72 resultados para Energy Metabolism - Theses


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Metabolism in Psammomys obesis, a polygenic animal model of obesity and type 2 diabetes is associated with dysregulated nocturnal fat oxidation in diabetic animals. Furthermore, a new gene called AGT-203 has been identified. Evidence indicates that AGT-203 is involved in abnormal glucose metabolism leading to the proposition that AGT-203 is a new candidate gene for type 2 diabetes.


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Ý-lactoglobulin enriched whey protein isolate, but not carbohydrate, increased growth signalling in human skeletal muscle when consumed in conjunction with resistance exercise. Ageing did not impair the anabolic signalling response; however this response was attenuated after training. These findings help identify strategies to prevent, or delay the onset of sarcopenia.


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Female athletes may demonstrate a poor ability to quantify portion sizes and educational sessions using food models do not always improve accuracy. Female cyclists with the highest body fat do not report the highest energy intakes during 70 days of training and racing. Training loads can influence reported daily energy intake.


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In activities such as walking individuals can select an optimum speed that minimises energy expenditure. When learning to row, individuals initially selected fast inefficient stroke rates but learned to become more efficient by taking longer, slower strokes. The research showed, therefore, that optimum pacing depends on extensive practice and sensitivity to energy cost helps us to change movements in order to become more efficient.


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For many animals, notably herbivores, plants are often an inadequate food source given the low content of protein and high content of C-rich material. This conception is mainly based on studies on ectotherms. The validity of this conception for endotherms is unclear given their much higher carbon requirements for maintenance energy metabolism than ectotherms. Applying stoichiometric principles, we hypothesized that endotherms can cope with diets with much higher (metabolizable) carbon to nitrogen ratios than ectotherms. Using empirical data on birds, eutherian mammals, marsupials and reptiles, we compiled and compared measurements and allometric equations for energy metabolism as well as nitrogen requirements. Our analysis supports our hypothesis that plants, and especially their leaves, are generally sufficiently rich in nitrogen to fulfil protein demands in endotherms, at least during maintenance conditions, but less so in ectotherms. This has important implications with respect to community functioning and the evolution of endothermy.


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The ability of skeletal muscle to enhance lipid utilization during exercise is a form of metabolic plasticity essential for survival. Conversely, metabolic inflexibility in muscle can cause organ dysfunction and disease. Although the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) is an important regulator of glucose and amino acid metabolism, its endogenous role in lipid homeostasis and muscle physiology is unknown. Here we demonstrate that KLF15 is essential for skeletal muscle lipid utilization and physiologic performance. KLF15 directly regulates a broad transcriptional program spanning all major segments of the lipid-flux pathway in muscle. Consequently, Klf15-deficient mice have abnormal lipid and energy flux, excessive reliance on carbohydrate fuels, exaggerated muscle fatigue, and impaired endurance exercise capacity. Elucidation of this heretofore unrecognized role for KLF15 now implicates this factor as a central component of the transcriptional circuitry that coordinates physiologic flux of all three basic cellular nutrients: glucose, amino acids, and lipids.


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Like many desert animals, the spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, can maintain water balance without drinking water. The role of the kidney in producing a small volume of highly concentrated urine has been well-documented, but little is known about the physiological mechanisms underpinning the metabolic production of water to offset obligatory water loss. In Notomys, we found that water deprivation (WD) induced a sustained high food intake that exceeded the pre-deprivation level, which was driven by parallel changes in plasma leptin and ghrelin and the expression of orexigenic and anorectic neuropeptide genes in the hypothalamus; these changed in a direction that would stimulate appetite. As the period of WD was prolonged, body fat disappeared but body mass increased gradually, which was attributed to hepatic glycogen storage. Switching metabolic strategy from lipids to carbohydrates would enhance metabolic water production per oxygen molecule, thus providing a mechanism to minimize respiratory water loss. The changes observed in appetite control and metabolic strategy in Notomys were absent or less prominent in laboratory mice. This study reveals novel mechanisms for appetite regulation and energy metabolism that could be essential for desert rodents to survive in xeric environments.


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Consistent individual differences in behaviour, termed personality, are common in animal populations and can constrain their responses to ecological and environmental variation, such as temperature. Here, we show for the first time that normal within-daytime fluctuations in temperature of less than 3°C have large effects on personality for two species of juvenile coral reef fish in both observational and manipulative experiments. On average, individual scores on three personality traits (PTs), activity, boldness and aggressiveness, increased from 2.5- to sixfold as a function of temperature. However, whereas most individuals became more active, aggressive and bold across temperature contexts (were plastic), others did not; this changed the individual rank order across temperatures and thus altered personality. In addition, correlations between PTs were consistent across temperature contexts, e.g. fish that were active at a given temperature also tended to be both bold and aggressive. These results (i) highlight the importance of very carefully controlling for temperature when studying behavioural variation among and within individuals and (ii) suggest that individual differences in energy metabolism may contribute to animal personality, given that temperature has large direct effects on metabolic rates in ectotherms.


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Consistent individual differences (CIDs) in behavior are a widespread phenomenon in animals, but the proximate reasons for them are unresolved. We discuss evidence for the hypothesis that CIDs in energy metabolism, as reflected by resting metabolic rate (RMR), promote CIDs in behavior patterns that either provide net energy (e.g. foraging activity), and/or consume energy (e.g. courtship activity). In doing so, we provide a framework for linking together RMR, behavior, and life-history productivity. Empirical studies suggest that RMR is (a) related to the capacity to generate energy, (b) repeatable, and (c) correlated with behavioral output (e.g. aggressiveness) and productivity (e.g. growth). We conclude by discussing future research directions to clarify linkages between behavior and energy metabolism in this emerging research area.


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A practical and engaging introduction to the core principles of nutrition. A thorough introductory guide, this text will equip students with the knowledge and skills required to optimise health and well-being. With its focus on Australasia, the text incorporates current nutrition recommendations and public health nutrition issues relevant to those studying and working in nutrition in this region of the world. The text begins with core nutrition topics, such as diet planning, macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, and follows with chapters on diet and health, fitness, life span nutrition and food safety. With a consistent level and readability, careful explanations of all key topics (including energy metabolism and other complex processes), this is a book that connects with students; engaging them as it teaches them the basic concepts and applications of nutrition.


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The study of phenotypic evolution should be an integrative endeavor that combines different approaches and crosses disciplinary and phylogenetic boundaries to consider complex traits and organisms that historically have been studied in isolation from each other. Analyses of individual variation within populations can act to bridge studies focused at the levels of morphology, physiology, biochemistry, organismal performance, behavior, and life history. For example, the study of individual variation recently facilitated the integration of behavior into the concept of a pace-of-life syndrome and effectively linked the field of energetics with research on animal personality. Here, we illustrate how studies on the pace-of-life syndrome and the energetics of personality can be integrated within a physiology-performance-behavior-fitness paradigm that includes consideration of ecological context. We first introduce key concepts and definitions and then review the rapidly expanding literature on the links between energy metabolism and personality traits commonly studied in nonhuman animals (activity, exploration, boldness, aggressiveness, sociability). We highlight some empirical literature involving mammals and squamates that demonstrates how emerging fields can develop in rather disparate ways because of historical accidents and/or particularities of different kinds of organisms. We then briefly discuss potentially interesting avenues for future conceptual and empirical research in relation to motivation, intraindividual variation, and mechanisms underlying trait correlations. The integration of performance traits within the pace-of-life-syndrome concept has the potential to fill a logical gap between the context dependency of selection and how energetics and personality are expected to interrelate. Studies of how performance abilities and/or aspects of Darwinian fitness relate to both metabolic rate and personality traits are particularly lacking.


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1Personality is highly relevant to ecology and the evolution of fast–slow metabolic and life-history strategies. One of the most important personality traits is exploratory behaviour, usually measured on an animal introduced to a novel environment (e.g. open-field test).2Here, we use a unique comparative dataset on open-field exploratory behaviour of muroid rodents to test a key assumption of a recent evolutionary model, i.e. that exploration thoroughness is positively correlated to age at first reproduction (AFR). We then examine how AFR and exploratory behaviour are related to basal metabolic rate (BMR).3Inter-specific variation in exploratory behaviour was positively correlated with AFR. Both AFR and exploration behaviour were negatively correlated with BMR. These results remained significant when taking phylogeny into account.4We suggest that species occupying unproductive and unpredictable environments simultaneously benefit from high exploration, low BMR and delayed AFR because exploration increases the likelihood of finding scarce resources, whereas low BMR and delayed reproduction enhance survival during frequent resources shortages.5This study provides the first empirical evidence for a link between personality, life-history, phylogeny and energy metabolism at the inter-specific level. The superficial-thorough exploration continuum can be mapped along the fast–slow metabolic and life-history continua.


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The research explored the effects of novel potential therapeutics interventions (made of genetically modified viral vectors) to improve skeletal muscle force, increase resistance to fatigue and promote muscle growth. The project tested wether these viruses could aid against non-degenerative muscle loss and enhance energy metabolism.


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Endurance exercise is widely assumed to improve cardiac function in humans. This project has determined cardiac function following endurance exercise for 6 (n = 30) or 12 (n = 25) weeks in male Wistar rats (8 weeks old). The exercise protocol was 30 min/day at 0.8 km/h for 5 days/week with an endurance test on the 6th day by running at 1.2 km/h until exhaustion. Exercise endurance increased by 318% after 6 weeks and 609% after 12 weeks. Heart weight/kg body weight increased by 10.2% after 6 weeks and 24.1% after 12 weeks. Echocardiography after 12 weeks showed increases in left ventricular internal diameter in diastole (6.39 ± 0.32 to 7.90 ± 0.17 mm), systolic volume (49 ± 7 to 83 ± 11 μl) and cardiac output (75 ± 3 to 107 ± 8 ml/min) but not left wall thickness in diastole (1.74 ± 0.07 to 1.80 ± 0.06 mm). Isolated Langendorff hearts from trained rats displayed decreased left ventricular myocardial stiffness (22 ± 1.1 to 19.1 ± 0.3) and reduced purine efflux during pacing-induced workload increases. 31P-NMR spectroscopy in isolated hearts from trained rats showed decreased PCr and PCr/ATP ratios with increased creatine, AMP and ADP concentrations. Thus, this endurance exercise protocol resulted in physiological hypertrophy while maintaining or improving cardiac function.