcal/mol in the pores of about 3nm. The ABF and metadynamics simulations produced the profiles of free energy potential of water and ions along the depth of the thin films, which provided important information for quantitatively determining the barrier energy required for water permeation and rejection of ions. The thin film with a density of 1.06g/cm3 and a thickness of 6nm offers a rejection to Na+ but a slight absorption of Cl- (0.25kcal/mol) at 0.3-0.4nm distance to its surface. Water molecules must overcome 63kcal/mol energy to move to the centre of the film. The dependences of the barrier energy and the water-polymer interaction energy on the local free volume size in the thin film were analysed. The simulations of water permeation under high transmembrane pressures showed a nonlinear response of the concentration and distribution of water molecules in the film to the imposed pressure. Compaction of the film segments close to the porous substrate and water congestion in dense regions significantly influenced the water permeation when the membrane was operated under pressures of more than 3.0MPa.


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We report results of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of an industrially-relevant, exemplar triacylglycerol (TAG), namely tristearin (TS), under aqueous conditions, at different temperatures and in the presence of an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate (SDBS). We predict the TS bilayers to be stable and in a gel phase at temperatures of 350 K and below. At 370 K the lipid bilayer was able to melt, but does not feature a stable liquid-crystalline phase bilayer at this elevated temperature. We also predict the structural characteristics of TS bilayers in the presence of SDBS molecules under aqueous conditions, where surfactant molecules are found to spontaneously insert into the TS bilayers. We model TS bilayers containing different amounts of SDBS, with the presence of SDBS imparting only a moderate effect on the structure of the system. Our study represents the first step in applying atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to the investigation of TAG-aqueous interfaces. Our results suggest that the CHARMM36 force-field appears suitable for the simulation of such systems, although the phase behaviour of the system may be shifted to lower temperatures than is the case for the actual system. Our findings provide a foundation for further simulation studies of the TS-aqueous interface.


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The ability to perform accurate micromanipulation offers wide-reaching benefits and is of increasing interest to researchers. Recent research into microgripper, microtweezer, and microforcep systems contributes toward accurate micrograsping and manipulation. Despite these efforts, achieving adequate operator control remains a distinct research challenge. Haptic interfaces interact with the human's haptic modality and offer the ability to enhance the operator's controllability of micromanipulation systems. Our previous work introduced single-point haptic guidance to assist the operator during intracellular microinjection. This paper extends the approach to propose multipoint haptic guidance for micrograsping tasks. Accurate micrograsping is valuable in many applications, including microassembly and biomanipulation. A multipoint haptic gripper facilitates haptic interaction, and haptic guidance assists the operator in controlling systems suitable for micrograsping. Force fields are used to guide the operator to suitable grasp points on micrometer-sized objects and consist of attractive and repulsive forces. The ability of the force field to effectively assist the operator in grasping the cell is evaluated using a virtual environment. Evaluation results demonstrate the ability of the approach to significantly reduce participants' average grasping error.


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A reliable description of ion pair interactions for biological systems, particularly those involving polyatomic ions such as carboxylate and divalent ions such as Ca2+, using biomolecular force-fields is essential for making useful predictions for a range of protein functions. In particular, the interaction of divalent ions with the double carboxylate group present in γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla), relevant to the function of many proteins, is relatively understudied using biomolecular force-fields. Using force-field based metadynamics simulations to predict the free energy of binding between Ca2+ and the carboxylate group in liquid water, we show that a widely-used biomolecular force-field, CHARMM22∗, substantially over-estimates the binding strength between Ca2+ and the side-chains of both glutamic acid (Glu) and Gla, compared with experimental data obtained for the analogous systems of aqueous calcium-acetate and calcium-malonate. To correct for this, we propose and test a range of modifications to the σ value of the heteroatomic Lennard-Jones interaction between Ca2+ and the oxygen of the carboxylate group. Our revised parameter set can recover the same three association modes of this aqueous ion pair as the standard parameter set, and yields free energies of binding for the carboxylate-Ca2+ interaction in good agreement with experimental data. The revised parameter set recovers other structural properties of the ion pair in agreement with the standard CHARMM22∗ parameter set.


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The intermediate-resolution coarse-grained protein model PLUM [T. Bereau and M. Deserno, J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 130, 235106] is used to simulate small systems of intrinsically disordered proteins involved in biomineralisation. With minor adjustments to reduce bias toward stable secondary structure, the model generates conformational ensembles conforming to structural predictions from atomistic simulation. Without additional structural information as input, the model distinguishes regions of the chain by predicted degree of disorder, manifestation of structure, and involvement in chain dimerisation. The model is also able to distinguish dimerisation behaviour between one intrinsically disordered peptide and a closely related mutant. We contrast this against the poor ability of PLUM to model the S1 quartz-binding peptide.


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Molecular simulation can provide valuable guidance in establishing clear links between structure and function to enable the design of new polymer-based materials. However, molecular simulation of thermoset polymers in particular, such as epoxies, present specific challenges, chiefly in the credible preparation of polymerised samples. Despite this need, a comprehensive, reproducible and robust process for accomplishing this using molecular simulation is still lacking. Here, we introduce a clear and reproducible cross-linking protocol to reliably generate three dimensional epoxy cross-linked polymer structures for use in molecular simulations. This protocol is sufficiently detailed to allow complete reproduction of our results, and is applicable to any general thermoset polymer. Amongst our developments, key features include a reproducible procedure for calculation of partial atomic charges, a reliable process for generating and validating an equilibrated liquid precursor mixture, and establishment of a novel, robust and reproducible protocol for generating the three-dimensional cross-linked solid polymer. We use these structures as input to subsequent molecular dynamics simulations to calculate a range thermo-mechanical properties, which compare favourably with experimental data. Our general protocol provides a benchmark for the process of simulating epoxy polymers, and can be readily translated to prepare and model epoxy samples that are dynamically cross-linked in the presence of surfaces and nanostructures.


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All-atom molecular dynamics simulations and experimental characterization have been used to examine the structure and dynamics of novel evaporation-suppressing films where the addition of a water-soluble polymer to an ethylene glycol monooctadecyl ether monolayer leads to improved water evaporation resistance. Simulations and Langmuir trough experiments demonstrate the surface activity of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP). Subsequent MD simulations performed on the thin films supported by the PVP sublayer show that, at low surface pressures, the polymer tends to concentrate at the film/water interface. The simulated atomic concentration profiles, hydrogen bonding patterns, and mobility analyses of the water-polymer-monolayer interfaces reveal that the presence of PVP increases the atomic density near the monolayer film, improves the film stability, and reduces the mobility of interfacial waters. These observations explain the molecular basis of the improved efficacy of these monolayer/polymer systems for evaporation protection of water and can be used to guide future development of organic thin films for other applications.


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Measurements have been made of the solvation forces between mica surfaces in the even-numbered n-alkanes from hexane to hexadecane. In all cases the force law is qualitatively very similar, characterized by a decaying oscillatory function of distance, as occurs for simple isotropic liquids. The spacing between successive minima in the force does not increase with carbon number, and is comparable to the width of a linear alkane molecule rather than its length or any average diameter. This suggests that the alkanes have some tendency towards a parallel orientation near the mica surfaces. The measurements give no indication of any strong repulsive component expected from mean-field theories of higher alkanes or polymers. The results of one such theory are presented, and the reasons for its failure to match the experimental data are discussed.


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A mathematical model of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects in an aluminium cell using numerical approximation of a finite element method is presented. The model predicts the current distribution in the cell and calculates the Lorentz force from the external magnetic field in molten metal for cathode blocks with different surface inclinations.

The findings indicated that the cathode surface inclinations have significant influence on cathode current density and Lorentz field distribution in the molten metal. The results establish a trend for the current density and associated MHD force distributions with increase in cathode inclination angle, φ. It has been found that cathode with φ = 5o inclination could decrease 16 to 20 % of Lorentz force in the molten metal.


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Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) signals have recently been detected from whole pieces of mechanically exfoliated graphene and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanosheets, and magnetism of the two nanomaterials was claimed based on these observations. However, non-magnetic interactions or artefacts are commonly associated with MFM signals, which make the interpretation of MFM signals not straightforward. A systematic investigation has been done to examine possible sources of the MFM signals from graphene and MoS2 nanosheets and whether the MFM signals can be correlated with magnetism. It is found that the MFM signals have significant non-magnetic contributions due to capacitive and electrostatic interactions between the nanosheets and conductive cantilever tip, as demonstrated by electric force microscopy and scanning Kevin probe microscopy analyses. In addition, the MFM signals of graphene and MoS2 nanosheets are not responsive to reversed magnetic field of the magnetic cantilever tip. Therefore, the observed MFM response is mainly from electric artefacts and not compelling enough to correlate with magnetism of graphene and MoS2 nanosheets.


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Technologies, such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), have proven to be one of the most versatile research equipments in the field of nanotechnology by providing physical access to the materials at nanoscale. Working principles of AFM involve physical interaction with the sample at nanometre scale to estimate the topography of the sample surface. Size of the cantilever tip, within the range of few nanometres diameter, and inherent elasticity of the cantilever allow it to bend in response to the changes in the sample surface leading to accurate estimation of the sample topography. Despite the capabilities of the AFM, there is a lack of intuitive user interfaces that could allow interaction with the materials at nanoscale, analogous to the way we are accustomed to at macro level. To bridge this gap of intuitive interface design and development, a haptics interface is designed in conjunction with Bruker Nanos AFM. Interaction with the materials at nanoscale is characterised by estimating the forces experienced by the cantilever tip employing geometric deformation principles. Estimated forces are reflected to the user, in a controlled manner, through haptics interface. Established mathematical framework for force estimation can be adopted for AFM operations in air as well as in liquid mediums.