30 resultados para Existence conditions


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This paper deals with the problem of partial state observer design for linear systems that are subject to time delays in the measured output as well as the control input. By choosing a set of appropriate augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals with a triple-integral term and using the information of both the delayed output and input, a novel approach to design a minimal-order observer is proposed to guarantee that the observer error is ε-convergent with an exponential rate. Existence conditions of such an observer are derived in terms of matrix inequalities for the cases with time delays in both the output and input and with output delay only. Constructive design algorithms are introduced. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the design procedure, practicality and effectiveness of the proposed observer.


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This paper deals with the practical aspects of reduced-order distributed functional state observers design for interconnected linear systems subject to time delays in the interconnections. Contrary to some estimation strategies which only take the ideal instantaneous output information into account, the proposed scheme incorporates output information that is inevitably encountered with time delays in the course of its transmission from the distanced subsystems. It is proved that such estimator possesses less restrictive existence conditions with the acceptance of measurement data from other interrelated subsystems. Upon the satisfaction of the established existence conditions, it will be demonstrated through a simple design procedure and simulation results that a feasible observer can be realized for a given numerical system.


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This paper proposes a partially distributed functional observer scheme for a class of interconnected linear systems with very strong non-instantaneous subsystems interaction and with time delays in the local states and in the transmission of output information from the remote subsystems. A set of easily verifiable existence conditions is established and upon its satisfaction, simple distributed observers are designed using a straightforward design procedure. Simulation results of a numerical example are given to substantiate the feasibility of the approach.


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This paper presents new developments in common functional observers for two systems. We improve an existing common functional observer scheme by reducing its order, and then investigate its existence conditions in terms of the original system matrices. These conditions have never been explored and they enable the users to know at the outset the class of systems for which the scheme is applicable. They also show that both observers can be designed independently of each other which significantly simplifies the design process. A numerical simulation verifies the findings.


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This paper presents a method for designing residual generators using minimum-order functional observers to detect actuator and component faults in time-delay systems. Existence conditions of the residual generators and functional observers are first derived, and then based on a parametric approach to the solution of a generalized Sylvester matrix equation, we develop systematic procedures for designing minimum-order functional observers to detect faults in the system. The advantages of having minimum-order observers are obvious from the economical and practical points of view as cost saving and simplicity can be achieved, particularly when dealing with high-order complex systems. Extensive numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed fault detection scheme. In all the numerical examples, we design minimum-order residual generators and functional observers to detect faults in the system.


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This paper presents a novel residual generator that uses minimum-order functional observers to trigger actuator and component faults in time-delay systems. We first present a fault detection scheme and derive existence conditions of the residual generator and functional observer. The observer and residual parameters are then systematically determined via solving some coupled generalized Sylvester matrix equations. To deal with the time-delay issue, a stabilizability condition expressed in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI) is derived to ensure the time-delay observer error system converges to zero with a prescribed convergence rate. Our design approach has the advantage that the designed fault detection scheme has lower order than existing results in the literature. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.


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In this paper, the problem of distributed functional state observer design for a class of large-scale interconnected systems in the presence of heterogeneous time-varying delays in the interconnections and the local state vectors is considered. The resulting observer scheme is suitable for strongly coupled subsystems with multiple time-varying delays, and is shown to give better results for systems with very strong interconnections while only some mild existence conditions are imposed. A set of existence conditions are derived along with a computationally simple observer constructive procedure. Based on the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method (LKF) in the framework of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), delay-dependent conditions are derived to obtain the observer parameters ensuring the exponential convergence of the observer error dynamics. The effectiveness of the obtained results is illustrated and tested through a numerical example of a three-area interconnected system.


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This paper examines the design of minimal-order residual generators for the purpose of detecting and isolating actuator and/or component faults in dynamical systems. We first derive existence conditions and design residual generators using only first-order observers to detect and identify the faults. When the first-order functional observers do not exist, then based on a parametric approach to the solution of a generalized Sylvester matrix equation, we develop systematic procedures for designing residual generators utilizing minimal-order functional observers. Our design approach gives lower-order residual generators than existing results in the literature. The advantages for having such lower-order residual generators are obvious from the economical and practical points of view as cost saving and simplicity in implementation can be achieved, particularly when dealing with high-order complex systems. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the proposed fault detection and isolation schemes. In all of the numerical examples, we design minimum-order residual generators to effectively detect and isolate actuator and/or component faults in the system.


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This paper presents a novel common functional observer scheme for three systems with unknown inputs. The scheme uses three observers in cascade with two logic switches. The existence conditions of the scheme are investigated and presented in terms of the original system matrices. Significantly, the conditions allow the observers to be designed independently of each other which greatly simplify the design process, and also serve as a basis of comparison for future development of common functional observer schemes. A numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.


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Darouach [1] recently derived necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of functional observers with an order, p, equals to the dimension m of the vectors to be estimated. In general, these conditions are difficult to satisfy and when they are not, the only available option is to increase the order of the functional observers. This note presents new conditions for the existence of a general pth-order functional observer. Systematic procedures for the synthesis of reduced-order functional observers are given. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design procedures.


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ZnO powder showed anomalous evaporation behavior after its mechanical milling treatment under high-energy conditions. The amount of generated vapor is about 10 times higher in the first 15 min of annealing at 1300 °C than that of unmilled ZnO powders. The strong ball impacts are responsible for the greatly enhanced evaporation ability. Low-energy ball milling involving shearing actions and rare weak impacts leads only to a small evaporation rate enhancement. The possible explanation of the high evaporation rate of the heavily milled material is the existence of large fraction of weakly bonded atoms in grain boundaries, surface defects and strained areas.


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Characterization of the anticancer active compound trans-[PtII{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)] is described along with identification of electrochemical conditions that favor formation of a monomeric one-electron-oxidized PtIII derivative. The square-planar organoamidoplatinum(II) compound was synthesized through a carbon dioxide elimination reaction. Structural characterization by using single-crystal X-Ray diffraction reveals a trans configuration with respect to donor atoms of like charges. As PtIII intermediates have been implicated in the reactions of platinum anticancer agents, electrochemical conditions favoring the formation of one-electron-oxidized species were sought. Transient cyclic voltammetry at fast scan rates or steady-state rotating disc and microelectrode techniques in a range of molecular solvents and an ionic liquid confirm the existence of a well-defined, chemically and electrochemically reversible one-electron oxidation process that, under suitable conditions, generates a PtIII complex, which is proposed to be monomeric [PtIII{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)]+. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra obtained from highly non-coordinating dichloromethane/([Bu4N][B(C6F5)4]) solutions, frozen to liquid nitrogen temperature immediately after bulk electrolysis in a glove box, support the PtIII assignment rather than formation of a PtII cation radical. However, the voltammetric behavior is highly dependent on the timescale of the experiments, temperature, concentration of trans-[PtII{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}- Cl(py)], and the solvent/electrolyte. In the low-polarity solvent CH2Cl2 containing the very weakly coordinating electrolyte [Bu4N][B(C6F5)4], a well-defined reversible one-electron oxidation process is observed on relatively long timescales, which is consistent with the stabilization of the cationic platinum(III) complex in non-coordinating media. Bulk electrolysis of low concentrations of [Pt{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)] favors the formation of monomeric [PtIII{(p-BrC6F4)NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)]+. Simulations allow the reversible potential of the PtII/PtIII process and the diffusion coefficient of [PtIII{(p-BrC6F4)- NCH2CH2NEt2}Cl(py)]+ to be calculated. Reversible electrochemical behavior, giving rise to monomeric platinum(III) derivatives, is rare in the field of platinum chemistry.


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This study examined the effect of Asian nativity and duration of residence in Australia on the odds of reporting a chronic health condition (cancer, respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mellitus). Data were from waves 3, 7 and 9 of the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) longitudinal survey, and multi-level group-mean-centred logistic regression models were used for the analysis. After covariate adjustment, Asian immigrants were less likely to report cancer and respiratory problem compared with native-born Australians. While there was no significant difference in reporting CVD, they were more likely to report diabetes than native-born people. Asian immigrants maintained their health advantage with respect to cancer regardless of duration of residence. However, after 20 years of stay, Asian immigrants lost their earlier advantage and were not significantly different from native-born people in terms of reporting a respiratory problem. In contrast, Asian immigrants were not measurably different from native-born Australians in reporting diabetes if their length of stay in Australia was less than 20 years, but became disadvantaged after staying for 20 years or longer. There was no measurable difference in the odds of reporting CVD between Asian immigrants and native-born Australians for any duration of residence. On the whole this study found that health advantage, existence of healthy immigrant effect and subsequent erosion of it with increasing duration of residence among Asian immigrants depends upon the chronic health condition.


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This work evaluates the effect of co-existence of a large volume fraction of δ-ferrite on the hot deformation and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of austenite using comparative hot torsion tests on AISI 304 austenitic and 2205 duplex stainless steels. The comparison was performed under similar deformation conditions (i.e. temperature and strain rate) and also under similar Zener-Hollomon, Z, values. The torsion data were combined with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis to study the microstructure development. The results imply a considerable difference between DRX mechanisms, austenite grain sizes and also DRX kinetics of two steels. Whereas austenitic stainless steel shows the start of DRX at very low strains and then development of that microstructure based on the necklace structure, the DRX phenomena in the austenite phase of duplex structure does not proceed to a very high fraction. Also, the DRX kinetics in the austenitic steel are much higher than the austenite phase of the duplex steel. The results suggest that at a similar deformation condition the DRX grain size of austenitic steel is almost three times larger than the DRX grains of austenite phase in duplex steel. Similarly, the ratio of DRX grain size in the austenitic to the duplex structure at the same Z values is about 1.5.


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Abstract In this paper, a generalized model of hematopoiesis with delays and impulses isconsidered. By employing the contraction mapping principle and a novel type of impulsivedelay inequality, we prove the existence of a unique positive almost periodic solution of themodel. It is also proved that, under the proposed conditions in this paper, the unique positivealmost periodic solution is globally exponentially attractive. A numerical example is givento illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.