77 resultados para Environmental management assessment


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Purpose: – This paper seeks to examine the adoption of an environmental management system (EMS) in government departments involved in one Australian state and identify the key factors that contribute to successful adoption.

Design/methodology/approach: – Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with environmental coordinators involved in the EMS adoption. The external consultant appointed by the Environmental Protection Authority who provided the training on behalf of the government departments was also interviewed.

Findings: – The results from the analysis shows that environmental coordinators valued the training as it enhanced their knowledge and skills. They experienced a combination of both tangible and intangible benefits. The lack of contribution and support from top management; difficulty in accessing resources; and resistance from employees were the main challenges experienced during EMS implementation. Recommendations made by the interviewees included: providing training to top management to increase their understanding of the EMS process and its benefits; selection of the right champion; provision of adequate resources; and, training of employees.

Research limitations/implications: – The findings are based on interviews conducted in only one Australian state and no follow up interviews could be undertaken to track the progress made by various departments.

Originality/value: – The findings of this paper are original as no other similar study has been undertaken in this Australian state documenting the experiences of environmental coordinators when implementing an EMS. Our findings have practical implications for public sector organisations and government departments implementing EMS.


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This study investigated the feasibility of ranching the abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach) and Haliotis laevigata (Donovan) on concrete artificial reefs at a site chosen by industry investors on silty bottom off Altona Beach, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The study started from the premise that artificial reef deployment combined with abalone stock enhancement may achieve the dual purpose of habitat and stock improvement. It evaluated the hydrodynamics of the site in relation to artificial reef structural stability and drift algal transport, the development and ecology of the artificial reef assemblage, and abalone enhancement by seeding the reefs with hatchery juvenile abalone and transplanting adult broodstock abalone. Despite a scarcity of reports on culturing abalone on artificial reef, a literature review examined broadly the functions of artificial reefs, particularly in the context of abalone enhancement, and the relationship between artificial reefs, hydrodynamics and ecology. The major finding was that the success of artificial reef projects is highly dependent on the environment of the chosen site, and that preliminary studies are essential to predict their likely success. This consideration alone provided strong justification to undertake this study. The topography at the Altona site was generally flat, with natural patches of low basalt boulder reef, offering low habitat complexity, yet supporting a diverse range of flora and fauna, including a low-density wild stock of H. rubra. Water depth was a mean of 3.3 m at low tide and 4.4 m at high tide. A single, uncomplicated, concrete artificial reef of H-shape design, was tested as abalone habitat. The hydrodynamic analysis confirmed previous studies of Port Phillip Bay, with mild current speeds of mean 0.045 m.s-1, and maximum-modelled wave height (H1/3) of 1.21 m and period (T1/3) of 4.51 sec. Water temperature ranged from 9.9şC during July to 23.8şC during January, with salinity averaging of 35.5 ppt. The site had a low probability of receiving drift algae, necessary as a food source for abalone, because of its geographic location, potentially affecting ranch productivity. Ecological monitoring of the three-year old artificial reef shows complex changes in the flora and fauna over time, particularly in respect of the sessile fauna. Key differences between the artificial reef and a nearby natural reef community were: lower cover of corallines and late colonisers, such as sponges. High levels of sedimentation were recorded at the Altona site. Hatchery juvenile H. laevigata, with mean survival of 15% after two years and a mean annual growth rate of 39 mm, showed the most promise for outplanting. In comparison, for hatchery juvenile H. rubra, mean survival was 9% after three years and mean annual growth rate was 22 mm. No natural recruitment of H. laevigata was recorded on artificial reef despite transplants of adult broodstock on the reefs. Natural recruitment of H. rubra was also low and insufficient to reliably contribute to abalone ranch stock. Having examined the hydrodynamic, ecological and enhancement attributes of the Altona site, the study concluded that the site was marginally viable for abalone ranching, and that an alternative site near Werribee, 20 km further southwest, had superior attributes for growth and survival of abalone.


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During the summer 2009/10, an environmental impact assessment of the sewage outfall was conducted at Davis Station, East Antarctica. An investigation of the nature and extent of impacts to the marine environment associated with current sewage treatment and effluent discharge practices included ecological surveys of macrobiological communities, physico-chemical analysis of sediments and receiving waters, microbiological analysis, and histopathological analysis of fish. Ecotoxicological testing using local invertebrates to determine effluent toxicity was interpreted alongside dispersal modelling data of the discharge plume to determine the potential extent of impacts and inform recommendations on the level of treatment and dilution of sewage required to minimise impacts. No evidence of impacts was detected on soft sediment infaunal or epifaunal communities, and only low levels of contamination and accumulation were found in sediments and waters in the immediate vicinity of the outfall and in the direction of primary current flow. In contrast, sterol biomarkers and faecal coliforms (E. coli) were detected in sediments collected adjacent to the outfall and in most water column samples. Marine invertebrates (Abatus and Laternula) also tested positive for E. coli and antibiotic resistance mechanisms were present in Laternula indicating the introduction and dispersal through the water column of foreign microbes and bacteria associated with human effluent. Fish (Trematomus bernacchii) close to the outfall showed significant histological alterations in all major tissues (liver, gill, gonad, muscle) resulting from exposure to sewage. Effluent was toxic to amphipods (Paramoera walkeri) and microgastropods (Skenella paludionoides), with reduced survival in concentrations as low as 3.125% over a 21d exposure period. Acute effects were also observed in both species following 24h exposure, with 100% mortality at the highest effluent concentrations tested (68%). The application of these results to support and guide decisions regarding the planned installation of new sewage treatment facilities at Davis will be discussed.


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Large growth is expected in the environment industry in coming decades; especially in Australia where the government's new price on carbon began in July 2012. This growth inevitably raises the question of who will fill new environmental management roles. This article presents the perceptions and expectations of students who are beginning to think about a possible career in this sector; what influences their decision-making and how do they view a career as an environmental manager? Without this information the environment sector will be under prepared for the expectations of incoming recruits and may lose valued students, graduates and employees. We found that prospective environmental managers are passionate and committed individuals who express a desire to help create a better world. They fail, however, to adequately articulate what environmental management entails, and have a poor understanding of the industry. They appear to be worried about financial security in what they see as a growing, but not yet fully mature, industry. The environment sector must therefore take the opportunity to engage these future environmental managers, and to communicate where the field will lead and how it can help this next generation achieve their aspirations to ‘save the planet’.


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Petroleum process industries are one of the most energy and emission intensive sectors throughout the world.There are natural gas processing plant, crude oils and condensate fractionation plant, liquefied natural gas plantand liquefied petroleum gas plant etc. creates environmental pollution by processing and handling of petroleumproducts. The study critically reviewed and discussed the energy and environmental management includingpollution control of petroleum process industries of Bangladesh. They produce both gaseous (process gas, wastegas etc.) and liquid (produced water, waste oil and grease etc.) pollutants. The study found that the liquid pollutantlike waste water is more hazardous and its treatment process is highly complicated due to its higher salinity, morecorrosivity and grease contain characteristics. As part of energy management, the rational use of energy and energyflow diagram of the petroleum industry is presented. Finally, a time frame measures which can be implemented inorder to save energy is outlined. The study concluded that the rational use of energy and proper environmentalmanagement are essential for achieving energy and environmental sustainability of process industries.


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We examine the important roles of two forms of capital—human andsocial—in the accumulation of critical resources that enable firms to adopt soundenvironmental management practices which contribute to better firm performance.Drawing on human and social capital theories and the resource-based view of the firm,we tested this proposition using data from a survey of 141 small manufacturing firmsdrawn from a survey of business enterprises in a metropolitan city in the southernregion of the Philippines. The results of our analysis using structural equationmodelling-partial least square approach show that both human capital such as age,experience and education of managers of the firm and social capital such as externalmanagerial ties and networks have significant and positive contribution to the environmentalmanagement resources of firms although the effects vary in magnitude. Theaccumulation of environmental management resources not only is positively linked tothe adoption by firms of pro-environment practices but also fully mediates the effects ofthe two types of capital on the adoption of such practices. Pro-environment practicesare positively linked to better performance outcomes. The findings underscore the needto account for the intangible and more tacit forms of capital such as managerial talent,knowledge, skills and social ties and networks in the wider debate on how smallmanufacturing firms in developing countries can address the pressing need to integrateenvironmental sustainability in business.


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The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of environmental management initiatives in the furniture retail area. The specific aim is to present reflections of participants implementing environmental initiatives in an Australian furniture retailer, Living Edge, in alignment with a secondary snapshot of environmental initiatives from other furniture retailers. Design/methodology/approachPrimary reflections from the retailer’s manager and external consultant, both involved in the implementation of environmental initiatives, are enriched with secondary review of environmental management system trends and examples from regions active in the designer furniture sector, including Europe, Southeast Asia and North America. FindingsAn integrated view has been distilled around environmental impact in the furniture supply chain and consumer pressure to minimise the impact. Stakeholders require furniture retailers to improve efficiency and profitability amid the countervailing market demand for environmental sustainability. Retailers may seek competitive advantage through effectively applied and communicated environmental management. The voluntary adoption of systems, international standards and innovative practices that conserve natural resources are amongst the key to success. A live case example of Australian experience is added to the knowledge base for the global retail furniture industry. Research limitations/implicationsOne Australian retailer is exemplified to highlight the lived experiences of implementing environmental initiatives. The secondary global review presents a cross-section rather than an in-depth analysis of furniture sector retailers. Originality/valueThere are limited Australian perspectives of designer furniture and its intersection with environmental issues, thus, the paper addresses this gap in the literature and adds to informed practice in a global industry.


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Present concerns for sustainable development have led to a revival of traditional building practices using natural or recycled resources. There is a perception that buildings constructed from such materials are environmentally benign. This perception is questionable, as often no evaluation is undertaken to assess the associated environmental impacts. Rammed earth is one such construction technology that has seen renewed interest in recent years. The energy required to manufacture materials (i.e. embodied energy) is a significant component of the life cycle energy associated with buildings. This paper assesses the embodied energy of rammed earth construction relative to brick veneer and cavity brick construction. Rammed earth was found to have significantly less embodied energy than cavity brick construction (to which it is closer in thermal performance), but was approximately equivalent to brick veneer construction. Topics of further research identified include thermal performance and strategies for reducing the embodied energy of cement used for earth stabilisation.


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A recently published paper which describes the status of health impact assessment (HIA) in Australia in 2003 provides a vantage point from which to see how rapidly HIA is developing across the country. When the report Health impact assessment: a tool for policy development in Australia was released in 2002 there was little use of HIA beyond environmental management applications. By late 2005, most states and territories are undertaking a variety of HIA activities either routinely or experimentally. Traditional divisions between environmental project-level applications that focus on health protection and public health policy-level applications that focus on health promotion, are largely disappearing. These are being replaced by a growing understanding of the need for complementarity in approach and cross-sectoral working. This is not to say that there are high levels of activity, but both awareness and action are increasing.


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Conflict over the appropriate uses and management of public land have been a feature of the Australian political landscape for at least the past 30 years. While various attempts have been made to establish land use assessment and planning institutions in various jurisdictions, the success of these often short lived attempts at institutional approaches for managing land use conflict have been patchy at best. The experience in the State of Victoria has been somewhat different, with public land use assessment and planning having been informed by a series of independent statutory bodies since 1970 (the Land Conservation, Environment Conservation, and Victorian Environmental Assessment Councils). To some degree at least the value of this approach is indicated by the extent to which Victoria’s bioregions are now protected in conservation reserves. However, while there has always been a statutory body in operation, the roles and responsibilities of these bodies have been subject to significant legislative change, with existing bodies replaced by new bodies in 1997 and 2001. Justifications for these reforms included changing circumstances and new understandings about environmental management, as well as changing views about public administration. As a way of contributing to enhancing the design of institutions for mediating land use conflict and contributing to sustainable land use and management, this paper investigates the lessons that can be learnt from the Victorian experience by examining the implications of the changing roles and responsibilities of these institutions, and then discussing possible future directions for strategic land use planning.


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There is paucity of data regarding hydrocarbon exposure of tropical fish species inhabiting the waters near oil and gas platforms on the Northwest Shelf of Australia. A comprehensive field study assessed the exposure and potential effects associated with the produced water (PW) plume from the Harriet A production platform on the northwest shelf in a local reef species, Stripey seaperch (Lutjanus carponotatus). This field study was a continuation of an earlier pilot study which concluded that there were “warning signs” of potential biological effects on fish populations exposed to PW. A 10-day field caging study was conducted deploying 15 individual fish into 6 separate steel cages set 1-m subsurface at 3 stations in a concentration gradient moving away from the platform. A battery of biomarkers were evaluated including hepatosomatic index (HSI), total cytochrome P450, bile metabolites, CYP1A-, CYP2K- and CYP2M-like proteins, cholinesterase (ChE) activity, and histopathology of liver and gill tissues. Water column and PW effluent samples was also collected. Results confirmed that PAH metabolites in bile, CYP1A-, CYP2K-, and CYP2M-like proteins and liver histopathology provided evidence of significant exposure and effects after 10 days at the near-field site (~200 m off the Harriet A platform). Hepatosomatic index, total cytochrome P450, and ChE did not provide site-specific differences by day 10 of exposure to PW. CYP proteins were shown by principal component analysis (PCA) to be the best diagnostic tool for determining exposure and associated biological effects of PW on L. carponotatus. Using a suite of biomarkers has been widely advocated as a vital component in environmental risk assessments worldwide. This study demonstrates the usefulness of biomarkers for assessing the Harriet A PW discharge into Australian waters with broader applications for other PW discharges. This approach has merit as a valuable addition to environmental management strategies for protecting Australia’s tropical environment and its rich biodiversity.


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Purpose This paper describes the translation, cultural adaption, and psychometric evaluation of a German version of the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ™), a widely used generic instrument assessing a wide range of proximal outcomes of self-management programs.

Methods The translation was carried out according to international standards and included forward and backward translations. Comprehensibility and content validity were tested using cognitive interviews with 10 rehabilitation inpatients. Psychometric properties were examined in rehabilitation inpatients (n = 1,202) with a range of chronic conditions. Factorial validity was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis; concurrent validity was explored by correlations with comparator scales.

Results The items of the German heiQ™ were well understood by rehabilitation inpatients. The structure of the eight heiQ™ scales was replicated after minor adjustment. heiQ™ scales had higher correlations with comparator scales with similar constructs, particularly mental health concepts than with physical health. Moreover, all heiQ™ scales differentiated between individuals across different levels of depression.

Conclusion The German heiQ™ is comprehensible for German-speaking patients suffering from different types of chronic conditions; it assesses relevant outcomes of self-management programs in a reliable and valid manner. Further studies involving its practical application are warranted.