57 resultados para Drying kinetics


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Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) applied to the triceps surae muscle is claimed to be effective in improving gait in children with cerebral palsy. The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of NMES on the triceps surae muscle in improving the gait and function of children with cerebral palsy. Twelve children with spastic diplegia or hemiplegia were recruited and randomly assigned to the two experimental groups. The period of the study was 8 weeks (2-4-2 week design). The initial 2 weeks was the control period, in which usual treatment was given to both groups of patients with a pre- and post-treatment assessment. The middle 4 weeks was the experimental period, in which the Treadmill+NMES group received NMES plus treadmill walking training and the Treadmill group underwent treadmill walking training only. Assessment was performed at 2-week intervals. The final 2 weeks was the carryover period, in which treatment to be tested was stopped and reassessment performed again at the end of week 8. An additional treatment and post-treatment assessment were given at weeks 2, 4 and 6 to test for the immediate effect of treatment. Altogether, eight repeated measures with three-dimensional gait analysis and five clinical measurements using the gross motor function measure (GMFM) were performed. Kinetic changes in ankle moment quotient (AMQ) and ankle power quotient (APQ) were not significant either immediately or cumulatively in both groups. Improvement in trend was observed in both groups immediately but not cumulatively. Using the GMFM, functional changes were detected in standing (GMST, p < 0.001) and in walking (GMWK, p = 0.003) using a 'time' comparison. Significant interaction was also detected in GMWK using 'treatment by time' (p = 0.035). The difference between the two groups was not significant on 'treatment' comparison of both GMST and GMWK. Both groups showed improvement in GMST and GMWK cumulatively but there was no difference between the two groups. The effects in both groups could be carried over to 2 weeks after interventions stopped. Both the Treadmill+NMES and Treadmill groups showed improvement in functional outcomes. The trend in the changes of the GMFM score suggested that improvements were greater in the Treadmill+NMES group. There was also a trend showing some immediate improvement in AMQ and APQ.


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An accurate kinetics model is essential for understanding the curing mechanism and predicting the end properties of polymer materials. Graphite/epoxy AS4/ 8552 prepreg is a recent high-performance thermosetting composite modified with thermoplastic, which is being used in the manufacture of aircraft and military structures. The isothermal cures of this system along with another thermoplastic toughened high-performance prepreg, the T800H/3900-2 system, were investigated by real-time Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The cure rate was quantitatively analyzed based on the concentration profiles of both the epoxy and primary amine groups. Three autocatalytic models were used to determine kinetics parameters for both composite systems. The model which utilizes an empirical term, the final relative conversion (at different isothermal curing temperatures), describes the experimental data of both systems more satisfactorily than the model which applies a diffusion factor. The modeling results suggest that the curing of epoxy within both prepregs can be assumed to be a second order process.


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Ecological responses to wetting and drying in dryland river floodplain systems are often described in terms of “boom” and “bust”. We suggest that patterns in floodplain species abundances and assemblage structures will be closely linked to the changes in spatial habitat heterogeneity that accompany flooding and drying phases. This study examined the responses of zooplankton through a wetting and drying cycle in a complex floodplain-wetland system in semi-arid Australia, the Narran Lakes. We illustrate the complexity of the zooplankton “boom” and “bust” response. Total densities of zooplankton varied considerably over time and patterns were very dissimilar between sites with abundances varying from <30 animals/L to over 4000 animals/L. We detected different patterns in the proportion of variance in abundances of the broad taxonomic groups (rotifers, cladocerans, ostracods, calanoid copepods, cyclopoid copepods and nauplii) explained by time and space. Site explained the highest proportion of variation in cladoceran and ostracod abundances,whereas variance in calanoid abundances was explained predominantly by time since inundation. Variation in the abundances of the remaining groups was explained largely by the site by time interaction. Zooplankton assemblages were observed to diverge during drying with highest between-site dissimilarities in assemblage structure occurring during the later stages of drying. Such high spatial and temporal variability in zooplankton abundances and community composition could have important consequences for consumers such as fish and some wetland birds that utilize these ephemeral systems for feeding and breeding while they are inundated.


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Gramastacus insolitus is a very small non-burrowing Australian freshwater crayfish with a restricted distribution, occurring almost exclusively in seasonal habitats throughout its range. It is listed as a threatened species but its strategy for surviving dry periods was unknown. Eight seasonal surveys of crayfish distribution showed that members of G. insolitus were never found at sites that were outside the distribution of two larger burrowing freshwater crayfish species, Geocharax falcata and Cherax destructor. Excavation of 80 burrows of members of G. falcata and C. destructor in three different seasonal habitats in the Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia, revealed that individuals of G. insolitus found refuge from drying by estivating in cracks and shallow depressions at the side of the main burrow tunnels constructed by larger species. Members of G. insolitus were not found estivating at the surface, such as under fallen wood, nor was it usually found in crayfish burrows unoccupied by the host crayfish. This study indicates that members of G. insolitus are commensal upon larger crayfish species, using their burrows to survive the seasonal drying of their habitat. Conservation strategies for populations of G. insolitus will need to consider co-existing species of burrowing crayfish.


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We investigated the effects of flooding and drying over 6 months on growth and biomass allocation in seedlings of Muehlenbeckia florulenta Meisn. (tangled lignum), a common and widely distributed shrub of Australia's desert floodplains. We sought to determine if lignum seedlings respond to flooding or drying by altering traits or allocation patterns or instead display fixed patterns of development. Since desert floodplains are highly unpredictable and heterogeneous environments, we hypothesised that adaptive phenotypic plasticity is unlikely to have developed or be advantageous in seedlings of this species as environmental state changes are highly variable in their timing and duration and plants risk being caught out of kilter with environmental conditions. To test this, we conducted a glasshouse experiment in which lignum seedlings, grown in both clay and sandy sediments, were subjected to a range of hydrological conditions over a period of 6 months. Lignum seedlings exhibited considerable tolerance of both flooding and drying in our experiment and no mortality was observed. Growth was significantly reduced by flooding, however, and seedlings displayed extremely delayed development rather than plasticity in overall biomass allocation or any of the specific morphological variables we measured. Lignum seedlings were considerably more tolerant of drying than flooding and responded plastically by reducing leaf area ratios through reductions in specific leaf areas and leaf production and expansion. Sediment type had little effect on seedling development. Our results indicate that surface water hydrology is likely to be a major determinant of recruitment patterns in this ecologically significant species.


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The solid-state reactions of Ti/Al multilayered samples produced by Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) have been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The kinetics of the formation of the intermetallic compound TiAl3 was highlighted. Experimental evidence and analysis of the data shows that, there was a two-stage process in the formation of TiAl3 in the ARB Ti/Al reactive multilayered samples. Calorimetric and microstructural analyses also suggest that the interdiffusion of Al and Ti which led to solid solutions preceded the formation of intermetallic compounds. Despite the apparent chaos in the thickness of the ARB multilayered samples, the distribution of layer spacing did not become broad enough to lose the main features of the double exothermal behaviour. Isothermal DSC shows a larger Avarami constant in ARB Ti/Al multilayered structures than was found in Ti/Al thin films. A modified model based on thin films was set up to describe the kinetic characteristics of the formation of the intermetallic compound TiAl3 in ARB samples.


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A novel natural rubber/silica (NR/SiO2) nanocomposite with a SiO2 loading of 4 wt% is developed by incorporating latex compounding with self-assembly techniques. The SiO2 nanoparticles are homogenouslydistributed throughout the NR matrix as spherical nano-clusters with an average size of 75 nm. In comparison with the host NR, the thermal resistance of the nanocomposite is significantly improved. The degradation temperatures (T), reaction activation energy(E), and reaction order (n) of the nanocomposite are markedly higher than those of the pure NR, due to significant retardant effect of the SiO2 nanoparticles.