44 resultados para Edney Silvestre


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A strong link between the offender’s ill-health and the likely adverse effects of imprisonment needs to be made if the court is to be persuaded that this should be a mitigating factor in sentencing.


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The High Court of Australia recently had the opportunity to reconsider the appropriate sentencing methodology to be adopted in the sentencing of offenders under Australian criminal law in the case of Markarian v The Queen. The High Court had to decide whether to continue with the instinctive synthesis approach to sentencing or a process that exposed in greater clarity the basis upon which sentencing was to occur. Ultimately, a majority of the Court favoured the continuance of the instinctive synthesis approach to sentencing in criminal cases. The article will consider the decision in Markarian and the implications that it will have for the sentencing of offenders in the States and Territories of Australia.


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The commendable intention to protect children from risk must be weighed against loss of personal freedom when imposing extended supervision orders under the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act.


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The method by which a sentencing court understands the reasons for the commission of a criminal offence is crucial to the framing of the ultimate disposition imposed in all of the circumstances of the offence and the offender. Under Australian criminal law the insights of criminology are rarely. if ever. used in the discharge of the sentencing function. In particular, theories of crime causation evident in schools of criminological thought are not relied upon even though ostensibly such theories would appear to have a degree of relevance to the sentencing task. In this article, a short sketch of contemporary criminological theory is provided. This is followed by a survey of the use of criminological theory under Australian criminal law and what role, if any, it plays in contemporary  criminal justice administration. Finally, consideration is given as to whether or not criminological theory would be of assistance in the discharge of the  sentencing task in relation to not only understanding the reasons for the commission of the offence by the offender, but also in the determination of the appropriate sanction.


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Australian Sentencing: Principles and Practice explains the rules, principles, policies and practices that underpin the manner in which people are punished for criminal behaviour in Australia. As well as dealing with sentencing law today, the book provides an extensive analysis of the wider policy, moral, and political consideration which shape sentencing law. It analyses and evaluates existing standards and practices, and suggests how sentencing law should be reformed so that it operates in a fairer, more efficient and effective manner.

Content: Part A: 1. The nature of sentencing and theories of punishment; 2. Plucking figures from the air: the instinctive synthesis; 3. The objectives that are attainable through sentencing; 4. High Court sentencing jurisprudence; Part B: 5. The principle of proportionality; 6. Aggravating factors; 7. Mitigating considerations; 8. The relevance of a guilty plea to sentence; 9. The relevance of prior criminality; 10. Aboriginality; Part C: 11. The nature of criminal sanctions; 12. Imprisonment; 13. Intermediate sanctions; 14. Discharges and bonds, fines and disqualifications; Part D: 15. The way forward ? strategic sentencing.


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