49 resultados para Five-factor model


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Evidence from our systematic literature review revealed numerous inconsistencies in findings from the Pair Programming (PP) literature regarding the effects of personality on PP's effectiveness as a pedagogical tool. In particular: i) the effect of differing personality traits of pairs on the successful implementation of pair-programming (PP) within a higher education setting is still unclear, and ii) the personality instrument most often used had been Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), despite being an indicator criticized by personality psychologists as unreliable in measuring an individual's personality traits. These issues motivated the research described in this paper. We conducted a series of five formal experiments (one of which was a replicated experiment), between 2009 and 2010, at the University of Auckland, to investigate the effects of personality composition on PP's effectiveness. Each experiment looked at a particular personality trait of the Five-Factor personality framework. This framework comprises five broad traits (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism), and our experiments focused on three of these - Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness. A total of 594 undergraduate students participated as subjects. Overall, our findings for all five experiments, including the replication, showed that Conscientiousness and Neuroticism did not present a statistically significant effect upon paired students' academic performance. However, Openness played a significant role in differentiating paired students' academic performance. Participants' survey results also indicated that PP not only caused an increase in satisfaction and confidence levels but also brought enjoyment to the tutorial classes and enhanced students' motivation.


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Software testing is the process of an execution based investigation of some aspects of the software's quality. The efficiency of the process depends on the methods and technologies used, but crucially also on the human testers. Software testers typically attempt to anticipate and expose ways software may be defective, a fundamentally different task set to those of other software development practitioners. This raises the question of whether the personality of software testers may be different to other people involved in software development. To test this hypothesis, we collected personality profiles using the big five factor model of around 200 software development practitioners. Analysis of this data indicates that software testers are significantly higher on the conscientiousness factor than other software development practitioners, while other factors remain broadly consistent.


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PURPOSE: If measurement invariance (MI) is demonstrated for a scale completed by respondents from two different language groups, it means that the scale measures the same construct in the same way in both groups. We assessed MI of the French- and English-language versions of the five Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ) empowerment scales validated for the cancer setting. METHODS: Data came from two cross-sectional studies of Canadian cancer survivors (704 English, 520 French). Single-group confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test whether the hypothesized factor structure of the French-language heiQ empowerment scales fit the data. Multi-group CFAs were conducted to assess different levels of MI conditions (configural, metric, scalar, strict, as well as MI of factor variances, covariances, and latent means) of the French- and English-language heiQ empowerment scales. RESULTS: The correlated five-factor model showed good fit in both language groups (goodness-of-fit indices: CFI ≥ .97; RMSEA ≤ .07). Goodness-of-fit indices and tests of differences in fit between models supported MI of the five-factor model across the two language groups (∆CFI ≤ -.010 combined with ∆RMSEA ≤ .015). CONCLUSIONS: The French- and English-language heiQ empowerment scales measure the same five dimensions of empowerment in the same way across both language groups. Thus, any observed similarities or differences between French- and English-speaking respondents completing these scales are valid and reflect similarities or differences in empowerment across language groups, not measurement artifact. Consequently, heiQ empowerment data from English- and French-speaking respondents can be directly pooled or contrasted in data analyses.


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The five-factor ‘Behavioural-Intentions Battery’ was developed by Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman (1996), to measure customer behavioural and attitudinal intentions. The structure of this model was re-examined by Bloomer, de Ruyter and Wetzels (1999) across different service industries. They concluded that service loyalty is a multi dimensional construct consisting of four, not five, distinct dimensions. To date, neither model has been tested within a banking environment. This research independently tested the ‘goodness of fit’ of both the four and five-factor models, to data collected from branch bank customers. Data were collected via questionnaire with a sample of 348 banking customers. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted upon the two opposing factor structures, revealing that the five-factor structure has a superior model fit; however, the fit is ‘marginal’.


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We investigated whether the five-factor structure of the Preventive Health Model for colorectal cancer screening, developed in the United States, has validity in Australia. We also tested extending the model with the addition of the factor Self-Efficacy to Screen using Fecal Occult Blood Test (SESFOBT). Randomly selected men and women aged between 50 and 76 years (n = 414) responded to a survey. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the U.S. model provided adequate fit for the group as a whole and for men and women separately, thereby demonstrating cross-cultural validity for measuring factors influencing the decision to screen. The inclusion of SESFOBT in the model resulted in a comparable, but less parsimonious, fit. However, self-efficacy is a demonstrated mediator of intention and action, and it is argued that the addition of SESFOBT as a sixth factor may have utility for the design of strategies to increase actual uptake of FOBT.


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Despite the applied importance of cohesion within organisational settings, researchers have yet to reach consensus about the dimensionality of group cohesion, and therefore appropriate tools for its measurement. The way that cohesion has generally been conceptualised has changed over time, but the measures appear not to reflect the underlying theory. This deficiency has impeded attempts to explore the relationship between co-worker cohesion and group performance (Beal et al., 2003; Mullen & Copper, 1994). Given inconsistent findings from previous factor analyses of cohesion, the present study employed exploratory means to help clarify the factor structure of cohesion within the workplace. Potential participants were recruited via the researchers' social networks. This snowballing technique led to 236 participants completing the online questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis revealed four first-order factors of team commitment, friendliness, interpersonal conflict and communication that collectively accounted for 55.17% of the variance shared among the 75 cohesion items. Subsequently, a single higher-order factor was extracted which accounted for over half of the co-variation among the first order factors. This higher-order factor seems to reflect a general cohesion factor, as it was loaded by a diffuse collection of items, including those from the four lower-order factors as well as items that failed to load onto these lower-order factors. While there were similarities between these results and those of previous studies, the present factor structure did not map perfectly onto any of the existing conceptual models of cohesion. This finding highlights the need to incorporate some alternate factors that have previously been given little consideration.


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In this paper a factor-augmented vector autoregressive (FAVAR) model is estimated to characterize the dynamic effects of shocks in the personal income tax rate in the United States on United States and Canadian economies. The representation and the estimate of the FAVAR model is based on Stock and Watson (2005) and the shocks are recovered applying the identification scheme proposed by Bernanke et al. (2005); this method allows impulse response functions to be generated for all the variables in the dataset and provides a description of the domestic and international transmission mechanisms of United States movements in the personal income tax rate. A distinguishing feature of our model is the disaggregation of traded goods sector where imports and exports are disaggregated into 12 and 13 industries, respectively. This provides extra information on the domestic and international transmission mechanism across the two countries. The results show that the FAVAR approach generates a reasonable characterisation of the effects of United States movements in the US personal income tax rate on the United States economy and its transmission to the Canadian economy.


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This study examines the pattern of asset allocation and the performance of unit trust in Malaysia over the post crisis period by using risk-adjusted performance measures and multi-factor model from the year 2000 to 2004. Evidence from the statistics suggests that an active asset allocation strategy had been observed among Malaysian fund managers during the post Asian financial crisis. It is also suggested that investment allocation in equity remained a dominant vehicle for investment and asset allocation. Findings from multifactor model suggest that all funds of different objectives registered positive alphas except for income funds, with growth funds being among the top. While balanced funds registered highest diversification effectively, diversifying away about 70%-80% of unsystematic risk, the momentum factor is not among the important elements to explain unit trust performance in Malaysia.


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This article reports on a confirmatory factor analytic study of an adapted version of an instrument designed to assess family functioning of Chinese families. The Chinese Family Assessment Instrument, originally designed for completion by adolescents, was adapted for completion by parents. A sample of 700 parent dyads of elementary school children (382 girls and 318 boys) completed the adapted questionnaire. Initial factor analyses showed that the existing five-factor structure used for adolescents’ responses was not a good fit for these data. Instead, a four-factor solution emerged where the factors were positive family functioning, negative family functioning, tolerance for family members, and parental understanding. This structure was the same for both mothers and fathers. Further studies of the Chinese Family Assessment Instrument parent adaptation are required to test the factor structure that emerged. Following such studies, validation studies will be required.


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Objective: To develop and test the utility of a domain-specific physical activity efficacy scale in adolescents for predicting physical activity behaviour. Design: Two independent studies were conducted. Study 1 examined the psychometric properties of a newly constructed Domain-Specific Physical Activity Efficacy Questionnaire (DSPAEQ) and study 2 tested the utility of the scale for predicting leisure- and school-time physical activity. Methods: In study 1, descriptive physical activity data were used to generate scale items. The scales factor structure and internal consistency were tested in a sample of 272 adolescents. A subsequent sample of Canadian (N = 104) and New Zealand (N = 29) adolescents, was recruited in study 2 to explore the scale's predictive validity using a subjective measure of leisure- and school-time physical activity. Results: A principle axis factor analysis in study 1 revealed a 26-item, five-factor coherent and interpretable solution; representative of leisure and recreation, household, ambulatory, transportation, and school physical activity efficacy constructs, respectively. The five-factor solution explained 81% of the response variance. In study 2 the domain-specific efficacy model explained 16% and 1% of leisure- and school-time physical activity response variance, respectively, with leisure time physical activity efficacy identified as a unique and significant contributor of leisure-time physical activity. Conclusion: Study 1 provides evidence for the tenability of a five factor DSPEAQ, while study 2 shows that the DSPEAQ has utility in predicting domain-specific physical activity. This latter finding underscores the importance of scale correspondence between the behavioural elements (leisure-time physical activity) and cognitive assessment of those elements (leisure-time physical activity efficacy).


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Purpose To evaluate the factor structure of the revised Partners in Health (PIH) scale for measuring chronic condition self-management in a representative sample from the Australian community.

Methods A series of consultations between clinical groups underpinned the revision of the PIH. The factors in the revised instrument were proposed to be: knowledge of illness and treatment, patient–health professional partnership, recognition and management of symptoms and coping with chronic illness. Participants (N = 904) reporting having a chronic illness completed the revised 12-item scale. Two a priori models, the 4-factor and bi-factor models were then evaluated using Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis (BCFA). Final model selection was established on model complexity, posterior predictive p values and deviance information criterion.

Results Both 4-factor and bi-factor BCFA models with small informative priors for cross-loadings provided an acceptable fit with the data. The 4-factor model was shown to provide a better and more parsimonious fit with the observed data in terms of substantive theory. McDonald’s omega coefficients indicated that the reliability of subscale raw scores was mostly in the acceptable range.

The findings showed that the PIH scale is a relevant and structurally valid instrument for measuring chronic condition self-management in an Australian community. The PIH scale may help health professionals to introduce the concept of self-management to their patients and provide assessment of areas of self-management. A limitation is the narrow range of validated PIH measurement properties to date. Further research is needed to evaluate other important properties such as test–retest reliability, responsiveness over time and content validity.


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Whether or not someone has the ability to look after his or her own financial affairs is one of the most common problems brought before courts and tribunals in Australia. At present, there is no agreed-upon objective standard for assessing financial competency. The aims of this study were twofold: (1) to clarify which financial skills and tasks are considered important to adults in the Australian community when assessing financial competence; and (2) to evaluate a model of financial competence proposed by Webber, Reeve, Kershaw and Charlton. Professional service providers and students judged the importance of 61 skills, tasks and characteristics related to financial competence. The results supported a 6-factor model of financial competence. The findings suggest that it is possible to identify agreed-upon criteria for financial competency and provide a first step towards the development of a valid scale of financial competency.


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Although widely researched in education and sport, little research examines employee achievement goal orientations in a work context. This article provides validity and reliability evidence for the Task and Ego Orientation at Work Questionnaire (TEOWQ) from a study of378 employees representing from eight different occupational categories. Confirmatory factor analyses indicate that are-specified model comprising two ego ("Being the best" and "being better than others") and two task sub-factors ("Learning" and "Effort") fit the data better than the original two-factor model. Temporal stationarity and stability of the constructs over time receive support. As hypothesized, task and task-effort orientations relate positively with persistence while ego orientation does not. The TEOWQ appears to be a valid and reliable instrument of achievement orientation in a work setting.


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While the number of Australian strawberry producers has declined by 40% over the past decade the value of production has increased by 58%. Such changes reflect structural changes occurring within an increasingly competitive industry. This paper discusses a study that was conducted to develop a marketing strategy that was conducted in order to reposition an industry so that it may grow in the face of a maturing product life cycle.

To establish a benchmark position, an industry analysis based on the Five Forces model was first undertaken. This analysis was followed by a consumer analysis which consisted of (a) a series of focus group discussions and (b) a comprehensive consumer marketing research survey. The findings of this survey enabled a series of market segments to be identified and profiled. Based on these results a strategic marketing communication campaign aimed at increasing strawberry consumption was developed and implemented.


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Research across various countries and relationship contexts suggests that attachment anxiety and avoidance are associated with people’s prosocial feelings, tendencies, and behaviors (e.g., Gillath et al., 2005; Karantzas, Evans, & Foddy, 2007). In the present paper we extend the two dimensional model of attachment to include a series of nested facets. Doing so allowed us to examine whether the multifaceted nested factor model provides a better explanation of the associations between attachment and the components of prosocial personality as compared to the bi-factor model (attachment anxiety and avoidance). Three hundred and eighty participants, aged 18 to 33 years completed self-report measures of adult attachment and prosocial personality. Data were fitted to various models – as expected the nested model provided a better fit to the data and explained a significantly larger proportion of the variance in prosocial tendencies than the bi-factor model. The attachment facets were found to make distinct contributions to prosocial personality beyond the broad attachment dimensions (e.g., the preoccupied facet was uniquely associated with personal distress). Implications for the revised attachment structure across various prosocial contexts are discussed, as are the limitations of using the Experience in Close Relationships Scale (ECR; Brennan et al., 1998) to test a multifaceted attachment model.