28 resultados para Endoplasmic reticulum resident aminopeptidase 2


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The function of the stress-responsive N-myc downstream-regulated gene 2 (NDRG2) in the control of myoblast growth, and the amino acids contributing to its function, are not well characterized. Here, we investigated the effect of increased NDRG2 levels on the proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in skeletal muscle cells under basal and stress conditions. NDRG2 overexpression increased C2C12 myoblast proliferation and the expression of positive cell cycle regulators, cdk2, cyclin B and cyclin D, and phosphorylation of Rb, while the serine/threonine-deficient NDRG2, 3A-NDRG2, had less effect. The onset of differentiation was enhanced by NDRG2 as determined through the myogenic regulatory factor expression profiles and myocyte fusion index. However, the overall level of differentiation in myotubes was not different. While NDRG2 up-regulated caspase 3/7 activities during differentiation, no increase in apoptosis was measured by TUNEL assay or through cleavage of caspase 3 and PARP proteins. During H2O2 treatment to induce oxidative stress, NDRG2 helped protect against the loss of proliferation and ER stress as measured by GRP78 expression with 3A-NDRG2 displaying less protection. NDRG2 also attenuated apoptosis by reducing cleavage of PARP and caspase 3 and expression of pro-apoptotic Bax while enhancing the pro-survival Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL levels. In contrast, Mcl-1 was not altered, and NDRG2 did not protect against palmitate-induced lipotoxicity. Our findings show that NDRG2 overexpression increases myoblast proliferation and caspase 3/7 activities without increasing overall differentiation. Furthermore, NDRG2 attenuates H2O2-induced oxidative stress and specific serine and threonine amino acid residues appear to contribute to its function in muscle cells.


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Chronic inflammation has a pathological role in many common diseases and is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Here we assess the role of genetic variation in selenoprotein S (SEPS1, also called SELS or SELENOS), a gene involved in stress response in the endoplasmic reticulum and inflammation control. After resequencing SEPS1, we genotyped 13 SNPs in 522 individuals from 92 families. As inflammation biomarkers, we measured plasma levels of IL-6, IL-1b and TNF-a. Bayesian quantitative trait nucleotide analysis identified associations between SEPS1 polymorphisms and all three proinflammatory
cytokines. One promoter variant, 105G-A, showed strong evidence for an association with each cytokine (multivariate P = 0.0000002). Functional analysis of this polymorphism showed that the A variant significantly impaired SEPS1 expression after exposure to endoplasmic reticulum stress agents (P = 0.00006). Furthermore, suppression of SEPS1 by short interfering RNA in macrophage cells increased the release of IL-6 and TNF-a. To investigate further the significance of the observed associations, we genotyped 105G-A in 419 Mexican American individuals from 23 families for replication. This analysis confirmed a significant
association with both TNF-a (P = 0.0049) and IL-1b (P = 0.0101). These results provide a direct mechanistic link between SEPS1 and the production of inflammatory cytokines and suggest that SEPS1 has a role in mediating inflammation.


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Antibodies from malaria-exposed individuals can agglutinate merozoites released from Plasmodium schizonts, thereby preventing them from invading new erythrocytes. Merozoite coat proteins attached to the plasma membrane are major targets for host antibodies and are therefore considered important malaria vaccine candidates. Prominent among these is the abundant glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) and particularly its C-terminal fragment (MSP1(19)) comprised of two epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like modules. In this paper, we revisit the role of agglutination and immunity using transgenic fluorescent marker proteins. We describe expression of heterologous MSP1(19)'miniproteins' on the surface of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites. To correctly express these proteins, we determined that GPI-anchoring and the presence of a signal sequence do not allow default export of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to merozoite surface and that extra sequence elements are required. The EGFs are insufficient for correct trafficking unless they are fused to additional residues that normally reside upstream of this fragment. Antibodies specifically targeting the surface-expressed miniprotein can inhibit erythrocyte invasion in vitro despite the presence of endogenous MSP1. Using a line expressing a green fluorescent protein-MSP1 fusion protein, we demonstrate that one mode of inhibition by antibodies targeting the MSP1(19) domain is the rapid agglutinating of merozoites prior to erythrocyte attachment.


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In order to survive and promote its virulence the malaria parasite must export hundreds of its proteins beyond an encasing vacuole and membrane into the host red blood cell. In the last few years, several major advances have been made that have significantly contributed to our understanding of this export process. These include: (i) the identification of sequences that direct protein export (a signal sequence and a motif termed PEXEL), which have allowed predictions of the exportomes of Plasmodium species that are the cause of malaria, (ii) the recognition that the fate of proteins destined for export is already decided within the parasite's endoplasmic reticulum and involves the PEXEL motif being recognized and cleaved by the aspartic protease plasmepsin V and (iii) the discovery of the Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins (PTEX) that is responsible for the passage of proteins across the vacuolar membrane. We review protein export in Plasmodium and these latest developments in the field that have now provided a new platform from which trafficking of malaria proteins can be dissected.


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Plasmodium falciparum causes the virulent form of malaria and disease manifestations are linked to growth inside infected erythrocytes. To survive and evade host responses the parasite remodels the erythrocyte by exporting several hundred effector proteins beyond the surrounding parasitophorous vacuole membrane. A feature of exported proteins is a pentameric motif (RxLxE/Q/D) that is a substrate for an unknown protease. Here we show that the protein responsible for cleavage of this motif is plasmepsin V (PMV), an aspartic acid protease located in the endoplasmic reticulum. PMV cleavage reveals the export signal (xE/Q/D) at the amino terminus of cargo proteins. Expression of an identical mature protein with xQ at the N terminus generated by signal peptidase was not exported, demonstrating that PMV activity is essential and linked with other key export events. Identification of the protease responsible for export into erythrocytes provides a novel target for therapeutic intervention against this devastating disease.


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Oxidative stress plays a central role in neuronal injury and cell death in acute and chronic pathological conditions. The cellular responses to oxidative stress embrace changes in mitochondria and other organelles, notably endoplasmic reticulum, and can lead to a number of cell death paradigms, which cover a spectrum from apoptosis to necrosis and include autophagy. In Alzheimer's disease, and other pathologies including Parkinson's disease, protein aggregation provides further cellular stresses that can initiate or feed into the pathways to cell death engendered by oxidative stress. Specific attention is paid here to mitochondrial dysfunction and programmed cell death, and the diverse modes of cell death mediated by mitochondria under oxidative stress. Novel insights into cellular responses to neuronal oxidative stress from a range of different stressors can be gained by detailed transcriptomics analyses. Such studies at the cellular level provide the key for understanding the molecular and cellular pathways whereby neurons respond to oxidative stress and undergo injury and death. These considerations underpin the development of detailed knowledge in more complex integrated systems, up to the intact human bearing the neuropathology, facilitating therapeutic advances.


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Nitric oxide is implicated in the pathogenesis of various neuropathologies characterized by oxidative stress. Although nitric oxide has been reported to be involved in the exacerbation of oxidative stress observed in several neuropathologies, existent data fail to provide a holistic description of how nitrergic pathobiology elicits neuronal injury. Here we provide a comprehensive description of mechanisms contributing to nitric oxide induced neuronal injury by global transcriptomic profiling. Microarray analyses were undertaken on RNA from murine primary cortical neurons treated with the nitric oxide generator DETA-NONOate (NOC-18, 0.5 mM) for 8–24 hrs. Biological pathway analysis focused upon 3672 gene probes which demonstrated at least a ±1.5-fold expression in a minimum of one out of three time-points and passed statistical analysis (one-way anova, P < 0.05). Numerous enriched processes potentially determining nitric oxide mediated neuronal injury were identified from the transcriptomic profile: cell death, developmental growth and survival, cell cycle, calcium ion homeostasis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, oxidative stress, mitochondrial homeostasis, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, and GSH and nitric oxide metabolism. Our detailed time-course study of nitric oxide induced neuronal injury allowed us to provide the first time a holistic description of the temporal sequence of cellular events contributing to nitrergic injury. These data form a foundation for the development of screening platforms and define targets for intervention in nitric oxide neuropathologies where nitric oxide mediated injury is causative.


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The atypical Nef protein (NefF12) from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain F12 (HIV-1F12) interferes with virion production and infectivity via a mysterious mechanism. The correlation of these effects with the unusual perinuclear subcellular localization of NefF12 suggested that the wild-type Nef protein could bind to assembly intermediates in late stages of viral replication. To test this hypothesis, Nef from HIV-1NL4-3 was fused to an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal (NefKKXX). This mutant NefKKXX protein recapitulated fully the effects of NefF12 on Gag processing and virion production, either alone or as a CD8 fusion protein. Importantly, the mutant NefKKXX protein also localized to the intermediate compartment, between the ER and the trans-Golgi network. Furthermore, Nef bound the GagPol polyprotein in vitro and in vivo. This binding mapped to the C-terminal flexible loop in Nef and the transframe p6* protein in GagPol. The significance of this interaction was demonstrated by a genetic assay in which the release of a mutant HIV-1 provirus lacking the PTAP motif in the late domain that no longer binds Tsg101 was rescued by a Nef.Tsg101 chimera. Importantly, this rescue as well as incorporation of Nef into HIV-1 virions correlated with the ability of Nef to interact with GagPol. Our data demonstrate that the retention of Nef in the intermediate compartment interferes with viral replication and suggest a new role for Nef in the production of HIV-1.


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When in their human hosts, malaria parasites spend most of their time housed within vacuoles inside erythrocytes and hepatocytes. The parasites extensively modify their host cells to obtain nutrients, prevent host cell breakdown and avoid the immune system. To perform these modifications, malaria parasites export hundreds of effector proteins into their host cells and this process is best understood in the most lethal species to infect humans, Plasmodium falciparum. The effector proteins are synthesized within the parasite and following a proteolytic cleavage event in the endoplasmic reticulum and sorting of mature proteins into the correct vesicular trafficking pathway, they are transported to the parasite surface and released into the vacuole. The effector proteins are then unfolded before extrusion across the vacuole membrane by a unique translocon complex called Plasmodium translocon of exported proteins. After gaining access to the erythrocyte cytoplasm many effector proteins continue their journey to the erythrocyte surface by utilising various membranous structures established by the parasite. This complex trafficking pathway and a large number of the effector proteins are unique to Plasmodium parasites. This pathway could, therefore, be developed as new drug targets given that protein export and the functional role of these proteins are essential for parasite survival. This review explores known and potential drug targetable steps in the protein export pathway and strategies for discovering novel drug targets.


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Aging is associated with a slowing of skeletal muscle contractile properties, including a decreased rate of relaxation. In rats, the age-related decrease in the maximal rate of relaxation is reversed after 4-wk administration with the β2-adrenoceptor agonist (β2-agonist) fenoterol. Given the critical role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in regulating intracellular Ca2+ transients and ultimately the time course of muscle contraction and relaxation, we tested the hypothesis that the mechanisms of action of fenoterol are mediated by alterations in SR proteins. Sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) kinetic properties were assessed in muscle homogenates and enriched SR membranes isolated from the red (RG) and white (WG) portions of the gastrocnemius muscle in adult (16 mo) and aged (28 mo) F344 rats that had been administered fenoterol for 4 wk (1.4 mg/kg/day ip, in saline) or vehicle only. Aging was associated with a 29% decrease in the maximal activity (Vmax) of SERCA in the RG but not in the WG muscles. Fenoterol treatment increased the Vmax of SERCA and SERCA1 protein levels in RG and WG. In the RG, fenoterol administration reversed an age-related selective nitration of the SERCA2a isoform. Our findings demonstrate that the mechanisms underlying age-related changes in contractile properties are fiber type dependent, whereas the effects of fenoterol administration are independent of age and fiber type.


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The Resident Assessment Instrument-Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS) 2.0 is designed to collect the minimum amount of data to guide care planning and monitoring for residents in long-term care settings. These data have been used to compute indicators of care quality. Use of the quality indicators to inform quality improvement initiatives is contingent upon the validity and reliability of the indicators. The purpose of this review was to systematically examine published and grey research reports in order to assess the state of the science regarding the validity and reliability of the RAI-MDS 2.0 Quality Indicators (QIs).

We systematically reviewed the evidence for the validity and reliability of the RAI-MDS 2.0 QIs. A comprehensive literature search identified relevant original research published, in English, prior to December 2008. Fourteen articles and one report examining the validity and/or reliability of the RAI-MDS 2.0 QIs were included.

The studies fell into two broad categories, those that examined individual quality indicators and those that examined multiple indicators. All studies were conducted in the United States and included from one to a total of 209 facilities. The number of residents included in the studies ranged from 109 to 5758. One study conducted under research conditions examined 38 chronic care QIs, of which strong evidence for the validity of 12 of the QIs was found. In response to these findings, the 12 QIs were recommended for public reporting purposes. However, a number of observational studies (n=13), conducted in "real world" conditions, have tested the validity and/or reliability of individual QIs, with mixed results. Ten QIs have been studied in this manner, including falls, depression, depression without treatment, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, weight loss, bedfast, restraint, pressure ulcer, and pain. These studies have revealed the potential for systematic bias in reporting, with under-reporting of some indicators and over-reporting of others.


Evidence for the reliability and validity of the RAI-MDS QIs remains inconclusive. The QIs provide a useful tool for quality monitoring and to inform quality improvement programs and initiatives. However, caution should be exercised when interpreting the QI results and other sources of evidence of the quality of care processes should be considered in conjunction with QI results.


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Inhibition of insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP) has been demonstrated to facilitate memory in rodents, making IRAP a potential target for the development of cognitive enhancing therapies. In this study, we generated a 3-D model of the catalytic domain of IRAP based on the crystal structure of leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H). This model identified two key residues at the ‘entrance’ of the catalytic cleft of IRAP, Ala427 and Leu483, which present a more open arrangement of the S1 subsite compared with LTA4H. These residues may define the size and 3-D structure of the catalytic pocket, thereby conferring substrate and inhibitor specificity. Alteration of the S1 subsite by the mutation A427Y in IRAP markedly increased the rate of substrate cleavage V of the enzyme for a synthetic substrate, although a corresponding increase in the rate of cleavage of peptide substrates Leu-enkephalin and vasopressin was was not apparent. In contrast, [L483F]IRAP demonstrated a 30-fold decrease in activity due to changes in both substrate affinity and rate of substrate cleavage. [L483F]IRAP, although capable of efficiently cleaving the N-terminal cysteine from vasopressin, was unable to cleave the tyrosine residue from either Leu-enkephalin or Cyt6-desCys1-vasopressin (2–9), both substrates of IRAP. An 11-fold reduction in the affinity of the peptide inhibitor norleucine1-angiotensin IV was observed, whereas the affinity of angiotensin IV remained unaltered. In additionm we predict that the peptide inhibitors bind to the catalytic site, with the NH2-terminal P1 residue occupying the catalytic cleft (S1 subsite) in a manner similar to that proposed for peptide substrates.


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Events happening in one season can affect life-history traits at (the) subsequent season(s) by carry-over effects. Wintering conditions are known to affect breeding success, but few studies have investigated carry-over effects on survival. The Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus is a coastal wader with sedentary populations at temperate sites and migratory populations in northern breeding grounds of Europe. We pooled continental European ringing-recovery datasets from 1975 to 2000 to estimate winter and summer survival rates of migrant and resident populations and to investigate long-term effects of winter habitat changes. During mild climatic periods, adults of both migratory and resident populations exhibited survival rates 2% lower in summer than in winter. Severe winters reduced survival rates (down to 25% reduction) and were often followed by a decline in survival during the following summer, via short-term carry-over effects. Habitat changes in the Dutch wintering grounds caused a reduction in food stocks, leading to reduced survival rates, particularly in young birds. Therefore, wintering habitat changes resulted in long-term (>10 years) 8.7 and 9.4% decrease in adult annual survival of migrant and resident populations respectively. Studying the impact of carry-over effects is crucial for understanding the life history of migratory birds and the development of conservation measures.